neko-when-they-cry · 7 months
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posting the same umineko scene for the like 5th but in a different format bc i love these lesbians so fucking much
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neko-when-they-cry · 11 months
Are you an adult Adventure Time fan? Want a place that allows nsfw content? I got the server for you!
LGBTQ+ friendly, ships positive, most channels are pg-13 except the nsfw channels. If you are 18+ and don't like nsfw content but would still like being among other adult fans it's alright too!
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neko-when-they-cry · 1 year
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My friend drew this and hasn’t finished higurashi but worries about spoiler tag posting so here’s her gay watanagashi vision without knowing they actually did end up doing gay watanagashi
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neko-when-they-cry · 1 year
Finally finished my zine! Please check it out and consider purchasing it if you like my work, it's only 5$! ^^
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neko-when-they-cry · 1 year
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--- "Big enough to swallow me up, I suppose!"
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neko-when-they-cry · 1 year
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neko-when-they-cry · 1 year
Trick of the Golden Witch Chapter 3
Read Chapter 1 here Read Chapter 2 here
When the blinding light disappeared, Ange was welcomed by a light blue sky and a bright sun. She then looked down to discover that the boat was now floating on water. Ange tried to look around but all she could see was water with no land around.
"Where are we? Where's the Golden Land?" Ange asked.
"This ocean as no limit, no matter of much you row, you'll never find land… except the Golden Land. Here, take a look," Erika said as she handed a field-glass to Ange.
Ange took it and looked where her witch guardian was pointing. She saw something far away, it looked like… an island. It was with shock that Ange recognized it.
"But that's… Rokkenjima!?" she exclaimed.
"The Rokkenjima of 1986, October 4 and 5 to be more precise," Erika said. "This is the Golden Land where time is frozen and those illusions and ghosts are kept alive thanks to the catbox. Those who live there are nothing more than pieces that had lost their purpose, they are no longer useful."
"This is why I'll expose the truth. I won't let my family be pieces in that witch game anymore, I'll free them and let them rest in peace," Ange said with determination.
Ange put the field-glass away, feeling a little bit conflicted. She was determined to expose the truth, but she didn't know how she would feel if she saw her family again, even if they were nothing more than illusions. She was worried that her determination may waver.
"Ah, I need to teach you how to use the Blue Truth," Erika suddenly said.
"The blue… what?"
"This," Erika started. "Your name is Ushiromiya Ange and you're 18 years old."
"Whoa… what's that? Why are you talking in blue? How is that even possible?"
"This is the truth that both humans and witches can use. Well, it's not always true, Blue Assumption would have been a better name. You can use the blue to say your theory and what you believe to be true, as a way to fight back against witches," Erika explained.
"Ah, I see, let me try… Your name is Furudo Erika and you are a detective, you are uh… how old are you?"
"Hehe, I'm a witch, my age is irrelevant. Now, I'll show you how to use the Blue Truth to fight," Erika said as she opened her hand, blue light appearing in her palm, "your family died in 1986 on October 4 and 5, you're the last Ushiromiya still alive!"
This statement hurt to hear. The blue light turned into some kind of blade made of blue energy that Erika was holding in her hand.
"This is a Blue Wedge. You can use it to attack your enemies and strike them with your truth," Erika said before she made the wedge disappeared.
"I understand… my family was killed by Eva oba-san!" Ange declared as she made a blue wedge appear in her hand. "This will be my weapon to fight the witch."
"I see that you already have your theory planned, very good. You need to be careful of the Red Truth, the truth used by witches. This one is the absolute truth, but can be used in a deceitful way."
"I see… the witch is playing dirty, using such a strong weapon. But as long as I have the blue, I won't fail. I'll expose her no matter what and shatter her illusions!" Ange declared.
"That's the spirit! Now let's speed up and murder some ghosts, shall we?" Erika said with an awful grin.
The boat continued its way until it reached the island, Ange feeling her heart beating more and more fast. The boat accosted on the dock and both witches of truth got out from the ship and went on the beach. Ange couldn't help but feel nostalgic. She remembered when she used to play here as a little girl with her cousins, making sandcastles and various shapes. But it was over now, and she had to accept it. She wasn't here for remembering the good old time, she was here to learn the truth.
As they headed for the Ushiromiya manor, two people suddenly approached them, looking surprised by their arrival.
"Ange-chan!?" George exclaimed. "Why are you back?"
"With Erika… she's not welcomed here!" Jessica said with disdain.
Ange froze for a moment. George and Jessica, her cousins. They looked exactly the same as the last time she saw them, they didn't age at all. After all, ghosts don't age, they were nothing more than illusions. Realizing that, Ange clenched her fist in anger, mad that the witch was using them to deceive her.
"Have no mercy, my comrade Ange-san. Reminds to those illusions the truth," Erika told her.
"What are you talking about… Ange-chan? Those clothes… Are you really Ange-chan?" George asked, starting to be worried.
With no more hesitation, Ange raised her hand and blue light appeared in it.
"Ushiromiya George and Ushiromiya Jessica died during the Rokkenjima Massacre!" Ange declared.
A blue wedge appeared in her hand and she swung it, cutting in half both George and Jessica. Their corpses fell on the ground, in two pieces, their guts and organs spreading on the group and blood spilling in the sand. Ange felt horrified by what she had just done and started to shiver, while Erika put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"You didn't kill them, you just reminded them that they were already dead," Erika said softly.
Ange took a deep breath to calm herself. She didn't kill anyone, they were already dead. As if it confirmed it, George and Jessica's corpses fade away.
"Now let's not lose any more time and let's meet the Territory Lord," Erika said.
Ange nodded and they both continued their way to the manor, Ange determined to get the truth out of the witch who was toying with her family for far too long.
In the rose garden, Battler and Beatrice were enjoying a game of chess while drinking tea, with Virgilia and Ronove as spectators. The two spouses seemed to be equal, neither of them had an advantage over the other. With a cocky smile, Battler wiped a drop of sweat from his forehead and moved his queen to take out one of Beatrice's pieces.
"Take that Beato!"
"Oh, you shouldn't have done that, Baaaattler~"
Battler's expression turned into despair when Beatrice took out his queen with her rook.
"You're 1000 years too young to defeat me, Battler! HAHAHAHAHA!" Beatrice exclaimed as she cackled madly.
"The game isn't over, I can still win!" Battler declared, not losing up hope.
"You really are living up to your name, don't you. Very well, but I'll still crush you!"
"Don't talk too fast-"
Battler stopped when he noticed Beatrice's expression of shock.
"Beato, what's wrong?"
"Two of my pieces… had been killed," Beatrice said.
Now that she mentioned it, Battler could feel it too. As Territory Lord and Endless Sorcerer, he was as much linked to the pieces as Beatrice.
"It's… Jessica and George," Beatrice said.
"Someone intruded the Golden Land! Let's go!" Battler exclaimed as he rosed up.
Beatrice nodded and rose up too, both of them ready to face anyone who dared to intrude on their Golden Land and hurt their friends.
Ange stepped inside the rose garden. She remembered the last time she saw it when she was only 5 years old. She had always been amazed by the variety of roses of all colours, it felt like it was coming straight from a fairy tale. But this garden was different. Goodbye to all the colours, all the roses were now golden. An unnatural colour, a reminder that this place was nothing more than an illusion. It was a travesty, an insult to what her family built, a mockery from the witch.
"Comrade Ange-san, are you okay?" Erika asked.
"Yeah, I'm just… disgusted. Let's just find the Territory Lord and put an end to this tasteless joke."
Erika simply smiled at that statement and they continued their way in the rose garden, until their path got blocked by two individuals.
"Ange-sama, what is the meaning of this? Why come here with Erika," Shannon asked, defensive.
"Did you… did you really kill Jessica!?" Kanon shouted, barely keeping his composure.
Ange recognized them, they were part of the servants. It was the first time Ange saw them together, for an unknown reason she had until now always saw them separately.
"Well look at that, Kinzo's own personal furniture to welcome us, what an honour," Erika mocked sarcastically.
"We are not furniture anymore! We're humans!" Shannon replied.
"See? A place of illusions where even furniture think they are humans," Erika said with a smile full of disdain. "You're both nothing more than Beatrice's imaginary friends. Out of our way now, we have to speak with your master!"
Shannon and Kanon took an offensive posture, showing their intent to fight. Erika grinned madly as she conjured a scythe, ready to fight too.
"Stop! There's no need to fight, we'll take care of this."
Ange froze when she heard that voice. It had been 12 years since she hadn't heard it, but she still recognized it.
"Onii...chan…" Ange mumbled.
Battler was standing in front of them, looking stern and serious, with a blonde woman wearing a fancy dress next to him who looked equally severe who she recognized at the woman from the portrait, Beatrice. This Battler looked just like her late brother, even wearing the same clothes as the last time she saw him. Well, not exactly. He was now wearing a black cape. Could he be… a witch too? This thought filled Ange with anger.
"Onii-chan… you became like her… like the witch who stole you away from me, don't you!?"
"Ange, what are you talking about? Why are you back? Especially with this outfit?" Battler asked, confused.
Ange remained equally confused. What he was talking about? It was the first time she ever came here.
"I understand… she's an Ange from another fragment. If I had to take a guess, she's from the one where she would have chosen trick as the answer to my final riddle," Beatrice said. "She's basically Trick Ange."
"I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm Ushiromiya Ange and no one else! I'm here to learn the truth about the Rokkenjima Massacre and destroy the illusion of the witch!"
Battler and Beatrice looked uneased by this statement as they glanced at each other.
"Looks like we're going to go through that again," Beatrice complained.
"Erika… this is your doing, right? Is Bernkastel behind this again?" Battler asked with hostility.
"My master has nothing to do with this, I'm Ange-san's witch guardian. And everything is according to Ange-san's desire, I'm simply helping her," Erika replied with a disgustingly sweet smile.
"You… fine. What do you want?" Battler said.
"We just want to play a game with you. I'll even let you be the game master, but I'll choose the gameboard," Erika said as she threw him a kakera.
Battler caught the fragment and looked at it with Beatrice. Their expressions widen in shock when they saw what happened in this kakera.
"This world, this is…" Battler began to say.
"Almost," Beatrice added.
"I would have gladly shown Ange-san, but, being part of this catbox, only the Territory Lord can show her. Feel free to add all the illusions and 'magic' you want, we'll just crush it regardless and expose the truth," Erika taunted.
Both Battler and Beatrice looked uncertain and hesitating. Ange wasn't sure she understood what this game would be about, but she guessed that the Red and Blue Truths would be relevant. She would probably have to face their Red Truth with her Blue Truth in some kind of twisted game. And she was ready to face anything in order to expose the truth.
"Fine, we accept your challenge. We'll use this kakera as our gameboard. Just let us time to prepare the next game," Battler finally agreed.
"I swear honey, I didn't cheat on you!" I love-"
The man wasn't allowed to finish his sentence, he was violently slapped in the face by his wife (and future ex-wife), who was red with anger.
"She showed me everything!" the woman shouted. "The detective showed me the pictures, you slept with all those sluts! You bastard, I hate you, you're nothing more than a pig!"
The man suddenly turned towards Erika, who was simply standing there, smiling, and he glared at her furiously.
"You… this is all your fault, you bitch!" the man shouted.
But before he could do anything, his wife slapped him again, heavily crying, while the man fell to his knees, sobbing pathetically.
"I'm so sorry honey, I'm so sorry," he mumbled between his sobs.
Ange was witnessing this scene. With Erika, they managed to get pictures of the husband's infidelity and went to his house to show his wife. Erika was watching the scene with a smile full of satisfaction, there was even lust in her eyes. She was clearly enjoying what she was seeing. Ange did feel some satisfaction to see the husband so destroyed, she considered that he deserved it for being a cheater, but she knew her feelings and Erika's were different. Erika was an intellectual rapist, she wasn't exposing the truth for the sake of justice or to help, but simply to prove she was smarter and hurt others. She would do the same to even an innocent person.
But despite that, Ange couldn't hate her. She felt like Erika herself had been hurt and that it was why she was so cruel to others, as a way to cope with her own misery.
"Ange-san, let's go, there's nothing else to do," Erika said as she walked away, the husband and wife still crying and arguing.
They exited the house and headed for Erika's car. Ange had something she wanted to say, but wasn't sure if she should say it. She took a deep breath and decide to take the risk.
"Erika… is it me or this case… seemed personal to you?"
Erika froze for a moment, stoic, before she smiled softly.
"We could say that. I can personally relate to that woman's pain," Erika replied.
"So… you were just enjoying the man's suffering, right?"
Erika remained quiet for a moment until her smile turned into a grin.
"Both of them are guilty, they both had it coming. The husband for being dishonest, the wife for being naive enough to think he loved her. I have no sympathy for either of those morons, all I cared about was exposing the truth and get money out of it."
Erika then suddenly stopped smiling and turned serious as they reached the car.
"I'll never… be like that woman ever again," Erika mumbled.
Ange could hear the bitterness in Erika's voice, but didn't insist. They both get in the car and Erika was back to smiling, this time in a mischievous way.
"Now that this is done, we can finally start the real fun," Erika declared.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
Erika let out a giggled before continuing.
"Isn't it obvious? Exactly what you were waiting for for 12 years! We're going to investigate the Rokkenjima Massacre!"
You can read the full fic here
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neko-when-they-cry · 1 year
Damn I should continue this story
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Umineko no Naku Koro ni | When the Seagulls Cry Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Ushiromiya Ange, Furudo Erika, Ushiromiya Battler, Beatrice the Golden Witch (Umineko no Naku Koro ni), Shannon (Umineko no Naku Koro ni), Kanon (Umineko no Naku Koro ni), Ronove (Umineko no Naku Koro ni), Virgilia (Umineko no Naku Koro ni), Ushiromiya Jessica, Ushiromiya George, Dlanor A. Knox Additional Tags: Murder Mystery, Trick Ending AU, Detectives, Witches, Magic, Fantasy, Alternate Universe, Post-Canon, Spoilers, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Gore Summary: After the death of her aunt, Ange decided to go on a quest to find out the truth about the Rokkenjima Massacre. She ended up asking the help of a certain detective…
2 years ago I started an Umineko fic based on the Trick Ending and I decided to continue it! I hope you will enjoy ^^
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neko-when-they-cry · 1 year
Sumire of the Twilight analysis and theory: pure evil or tragic character?
Higanbana said other youkai than Marie used to be human so I’m pretty sure Sumire used to be human according to both her description
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I think as a human Sumire lived around the time of the old school building, so before the current big school was built. She seemed to have been from a traditional Japanese tea ceremony family and was being bullied because of that. And it’s possible her way to cope with it is exactly what she told Yukari when she masquerade as Reiko, this twisted idea of an utopia where everyone is united by bullying one person. The bullied human Sumire coped with the cruel bullying she undergo by creating this idea of utopia, to bear with the pain by feeling like she was being part of this utopia and contributing to everyone happiness. But by acting that way as we saw when she acted as Reiko, the bullying probably got worst, and the bullies probably push it too far to the point she might have eventually died of it.
This might be why Sumire resent Yukari so much, because by rejecting bullying and Sumire’s utopia, she is indirectly rejecting what Sumire suffered for and her coping mecanism, so Sumire is desperate to force Yukari to be part of her utopia
If you create yourself a delusion to cope with a trauma you are likely to snap at whoever challenging it. Higanbana is all about the vicious circle of bullying.
It all add up with the info we have and her actions when Yukari tries to convince Reiko to fight bullying with her. Reiko/Sumire seemed genuine confuse and really tried to convince Yukari to her point of view for a while before going full youkai on her. I really believe that it was the first time she had her views challenged and was really trying to get Yukari on her side so her utopia remained unchallenged. But when Yukari didn’t give up Sumire started getting more agressive and it’s only when Yukari realized Reiko isn’t human that Sumire tried to kill her, so we can assume that without that, she would have still try to convince Yukari. Later after Marie intervened, Sumire tried to blackmail Yukari into bullying her too and when she refused, she made the whole class bully Yukari. Sumire only wanted to protect her utopia at first rather than hurt Yukari. 
Sumire is, instead of simply a sadistic cruel youkai, a really messed up, potentially traumatized individual who genuinely thinks bullying is fun and enjoys being on both the giving and receiving end, for the sake of her twisted utopia who’s essentially a coping mechanism because she was herself bullied before becoming a youkai. 
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Not sure where her “sister” Azami fits into this as I believe it was said they weren’t actual sisters but were born as youkai at the same time. So maybe Azami was a human too and they both had some kind of relationship has humans and they died and stick together as ghosts and both got reborn together as youkai. Maybe Azami was one of Sumire’s bullies. That sure would be fitting given their role as youkai.
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neko-when-they-cry · 1 year
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If there are still LambdaBern deniers out there
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neko-when-they-cry · 1 year
Higurashi/Umineko: Bern and Lambda first fight
Hi there! Been a while I haven’t made a Umineko analysis. Well here I am back, and this time it will be about the connection between Higurashi and Umineko regarding Bernkastel and Lambdadelta fight.
We learned in Umineko that Bern and Lambda fought in a game in the past, that Lambda used to be the strongest witch in the world but lost her title to Bern when she defeated her. Many speculate that this fight was actually the event of Higurashi, with Rika as Bern’s piece and Takano as Lambda’s piece. I do believe it’s the case, but that the truth is more complex than that.
Let’s start with the connection between Lambdadelta and Takano Miyo. I do believe that Lambda is Takano witch form (well actually, Tanashi Miyoko witch form) but whether she is or not is irrelevant for this analysis, if you’re interested go see my Lambdadelta/Takano analysis. What mattered is that it is confirmed that Lambdadelta granted Takano as a child with the power of certainty. What does that mean for the Higurashi story? Well, it is what caused the event of Higurashi to happen Why? Because it is because of certainty if Takano kept winning and succeeding in killing Rika and basically everyone in Hinamizawa. And this certainty of winning caused the event of Higurashi to happen, since Rika’s goal is to survive and beat certainty.
So how does the game started? Well, I think Featherine started it. Well, not actually her. Remember when Lambda said that the device around her head contains her memory and that it was once broken and her appearance and personality changed, probably because she lost part of her memory. I believe she goes back to one of her previous life, which is Hanyuu. I’m going to talk more about it in a future analysis of Featherine and Hanyuu. So, the amnesiac-Featherine-now-Hanyuu met Rika and they become friends. But unfortunately, Rika died. Hanyuu probable used her power to go in another world (kakera) so she can be with Rika again. But because of Takano’s certainty to win, Rika continued to get killed and Hanyuu travels to another world again.
I believe that at some point Hanyuu realized that there was something supernatural about Rika’s constant death and eventually met Lambdadelta and decide to fight her in a game so Rika could remain alive. But she committed a logic error, which I think is claiming that Rika can survive, which is a logic error since certainty makes it 100% chances for Takano to win. But instead of solving the logic error herself, Hanyuu entrusted it to her piece Rika, who started keeping her memory of past worlds. This is I believe the logic error Bernkastel was trapped in, being forced to continue to same month until she finds a way to survive and create a miracle. This is the logic error she went through as a human and solve, thus becoming the witch of miracles. Lambda did they that the Game Master behind their fight was a bad one and put Bernkastel through her logic error, and in the manga it looks obvious that it’s Hanyuu. Rika won by making Takano doubt herself, thus losing her certainty, allowing her to reach a miracle and survive her fate. Bernkastel is born from all the worlds were Rika died and separate from Rika after her victory, becoming her own entity. This is how Bernkastel technically won a fight against Lambdadelta and become the strongest witch. Featherine probably regained her memory after that and made Bernkastel her miko and becoming her master.
So this is pretty much it. If you have any comment don’t hesitate to share, and I may work eventually on a Featherine/Hanyuu and Rika/Bernkastel analysis. Thanks for reading!
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neko-when-they-cry · 1 year
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Just gals being pals
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neko-when-they-cry · 1 year
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This scene
So sexy
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neko-when-they-cry · 1 year
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This is better without context
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neko-when-they-cry · 1 year
My Friend (Umineko Fanmade Story)
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neko-when-they-cry · 1 year
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VN and manga version
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neko-when-they-cry · 1 year
Sumire of the Twilight analysis and theory: pure evil or tragic character?
Higanbana said other youkai than Marie used to be human so I’m pretty sure Sumire used to be human according to both her description
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I think as a human Sumire lived around the time of the old school building, so before the current big school was built. She seemed to have been from a traditional Japanese tea ceremony family and was being bullied because of that. And it’s possible her way to cope with it is exactly what she told Yukari when she masquerade as Reiko, this twisted idea of an utopia where everyone is united by bullying one person. The bullied human Sumire coped with the cruel bullying she undergo by creating this idea of utopia, to bear with the pain by feeling like she was being part of this utopia and contributing to everyone happiness. But by acting that way as we saw when she acted as Reiko, the bullying probably got worst, and the bullies probably push it too far to the point she might have eventually died of it.
This might be why Sumire resent Yukari so much, because by rejecting bullying and Sumire's utopia, she is indirectly rejecting what Sumire suffered for and her coping mecanism, so Sumire is desperate to force Yukari to be part of her utopia
If you create yourself a delusion to cope with a trauma you are likely to snap at whoever challenging it. Higanbana is all about the vicious circle of bullying.
It all add up with the info we have and her actions when Yukari tries to convince Reiko to fight bullying with her. Reiko/Sumire seemed genuine confuse and really tried to convince Yukari to her point of view for a while before going full youkai on her. I really believe that it was the first time she had her views challenged and was really trying to get Yukari on her side so her utopia remained unchallenged. But when Yukari didn't give up Sumire started getting more agressive and it’s only when Yukari realized Reiko isn’t human that Sumire tried to kill her, so we can assume that without that, she would have still try to convince Yukari. Later after Marie intervened, Sumire tried to blackmail Yukari into bullying her too and when she refused, she made the whole class bully Yukari. Sumire only wanted to protect her utopia at first rather than hurt Yukari. 
Sumire is, instead of simply a sadistic cruel youkai, a really messed up, potentially traumatized individual who genuinely thinks bullying is fun and enjoys being on both the giving and receiving end, for the sake of her twisted utopia who's essentially a coping mechanism because she was herself bullied before becoming a youkai. 
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Not sure where her "sister" Azami fits into this as I believe it was said they weren't actual sisters but were born as youkai at the same time. So maybe Azami was a human too and they both had some kind of relationship has humans and they died and stick together as ghosts and both got reborn together as youkai. Maybe Azami was one of Sumire’s bullies. That sure would be fitting given their role as youkai.
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