nctorious · 3 years
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nctorious · 3 years
moving everything to icysin !! 
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nctorious · 3 years
ew okay something is wrong with this account so i am moving to a new one. will move my posts/threads and everything there will follow everyone there as well. this is frustrating and stupid.
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nctorious · 3 years
changing my whole theme, rules and muse page might add new tags too. replies will be queued. hope everyone is having a good day <3 if you want to plot just send me a message i’m always up for anything !
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nctorious · 3 years
When your RP partner is way better than you and you have to write your reply
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16K notes · View notes
nctorious · 3 years
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nctorious · 3 years
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nctorious · 3 years
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‘‘you & everyone else call it recklessness, i call it not giving a damn about what the media thinks about me. you’re always gonna get people that try to destroy your image & slander your name, all that fun shit.’’ and some part of him hates this, he does. the bright side in all this seemed to be her, she’s.. managed to change his outlook on some things. travis would never admit it though, it’d inflate that ego. ‘‘i sleep all afternoon when i.. well at least thought had nothing to do.’‘ grabbing his jacket, he’s following her out and shutting the door. time to put on that acting face. ‘‘–i’m sorry, okay?’‘
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deep down she wanted to help him, however putting up a front was easier. it prevents catching feelings which shouldn’t be involved in the first place. at his explanation and apology, she understood where he was coming from. “ i get that. at least don’t help them. ” ignoring his travesty for being rude. settling inside the car, tension was palpable. you could hear a pin drop and it bothered her. a small conversation would help her sanity. “ i have a question, if you don’t care about them then why did you agree with this arrangement? ” eyes roaming the brown hues for anything.
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nctorious · 3 years
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   when   the   femme’s   phone   dinged,   she   was   already   on   the   plane   and   on   her   way   to   see   atlas.   it   had   been   so   long   since   she’d   just   been   in   his   arms   and   she   missed   that   feeling   too   much. “   i   am   babe   !   be   there   in   two   hours.   ”   quickly   replies,   manicured   nails   swiping   across   her   screen   in   a   frenzy. “   will   you   be   there   waiting   on   me   ?   ”   sent   another   as   she   smiled,   relaxed   against   the   coach   seat   beneath   her. 
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he smiled, typing a quick response. “ you know it. have a safe flight love, and i’ll see you at home. ” pressing on the phone’s lock before he stood up to fix himself something to drink. piña colada. it was his favorite. the perfect amount of alcohol and coconut milk. unbeknownst to the rumor already spreading around the news about him and his new co-star kissing in public, but the truth isn’t always what it seems. it was for a new movie he was shooting. still, people could get the wrong idea but atlas was unaware. chilling on his kitchen island overlooking the forest. he wanted a secluded area with nature surrounding it and that’s what he got.
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nctorious · 3 years
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   annoyed   that   he   once   again   had   to   save   the   day   and   pick   up   a   drunken   wren,   ethan   simply   pushed   open   the   passenger   door   from   where   he   sat   on   the   drivers   side,   waiting   until   the   femme   slid   in   to   pull   away   from   the   curb. “   easton   didn’t   answer   again   ?   ”   homme   asks,   though   already   knows   the   answer. “   you’re   not   even   my   girlfriend   and   i’m   always   the   one   saving   your   ass.   ”   notes   bitterly,   though   tries   to   hide   the   tone   in   his   voice. 
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it wasn’t easy to differentiate the twin’s apart, in person or her mobile as she try to scroll through who to call. although, it would be a lie if she didn’t purposely dial ethan. as the car pulled up, wren slid in not bothered to put on her seat belt missing the tone of the male. “ well you’re not my boyfriend but you still get me every time. so you might as well be. ” sarcasm lacing her words. it was wrong to say those things when she’s literally dating his twin. there was no denying that wren liked ethan, though that might be the alcohol talking.
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nctorious · 3 years
when you and your partner plotted something perfect but your muses are like
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nctorious · 3 years
based ! @cheatcodcs​
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a month had passed by since he’d last seen his girlfriend, missing her was an understatement. a week of slowing down might do him some good, mostly because he was looking forward to spend it with his partner. ‘ are you on the way? ’ composing a text, he sent it while lounging on his couch. 
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nctorious · 3 years
i really want this plot ! ! !
muse a is a  repressed nerdy sweetheart  who doesn’t seem to have much luck dating, and muse b is their popular best friend who always seems to be out on dates and living their best life. after a pretty disastrous date muse a asks muse b to give them “seduction lessons”, to see if they can help them get the person they’ve had a crush on for a while. muse b agrees reluctantly– and that’s when things get complicated.
long held feelings? check. why is my best friend so hot? double check. misunderstanding and angst? triple check. bonus points if the crush is interested in both of them (we love polyamory in this house).
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nctorious · 3 years
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nctorious · 3 years
honestly.… . . fake dating plots are eve ry thing…. like where the girl’s obvi really nervous and uncomfortable about it but had to ask him bc of a dire emergency. .. .  and he takes advantage of it by always pulling her onto his lap and sliding his hand around her waist and doing whatever it takes t o make her blush …
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nctorious · 3 years
okay, but a plot where   muse a   &   muse b   are actors. they’ve been in shows together   &   after a while, they fell in   love  .  .  .   but it ended   horribly,   for whatever reason. but since they still move in the same circles, they both end up auditioning for the   same show  .  .  .   only to be casted as the   leading couple.   they had almost forgotten the taste of the other’s lips…
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nctorious · 3 years
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osiris looked to her and let out a sigh, he went to sit down next to her. “well what is the thing you’re most concerned about. talk to me and we will figure this out. alright?” he asked as he shook his head, his hand going to come to the back of her neck. his fingers slowly running through her hair.
“if i really didn’t want you in my place. i wouldn’t have answered the door. i don’t have any shoot for a couple of days. so it wasn’t like i had a scene to shoot in the morning.”
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closing her eyes for a brief moment, the heat of his hand against her skin made her calm down. his words soothing, maybe she could start over. with his help. “ i don’t know where to live, we - we shared an apartment and i can’t go back to my parents. they basically disowned me the moment i moved out. ” regretting her ignorant decision blinded by what she thought was love.
“ i know, but still. i’m grateful that you’re here. i really appreciate you alot. how’s work going? ” diverting her attention, disliking how it was always about her. hands coming to hold onto the other, squeezing them in reassurance more so for herself.
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