need-fish · 2 years
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reblog bocchi the money for a wealthy new year
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need-fish · 2 years
> a classic spin on the Jingle Bell melody. The duet of IA and ONE is cute and upbeat.
The place im currently in is very cold compared to my home so this popped up from the back of my mind.
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need-fish · 2 years
Hi, i think i abandoned this blog for far too long. Just moved to a new place, and im starting to make music.
So I might just post on this once in a while, provided im good with my schoolwork ofc
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need-fish · 2 years
>not vocaloid but too good too pass on. This song is so nostalgic of my first foray into music discovery. Chiptune pop tuned with soft vocals to perfection.
>by mikazuki bigwave x somunia. Love both of them.
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need-fish · 2 years
>just like the old school garage rock songs, slow and nice.
>by niteto, check them out.
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need-fish · 2 years
>by hachinana, who usually does alternative voicebank covers on their channel which is very nice, check them out.
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need-fish · 2 years
> A slow song with a particularly interesting opening.
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need-fish · 2 years
> New drop by sasakure.UK!
>Really sparkly, melody wise seems to be influenced by other artists. Still cool though.
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need-fish · 2 years
ライラ / shino feat.初音ミク https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=bcw0B4nnhP8
> hi i was a bit busy the last few days
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need-fish · 2 years
> Out of theme, but it is still Kenshi Yonezu/HACHI so ok
> I feel like I got to share this, I just found Frankie Sinatra by The Avalanches and the opening is just so familliar. Try listening to both and you will get what I mean
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need-fish · 2 years
> Captivating initial chimes, marching drums, hi-hat piling on the tension. A truly emotional chorus, bursting out.
> An off-style piece by rokuro, which has turned up in my memory every so often. Every time I relisten the opening still gets me emotional.
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need-fish · 2 years
> A high energy song, steady beat, nice bassline, violin highlights, and IA.
> by eiguhuto, small channel but interesting songs.
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need-fish · 2 years
> I’m thinking since it’s summer, should I just post chill songs? Or should I mix things up?
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need-fish · 2 years
> Hope yall are having a good day, it’s hot as hell where I live. Aircon blasting all the way. Here is a chill summer-ish song, with soothing Renri.
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need-fish · 2 years
#5.5 extras
> the piece connecting #4 and #5. Two wholesome dudes making a wholesome collab.
> the Miku versions
Repetition is bad but gotta show everything.
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need-fish · 2 years
#5 : sui
Jumpy, Cutesy, Folk-like Fantasy.
//I gotta tell you about this guy. His main point is not vocaloid, but rather his own very light voice, which is pretty cute.
Enough text, here is first taste:
> The cute energy is insane here. Rapid accordion, fast jumpy beats, making you feel like being a fantasy town full of magic. Also phenomenal artwork, cute boys and girls.
> Dance in the town festival to folk music! Somehow trombones fit here well, to make a very cartoon-ish feeling. This can just fit a children’s movie just fine.
> the newest release. The bouncy piano at the start describes an “on the move/gotta go” feeling. Trumpets boosts happiness. Tolling bells is the symbol of midnight. All in all, feels like a happy-go-lucky trip by a bunch of kids at night to go find treasure or something.
// Some songs above have a Miku version on his channel, just not as popular. Wont be putting them here because repetition might be boring.
> Blending his style into the pop rock genre, this song is simply a cute love song. 15M views though, the jp audience do have their tastes huh
> a song that seems to be recorded in his own room or something. The folk beat is still there, on a more modern piano/guitar mix.
As usual, thanks for listening! I will include some extras in the next post
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need-fish · 2 years
> A band version self cover by yukkedoluce. The vocals keeping the tension for so long, to end up in a burst of drum and distortion. Makes me feel proud to be a vocaloid fan ngl, so emotional.
> I’m busy but a new big post will be soon.
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