ncstaglics · 4 years
ncstaglics​ :
There was something off, just this general cold feeling that had suddenly washed over her. No matter how much she tried to warm herself she couldn’t. She stopped when she heard someone call out to her. Looking up and spotting someone she swayed for a moment. Then she screamed. Once the scream died off she blinked and looked around.
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Something was really off with the girl. She didn’t seem to register his voice, almost losing her balance even though there was nothing around her to cause it. Derek’s pace slowed down a little, instinct telling him to be cautious. “What’s–” The brunette didn’t give him a chance to finish his sentence, her piercing scream sending the wolf back a few steps.
The pain coursing through his body decreased the moment the girl’s scream did, widened eyes inspecting the damage around them, settling on the brunette moments later as the wolf finally collected his thoughts to process the familiarity of the situation. “It’s alright,” Derek said, taking deep breaths as he tried to regain his composure. “–Do you feel better?”
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Kylie stared at the man in front of her, she didn’t know what was happening or what she’d just done. Without a word she turned and ran away.
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ncstaglics · 4 years
Kylie looked up and smiled at the girl at the counter, “I’m looking for flowers for a friend, he’s kinda mousey but sweet!”
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“Mousy but sweet? Sounds familiar…” Nicola smiled knowingly, taking a guess at exactly who she was talking about but not naming any names… just in case she was wrong. “What’s the occasion? Or is it a just because?”
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"Just because. But he is making me dinner." She grinned, looking around at all the different flowers. "I want something that'll make him happy but not freak him out."
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ncstaglics · 4 years
[ Closed Starter for Kylie @ncstaglics​ ]
Nicola had been busy all day and she couldn’t really tell why, thought she figured it had something to do with the party the other day. Most of her customers did seem to be panicky boyfriends or guilty looking girlfriends and she wondered just how many of the flowers she had sold would end up being thrown back in the face of the person she gave them to. It was a sad thought, for flowers to go to waste like that. Nonetheless, business was business and even as she was packing her stuff up for the day, she still held a smile on her face as a young girl walked in. “Oh hey! Something I can help you with?”
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Kylie looked up and smiled at the girl at the counter, "I'm looking for flowers for a friend, he's kinda mousey but sweet!"
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ncstaglics · 4 years
Open Starter 
Kylie had been at cheer practice when it started to happen, it had started happening weeks ago. She’d see things that she knew couldn’t possibly be there, this feeling that made her stomach turn upside down, and her chest feel cold. 
She had left practice almost immediately, walking down the road unsure of her destination. Her head felt like it was splitting, a weird feeling at the back of her throat. 
She grabbed her head and squeezed her eyes shut and began to count to 10.
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Derek parked the black camaro across the street from the main entrance of the school, turning off the engine and letting out a sigh. He was certain that by then, most of the books and documents his family had stored in the vault below Beacon Hills High were already at the loft, the wolf having made multiple trips just that week to gather more. He wasn’t sure if anything that was left could truly be helpful, probably all that continued to encourage him to go to the vault being useless wishful thinking.
Maybe there’s something in the others, he thought, brow furrowing afterwards. Considering there was no way of getting to the other vaults, if the answers they needed were really in one of them…Derek preferred not to ponder over that.
The wolf exited the car and made his way to the school’s sign, stopping when he caught the scent of distress nearby. He spotted the girl, eyebrows knitting together. The wolf almost ignored her, telling himself whatever high school drama the girl must have been going through wasn’t his problem. But there was something odd about the way her heart rate was rising, Derek walking towards the girl instead.
“Hey,” he called out as he got close. “Are you alright?”
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There was something off, just this general cold feeling that had suddenly washed over her. No matter how much she tried to warm herself she couldn't. She stopped when she heard someone call out to her. Looking up and spotting someone she swayed for a moment. Then she screamed. Once the scream died off she blinked and looked around.
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ncstaglics · 4 years
Date at the Preserve [ScottxUnknown]
[Earlier that day]
Unknown Number: Scott McCall
Scott: Whos this?
Unknown Number: unimportant. meet me at this location
Unknown Number: MapAttachment.png
Scott: what do u want to meet for? do i know u?
Unknown Number: you can help me
Scott: i’ll be there in 20 mins
It had been a crazy day, which Scott should’ve had expected after the night they had just suffered through. Him and his friends had argued, Alice had been talking about her own true death, theo had been injured by a hunter and saved by a vampire? Sometimes, Scott wondered if it wasn’t the isolation that had them all on edge. After all, they had been literally trapped in town for a year. Sure, their cage was great compared to most… But a luxury cage is still a cage. Could it be affecting their psyche without them noticing or was Scott becoming paranoid? He wasn’t sure. Instead, the werewolf decided to step back a bit.He had pondered on whether to tell his Pack about his meeting with the stranger texting him, but then again, he understood a werewolf or the such in need of help who would want their privacy until they could make sure Scott was trustworthy.
As he was getting out of work, he noticed he had fifteen minutes left to make it to the location sent to him. Hopping on his bike, Scott sped out his parking space with his helmet still tied behind him. 
It didn’t take long to get there, and Scott was quick to park. He waited a moment, he had arrived with five minutes to spare. As the minutes passed, Scott got a little anxious. Fishing his phone from his pocket, he texted the number again.
Scott: where are you?
As soon as the werewolf hit send, he heard a phone’s chirp. Scott smiled softly as he realized the person was hiding. Were they really that scared? Perhaps a confused Omega? A confused Banshee? “I’m not going to hurt you,” Scott said, staying put so as to not intimidate the other. “You said you needed my help, I’m here… You also seem to know my name too, how about you? What’s your name?”
Kylie stood behind a tree watching Scott, when he called out to her she just laughed before stepping out just enough he could see the shadow of her figure but not her face. "I want to know about banshees! I don't need anything else."
She just needed to get that information and then go, she needed to know what she was and how she’d become it.
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ncstaglics · 4 years
Dances in the moonlight - Nolan and Kylie 
Kylie walked to the park, she didn't mind meeting Nolan so late. She trusted him, she liked him. Which said a lot, there weren't many people she trusted. But there was just something about him she liked.
Nolan quickly walked the three blocks from his coworkers apartment to the park, headphones firmly in his ears and his music turned up so loud you could hear it from a foot away. He didn’t like the dark, it made him uneasy - especially in Beacon Hills - but he’d found if he kept his music on and his eyes straight ahead, it was easier to deal with. Why he’d decided to actually meet Kylie in the park, he had no idea.
Well, that wasn’t true. He knew why, he just didn’t like to think about it. He was so desperate for friends - to not be alone, for someone to like him - he was willing to put aside his fears and his previous plans to sit in his room and stare at the ceiling until he fell asleep.
“Hey,” he started, pulling his headphones out of his ears and wrapping them carefully so they wouldn’t tangle in his pocket.
Kylie turned and smiled when she saw Nolan, running over she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him close. "Hi, Nolan!"
“Oh-“ His eyes widened as Kylie embraced him, stiff against her and trying his best not to yank himself away. After a few seconds, he awkwardly wrapped his arms around her waist, forcing himself to let out the breath he hadn’t noticed he’d been holding
Noticing the clear hesitation she pulled back a bit to look at him. "It's okay, you can hug me. I won't hurt you."
“I-I know. Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting it,” he replied, the corner of his lips quirking up in a half smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Do you want to try again?”
She could tell that the smile didn't reach his eyes, not the way he probably intented it to. She reached up to stroke his face with a smile of her own. "Yes." She whispered, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him back in.
Nolan let her pulling him toward her, leaning into her touch and wrapping his arms around her with more certainty. To say it was more comfortable for him would be a lie, but he didn’t want to lose a friend - he didn’t have many to spare.
Besides, it wasn’t all bad. No one had given him a proper hug since he graduated High School and he was surprised with how much he’d missed it. Holding her tighter, his fingers trembled with a mixture of nerves and all relief and fear.
Being held like this was nice, she couldn't remember the last time someone had really held her. She smiled as tears came to her eyes, "You're good at this.." She mumbled, rubbing her face against his chest before pulling back and taking a deep breath.
She smiled at him widely, running fingers through his hair. Beginning to sway with him in a slow dance.
“Really?” He whispered back, surprised by her words and her actions. Unsure how to respond to the fond way she pressed her face into his chest let alone how having her fingers in his hair felt, he just let it happen, swaying with her to nonexistent music, his shoes scraping against the concrete of the outdoor basketball court where they’d met.
“What are you doing?”
"What do you mean?" She asked back instead of answering his question, she tilted her head at him before pulling her phone out and turning on one of her playlists and setting her phone down on a bench before turning back to Nolan and pressing back against him.
“You’re just...touching me a lot and I-I wanted to know why.” He elaborated, running his fingers through his hair in an attempt to return it to its previous style. Before he knew it, Kylie was pressed back up against him and a song he didn’t recognize had begun to fill the silence around them.
"Well I am teaching you how to dance, but if you don't want me to I can stop." She murmured, pulling away again. She smiled and kept dancing by herself, twirling around in time to the song. She might have been showing off a little bit.
“Oh, no! T-that’s not what I meant, I meant you messing with my hair and stuff,” he replied, watching her twirl around in the moonlight. She looked so carefree, like the weight of the world didn’t dare touch her shoulders, and it just made him feel all the heavier in comparison. “I still want to learn.”
Kylie smiled, looking over at him. "Touch is nice isn't it? It makes you feel alive." She said, with an age to her that she shouldn't have. She had been seven when she died, had come back in a body much older. 19 years old but she felt so much older. Like she had aged years beyond her own wisdom.
She moved back to him now, leaning up and wrapping arms around him. "I think you want to feel alive, I think you're lost."
“It can be. But it can also be harsh and painful and terrifying,” Nolan replied, his arms slipping back around her waist without much thought. His brows drawn together in thought, he tried to force his mind away from the bad things that crawled their way in like spiders, trapping him in their web.
Touch. He didn’t know how to feel about it anymore. It was a powerful thing, touch, if the fact that it had caused him to spiral so far was anything to go by, and that scared him.
“Why do you say that? I mean, I don’t think I’m lost, I-I know exactly where I am.”
Kylie smiled, she knew just how painful touch could be. She could remember the touch of claws to her body. She pressed closer, laying her head on Nolan's shoulder. "Being lost doesn't have to be so literal, you're here. You know where you are, but do you know who you are?"
Nolan’s frown deepened and his shoulders tensed a fraction as Kylie leaned against him. He’d never really thought about who he was. He wasn’t even sure there was a him to think about, he was just a walking blank page for people to write on. First he’d been defined by his parents, then by Gabe, then Monroe, then his scholarship and after that? He was just waiting.
"You're lost." She whispered, reaching up to stroke his cheek. "But that's okay, I'm lost too. Maybe we can find ourselves together." She murmured, smiling at him happily. He was just a few inches taller than her, her nose could brush perfectly against his jaw if she leaned in closer.
He could feel his cheeks heat up under her touch, his heart twisting in his chest as he tried to make sense of her actions. Not just at the park, all of them. Nolan didn’t know what he’d done to make her like him so much but he was torn between being ecstatic at any ounce of affection and paranoid it was all going to collapse and leave him more of a mess than he started. “Okay.”
Kylie smiled again, she saw the way his cheeks lit up. “You’re blushing..”
“I know,” he groaned, the problem only made worse by her acknowledgement of it. “Pretend I’m not.”
“No, no. It’s cute.” She laughed, leaning up and kissing his blushed cheeks.
Nolan froze, his fingers clenching and unclenching as she kissed his cheeks. He didn’t know what to do, what to say, or how to say it. Was this a friend thing? He’d never had many friends who were girls, so it was a possibility.
“Yeah?” She asked, looking up at him. “Is something wrong?”
“No, of course not! Nevermind,” he smiled, quickly fixing his mistake before Kylie took it badly. Once more his inability to read her got the best of him and he nervously awaited her response, all the while pushing away the little voice in the back of his head that told him to just ‘mess it up, tell her she’s creepy - throw every negative thing you can think up and destroy their friendship before she could destroy him.’
At least if he ended it, it’d be his choice to be alone.
"You can talk to me you know, tell me what you're thinking." She murmured, pulling back to spin around while keeping his hand in hers. She came back, wrapping arms around his middle now, hands firmly pressed against his back. "If you're uncomfortable I can tone it down."
“Of course I do,” he replied, unconvincingly, his winding his arms around her shoulders once she’d finished her surprisingly graceful spin. To the second comment, Nolan didn’t reply, not wanting to hurt her feelings.
Kylie stopped and pulled away, "You don't have to worry about anything stupid like, hurting my feelings or something. I'm tough, I can handle it." She furrowed her brow and puffed out her chest. "I'm not fragile."
“I..” Nolan flinched at her tone, his eyes falling to the concrete below them when she made it fully clear he’d offended her. Even if he didn’t say anything, he managed to mess up - it was almost impressive. “I have to go.”
Kylie frowned, grabbing his hand and lacing their fingers together. "I don't want you to go, I'm not upset or mad. I just want you to be able to talk to me." She murmured, tugging Nolan down onto the concrete so they could just sit together.
She looked up at the moon, "I don't like full moons." She admitted, "The next ones a ways off but still."
Nolan didn’t leave, he didn’t want to be alone and if she wasn’t mad he didn’t have any reason to be. Sitting down beside her, his knees pulled up to his chest, he stared up at the sky. The moon was bright despite being only waxing, but it was enough to see the world around him in washed out greys and blues.
“I don’t either. I used to lock myself in the closest during full moons. It probably wasn’t effective, but it made me feel better.”
"I died on a full moon." She admitted, soft and vulnerable. "I don't know why I'm telling you that. Maybe I'm just tired of swallowing the truth."
"You...you died?" He asked, his voice breaking, eyes wide as he stared up at the moon. "But you're back now. H-how did you..? How is that possible? What are you?"
"I don't know, I woke up in my grave. Like it had never happened. I've been just living my life since then, I'm not anything. I'm just me." She whispered.
Nolan swallowed thickly, his shoulders hunching forward and his gaze falling from the moon. He tried to calm his heartbeat, to remind himself that there was no reason to believe Kylie was anything other than she said she was. Except there was. There was reason, she'd come back from the dead and then randomly decided she liked him even though he didn't do anything. What if this meant she was planning something? What if this meant she was planning to use him or to hurt him?
"I want to believe you. "
Kylie swallowed, rubbing the palms of her hands against her thighs. "Someone you trusted hurt you.." She said softly, moving to take his hand in hers again. She held it in her lap. "The person I loved and trusted killed me."
She knew he was vulnerable - his incredible lack of a poker face made it almost too easy - and she wanted him to trust her. The worst part was that he wanted to, he wanted to trust her, he wanted to keep her in his life so things would feel less bleak. Once again he was faced with the urge to remove himself from the situation, to take control so he never lost it, and once again he ignored it.
Tightening his fingers in her grip so he wasn't forced to hold his hand like a limp, freezing dead fish - he sighed. "Did you ever find out why?"
"No, it had to be the moon. She turned into this...this thing with fangs and claws. She attacked out mom and then me." She whispered, swallowing hard as she turned to bury her face in Nolan's neck.
"She was probably a werewolf, then. O-or a were something," he replied, flinching as her face pressed in close against his neck. "The full moon, it makes it harder to control, I guess. It makes them more animal."
"Yeah...I'm not one of them, Nolan. I'm not going to hurt you." She whispered, wrapping arms around him.
Nolan simply nodded, wrapping his arms around he shoulders after a moment's hesitation. He'd never get used to it - the feeling of someone actually wanting to hug him, to embrace him out of something other than misplaced obligation.
"I'm your friend, I trust you." She whispered, "I've never had a friend before..but I think you'll be a good one."
"I'll try."
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ncstaglics · 4 years
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ncstaglics · 4 years
Closed start Isaac 
 Kylie walked into the bakery, she’d passed by it many times before but had never gotten the courage to go inside. She looked around for a moment before approaching the display case. She was looking for something sweet, drowning in sugar probably. 
She spotted a cinnamon roll that looked like it was drenched in icing. She decided that was what she wanted. Standing up she flinched back when suddenly she saw someone standing there. 
“You sure do know how to sneak up on people.”
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Through the doorway, Isaac spotted the girl standing at the display case and also the empty counter. He sighed to himself, wishing some of his co-workers were more reliable, before stepping out of the kitchen. He didn’t mean to startle her, raising his eyebrows when she flinched. “And my co-workers don’t know how to communicate when they’re going on break,” he said with a wry half-grin. “You made a decision?”
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Kylie nodded at his question as she pointed at the cinnamon roll, "That, drenched in gooey delicious icing." She sighed happily, looking over at the other.
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ncstaglics · 4 years
Open Starter 
Kylie had been at cheer practice when it started to happen, it had started happening weeks ago. She’d see things that she knew couldn’t possibly be there, this feeling that made her stomach turn upside down, and her chest feel cold. 
She had left practice almost immediately, walking down the road unsure of her destination. Her head felt like it was splitting, a weird feeling at the back of her throat. 
She grabbed her head and squeezed her eyes shut and began to count to 10.
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after another fruitless day of trying to figure out what was happening in beacon hills, jeremy had decided to channel his frustrations into going for a run.  he’d lost track of how long he’d been out, or how many miles he’d actually run, but he wasn’t exactly reaching mental clarity.  jer only stopped when he saw a girl walking the opposite direction.  “hey!”  he called out, not wanting to approach but clearly able to see she wasn’t doing too great.  “you, uh, alright?”  
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Kylie looked up when she heard someone call out to her, the throbbing buzz in her head only getting worse. Suddenly she could see what appeared to be thousands of people, thousands of deaths all flashing before her eyes. 
She could hear them, screaming and crying. It was impossible for her to process so she did the only thing that came to mind, she screamed. 
Rows of cars parked along the street suddenly had their windows busted out, the sound of alarms blaring in symphony. The scream died down, leaving her pale and shaking. Tears pouring down her face. 
"You're a killer."
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ncstaglics · 4 years
The touch to her arm almost didn’t register, she kept staring at the ground as tears came to her eyes. She didn’t know what to do, this noise in her head just kept getting louder and louder.
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The girl didn’t seem to notice Alice’s presence. Whatever she was feeling, it was bad enough to bring her to tears. Very carefully, Alice held her arm and tried to get her attention. “Hey, dear, look at me. Can you tell me what’s happening? I can take you to a hospital. You’re gonna be okay, just try to talk to me, if you can.” Alice’s voice was kind, but a bit louder. If the girl showed no response, she was ready to just pick her up and run to the nearest hospital at full speed. 
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Kylie finally looked up, her face blank as she stared at the woman in front of her, as if she weren't really registering her. Then she began to scream, behind her a store window cracked. She screamed until it shattered, only then did she realize that there was someone in front of her. She looked over at the shattered window with tear filled eyes. 
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ncstaglics · 4 years
Closed starter for Nolan
After Kylie texted Nolan she made her way to the movie theater, slipping inside she walked around until she found an empty concession area with Nolan on the other side. Waving she ran over and vaulted herself over the counter and onto the other side. 
She slid beneath the counter so no one could see her in case Nolan got a customer. “It’ll be like I’m not even here.” She grinned, holding out her arms and making grabby hands at Nolan. 
“Now where’s my popcorn?”
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“Yeah, my coworkers will just think I’m crazier than normal talking to the Kitkat bars,” Nolan laughed, grabbing a bag and filling it with popcorn once he’d gotten over the initial shock of the young woman sliding over the counter and tucking herself away behind the snack stand. Kylie was so strange it was almost disarming. He wasn’t worried he would say something wrong because he wasn’t sure there was a right way to respond in the first place, she just accepted it and moved on. She was cheerful and childish and hellbent on inserting herself into his life for some reason, he didn’t know what to make of her. 
Handing her the popcorn, he leaned forward against the counter, absentmindedly picking at a piece of the faux wood laminate that covered the counter where it had begun to peel back. “Sometimes I think about how much power there is back here. Like…how easy it’d be to lace the popcorn with wolfsbane to weed out all the werewolves. It wouldn’t even take much and I doubt they’d be able to smell it over all the salt and butter.” 
He didn’t plan on doing it, but his brain decided to let him know it was an option anyway in a voice that sounded uncomfortably like Miss. Monroe. Blinking a few times, he let his eyebrow draw together and his lips quirk downward. “I-I mean, I’d never do it, but I could. Y’know?” 
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"Tell them that the kit kats just have a lot to say." She giggled, popping some popcorn in her mouth and chewing it as she looked up at him. He seemed to be talking to himself, or maybe to her. But he said something to her about werewolves and wolfsbane. 
She was only 7 when the car accident happened, but it was the most vivid memory she had of her old life. Even when she tried to think about her mom and dad she could only ever see bits and pieces, she's not even sure she knows what her dad looks like now. 
But she remembered Malia, remembered how violent she'd become when the car had crashed. She remembers what she turned into. 
"I guess just because you could doesn't mean you should, it could hurt them right? That's why you'd never do it, because you don't want to hurt anyone."
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ncstaglics · 4 years
Closed starter for Nolan
After Kylie texted Nolan she made her way to the movie theater, slipping inside she walked around until she found an empty concession area with Nolan on the other side. Waving she ran over and vaulted herself over the counter and onto the other side. 
She slid beneath the counter so no one could see her in case Nolan got a customer. "It'll be like I'm not even here." She grinned, holding out her arms and making grabby hands at Nolan. 
"Now where's my popcorn?"
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ncstaglics · 4 years
Open Starter 
Kylie had been at cheer practice when it started to happen, it had started happening weeks ago. She’d see things that she knew couldn’t possibly be there, this feeling that made her stomach turn upside down, and her chest feel cold. 
She had left practice almost immediately, walking down the road unsure of her destination. Her head felt like it was splitting, a weird feeling at the back of her throat. 
She grabbed her head and squeezed her eyes shut and began to count to 10.
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From inside her store, Alice saw the girl wandering around, looking lost. She wasn’t sure if she should intervene, but she couldn’t not move when the girl grabbed her head. Alice ran there a little too fast, but there was nobody else around and the girl wasn’t in a state to notice her vampire speed. When she was close enough, Alice touched the girl’s arm very softly, as if she was afraid to scare her off. “Hey, do you need help? You’re not alone, okay?” She whispered, just loud enough for a human to hear. She didn’t want any loud noises to cause the girl more pain.   
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The touch to her arm almost didn't register, she kept staring at the ground as tears came to her eyes. She didn't know what to do, this noise in her head just kept getting louder and louder.
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ncstaglics · 4 years
Open Starter 
Kylie had been at cheer practice when it started to happen, it had started happening weeks ago. She’d see things that she knew couldn’t possibly be there, this feeling that made her stomach turn upside down, and her chest feel cold. 
She had left practice almost immediately, walking down the road unsure of her destination. Her head felt like it was splitting, a weird feeling at the back of her throat. 
She grabbed her head and squeezed her eyes shut and began to count to 10.
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ncstaglics · 4 years
👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
I like the way the world keeps moving, even in the midst of a tragedy or just the beginning of a new life. No matter what the world moves on. There is no such thing as living in the moment, the moment lives within you.
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ncstaglics · 4 years
Force my Muse to Spill their Secrets
🌧- For a heavy, emotional secret
🙃- For a lighter, slightly embarrassing secret
🌟- For a secret wish or desire of theirs
🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist
🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist
❤️- For a secret crush
📲- Talk about someone/something you dislike, but only pretend to like
👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
🍻- For something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about
🌜- For a ‘weird’ habit or tic that no one knows about
💃- For a talent that they like to keep hidden from others
🏹- For a talent they wish they had
👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone
☢️- For a controversy or scandal they have been able to keep mostly under wraps
🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)
📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)
📔- For a secret sketchbook they keep (Bonus: Share a sketch or doodle within it!)
🖤- For something they secretly wish they could do with your muse
❓- Free Space! Ask them about a specific secret!
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ncstaglics · 4 years
Kylie looked up again when he called milkshakes unsatisfying, “Hold on a second, did you just call milkshakes unsatisfying? Who hurt you?” She asked with a laugh, finally she grabbed the attention of a waiter. “I’ll have a cookies and cream milkshake, large with whipped cream and extra oreos crushed on top.” She beamed, she glanced at the guy in front of her.
“My friend here will have a hot fudge sundae with..three cherries.” She said after scrunching her nose for a moment. Once they were alone again she pushed their menus away. 
“I’m Kylie.”
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“Do you want the entire list or just the highlights?” Nolan replied, jokingly, his smile widening as he glanced back down at the menu. The waiter approached  shortly after and before he could get a word in, the young woman - Kylie - was already ordering for him. And he let her, not wanting to confuse the waiter by asking to restart or add to the order. Besides, what she’d ordered wasn’t exactly objectionable. In fact, it was close enough to what he’d wanted in the first place that he didn’t question his willingness to eat it. He just hoped they didn’t charge extra for the cherries, he didn’t have the funds to splurge on artificially flavored fruit. 
“Why three?” He asked, curiously, immediately tracing his fingers over the wood grain of the table once he no longer had a menu to hang on to. It was a nervous habit, he always had to be doing something with his hands or else he’d move on to something worse like biting his nails. 
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Kylie smiled at his question before looking at her phone real quick to check wheen cheer practice was later that night. At the question of why three she smiled, "It's simple, you'll either eat one or two, but you won't eat all three. The third one is for me." 
Noticing his habit of tracing fingers over the wood she hummed, reaching out to take one of his hands in hers and studying the bitten down nails. "You bite your nails." She smiled, running fingers gingerly over Nolans. 
"I used to bite mine."
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