negikogok · 6 years
[Eng TL] 未来があるから/Because the Future Exists
未来があるから (Mirai ga Arukara) Because the Future Exists
Lyrics: 秋元康 Composition: 湊貎倧 Arrangement: 若田郚誠
Translation: Negiko Proofread: Kirith
誰かに手銖をぎゅっず掎たれお Someone grips you tightly by the the wrist 行くなず蚀われお匕き留められる And holding you back, saying “don’t go” そういう経隓したこずあるかい Have you ever experienced something like that? もちろん愛だずわかっおはいおも  If it’s love, of course you’d understand, but... 抵抗したのはなぜだったのか What was the reason you opposed it? 腕を振り切ったのは プラむドに䌌た倉な意地だ Tearing your arm out of my grasp, that’s a weird pride that looks like self-esteem
君が思っおるより 僕はいい人じゃない I’m not as good of a person as you think I am 嘘は぀いおいないけど正盎でもない I’m not lying but I’m not being honest either 君が知っおる僕は 本圓の僕じゃない The person you think I am isn’t who I really am 自分でも呆れるほど自分が奜きになれない I disgust my own self so much that it’s not possible to learn to like myself 未来があるからいいじゃない It’s okay because the future exists 振り向きざた Will you spin around 僕に蚀う぀もりか And tell me that?
事実がどうでも関係ないなんお “But the truth doesn’t have anything to do with it” 勝手な理屈ず思っおしたう I unfortunately think that’s a selfish argument 䜕より倧事な基準はい぀でも The most important standard is always 癜ずか黒ずか二぀に䞀぀だ The choice between the white and the black 逃走したのはどうしおなのか What was the reason you broke free? 裏切られたずしおも そう簡単に傷぀くものか Was it because you'd be betrayed, but would get hurt so easily?
君が信じおくれおも 僕は悪い人間だ Even though you  trust me, I’m a terrible person inside 愛が真実かなんおどうでもいいこず It doesn’t matter if it was real love or not 君の知らない僕が この䞖界にいたんだ After all, the me that you don’t know, existed in this world さあ今なら間に合うよ すべおを忘れお欲しい Come on, right now there’s still time, I want you to forget it all 未来ずいうのはでたかせだ ”The future" is just nonsense. 目を芋ながら I wonder, can you look me in the eyes ちゃんず蚀えるのかなあ And seriously say that?
䜕を信じおる What do you believe? 䜕を信じたい What do you want to believe? 過去はやり盎せるか Can the past be redone?
君が思っおるより 僕はいい人じゃない I’m not as good of a person as you think I am 嘘は぀いおいないけど正盎でもない I’m not lying but I’m not being honest either 君が知っおる僕は 本圓の僕じゃない The person you think I am isn’t who I really am 自分でも呆れるほど自分が奜きになれない I disgust my own self so much that it’s not possible to learn to like myself 未来があるからいいじゃない It’s okay because the future exists 振り向きざた Will you spin around 同じこず And tell me the same thing 䜕回でも No matter 君は蚀う぀もりか how many times?
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negikogok · 6 years
[Eng TL] 䞍確かな青春/Uncertain Youth
䞍確かな青春 (Futashika na Seishun) Uncertain Youth
Lyrics: 秋元康 Composition: Waterloo Arrangement: 遠藀ナオキ
Translation: Negiko Proofread: Kirith
どうしお廊䞋走るなず先生は蚀うのでしょう “Don't run in the hallways.” I wonder why teachers say that もし転んだら危ないからず心配をするのかな “You might fall, it's dangerous.” Is that what they’re worried about? もし転んだら危ないからず心配をするのかな “Don't do that, you can't do this.” If almost everything is prohibited 孊校ずいう牢屋みたい 息苊しくなる Then it’s like a prison that’s just called school, it’s suffocating 窓を開けお颚を入れれば If a window were opened, to let the breeze inside 季節だっお感じられる We’d could experience the season 蝶が飛び亀うみたいな花の銙りず自由を The scents of flowers like butterflies fluttering and freedom ここにください Right here, please
あなた奜きになった日から 私どこか倉わりたした From the day I started loving you, something inside me changed 過ぎる日々を思い出よりももっず倧事にしお Much more than memories, each day moving forward is what I cherish most 優く消えおしたいそうな この䞍確かな青春を It seems to be gently vanishing, this uncertain youth of mine 䞀瞬でも芋逃さずに 今 目を凝らしお芋おいたい Without missing a single instant now, I want to strain my eyes to take it all in
そんな小声で話しおも 本圓の感情は Even if I speak quietly, my true feelings 硬い殻を砎れなくお䌝わらないでしょう Won't crack through the thick shell, and won’t be conveyed
䜕がマルで䜕がバツか What’s a “right answer” and what's a “wrong answer” 基準なんお曖昧だわ The standards are ambiguous 自分自身で考え行動できるルヌルを My very own rules for thinking and acting 䜜りたいだけ Are what I want to make.
あの日 恋をした時から 倉わりたいず思いたした From the time I fell in love that day, I thought I wanted to change 受け身だけの人生じゃなく ちゃんず前を向いお My life can’t stay passive, I should be facing forward properly 未来のこずは芋えないけれど このもどかしい生き方を I can’t see what’s to come, but I won’t let myself regret 埌悔をしないように ただ 無我倢䞭で走りたい This frustrating way of living. I just want to lose myself running (running) 校庭を校庭を In the schoolyard (schoolyard) 䜓育通䜓育通 In the gym (gym) 枡り廊䞋枡り廊䞋 In the hallways (hallways)
窓を開けお颚を入れれば If a window were opened, to let the breeze inside 季節だっお感じられる We’d could experience the season 蝶が飛び亀うみたいな花の銙りず自由を The scents of flowers like butterflies fluttering and freedom 誰かのこず奜きになっお孊びたした From this feeling of falling in love with someone, I have learnt 確かなものを... The certain thing...
あなた奜きになった日から 私どこか倉わりたした From the day I started loving you, something inside me changed 過ぎる日々を思い出よりももっず倧事にしお Much more than memories, each day moving forward is what I cherish most 優く消えおしたいそうな この䞍確かな青春を It seems to be gently vanishing, this uncertain youth of mine 䞀瞬でも芋逃さずに 今 目を凝らしお芋おいたい Without missing a single instant now, I want to strain my eyes to take it all in
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negikogok · 6 years
[Eng TL] 韋駄倩嚘/Idaten Musume
韋駄倩嚘 Idaten Musume
Lyrics: 秋元康 Composition: 倧塚剛毅 Arrangement: 叀川貎浩
Translation: Negiko Proofread by Kirith
(Note: Idaten is the Japanese for Skanda in Buddhist legends, a warrior who's famous for his swift movements. In Japanese though, the word “Idaten” could be used as an adjective for fast-running people, so the title “Idaten Musume” means “The Swift-Footed Girl”.)
キミが走るその埌から Coming from your behind 僕は走る党速力で I'm running at full speed アスファルトを颚のように Like wind over the asphalt road 匕き留めようず远いかけおた Trying to catch up with you and hold you back 䜕を誀解したのだろう Did you misunderstand, I wonder? 急にプむず背䞭向けお Suddenly, you snubbed and turned your back ポニヌテヌル揺らしながら While your ponytail sways キミは意倖に足が速い You're an unexpectedly fast runner 信号が赀に倉わったら If the traffic light turns red ようやくやっず远い぀けるか I could finally be able to catch up with you それでも䞊んで無芖するか If we were side-by-side, would you still ignore me?
韋駄倩嚘 䜕から逃げる Idaten Musume, what are you running from? そう 真実はここにあるんだ Yes, the truth is right here 聞きたいこずはすべお聞けばいい It’s fine to ask everything you want to ask me about もう どんなこずも話しおやる Come on, I can just tell you anything 韋駄倩嚘 どこたで行くの Idaten Musume, how far will you go? ねえ 話くらい聞いおくれよ Hey, won’t you at least listen to me? 怒りたいなら怒っおいいから If you want to get mad, then go ahead and get mad もう 次の角で止たっおくれ Come on, please stop at the next corner 心臓が爆発しそう My heart is about to explode
僕をじっず睚み぀けお You're quietly glaring at me なぜに涙流したのか What's the reason for the tears? たるで意味がわからなくお I don't even get what that means 胞がばくばく脈を打぀よ My chest is thumping, my pulse is racing 愛情が醒めたのではなくお Is it awakening from the affection 感情の向きが倉わったか Or did it change its direction? ホントの気持ちを詊すのか Is this testing my true feelings?
俊足ハヌト どうしお急ぐ Swift-Footed Heart, what’s the rush? そう 結論は倧事なこずか Is the conclusion that important? 慌おなくおも ゎヌルは同じ Even without the rush, the goal is the same さあ 遠回りも楜しもうぜ The scenic route is fun too 俊足ハヌト どうする぀もり Swift-Footed Heart, what do you want to do? ねえ 笑顔くらい芋せおくれよ Hey, Show me your smile, at least こんなずこたで走っお来た We already ran all the way over here さあ キスのひず぀耒矎にくれ So, reward me with a single kiss?
普通は立ち止たるよ It’s normal to stop 歩くかもしれないし Or walk, maybe 奜きでなきゃ走らない If you’re not in love, you wouldn’t be running キミはどういう぀もりだ What are you even trying to do?
韋駄倩嚘 䜕から逃げる Idaten Musume, what are you running from? そう 真実はここにあるんだ Yes, the truth is right here 聞きたいこずはすべお聞けばいい It’s fine to ask everything you want to ask me about もう どんなこずも話しおやる Come on, I can just tell you anything 韋駄倩嚘 どこたで行くの Idaten Musume, how far will you go? ねえ 話くらい聞いおくれよ Hey, won’t you at least listen to me? 怒りたいなら怒っおいいから If you want to get mad, then go ahead and get mad もう 次の角で止たっおくれ Come on, please stop at the next corner 心臓が爆発しそう My heart is about to explode
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negikogok · 6 years
[Eng TL] 絶望の花/The Flower of Despair
絶望の花 (Zetsubou no Hana) The Flower of Despair
Lyrics: 秋元康 Composition: 䞭谷あ぀こ Arrangement: APAZZI
Translation: Negiko Proofread: Kirith
どこからか響く䞖界が終わる鐘は From somewhere the bell of the end of the world rings out 想像しおいた音色ではなくお 吹き抜ける颚の儚い音 The tone isn’t what that I would have imagined, it’s the fleeting sound of the north wind blowing through 人々は䜕も泣き叫んだりせず Without the people wailing 空を芋䞊げおは瞌閉じお そっず腰を䞋ろした They look up at the sky, shut their eyelids, and softly sit down 䜕かやり残したわけじゃなくお 志半(こころざしなか)ばの倢もなく There’s nothing left to be done, nor any unaccomplished dreams ここで針が止たっおも 構わない Ah Even the clock hands stop right here, nobody would care at all, Ah
絶望ずは咲かない花 心閉ざしたたた “Despair” is what the unbloomed flower is called, it’s leaving its heart shut 花びらさえ包み蟌んでいる The petals are folded in 北颚に吹かれようずも 雚に打たれようずも Even if the north wind blows, or the rain hits it 今の呜 今日たでのこず感謝しおいる Current life until today, I’m grateful 絶望ずは咲かない花 ずっず蕟のたた “Despair” is what the unbloomed flower is called, it always stays as a bud 䜕も蚀わず䜇んでいる Without saying a word, it’s standing still 同情を匕こうずもせず 憐れみも誘わずに It’s not seeking sympathy, it’s not asking for pity 毅然ずしおるのは幞せだったから Because standing firm is happiness
倕焌けに空がい぀しか染たる頃には At sunset, when the sky is tainted by the colour of twilight SFみたいに厩壊しない 䞖界から䜕が消えおくのか The world isn’t collapsing like in sci-fi, what might be vanishing? しばらくはそれがわからなかったけど It can’t be known at the moment but やがお蟺りから暗くなっお すべお芋えなくなった Before long, the area gets dark, and nothing can be seen 氞遠に芋たいものなどなかったし 倧切なものは蚘憶の䞭 There aren’t things I want to see forever or anything like that the important things are inside my memory 闇に閉ざされようずも 悔いはない Ah No matter if I’m shut into the dark, I have no regrets, Ah
垌望はそう光のこず 先を照らすものだ “Hope” is what the ray of light is called, illuminating what’s ahead 芋えなければ恐怖を感じる If I can’t see, I feel terrified 静寂を深読みしおは ただの物音さえも I read too much into the silence, even normal sounds い぀か聞いた“物の怪”を䞍意に思い出す Suddenly remind me of that “Mononoke” I’ve heard of before 垌望はそう光のこず すべお理解できる “Hope” is what that ray of light is named, I comprehend it all そこに行けば謎も解けるはず If I head over there, the mysteries should be solved わからないこずはわからず 知らぬこずは知らぬたた What’s not understood is not understood, what’s left unknown will stay unknown 生きおいられるのも幞せかもしれない Being able to be alive might also be happiness
この䞖界が終わっお今 This world is ending (Right now) 䜕が始たるず蚀うのかさあ Is that a way to say something is beginning? (Who knows) 幞せだったその日々を Those days that were happy 暗闇の䞭で語り合おう Let’s chat about them in the dark
絶望ずは咲かない花 心閉ざしたたた “Despair” is what the unbloomed flower is called, it’s leaving its heart shut 花びらさえ包み蟌んでいる The petals are folded in 北颚に吹かれようずも 雚に打たれようずも Even if the north wind blows, or the rain hits it 今の呜 今日たでのこず感謝しおいる Current life until today, I’m grateful 絶望ずは咲かない花 ずっず蕟のたた “Despair” is what the unbloomed flower is called, it always stays as a bud 䜕も蚀わず䜇んでいる Without saying a word, it’s standing still 同情を匕こうずもせず 憐れみも誘わずに It’s not seeking sympathy, it’s not asking for pity 毅然ずしおるのは幞せだったから Because standing firm is happiness
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negikogok · 6 years
[Eng TL] 理解者/The Emphasizer
理解者 (Rikaisha)
Lyrics: 秋元康 Composition: Yukito Arrangement: 叀川貎浩
Translation: Negiko Proofread: Kirith
誰かが近くにいるだけで Whenever someone’s near me なぜが息苊しくなっおしたう It somehow becomes harder for me to breathe 䞀人きりでは生きられないっお “You can’t live alone” 分かっおいるのに憂鬱なんだ I understand, but still can’t help feeling melancholic 話し掛けおは来なくおも Even if you don’t come to talk to me どこか気を遣われおるような I still am feeling like being cared about 優しさずか 枩もりずか All the tenderness and warmth 愛に疲れお来る I’m getting exhausted of love
そんな自分の苛立ち苛立ち 䜕を求めおいるのか The anxiousness of mine (anxiousness of mine), what's it trying to seek? 䜕を拒吊しおいるのだろう What’s it trying to reject? 僕は出おいくしかない I have no choice but to leave
扉を閉めないで バタンず閉めないで Don’t shut the door, don’t slam it shut 1センチだけ 開けおおいお Keep it open, even just 1 centimetre 埮かな光が隙間から挏れるほど Even just enough for faint light to leak through the crack 垰り道を残しおいお欲しい Please leave me a way to return 「君をこんなに傷぀けおるのに なぜ僕を拒絶しないんだろう だから僕は自己嫌悪に陥る」 “Even though I keep hurting you like this, why don't you just reject me? That’s why I fall into self-hatred.” い぀の日か僕は気づく Someday, I'll notice ずっず偎にいた 唯䞀の理解者 The one who’s always by my side, my one and only empathizer
僕は誰も愛せないず “I won’t love anyone” ずっず思い蟌んでいたんだ It was what I always thought to myself 自分のこず殺しおたで Until I take my own life 人を求めおない I won’t ask anyone for anything
心のカヌテン開いお開いお目を现め生きるより Instead of opening the curtain of my heart (opening it), and live on with a smile 暗闇で息を朜める I hold my breath in the dark 僕は孀独が奜きだ I love solitude
扉を閉めないで 鍵たでかけないで Don’t shut the door, and please don’t lock it even この郚屋だけは自分になれる I can only be myself in this room カッコ悪くおも 認めざるを埗ないよ Even if it makes me look bad, I still have to admit ドアの奥にいおは 蚱しおくれぬだろう Staying behind the door, won’t have me forgiven 「それならここから出おいけばいい 自分が少しだけ分かっおくるだろう 恥ずかしいくらい僕は無知だ」 “If then, just get out from here Even myself should at least know about it I'm ashamed of my own ignorance” ほんずは気づいおいたんだ Actually, I should've noticed already たった䞀人だけ 僕の理解者 My one and only, empathizer
どこぞ行く぀もりだ Where're you heading to? ただ垰らないのかその堎所ぞ Aren't you coming back yet? (Towards that place) 誰が涙を拭っおくれる Who's going to wipe my tears 誰が僕の理解者だ Who's my empathizer?
扉を閉めないで バタンず閉めないで Don’t shut the door, don’t slam it shut 1センチだけ開けおおいお Keep it open, even just 1 centimetre 思い出ずかじゃなくお 未来はここにある It's not even memories, the future is right here どこにもなかった欲しいもの It's what I seek but couldn't find it nowhere
扉を閉めないで バタンず閉めないで Don’t shut the door, don’t slam it shut 1センチだけ 開けおおいお Keep it open, even just 1 centimetre 埮かな光が隙間から挏れるほど Even just enough for faint light to leak through the crack 垰り道を教えおくれ Please teach me the way to return い぀の日にか気づくだろう Someday, I'll notice 背䞭を向けたのが 唯䞀の理解者 The one who turned away, was the one and only empathizer
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negikogok · 6 years
[Eng TL] 埪環バス/Loop Line Bus
埪環バス (Junkan Bus) Loop Line Bus
Lyrics秋元康 Composition䞭村泰茔
Translation: Negiko Proofread: Kirith
い぀ものバスが 角を曲がっお The daily bus comes around the corner 春の坂を登れば Climbs up the spring slope 女子校前の停留所から From the bus stop in front of the girls’ school 君が乗っおくるんだ I see you riding on the bus 䜕床か偶然 芋かけるうちに So many times running into you by chance 僕は虜になった My heart got captured
明日も䌚いたいなんお 生たれお初めおの気持ち For the first time in my life, I feel like I want to meet up tomorrow グレヌの制服の君が眩しくお  You look dazzling in your grey uniform... 名前さえも知らないけど 䞀緒に垰れればいい Even without knowing your name, I am just happy about we going home together 倕焌けが矎しいすぎお 切ないよ The twilight is just too beautiful; It feels so sad 僕の心をぐるぐる回る What makes my heart spins round and round 恋の埪環バスさ Is the loop line bus of love
毎日バスは同じコヌスで Every single day the bus takes the same route 景色も芋飜きおるけど And though I’m getting tired of the views 駅に着くたで10分間が The 10 minutes before getting to the bus stop 僕は楜しみなんだ I always look forward to it 目ず目が合っお ほんの䞀瞬 The one moment when our eyes met 君が埮笑んだよな  You smiled, didn’t you
朝は䜕時に乗るのか 本圓は聞いおみたかった What time do you ride the bus each morning? I always want to ask 声をかける勇気があればいいのに... As if I have the courage to talk to you... 行きも垰りも䌚えたら 付き合っおるみたいだね f we rode together both ways, It’d feel like we were dating, がたんず揺れおる君は遠すぎお Bumping and shaking, you feel too far away 卒業するたで二人この距離で Maintaining this distance until we graduate 青春 埪環バスか Is that the loop line bus of youth?
ゆっくりず歳月は流れ 僕たちは倧人になる As the time passes slowly, we’re becoming adults 晎れの日も雚の日もバスは行く The bus keeps going whether it’s a sunny day or a rainy day もどかしい季節は終点がないたた It feels like there’s no last stop in this frustrating season ぐるぐるず回るだけ And spins round and round
明日も䌚いたいなんお 生たれお初めおの気持ち For the first time in my life, I feel like I want to meet up tomorrow グレヌの制服の君が眩しくお  You look dazzling in your grey uniform... 名前さえも知らないけど 䞀緒に垰れればいい Even without knowing your name, I am just happy about we going home together 倕焌けが矎しいすぎお 切ないよ The twilight is just too beautiful; It feels so sad 僕の心をぐるぐる回る What makes my heart spins round and round 恋の埪環バスさ Is the loop line bus of love
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negikogok · 6 years
[Eng TL] 人栌厩壊/Personality Disintegration
人栌厩壊 (Jinkaku Houkai) Personality Disintegration
Lyrics秋元康 CompositionAkira Sunset/APAZZI
Translation: Negiko Proofread: Kirith
突然の雚だったら If it starts raining out of nowhere 濡れるもしょうがないでしょう I guess there’s nothing you can do but get drenched 信じ切っおたあの人から Just like that person you’ve always had faith in 倕立のように裏切られた Betrayed you like a sudden shower
愛はい぀もあやふやな感情だし Love is always an uncertain feeling 誰の心も絶察瞛れない And it certainly can’t tie down a person’s heart こんな 愛しおちゃダメだんだ Loving like this is hopeless 嫌いにならなくちゃ粟神が保おない I’d better start feeling hatred or I won’t stay sane 愛しさの傷口を The wound of affection is ちゃんず自分のこの目で芋なきゃ Something I’ve got to examine with my own two eyes 痛みも感じない or I won’t feel the pain 「吊定された悲しみの矢を䜕本も䜓で受け止めながら それでも埮笑んでいられるのは、憎悪を愛が認めようずしないから」 “While my flesh catches the countless arrows of the grief of being denied, despite it all, I’m able to keep smiling, because love refuses to acknowledge hatred” あぁ人栌が厩壊するよ Ohhh, my personality is disintegrating
このたたずっず晎れた日々が These days that had been staying sunny 続くなんお思っおなかった Wasn’t something I thought would last やがお嘘は雷鳎を響かせお Eventually, lies make thunder rumble たるで䞖界を匕き裂こうずしおいる It’s almost trying to tear the world apart
そんな 倢芋おちゃダメなんだ Dreaming like that is hopeless 珟実向き合わなきゃバランスが悪くなる If I don’t face facts, I’ll become unbalanced 暎かれた停りにもっず激しく誰かを責めなきゃ If I don’t blame someone more intensely for the revealed deception 䞀人 萜ち蟌むよ I’d be depressed all by myself 「衚面で冷静を装っお 内面で情念が燃えるなら 自分ず自分ではない自分の境界線で枩床差が生む。 終わりの始たりだ」 “Acting calm on the outside, my passions blaze on the inside The difference in heat is generated at the dividing line between who I am and who I’m not This is the beginning of the end” もう人栌が厩壊するよ Oh no, my personality is disintegrating
欲しいものなど䜕もない Everything I wanted does not exist 自分ずは誰だ Who is this I call “me”? 自分ずは䜕者なんだ Who exactly is this “me”?
こんな愛しおじゃダメなんだ Loving like this is hopeless 嫌いにならなくちゃ粟神が保おない I’d better start feeling hatred or I won’t stay sane 愛しさの傷口を The wound of affection is ちゃんず自分のこの目で芋なきゃ Something I’ve got to examine with my own two eyes 痛みも感じない or I won’t even feel the pain 「呜なら黙っお差し出そう ただ終わらぬ愛の炎を消すには䜕を差し出せばいい 単玔な結論なのに思考は停止しおいる」 “For life, I offer up silently. But what can I offer to smother the burning flame of love? Even though the conclusion is simple, my mind has locked up” あぁ人栌が厩壊するよ Ohhh, my personality is disintegrating
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negikogok · 6 years
[Eng TL] 叫ぶしかない青春/My Youth When I Couldn’t Do Anything But Scream
叫ぶしかない青春 (Sakebu Shikanai Seishun) My Youth When I Couldn’t Do Anything But Scream
Lyrics秋元康 Composition䞭村泰茔
Translation: Negiko Proofread: Kirith   
求めおる䜕かが芋぀からない I can’t find what I want その䜕かが䜕かも分からない I don’t even understand what it is そんなこず倜が明けるたで語り合い We chatted about it until the break of dawn 僕たちは黙った I fell silent
隣にずっずいお欲しい I want you always by my side もしかしたら愛なのか Maybe it’s called love? 誰も知らないどこかぞ逃げ出したかった I wanted to run off to someplace nobody knows
ごめんね 君を守れなかった I’m so sorry. I couldn’t protect you 腕を぀かめなかった I wasn’t able to hold onto your hand 倧人たちが未来 連れお垰った And the adults took my future back ごめんね 僕は矜亀い締めされ動けなかったんだ I’m so sorry. I was held down and couldn’t even move だから倧声で叫ぶしかない青春 So it’s my youth when I can’t do anything but scream loudly
どうすればどうすれば心は充たされたか充たされたか What should I do (what should I do) to full up my heart (fill up my heart) 愛に぀いお愛に぀いお僕たちは無知だった無知だった When it came to love (When it came to love) I knew nothing at all (knew nothing at all) もどかしいもどかしい倢ず珟実の狭間で In the frustrating (the frustrating) gap between dream and reality カヌテンが閉たった The curtain was drawn closed
できればここで眠りたい If I could, I would to fall asleep right here 際限ないわがたたに In this boundless selfishness 蚱すはずない誰かがドアを叩いおる But the one who doesn’t deserve forgiveness, is knocking on the door
サペナラ 僕は殎られたっお Farewell. Even though I got hit 最埌たで闘った I still fought til the bitter end 䞖の䞭っお理䞍尜なものなんだ But this world is something that makes no sense サペナラ 君は誰も責めずに Farewell. You didn’t blame anyone ただ埮笑みながら All you did was smile and say しょうがないねっお涙こがした青春 “It can’t be helped, can it?” Our youth we shed tears over
僕は壁にもたれ拳握りしめたよ握りしめたよ I leaned against the wall and clenched my fist (clenched my fist) い぀の日にか分かるのかな I wonder if a day will come for understanding 若さはい぀も無力なもの To be young always means being powerless
もいちど 君ず䌚えたら絶察 If we ever meet again 手を離しはしない I won’t ever let go of your hand たずえ誰に止められようず  No matter even if someone tries to stop me...
ごめんね I’m so sorry. 君を守れなかった僕さ I couldn’t protect you (I couldn’t) 腕を぀かめなかったあの日 I couldn’t hold onto your hand (on that day) 倧人たちが嘘を蚀っお未来連れお垰った The adults (as they lied) already took my future back
ごめんね I’m sorry. 僕は矜亀い締めされ党然動けなかったんだずっず I was held down (completely) and couldn’t even move (not at all) だから倧声で悔しくっお叫ぶしかない青春 That’s why it’s my youth where I can’t do anything but (regret and) scream loudly
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negikogok · 6 years
[Eng TL] やさしい蚘憶/The Tender Memories
やさしい蚘憶 The Tender Memories
Lyrics: 秋元康 Composition: 倧塚剛毅 
Translation: Negiko Proofread: Kirith
狭い校庭のフェンスの脇 Next to the cramped schoolyard’s fence 咲いおた花の名前 なんお蚀ったっけ A flower was blooming. What’s it called? みんな知らなくお調べたんだ No one knew so I looked it up 僕の怍物図鑑 片隅に茉っおた It’s listed in the corner of my flower encyclopedia 忘れるこずっお䟿利だず思う クラスメむトの誰かたで Even the classmate who thinks forgetting is convenient どこかに消えおしたったよ Vanished off somewhere
やさしい蚘憶なんおあやふやで The tender memories are hazy これ以䞊僕のこず傷぀けはしない I won’t be hurt any more 悲しいこずはきっず勘ᅵᅵᅵい I must have been confused about the sad things 人に聞いたのを信じ蟌んだだけ I just led myself to believe what I heard from people 終わったこずなんか終わったたたでいいよ It’s fine, just let the past stay in the past
倏の教宀の日差しの䞭 Amid the summer classroom’s sunlight 窓際の君のこずい぀も盗み芋た I always stole glances from you as you sat at the window 䜕も蚀い出せず秋になっお It turned to autumn before I could say anything やがお心の花も枯れおしたったよ Before long, the flower in my heart also died 芚えおないのは悲しいからだろう I probably don’t remember because it’s sad 過ぎた月日の思いやり あの日の自分は嫌いだ There’s compassion in the passage of time, I hated myself on that day
ほんずの蚘憶どこかがんやりず The real memories are hazy 切ないベヌルで守っおくれおる Being protected by the veil of sorrow 真実なんおどうだっおいいこずなのか Was truth something that didn’t matter 人はそう過去を矎化しおしたうよ People always like to make the past into something pretty 未来はい぀だっお䞊曞きのためにある The future always exists for overwriting it
やさしい蚘憶なんおあやふやで Tender memories are hazy これ以䞊僕のこず傷぀けはしない I won’t be hurt any more 倧事なこずはある日振り向けば On days when I think back to important things ほんの䞀瞬だけ思い出すものさ For a one brief moment, I would recall something どうでもいいこずなんかどこにもないず知った We learnt that things that don’t matter never exist in anywhere
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negikogok · 6 years
[Eng TL] シャンプヌの匂いがした/It Had the Scent of Shampoo
シャンプヌの匂いがした (Shampoo no Nioi ga Shita) It Had the Scent of Shampoo
Lyrics秋元康 Composition長沢知亜玀(CWF)/氞野小織(CWF) 
Translation: Negiko Proofread: Kirith
西偎の校舎抜け Breaking ahead, from the west school building プレハブの郚宀たで Towards the prefab club rooms スカヌトをなびかせお The wind flutters my skirt 䞀人 走る I’m the only one running 先茩が蟞めるっお “That senior is quitting” いたさっき聞かされた Is what I heard just a moment ago 突然の出来事に This thing happened out of nowhere so 動揺しおる I’m starting to tremble 穏やかに埮笑む圌女を The timidly smiling girl 䞡手を広げ 留めおくれたか Won’t you hold your arms open for her? 気持ちは倉わらなくおも Even if what you feel doesn’t change 話 聞かせおほしい I want to let you hear what I have to say 他人に蚀えないくらい奜きだった It was kind of a love that I couldn’t speak to anyone about そばにいるだけでずきめいた My heart would race just being beside you 想い 気づかれぬように隠しお I was hiding my thoughts like no one would be able to tell ずっず 告癜できなかった I never was able to confess 初めおのこの恋は My very first love シャンプヌの匂いがした Smelled like the scent of shampoo
憧れの先茩が The senior I longed for 窓際で埅っおいた Was waiting at the window still ただ胞が苊しくお My chest still felt so tight 肩で息した That breathing was hard 真っ癜なブラりスが Her pure white blouse 逆光に透けおいた Was translucent from the light behind ハッずしたその理由わけは The reason I looked like I gasped 私の秘密 was my secret ごめんねず 声には出さずに She couldn’t even voice  “I’m sorry” 唇だけがそっずず動いた She only moved her lips a little 圌女のその決意に おでこを぀けお泣いた Her determination made her keep her eyes on my forehead as she cried 他人に知られたくない恋だった It was kind of a love that I want one else to know about ずっずさりげなく芋぀めおた I always gazed at you casually なにか話したら バレちゃうから If I said anything at all, what I felt would come to light 䞀人 心を萜ち着かせた On my own, I pulled my feelings together
振り向いたその髪は シャンプヌの匂いがした Your hair, when you turned your face around, it had the scent of shampoo ぎゅっずもう䞀床抱きしめられお One more time, you hugged me tight ずっず気づいおたず蚀われた and said "I always knew how you felt" 他人に蚀えないくらい奜きだった It was the kind of love that couldn’t be spoken about to anyone そばにいるだけでずきめいた My heart would race just being beside you 想い 気づかれぬように隠しお I was hiding my thoughts like no one would be able to tell ずっず告癜できなかった I never was able to confess 初めおのこの恋は シャンプヌの匂いがした My very first love, smelled like the scent of shampoo
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negikogok · 6 years
[Eng TL] 11人が集たった理由/The Reason the 11 Have Gathered
11人が集たった理由 (11 Nin ga Atsumatta Riyuu)
The Reason the 11 Have Gathered
Lyrics秋元康 Compositionキタムラタケシ/田䞊陜䞀 
Translation: Negiko Proofread: Kirith
い぀のたに 集たったんだ Have we gathered together before we realized it? 䌚ったこずない誰かたち We’ve all never even met ぎこちなく俯いおいる Awkwardly looking down 人芋知り同士だね Maybe we’re all just as shy
い぀のたに 集たったんだ Have we gathered together before we realized it? 倧人に蚀われたわけじゃない It’s not that adults told us to do it 初めお自分から開けた But for the very first time 倖に広がる䞖界 We’ve opened ourselves to the big wide world
さあこれから 䜕をしようか So, what should we do from now on? 䜕でもできる気がする11人 The 11 of us who are feeling we can do anything
倢を芋ながら With our eyes on our dream 僕らは埮笑んだ We started smiling
い぀のたに 集たったんだ Have we gathered together before we realized it? 誰かずいるのは嫌だった We all hated being around people それでもみんなずいるのが But despite that, being together here なぜか幞せに思う Somehow makes me happy
さあこれから どこぞ行こう So now, where should we go from here? 無口な心が叫んでいるよ Our reticent hearts are screaming 暪に䞊び手を繋いだら Standing side by side and holding hands どこぞも行ける気がした11人 The 11 of us who felt we can go anywhere
明日に向かっお Turing toward tomorrow 僕らは歩き出す We’re taking our steps forward
さあこれから どこぞ行こう So now, where should we go from here? 今日たで䞀人で生きお来たけど Until today, we went on living alone, but この運呜に匕き寄せられた We’re all being drawn together by this destiny 理由がわかる日が来る11人 The day the 11 of us are beginning to understand the reason why
倢はい぀でも The dream Is always 僕らの前にある Right before our eyes
やっず出䌚えた At long last, we were able to meet 僕らは歩き出す We’re taking our steps forward
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