nctsblog · 3 years
Literally just got the time to watch relay cams and I must say I'm whipped for Na Jaemin bruh😫😫 it physically hurts why did he gotta do this to me-
ALSO- no one asked but I wouldn't mind seeing a "cook with me" session of him cracking eggs witu one hand ufdieosodofogr
Can't wait to see him on a relay cam again😔
My poor heart can't take this
IMMA sob to sleep bye-
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nctsblog · 4 years
[1:00am] having a heartfelt, deep, philosophical conversation with boyfriend!Taeyong because neither of you can’t sleep. 
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nctsblog · 4 years
[11:14pm] it was cold. It felt like negative 200 Celsius. Nothing passed through your mind other than the word cold. Which, of course, was when you felt non-idolboyfriend!Jeno’s large warm arm wrap around your body, pulling you towards him as his smell surrounds you. You absorb his scent; he smells like warm cotton – perfect for the snowy day.
“Can’t sleep?” Jeno asks, carefully wrapping you in a blanket, bringing you even closer to his body.
“Cold” you were physically shaking, and you hear him chuckle.
Instincts taking over, you start playing with his fingers – intertwining them and then releasing, feeling each other’s nails and fingertips. Staring into a void absorbed in each other and plain talking, you two share each other about your day; you talk about your friends and your professors overloading you with more homework (calling them Satan’s helpers) and Jeno tells you about how his classes went.
It was perfect, you two were in the moment, not caring about anything or everything, absorbing each other’s presence; you two talk more with each other until his deep soothing voice and the rise and fall of his chest puts you to sleep.
He then rolls you to your side and puts his arm around you, pulling you in him until you both are one entity falling asleep.
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nctsblog · 4 years
[1:38am] you were wakened up from a deep sleep as you felt someone towing onto your blankets, “mommy I had a nightmare” your five-year-old daughter said in that oh-so-cute voice. “come here sweetie” husband!Jaehyun quickly said, bearing in mind about how you just woke up from your deep slumber, scooping your child into a cuddle as you three drifted into dreamland once again.
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nctsblog · 4 years
[6:25am] you look at the boy sleeping peacefully next to you, your eyes trail over his soft, calm features. Those long eyelashes that are well-resting on his cheeks, perfectly sculpted nose and soft (not chapped!) lips that are tugged in a slight smile; he must be having a good dream – you think as you feel a small smile sneak into you too.
You are entranced, to say the least, to be lucky enough to date the most beautiful person to ever exist.
Naïvely, you move closer to his lips, contemplating to wake boyfriend!Jaemin with a kiss as you snap into your senses again and move out of the frame. You sit up to begin your day only to feel his big hands wrap around your hand and tugging you towards his warm body as Jaemin opens his eyes and says, “Well if you won’t do it, I will.”
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nctsblog · 4 years
[6:00pm] you were bored to death, to say the least. boyfriend!Doyoung, however, was working hard on his new song, constantly murmuring to himself and ignoring your whole existence along with it. You needed his attention.
“doyouuuunnnngggg” you groaned, making a goofy face and earned a second-long glance from him towards your direction. 
You lifted an eyebrow - oh? - proceeding in making another goofy face in a nearly failing attempt to gain his attention which was when he notices and laughs, your face blooming in response. 
“Come here you big baby,” he said, patting his lap. 
You walked over, feeling like the most successful girl to exist. 
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nctsblog · 4 years
[5:47pm] you were rolling on the bed, scrolling on your phone. boyfriend!Yuta just came back from practices as you shoo-ed him into the washroom for a shower - he reeked of sweat. 
A couple minutes later, the washroom door opened; you felt the steam walkthrough into your shared bedroom as you looked at Yuta wearing nothing but a towel. Your eyes ran through his whole body, “enjoying the show, babe?” he smirked as he walked up to the closet, flinging his hair. 
oh yes - you almost said that out loud as a huge blush crept up on you. Humming in response, you got out of your bed and walked up to him for a warm embrace. 
Holding him close enough to smell his hair with your fingers teasing his tips, successfully making him feel like being on cloud 9, you whispered into his ear; “I don’t like your new shampoo”
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nctsblog · 4 years
[1:30pm] boyfriend!Taeyong’s hand runs down your neck, touching your bare skin as you lock your hands around his neck. They run down your back ever so slowly, sending sharp jolts of electricity up and down your breathing becomes heavier. 
You stifle a moan that escapes when he pulls you sharply towards him and kisses you like both a blade and a feather; sharp and gentle. 
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nctsblog · 4 years
mark : Is it hot in here or is it just me?
y/n: It's you.
mark : What?
y/n: What?
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nctsblog · 4 years
[12:00pm] Walking through boyfriend!Renjun’s house, you take a second glance at all the pictures stamped on his wall; a whole memory lane of your relationship. A smile sneaks into you especially when looking at that one picture of where it all began. 
Your 16th birthday where he bowed down in front of everyone before cutting the cake and asked you out, you still remembered that day clearly. You take a deep breath as your heart warms up even more, taking note of his favorite chocolate box in your hand. 
You open the door in your boyfriend’s room, peeking your head in, “Hey” you said, rather softly. 
Your injured boyfriend looks up from his sleeping position and opens his arms, inviting you to a cuddle, “Hey, honey” 
You keep the chocolate box on his table and take the invitation, walking into his embrace, taking his scent in fully; wood sage and sea salt. 
Renjun broke his leg during practices which resulted in you spending your 4th anniversary in his room. 
You looked up from his chest to get a better look at him; only to see a pout displayed on his face, eyes covered with his messy bed hair, “babe what's wrong?” you asked, sitting up to get a better view of his face. 
“Nothing” he mumbled under his breath and looked away; his pout still well flaunted on his face. 
You cup his face and bring it closer, so now he’s looking directly at you, “tell meeeee”, you whine while his pout only expands. 
Feeling impossible to hold back a kiss because of how cute Renjun looks right now, you lean in for a quick peck, only to see his face brighten. “you know, if you wanted a kiss you could've just asked for one...” 
He only giggles and brings your face closer for another kiss, “where would be the fun in that, hmm?” and leans in; slower and more sensual this time. 
You sigh into his touch which makes him want to kiss you even more.
No matter what, every kiss feels new with Renjun. 
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nctsblog · 4 years
[10:00pm] you almost screamed as you saw vampire!Renjun in bat form pounding itself onto your window. In the process of recovering from a mini-heart-attack, you opened the window quietly to not wake your parents up and let him in. 
“Isn’t it too late?” you asked him softly going back to sit on the edge of your bed while he transformed back into his human self. 
You knew this. It was all part of the deal. 
“Deal’s a deal, sweetheart” you physically heard his smirk. He was now leaning against the wall, eyeing his favorite meal, filled with so much hunger; “plus, I’m hungry and didn’t get a good meal the whole day” 
Gently, teasingly, he walked closer to you while his eyes didn’t dare to move away from your neck as you only leaned further into your bed. Within the blink of an eye, he was right in front of you with his hand supporting your head as he dipped down into your neck and whispered “you won’t feel a thing, just relax” 
Too scared to even hear what he just said, you bit your tongue to conceal a yelp and squeezed your eyes shut. 
Renjun slowly looked up to your face, his heart softening over your tightly shut, scared features feeling as if he just crossed a line he shouldn’t have. “...I’m sorry” 
You felt your skin tear and blood surge out as his lips started slurping into your skin - he was right though; it didn’t hurt at all. 
You opened your eyes to see him look up to you, his mouth now filled with your blood. He was grinning. eyes mischievously glowing against the moonlight sinking in through your window.
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nctsblog · 4 years
I would do anything for them to look at me like that :)
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its a thing
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nctsblog · 4 years
y/n: imagine getting paid for being cute
haechan: you’d be rich
y/n: i-i…uhm…*blushes*
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nctsblog · 4 years
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YangYang ✦ Bad Alive
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nctsblog · 4 years
[3:00pm] you and idolboyfriend!Jeno were lying on bed idly, utterly bored to the bone due to quarantine, your still ongoing summer vacation, and break from his last comeback. 
You throw out a deep sigh, shifting around the bed; out of complete boredom, “I can't take this anymore”
Jeno looked at you with his signature half-pout and half-eye smile face, quickly snapping his fingers in excitement as an invisible lightbulb appeared on his head. “I KNOW,” he said, slightly wincing as he saw you jumping from your position, not expecting his voice to be gaudy at all. 
“Sorry sorry...” he trailed off “So, you know I was thinking, for my next comeback - maybe you could color my hair” 
[5:45pm] you went to the mall, grabbed some red hair dye for Jeno - you thought it would suit him the most. 
You ended up in the washroom coloring his hair, mostly making a mess and successfully coloring the bathroom counter a shade of red along with his hair, “don't get it on my skin!!” 
“Okay okay sorry!” 
“I don't want to be a living strawberry,” he said, considering the amount of hair dye that was on the counter now. 
“You’ll be my living strawberry,” you said, smirking as you saw him slightly gag at the sudden cheesiness. 
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nctsblog · 4 years
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nctsblog · 4 years
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Timestamps: [1:30pm]
Timestamp: [5:47pm]
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