neku-phones · 2 years
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18 notes · View notes
neku-phones · 2 years
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394 notes · View notes
neku-phones · 2 years
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14 notes · View notes
neku-phones · 2 years
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368 notes · View notes
neku-phones · 2 years
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166 notes · View notes
neku-phones · 2 years
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9 notes · View notes
neku-phones · 2 years
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9 notes · View notes
neku-phones · 2 years
There were feathers all around the man he was lieing in the streets of Shibuya almost as if he had fallen out of the sky.
It wasn't entirely out of the ordinary to see the occasional street performer in Shibuya; especially around the crossing. Something about this however struck Neku as too strange. As he waited at the crosswalk for the light to change, he glanced over and noticed the man lying in the streets. Cars drove around just in the nick of time. It was a miracle he wasn't run over.
The light changes and people begin to flood the streets, walking this was way and that. They walk around the stranger, some stopping to snap a quick picture. But they all moved on. All except Neku, who now was standing over the stranger. He was curious, but also concerned. There were feathers everywhere. Did he get attacked by birds maybe? He nudges the person with his foot. "Hey...you okay?"
0 notes
neku-phones · 2 years
It's quiet up on the roof. Everything is still. There's a brief sense of calm that washes over Neku, although there isn't much of a view now. The city was bathed in pitch black darkness once more. It feels as if there's no sense of time...Neku's eyes feel heavy again as he desperately tries to fight off the urge to sleep. Not even the cold air is keeping him awake now. Then, he feels something. He's not sure what. Whatever it is makes his hair stand on end, and he's getting chills. His tired eyes look around in the darkness, but see nothing. He can only feel. Each time he reaches out with his mind, whatever is with him slips away from him. He can't pinpoint where this feeling is coming from, but it's close. Very close.
Just as Neku thinks he's getting close, Claude has made his presence known. With his eyes no longer the warm golden color, Neku shivers involuntarily at the sight. Had he not known how Claude was, the mere sight of this would make him nervous. He's here...did that mean he felt the same unease too? "You feel that too, right?" He wanted to think maybe he was just exhausted and imagining things, but the way Claude hastily ran to his side said otherwise.
A single white feather floats down into his line of sight. He holds his hand out to it and it lands softly in his palm. It’s giving off a slight glow and shimmers even in the darkness. "Insufficient? I wouldn't consider it that when we're already in a race against the clock." The voice rings out from behind Neku, as the angel rests his hands on the male's shoulders. He immediately pulls away from the sudden touch and backs away to Claude's side. He's tired, hungry, confused and overall just wants what's happening now to be a bad fever dream. Maybe he'll wake up to find out he's been asleep or in a coma.
Hanekoma has his sights set on Claude, his eyes no longer black. They glowed gold, shining brightly back at the demon's fushia hues. "Just hear me out. Both of you. I don't want to take extreme measures unless I have to." His wings spread out behind him, some of his feathers are red or blue. Something about the gesture was meant to be threatening. He's trying to make himself look bigger. Neku looks between the two. Knowing how both of them probably feel about each other as a species, this wouldn't end well if he didn't step in and say something. Neku tugs lightly on Claude's subconscious, as if he were tugging the man's sleeve. "Let's listen to him." He fits the description of the angel Claude brought up before. The same scruffy appearance and sunglasses...if this is him, chances are he isn't an immediate threat. "We have everything to gain and nothing to lose." Neku has no idea what's going on, but if it gets them any closer to meeting their shared goal then he's more than willing to keep his eyes open for as long as his body allows and let the angel speak.
The devil’s gonna set me free (Closed rp)
The one time he leaves his hideout unarmed, happens to be the one time he bumps into other humans for the first time in years. This was the most hostile interaction he’s had with people thus far.
Neku had started off his day trying to fight off the pangs of hunger that drove him nearly to madness. It’s been a full 24 hours since he’s last eaten anything, having finished off the last remaining food rations he had left. None of the fruits and vegetables he planted were ready to be harvested either. He knew if he didn’t find food soon he wouldn’t make it to the end of the week. 
Neku stupidly thought he wouldn’t need a weapon with him. After all, when was the last time he’s seen another person around here? It had been five years since the world had fallen into ruin. Most of the human population had been wiped out with only a few survivors. He shouldn’t have to worry about being armed…or that’s what he’d thought. The sun had begun to set, and shadows fell over what used to be the bustling city of Shibuya. Neku knew he couldn’t linger outside too long after dark. So, he prepared to go back to his hideout empty handed for the second day in a row. That’s when he came across the bandits. They had been watching Neku go in and out of abandoned stores and hospitals in search of supplies. They didn’t know what he might have hoarded over the past few days, but they were desperate enough to try and squeeze something out of him. One of them was a large man with a top heavy build. His fists were the size of bowling balls. He was nothing but muscle and towered over him. The other bandit was an older man, with a gun in hand. Both of them were threatening him for food and water.  
Neku didn’t have any food, and he told them the truth. However, he didn’t tell them that he had a surplus of water. There was no way in hell he was going to let them steal his water. Needless to say, neither of them believed him. Which is how he ended up dangling from the larger man’s hold, desperately kicking and trying to slip out of his grasp. “I’ll give you to the count of three to start telling us where you hid your goods…1…2…”
“…3…” Without much warning, Neku was effortlessly swung around by his arms and slammed against the concrete with so much force that his body went limp and he was left gasping for air. “I remember this feeling. When someone’s about to die their bodies go limp just like this…” The large man grabbed Neku by his ankle, lifting his body from the ground. “Gonna tell us where your stash is now?” Neku was dizzy, blood dripping down his face from the gash on his head. “Over my dead body.” He barely managed to whisper back to them. The bandit shrugged. “It’s your funeral.” He swung him around again, much like a ragdoll, and slammed him against the concrete once more. The sound of the impact seemed to echo in the darkness of the night. Neku was barely conscious, hearing the murmuring of the two bandits standing over him. They needed him alive. Otherwise they weren’t getting anything out of him. “For christ’s sake I think ya killed him…”
“You still alive you little punk?” 
Neku answered back with a pained groan, wheezing with every breath he took. His face was covered in blood. This was it…he was probably going to die like this. But he knew one thing; if he had to die, he was going to make sure they were going down with him. He’’ll make sure they starve to death. He’ll die and take his secrets with him! But, even as he thought this, his mind still cried out for help.    
73 notes · View notes
neku-phones · 2 years
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Slipper, Shibuya 渋谷
262 notes · View notes
neku-phones · 2 years
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Slipper, Shibuya 渋谷
262 notes · View notes
neku-phones · 2 years
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Dark Growth, Shinjuku 新宿
1K notes · View notes
neku-phones · 2 years
Where had this side of Claude come from? If Neku had to guess, he figured it was once again his own masked feelings of loneliness at play. Neku thought back to when they first met, and how the demon had carelessly picked him up as if he had already drawn his last breath. It was strange how those violent tendencies seemed to vanish the second he formed the contract. Then again, is it really that far-fetched? It's his job to be nurturing. Claude takes his job very seriously. So why wouldn't he go out of his way? 
Neku sighs softly, closing his eyes as Claude leans forward to kiss him again. He doesn’t stop him, knowing he means well. He wants to do his job to the best of his abilities and Neku knows it can’t be easy since he’s not telling him everything that’s wrong. There’s so many things he feels he probably should tell him; about the nightmares and the constant guilt. The non-stop worrying and anxiety. Even about his mixed feelings toward the demon himself. On one hand he appreciates Claude taking the extra steps to be as transparent as possible and offer comfort. On the other, he knows these gestures of kindness won’t mean a damn thing once the conditions of the contract are met. He’s been so nervous and depressed about everything that’s happened, but he’s become so good at hiding it that he’s not even sure he can be open anymore. 
The tea is starting to get to him. He can hardly understand what Claude’s saying to him. How long had it been steeped? Either it was really strong or this has been a long time coming. He feels himself leaning more into Claude’s side, his eyes struggling to stay open. It feels like the sofa is slowly swallowing him up. He wants to sleep so badly, but he knows once his eyes close he’ll be back there. Back to when it all happened. He doesn’t want to go back.
Neku abruptly stands from the couch, making himself slightly dizzy. He sways for a second, attempting to rub the sleepy feeling from his eyes. “Actually...M’gonna go upstairs...to the roof. I...I can’t sleep.” He shuffles away from Claude, barely able to keep his tired eyes open. It’s as if he’s drifting up the stairs and to the roof like a ghost. It didn’t feel like he walked there at all. Instead of sitting at the ledge he leans against it, resting his head in his hands. Neku still struggles to keep his eyes open, despite the night air being cool enough to wake anyone. He was so out of sorts that he didn’t know the angel Claude had met earlier was in the darkness with him...
The devil’s gonna set me free (Closed rp)
The one time he leaves his hideout unarmed, happens to be the one time he bumps into other humans for the first time in years. This was the most hostile interaction he’s had with people thus far.
Neku had started off his day trying to fight off the pangs of hunger that drove him nearly to madness. It’s been a full 24 hours since he’s last eaten anything, having finished off the last remaining food rations he had left. None of the fruits and vegetables he planted were ready to be harvested either. He knew if he didn’t find food soon he wouldn’t make it to the end of the week. 
Neku stupidly thought he wouldn’t need a weapon with him. After all, when was the last time he’s seen another person around here? It had been five years since the world had fallen into ruin. Most of the human population had been wiped out with only a few survivors. He shouldn’t have to worry about being armed…or that’s what he’d thought. The sun had begun to set, and shadows fell over what used to be the bustling city of Shibuya. Neku knew he couldn’t linger outside too long after dark. So, he prepared to go back to his hideout empty handed for the second day in a row. That’s when he came across the bandits. They had been watching Neku go in and out of abandoned stores and hospitals in search of supplies. They didn’t know what he might have hoarded over the past few days, but they were desperate enough to try and squeeze something out of him. One of them was a large man with a top heavy build. His fists were the size of bowling balls. He was nothing but muscle and towered over him. The other bandit was an older man, with a gun in hand. Both of them were threatening him for food and water.  
Neku didn’t have any food, and he told them the truth. However, he didn’t tell them that he had a surplus of water. There was no way in hell he was going to let them steal his water. Needless to say, neither of them believed him. Which is how he ended up dangling from the larger man’s hold, desperately kicking and trying to slip out of his grasp. “I’ll give you to the count of three to start telling us where you hid your goods…1…2…”
“…3…” Without much warning, Neku was effortlessly swung around by his arms and slammed against the concrete with so much force that his body went limp and he was left gasping for air. “I remember this feeling. When someone’s about to die their bodies go limp just like this…” The large man grabbed Neku by his ankle, lifting his body from the ground. “Gonna tell us where your stash is now?” Neku was dizzy, blood dripping down his face from the gash on his head. “Over my dead body.” He barely managed to whisper back to them. The bandit shrugged. “It’s your funeral.” He swung him around again, much like a ragdoll, and slammed him against the concrete once more. The sound of the impact seemed to echo in the darkness of the night. Neku was barely conscious, hearing the murmuring of the two bandits standing over him. They needed him alive. Otherwise they weren’t getting anything out of him. “For christ’s sake I think ya killed him…”
“You still alive you little punk?” 
Neku answered back with a pained groan, wheezing with every breath he took. His face was covered in blood. This was it…he was probably going to die like this. But he knew one thing; if he had to die, he was going to make sure they were going down with him. He’’ll make sure they starve to death. He’ll die and take his secrets with him! But, even as he thought this, his mind still cried out for help.    
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neku-phones · 2 years
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Scramble, Shibuya 渋谷
166 notes · View notes
neku-phones · 2 years
Neku was surprised when Claude had once again pulled him close. He’s even more shocked at the kiss. He tensed at first. Then, as Claude spoke, he relaxed. Neku is confused himself for a moment, wondering where this torrent of emotions that flooded his entire being were coming from. Were these his own emotions being brought to light? Were they Claude’s? Or maybe it was their combined grief, manifesting itself through his demon’s tears. He can’t help wondering how many years of pain has he gone through to have him falling apart like this?
He leans forward, setting down the teacup on the coffee table and settles back down at Claude’s side. He reaches up to hold the hand that rests on his shoulders. What does he say? What can he say? Neku himself has yet to sort through his own buried emotions. He tells himself he doesn’t have time to cry or feel sorry for himself. He had to stay level headed. He always told himself this. He wonders if Claude tells himself the same things. “It’s...it’s okay to not have everything figured out.” He spares Claude a glance, smiling up at him softly. It pained him to see his demon suffer like this. “I know how confusing this can all be. How it can cause a person to be unrecognizable in only a few months. I don’t think you’re an exception to the rule.” He’s bound to shift and change just as he has for his previous masters. “Whatever happens...whatever form you take, just know that I’m glad you’re here.” Sure, it sounds super sappy but he means it. At first the young man had his doubts on whether Claude was trustworthy. But, now he’s sure.  “I hope one day, you’ll be able to call me your friend.”
Neku hesitates for a moment, thinking back to when he’d wiped Claude’s tears away before. There’s no harm in it now right? He proceeds, wiping away the demon’s tears as he describes the stranger in question. He can’t recall ever meeting someone like that. Even more concerning, he’s apparently planted that idea in his head. He didn’t know anyone else was even capable of getting inside his mind. It couldn’t be a coincidence that the man happened to be at the very spot he sent Claude to. “Holy hell...I’m gonna have to be more careful.” It was scary how naturally the idea rolled off his tongue. He didn’t feel that anything was wrong. Even worse, Claude was apologizing. Neku quickly shook his head. He might have ‘Property of Claude’ stamped on his neck, but that didn’t mean he had to take responsibility for this. He runs his fingers over the contact seal. It’s still a bit painful. “Something like that was out of your control. You haven’t failed me. If anyone should’ve noticed it’s me. I could’ve gotten you killed.” Luckily for both of them, things turned out okay.
Through their link, he can still feel Claude’s emotions running rampant. Maybe it was for the best that they just rest for now. “I think some of what you’re feeling, is what i’m feeling. I’m sorry it’s got you messed up.” From here on he’ll try to do better to conceal his emotions. Hiding them on a surface level just wasn’t good enough. He doesn’t want Claude to feel what he feels all the time. It’s exhausting and overall doesn’t feel good. “Why don’t we put cooking anything on hold? You can cook when you’re feeling better.” He lets out a small yawn. He can feel his eyes growing heavy. “Do you...want me to stay here?” He recalls what happened he asked Claude about sharing a bed, and he didn’t seem comfortable with the idea at first. “If you want, I can just go to bed for a little while.”
The devil’s gonna set me free (Closed rp)
The one time he leaves his hideout unarmed, happens to be the one time he bumps into other humans for the first time in years. This was the most hostile interaction he’s had with people thus far.
Neku had started off his day trying to fight off the pangs of hunger that drove him nearly to madness. It’s been a full 24 hours since he’s last eaten anything, having finished off the last remaining food rations he had left. None of the fruits and vegetables he planted were ready to be harvested either. He knew if he didn’t find food soon he wouldn’t make it to the end of the week. 
Neku stupidly thought he wouldn’t need a weapon with him. After all, when was the last time he’s seen another person around here? It had been five years since the world had fallen into ruin. Most of the human population had been wiped out with only a few survivors. He shouldn’t have to worry about being armed…or that’s what he’d thought. The sun had begun to set, and shadows fell over what used to be the bustling city of Shibuya. Neku knew he couldn’t linger outside too long after dark. So, he prepared to go back to his hideout empty handed for the second day in a row. That’s when he came across the bandits. They had been watching Neku go in and out of abandoned stores and hospitals in search of supplies. They didn’t know what he might have hoarded over the past few days, but they were desperate enough to try and squeeze something out of him. One of them was a large man with a top heavy build. His fists were the size of bowling balls. He was nothing but muscle and towered over him. The other bandit was an older man, with a gun in hand. Both of them were threatening him for food and water.  
Neku didn’t have any food, and he told them the truth. However, he didn’t tell them that he had a surplus of water. There was no way in hell he was going to let them steal his water. Needless to say, neither of them believed him. Which is how he ended up dangling from the larger man’s hold, desperately kicking and trying to slip out of his grasp. “I’ll give you to the count of three to start telling us where you hid your goods…1…2…”
“…3…” Without much warning, Neku was effortlessly swung around by his arms and slammed against the concrete with so much force that his body went limp and he was left gasping for air. “I remember this feeling. When someone’s about to die their bodies go limp just like this…” The large man grabbed Neku by his ankle, lifting his body from the ground. “Gonna tell us where your stash is now?” Neku was dizzy, blood dripping down his face from the gash on his head. “Over my dead body.” He barely managed to whisper back to them. The bandit shrugged. “It’s your funeral.” He swung him around again, much like a ragdoll, and slammed him against the concrete once more. The sound of the impact seemed to echo in the darkness of the night. Neku was barely conscious, hearing the murmuring of the two bandits standing over him. They needed him alive. Otherwise they weren’t getting anything out of him. “For christ’s sake I think ya killed him…”
“You still alive you little punk?” 
Neku answered back with a pained groan, wheezing with every breath he took. His face was covered in blood. This was it…he was probably going to die like this. But he knew one thing; if he had to die, he was going to make sure they were going down with him. He’’ll make sure they starve to death. He’ll die and take his secrets with him! But, even as he thought this, his mind still cried out for help.    
73 notes · View notes
neku-phones · 2 years
Sends a huge vase of flowers with a tiny note attached. “For my master.” -Claude. (Just cause)
Neku reads the note and smiles to himself. The flowers were bright and vibrant, reminding him of brighter skies and happier times. He holds the vase close.
“Thank you, Claude.”
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neku-phones · 2 years
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Blue Door II, Shinjuku (新宿)
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