nature-led · 2 years
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I miss him
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nature-led · 3 years
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There's no way back ...
Is there?
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nature-led · 3 years
I haven't forgotten this place and I've still been trying to draw every once in a while. So here is Two bc I think everything else is a rough sketch.
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Nature-Led/Nurture-Led my beloveds I will return to you
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nature-led · 3 years
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nature-led · 4 years
The Soul: Xilé
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So since i’ve wanted to turn this place into a sort of archive for all the development i’ve made in this story, I’m going to start making posts like this- just detailing out specific characters in whatever way I can. ideas, stories, all that good stuff. It’ll be an experiment of sorts.
This is a bit of a read, so buckle in and let’s begin.
August 26th, 2020 - apx. 8am
Probably the strangest thing about Xilé is that his name came to me in a dream. He’s still the only concept of mine to do so. It wouldn’t be long after that i would figure out his purpose and importance in NL in the form of a drabble. . .
Xilé is a knight of Hyrule, originally tasked with ridding Hyrule of monsters, and one of the many knights around when Vaati and his wife, Naadria, both lived within the castle walls with their child. The king had given the young Xilé the personal task of protecting the family from anything that would come to threaten them, not like Xilé could decline- he ended up locked into the family as a result.
A couple years after being assigned his task, Xilé was pulled away from the family to fight amidst the ongoing war, specifically giving him the role of being in an ambush group protecting the Spring of Wisdom from anyone aiming to defile it. This is a day that only ended in tragedy, for this ambush group is the very group responsible for Naadria’s death- though Xilé tried everything in his power to force his comrades to cease fire on that day, their arrows struck, and she was killed. From then on, Xilé took it upon himself to protect what Vaati had left; the young child that would eventually become Pseudo.
About a decade and a half later, those two had practically become inseparable. Xilé had watched Pseudo grow into an aspiring young magician and was always one of the first people who would witness whenever he has come upon a new trick. At the time, they were merely illusions, false images Pseudo would need to train for if he ever wanted them to become physical, but something about them. . The images he would be shown would become more and more concerning, reaching a peak following the days Pseudo returned from visiting a fortune-teller. Soon enough, the young mage he had watched grow would be responsible for the disappearance of the Triforce, responsible for cursing the royal family- He watched his closest friend betray the family he had been born into and was given one task as the curse was lifted,
Imprison the traitor.
Even when bringing Pseudo into his cell at his comrade’s side, he felt nothing but grief, remorse, and regret. He didn’t want it to come down to this, but it’s what the king saw fit. At least.. by imprisoning him and shattering the key to his cell, he would be certain his old friend would be safe.
But when the time came to inform the magician’s father of everything that had just occurred. . safe to assume he didn’t exactly expect what was to come.
He gave Vaati the key shard he had held onto, trusting he would protect it for the kingdom’s sake, only for the father to hold Xilé’s head comfortingly. Yet that comfort would be short-lived. Just as soon as it came, it vanished with a loud Snap- and Xilé’s body fell to the floor
The day Pseudo was imprisoned was the day Xilé was killed.
In present day Nature-Led, Xilé’s soul is still around, unable to rest until a new hero rights his wrongs and stops the same apocalypse Pseudo had tried to save them from.
Yet how he achieves that goal is all depends on the player. Everything to come depends on those who wish to experiment with concepts. We’re free to experiment outside of the original story, so don’t hesitate to throw an idea at me.
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nature-led · 4 years
It’s been a year..
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Honestly I'm kinda surprised I've kept interest and kept developing this verse for a whole year now.
I know I haven't been posting much here, though that's really just because I thought it would be a good idea to plot out the entire future of this universe before dealing with the present. Some elements seeped into here actually- namely the true bearer of the soul even if he's been around a while storywise. I'd love to explain him but I don't know where I'd begin.
So to update
Pseudo has been freed and resides with the heroes now. With that, my in-character replies have calmed. I'm not sure if I plan to promote asks as I barely used to, but if I get them, I'd still love to answer.
Other than that, I'll use this place to jot down ideas I've thrown around in my little group. Hopefully that'll allow you to enjoy the universe to it's fullest.
So happy anniversary Nature-Led, I might have been a bit late on the art, but I'll never forget how you've helped me in the year. Here's to another! —VV
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nature-led · 4 years
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Commission for @wizzroboe / @nature-led !!!! Thank you so much!!!!! :D 💞💕💖
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nature-led · 4 years
Link, where in Hylia's name is Pseudo?
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*Though an answer wasn't spoken, one was still very much present.
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nature-led · 4 years
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. . . .
[*Pseudo is no longer available for asks]
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nature-led · 4 years
;;Tfw your wife tells you she'll be okay to go and give her prayers to a goddess but then never returns and you're left with the responsibility of a 2 year-old child in a castle that despises you
And then that child grows up to hate you too
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nature-led · 4 years
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;;The alternate color scheme for Octavo makes Pseudo look even more like the child of his parents than the original colors
Also both version because I don't know which I like more hopefully Tumblr doesn't kill me for this
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nature-led · 4 years
;;Y'know if I blamed myself for 40 years over the death of my spouse and then another 25 years over the imprisonment of my child and was forced to sit back and do nothing as the tribe I worked with tormented that child for most of those years, sending him deeper into madness as I'm forced to watch- yeah I'd be upset
If I'm forced to place my trust into a group of strangers to free my child knowing fully well that they could easily turn and break my trust by either leaving or killing them if not free and keep the child away for an even longer amount of time because the torment they had gone through made them terrified of me.
Yeah. I'd be pretty upset.
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nature-led · 4 years
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;;I don't think I've ever shared the full sprite-edit set I did for this au so here we g O
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nature-led · 4 years
I keep telling myself I'm going to update this blog soon and I always fail myself so it's doodle dump time
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And concepts~
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nature-led · 4 years
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;;Help I love her
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nature-led · 4 years
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;;For someone who hasn’t continued their story for a long time, i sure do still make a lot of stuff for this au
Bonus Vati under cut bc i can’t leave him out:
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nature-led · 4 years
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;;I wish I could tell you what I was trying to go for when I was making this but I forgot. If anything it's nice to finally have all of Pseudo's power cards finalized
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