nehasy · 5 years
Dragon In The Storm:Chapter 8
Vision of Escalfowne: Post series.  Van/Dilandau,  Action/adventure
Chapter 8:  A Small Glitch in Fate
It's time to wet the blades of the newly formed Wyverns. Do they have what it takes, or will they end up food for something much worse?
              “They’re not ready for this.”  Celena murmured to him softly, leaning against the guard rail.  Though the bay doors were currently closed, and the fact that he knew that she wasn’t physically present, Dilandau couldn’t quite keep from feeling a slight chill travel down his spine regarding her precarious perch.  He’d seen too many of his friends die to feel entirely comfortable with her proximity to the lethal drop, especially since unlike him, she didn’t have wings.  Empty Fate… he was getting soft.  This wasn’t acceptable.
              “Well, I’m hardly about to walk into Basram and ask Tseng to Pretty please hold off the war until our team is ready to feed him his balls.  War isn’t exactly known for it’s convenience.”  Dilandau drawled idly as he patted Kamata on his scaled shoulder, attempting to squash down these strange feelings of worry.  The last thing he needed as they were pulling out for battle was to have a case of nerves.  Especially regarding people who only existed in his head.  “They’ll figure it out, or they’ll die.  It’s as simple as that.”
“Bullshit.”  She snapped, her blue eyes narrowing hardly buying his attitude of nonchalance and having none of it.  “There’s got to be something we can do.  Most of these kids have never even drawn blood in a real fight.  They’ve never pointed a sword at another living being with the intention of ending their lives.  They’re not you Dilandau. Killing doesn’t come naturally to them.”
“Nothing comes naturally to me.”  He snapped back at her.  Yes, grab onto the anger, it was a much more familiar companion than fear and he gleefully welcomed the emotion, wrapping it around him like well worn blanket. “I’m not a natural creature.”
“Ugh, are we back onto this again?”  Celena rolled her eyes and Kamata made soft noises, headbutting Dilandau for attention, nearly sending him into the very railings Celena leaned against.  “See?  Even the dragon knows better, and he’s an idiot.”
“Don’t insult my dragon.”
“Are you two arguing?”  Van asked loudly from where he stood with Ignis and Irma’s by their bunks.  “Stop arguing with Celena.  You’re pretending to be sane, remember?”  The two kids snickered slightly over their father’s comments as they set their weapons carefully in their makeshift racks and hung up their spare suits of armour.
“Fuck you Fanel.  I can argue with the bitch if I want.  She’s my hallucination.”
“Common sense more like it, though I can understand if you don’t recognize that.  It’s not like you’ve ever paid attention to such things.” Celena countered sweetly.  
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nehasy · 5 years
Dragon in the Storm: Chapter 7
Vision of Escaflowne: Post series, Van/Dilandau, Action Adventure
A King crowned, a secret revealed, a quest begins.  What could go wrong?
              “Do you think I should cut my hair?”  Dilandau asked absently as he stared at himself in the full-length mirror, admiring his reflection from every possible angle and frowning critically. “I haven’t had it this long since I was with the Iron Fangs, and if memory serves, the tangles were an utter nightmare.”  Van glanced over at him preening and rolled his eyes before returning to the hell of his new uniform.
              They’d been presented with the monstrosities less than an hour ago, with instructions to wear them for the coronation.  Cut in a style similar to the old dragonslayer uniform, they were obviously Dryden’s way of thanking the young general for all of his efforts, and judging by Dilandau’s wide and delighted grin, the sentiment was understood. Sure, it looked amazing on the pale youth.  The glossy black leather hugging the lines of his body, accentuating his natural slender shape.  Gone were the bulky shoulder pads in favour of formed metal plates resembling those worn by the leopard twins.  There was also a panel in the back which could be removed in order to enable his wings to move without issue.  Van couldn’t help but stare at the wide expanse of smooth milk white skin which contrasted so perfectly with the black leather.
              “The correct answer is “No Dilandau, your hair looks perfect as always.” Or something along those lines. We’ve been over this Van.”  The reflection of crimson eyes watched him through the mirror, and he could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
              Pulling his eyes away, Van did his best to cover his blush by fiddling with his uniform, trying to sort out which buckle went where.  Ugh, he’d gone his entire life without needing a body servant to dress him, he wasn’t about to start now!
              “What in the name of fate have you done to that poor thing?”
              “The buckles aren’t working!  My suit is broken.”  He wanted to just tear the damn thing off and put on his familiar red shirt and trousers. Hells, even a simple royal tunic would be better than this.
              “You trying to fasten it backwards, that’s why.”  Dilandau walked over to him and batted his hands away. “Honestly, how did you ever manage to survive this long?”
              “By wearing sensible clothes.”  
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nehasy · 5 years
Dragon In the Storm: Chapter 6
Vision of Escaflowne: Post Series, Van Fanel/Dilandau Albatou, m/m action/adventure, wartime violence
The Enemy of My Enemy
 Necessity makes strange bedfellows as Basram begins to move, leaving the other countries scrambling to prepare for the worst. Our heroes are given a difficult choice. Will it lead to victory, or make matters even worse?
              The morning sun was slowly inching above the horizon, turning the rice patty fields to molten gold.  Dawn prayers had just begun and the citizens of Shuruat were kneeling, facing the small and humble shrine which served as the heart of the village.  A draconian woman sculpted from river clay and lovingly painted was kneeling humbly, her hands held out before her, wings tucked in delicately behind her.  Some of the local children had woven a garland of flowers from the nearby jungle and draped it about her shoulders; a token of love and adoration for their Lady of the Harvest.
              They would need her favour for the coming harvest as the rice currently growing in the patties which surrounded the village were vital for the survival of the kingdom.  So much had been lost when the Destiny War had come to Freid, moving out of the shadows and openly casting its vile cloak of death across Gaea.  It had struck vicious blows against their country, their faith and the lives of all those who dwelt within the Sacred Lands.   Everyone had felt the wounds of war on their souls and not a single family was left untouched.  
While the loss of life had struck them deeply, it was nothing compared to the unfathomable suffering of those who’d survived the darkness and were now faced with the enormity of the task ahead of them. Rebuilding what had been lost.
Prayers which had once beseeched the Ancient ones for enlightenment and serenity now begged for a good harvest, so their children didn’t starve.  They pleaded for answers until their voices gave out and wailed at the losses of life which still cut deeply at the heart of the once proud country.  What had once been a paradise had now become a slowly evolving hell, killing them all with disease and exhaustion, with hunger and despair.  
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nehasy · 5 years
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Happy Birthday, Folken!
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nehasy · 5 years
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A comparison.  I did the top one a few years ago... not sure how many, did the bottom one today.    YAY I like it so much better.  Missed Dilandau’s birthday with this pic, but I’m sure he’ll understand....  ^_^
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nehasy · 5 years
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For the YearlyEsca2019  PicNfic challenge.  This is my drawing for CasaCirce who wrote the Esca fic “What the Flames Revealed”  Featuring the always amazing duo, Dilandau and Celena
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nehasy · 5 years
Dragon In the Storm: Chapter 5
Vision of Escaflowne: Post series.  Van/Dilandau, Action Adventure.
Family Values
How much is blood worth to you? How far are you willing to go for them? Not all gestures are grand. Trust has to start somewhere, but that first step is often the hardest.
“What is it with you and drugging people?”  Van grumbled as he looked down at the cup in his hands, then back up at the grinning apprentice sorcerer who was doing his best to look utterly innocent and harmless.  He was doing a rather remarkable job at it if one was being honest with themselves, and that was just a little disturbing.
“This is purely professional.”  Regis assured them both, earning skeptical looks from the two of them.
“And the rest weren’t?”  Dilandau growled, no doubt remembering that he’d already been drugged at least once in the past twenty-four hours… that he was aware of. If anything, that damnable smile grew even more innocent.
“Sir, with all due respect, I’m not letting you within a hundred feet of the med bay unless you drink the tea.”  While he said it without that damnable smile wavering in the slightest, there was a rather impressive resolve that both could actually feel. Naturally, the challenge didn’t go unanswered and Dilandau took an aggressive step forward, his cup still sitting on the table, ignored.
“You won’t let me?  Whose ship do you think you’re on?”
“By your own words, King Van’s ship, sir.” Regis replied without batting an eye. Van had to hand it to him, the guy had nerves of steel, though bating the dragon likely wasn’t the best strategy to take.
“Don’t go pulling me into this.”  He cautioned, taking a step back, still holding his own cup, unsure of whether he wanted to risk its contents, or just wait on pins and needles to learn of the outcome from the confines of his room.  “It might be my ship, but he makes the rules…mostly.” That earned him a slight smirk from Dilandau but Regis seemed to be resolute in his stance.
“Sir, I’m simply attempting to take precautions. Might I remind you that you personally invited these men and women aboard this fortress to save your brother’s life.”
“You might not.”  Dilandau growled suspiciously, the smirk fading from his face. Undaunted, and more than a little used to the attitude of his hero, Regis gamely continued, despite Van’s less than subtle motions for him to just shut up.
“You’ve offered them amnesty and a chance at a new life for their efforts, sir.  Those were your words, and these Madoushi have come to you in good faith.  I truly believe that they will do all that they can for your brother and to aid our cause in the war, all they need is for you to give them a chance.”  
The look on Dilandau’s face was now downright dangerous, but Regis plowed forward, aware that if he broke his momentum, he’d never get a chance to say what he needed to.  Shooting Van a rather imploring look, the zaibachi youth quickly prayed that his destiny stretched a little further than the next thirty seconds… twenty considering how Dilandau’s hand was now resting on his sword.
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nehasy · 5 years
Familial Ties
Vision of Escaflowne fanfic
Yearly Esca 2019 challenge Pic and Fic: Memories
post series universe, starring the Dragonslayers!
The Dragonslayers enjoy a night of illicit drinking after hours and reminisce about their days before meeting their Captain.
          “I remember her eyes the most.”  Shesta murmured softly into the darkness, his voice echoing against the bare metal walls, lending his words a heavy gravity, causing the other youths to lean forward in anticipation.  “They’re the same colour of blue as the sea after a storm.”  He smiled softly to himself, his own cerulean gaze staring off into space, seeing some a distant memory rather than the faces of his teammates. “It’s funny really, I always thought of them as just blue.  It wasn’t until I finally saw the sea that I truly understood their colour.  She like knowing that… that there’s something so beautiful and exotic about herself.”  
           As he spoke, he reached up and gently toyed with the small handwoven pouch which hung around his neck.  Normally covered by his uniform, hidden away from his captain’s sight, it now hung freely.  They were all out of uniform after all, so it seemed to be pointless to try to hide it.
“Ocean.”  Miguel mumbled, leaning back against the chair and picking his cup up off the table. “There are no seas in Zaibach.  You saw the ocean.”  All the boys turned to look at the brunette, a few of them rolling their eyes over the interruption.
“What’s the difference?”  Shesta couldn’t help but ask, frowning thoughtfully.  The taller youth shrugged slightly.
“A sea has land on three sides, like the Inner Sea, or the Nostramo Sea.”
“He’s making it up.”  Viole snickered.  “There’s no difference.  Miguel just likes to sound smart.”
“It’s true dammit, maybe if you read a book every once in a while, rather than just gossiping like the housekeeping staff, you’d know a little bit more about our world.”
“Hey Miguel, better to be silent and thought wise than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”  Glare met smirk as the two dragonslayers faced off but Gatti coughed loudly, grabbing both their attention.
“Gentlemen, might I remind you that we’re up after hours, out of uniform and drinking wine I stole at great risk to myself.  If we make too much noise, the Watch is going to catch us and report us to the Captain.  If that happens, it won’t matter at all if there’s a difference between a sea and an ocean, because we’ll be dead.  If you’re going to sacrifice us all, make it about something good.”
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nehasy · 5 years
Dragon In The Storm: Chapter 4
Vision of Escaflowne Fanfic:
 Post series.  Van/Dilandau, action/adventure
Chapter 4: Recovery
They might be down, but they're not defeated! Our heroes dust themselves off and prepare to take the offensive, but run into problems at home on top of their ones abroad.
              “Your Majesty.”  The voice was as unexpected as it was unwelcome and before Van was even fully awake, his sword was in his hand and pointed at the throat of the intruder.
              Blinking the grit of sleep from his eyes, Van stared down the length of his blade into the cool steel grey eyes of Regis, who was smiling calmly despite having death poised less than an inch from his throat.  The king wasn’t sure what aggravated him more, the fact that the other teen didn’t look the least bit worried, or he’d come into his room unbidden.
              “Sorry to wake you like this King Van.”  Regis apologized in a gentle voice, his smile never once wavering.  “I tried knocking several times but you didn’t answer.”
              “That tends to happen when one is asleep.”  The sword remained poised to end the zaibach youth’s life if he so much as blinked the wrong way.  “Which begs the question of why you’re here, in the quarters of a sleeping king without permission.”
              “Sire, if I was going to kill you, I’d have stayed by the door.”  
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nehasy · 5 years
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A illustrated scene from Dragon in the Ashes, my Vision of Escaflowne fanfic found on AO3.  It’s a continuation of the series, taking place six colours after the show ends. 
Poor Dilandau isn’t handling the loss of his Dragonslayers all that well.  Poor boy.  It’s hard to say goodbye to the ones we love... though sometimes, we don’t always have to.
Curious?  Head to https://archiveofourown.org/works/8090491/chapters/18538888
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nehasy · 5 years
Dragon In The Storm: Chapter 3
Vision of Escaflowne: post series.  Van/Dilandau  action/adventure, mature language, Wartime violence
Eight colours after the end of the Destiny War, all hell is about to break loose once more.
Beware the Cat
 In the midst of chaos, Merle learns that the only sensible decision has to come from a cat.
“I require your presence.”  Merle couldn’t quite help but stiffen at haring the harsh zaibachi accent colouring the astorian words.  It would take her a long time to get used to it… if she ever did.  Pulling her claws out of the pillow she’d inadvertently punctured, she made a show of fluffing it, pretending to be wholly unperturbed as she bought herself some time for her tail to regain its normal sleek shape rather than the bottlebrush it had become.
“I’m not your servant.”  Not bothering to face the intruder, she instead felt along the table for where the bundles of bandages had been left.  Silently counting them, she began to divide them up onto trays to take to the med bay proper.  “If you need me, you gotta ask nicely.  I don’t know you, but I can tell that I already don’t like you.”
His startled huff made her smile slightly and she didn’t try to hide it.  Princess Millerna had told her that she was a guest here, her own personal assistant and that she didn’t have to answer to anyone she didn’t want to.
“In case you can’t see, I’m busy putting together medical trays for the healers.”  She continued, enjoying the sense of power filling her at having the ability to make this self-important man wait.  “If I don’t do this, it takes time away from those who are trying to save lives, so unless it’s more important than that, find someone else.”
“The Crusade is currently preparing to board the ship.”  The man replied after a moment.  His dry delivery caused her to almost miss what he said.  Even then, it took a few moments before she realized the potential gravity of the situation.  “They’re not answering our hails.”
“They think you stole Allen.”  She replied, feeling the bottom drop out of her stomach.  After all the time travelling with the knight and his crew, she’d come to the realization that if there was any true constant in life, it was that the crew of the Crusade would stand by their commander, and each other.  If there was a second constant in life, it was that without their leader, the crew were guaranteed to do something utterly stupid.
It was immediately clear as to why this man needed her.  There was no way any of the crewmen would listen to a zaibach officer, especially if he was telling them that their leader was safe.  No doubt they’d immediately picture all sorts of horrible things being done to him.  Sure, their fears were rather well founded give their history, but this was pretty crappy timing.
“No doubt they will attempt to storm the fortress in search for him.”  The man stated and she could hear the soft creak of his leather uniform as he likely glanced over in the direction of the hangar they were going to be arriving in.
Remembering the utter chaos of the last boarding party to enter a floating fortress, Merle gave a slight shudder and stepped away from the trays.  Those idiots would get them all killed with their good intentions.
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nehasy · 6 years
Dragon In The Storm: Chapter 2
Vision of Escaflowne fanfic: post series, Van/Dilandau, action/adventure, m/m
warning: graphic wartime violence, coarse language
The emergencies aren't over as everyone continues to fight for their lives and those they care for.
Dilandau did his best to focus on the figure laying there on the cot and not the blinking and beeping machines surrounding him. It was easier said than done considering the fact that the damn things were everywhere.  Ripped straight out of a nightmare and placed around him, threatening to cut off any escape.  Only… this time it wasn’t him on the table screaming and begging for the pain to stop. It was Schezar… Allen… his brother. His brother who should be staring down at him with that familiar look of utter exasperation warring with frustrated anger and awkward affection.    He should be lecturing Dilandau about how stupid that last stunt with the bomb had been, how he shouldn’t have taken off into combat in an untested Alseides or half a dozen other things.  Instead, he lay there on the cot, unmoving.  His body broken and torn, his lungs only rising and falling because of a tube shoved down his throat and a machine beeping loudly, telling his heart to keep beating.
Nausea rose up sharply, threatening to pull the contents of his stomach out through his mouth, forcing him to clamp a hand over his mouth and back away, shaking violently.  He’d been there on that table, his life entirely at the mercy of unfeeling machines and it was wrong!  So horribly wrong.  Why did it always come back to the madoushi?  Why did it always end up with someone on that damn table, their body opened up by knives and needles?
A strong hand rested on his shoulder, the touch warm, familiar and promising protection in a world of pain.  Groaning softly, Dilandau spun around and buried his face in Van’s chest, not caring that it made him look weak or cowardly. He hated medical rooms, hated the madoushi who filled them and he hated that damn table!!
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nehasy · 6 years
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Something I found while surfing the internet… Enjoy!
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nehasy · 6 years
Dragon in the Storm: Chapter 1
Book 3 of my Vision of Escaflowne post series story.
Van/Dilandau m/m Action/Adventure.  Warning: Graphic wartime violence.
Astoria lies in ruins, the war has begun, but strange forces are on the move. As the darkness of war covers the land, the price for victory grows higher with every passing day, for the prize isn't the world of Gaea, but Destiny itself.
In the aftermath of the surprise attack, the people of Palas struggles to survive as their world is torn down around them.  Treachery and death lay around every corner and if they can’t see beyond their past prejudices and histories, everyone will be doomed.
The Dawn of a New Age
King Grava Aston, first of his name and once undisputed ruler of the vast merchant kingdom of Astoria was having a truly terrible day.  It had begun with his death and gone rather rapidly downhill since then.
              He wasn’t entirely sure how he’d ended up in this state, wandering listlessly along the paths of the dead, flanked by so many other bodies walking alongside him.  None of them paid the monarch any attention, and he hadn’t demanded any.  Nothing mattered here, and titles were the empty accoutrements of the living.  The trials, tribulations and endless complications of life had left him behind, moved beyond his reach and his understanding, leaving behind nothing but the emptiness within.
              That’s how it had begun.  Time had no meaning here, so he had no idea how long he’d been walking amongst the masses of other shades, but he had a feeling that it hadn’t been for long at all. Just long enough to know that the soft whispers he was hearing drawing closer weren’t normal.  Long enough to feel the menace radiating from them and experience the previously unexperienced sensation of being prey.  
Something was closing in from all sides, an icy cold malevolence that drew closer with every step he took.  It forced him out of the empty lassitude of this endless and mindless walk, reminding him that this wasn’t right, that he’d had a name, an identity… a life.  Something beyond this.
The awareness never lasted long.  Brief flashes of a shining palace, sunlight glinting off water like diamonds, a room of gold filled with proud men kneeling and bright blue eyes filled with love as they stared into his.  They all dissolved like morning mist before he could follow where they led, leaving him back in this eternal grey and washed out road, shambling forward with other grey and washed out beings.
Whispers…. Close and filled with menace.  He couldn’t make out the words but knew that he had to get away from them.  Nothing mattered beyond that.
Picking up speed, he did his best to slip past the other walkers without drawing attention to himself, a skill he’d clearly never possessed in life.  Though he jostled many of them, none of the other shades took note of his rough shoving. They never blinked and never even looked up.  He might as well have not existed as far as they were concerned, yet still the whispers drew closer.
They could see him, sense him, hear him and he could feel their growing anticipation as they closed in.  
Some distant part of his mind warned him to match the pace of those around him, to try to fade into the crowd and let them slip by.  Move with the herd, that’s how it was done… but logic and emotion rarely worked well together, and Grava was well out of his element.  There was no logic here, at least none that he recognized.  There was only the fading flashes of memory and the whispers, growing ever closer.  
              He found himself running before he’d even made the conscious choice to do so. His body no longer wasting the time attempting to slip around those walking upon this dull road with him. Instead, he pushed them out of his way, shoving his way forward with no regard for others.  The ever-shifting horde was endless and for all that they didn’t react to his abuse, they didn’t move out of his way either, slowing him down even as his pursuers closed in.    
              He had no idea who his tormentors were.  Did he know them?  Were they enemies from before the road?  It was so hard to remember the life before the walking.  Flashes of a line of youthful bodies clad in black leather uniforms adorned with deep blue armour.  They stood too still for boys their age, staring forward, not even daring to blink as a pale demon stalked past them.  A flash of crimson eyes, fire trapped in living flesh.  A calm almost soothing voice explaining about soldiers for a new age.  
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nehasy · 6 years
This is so gorgeous!!! I love it!!  I am so full of SQUEEE right now!  Thank you so much @nee-twelve
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Dilandau Albatou/Gaddes
never even thought of this pairing before I started reading Dragon in the Ashes by @nehasy  - it’s really good. go read it.
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nehasy · 6 years
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Xmas pics I did for my nephew who just joined a dojo and has decided that he’s in love with it.  Seeing as how I’ve been studying it for 20+ years, I think it’s an awesome idea and was happy to do this little series as per request for his Xmas gift.  ^_^
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nehasy · 6 years
Dragon In The Ruins-Chapter 29
Vision of Escaflowne:  Van Fanel/Dilandau Albatou, action/adventure, post series.
Holding Out For a Hero
A city on fire, a bomb falling from the sky and two crazy draconians.
           As much as she hated to admit it, in those first few moments of chaos, Merle froze.  Feeling the ground rumble beneath her feet, smelling the fire and smoke on the early morning wind and hearing the explosions, it threw her right back to that terrible day when Fanelia fell.  It was made even worse when the huge alseides stomped out of the hangar, towering over them all like death incarnate, it’s long cloak flapping in the wind.
           Cinders dancing on the wind which whipped through the shattered buildings, bringing with it the stench of burned flesh and the screams.  Always the screams, eating their way into her brain, never to be forgotten.  Strong hands grabbed at her, dragging her away even as she saw the huge guardian melefs cut down by unseen enemies.  
           Another explosion tore through the city beyond the palace walls, causing the ground to buckle beneath her feet.  Her claws dug into the earth and she snarled loudly, waiting to hear that familiar horrible laughter echo through the air.  Instead, the huge machine seemed to shift slightly, focussing on their little group.  She could feel that terrible crimson gaze staring into her, peeling her skin away cruelly.
           “Oh sweet Jeture, he’s going to kill us all!” Dumas gasped out loudly, the stink of his terror filled Merle’s nose, adding to the reality of her memories. “I knew he was a traitor!”  His words made it all seem so much more real and her brain struggled to break free of its terrified stupor as she stared up at the death that towered over her.  All it would take was a flick of a button, wasn’t that what he’d said earlier?   One single twitch of a thumb had been all that it took to reduce her beloved home and country to ash.  He’d ruined everything with less effort than it took to crush a bug.
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