neopinkdiamond · 2 months
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I want to give a special shout-out to @abelquartz for this!
5 years ago, to the day, I decided to get off my butt and actually do something with an AU concept instead of just making art and daydreaming about it while never sharing things.
That led directly to me and Abel shooting the shit about this idea for a few months until eventually we got The Life, Death, and Life of Steven Universe (which I like to consider a pilot for the AU!)
Eventually, the idea wouldn't leave me alone and I decided to actually try making a comic and the rest is history.
Thank all of you for being fans of this little idea of mine and for being generally cool and chill people.
Please check out Abel's other works, especially his Selkie!Steven AU.
Much love, Sharkman
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neopinkdiamond · 2 months
I feel like a giant asshole because the last two things I've drawn in months are this codo emoji and Amethyst's boob. As in just that line that makes up her left side in this upcoming panel.
In totally unrelated news, I'm trying to get treatment for ADHD.
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I ain't got enough mutuals that I feel comfortable tagging.
Last Line Challenge
Tagged by @nugatorysheep
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like).
Kind of a sneak peak of the next Chapter of Drift Together:
“Hey, Flower boy? Can I get some help?” Steven had somehow appeared beside him without him even noticing. “Oh? Uh, with what?” Floret snapped back to reality, looking down at the shorter human in front of him. “I can’t get the fucking clasp to work right on this necklace. Can you get it?” Steven placed a silver necklace in Floret’s hands. Floret inspected it, noticing the skull that turned into a sword with ruby-colored eyes. Very Steven. “Turn around,” Floret mumbled, grabbing ahold of both ends of the necklace, “Uhm, your hair might get caught…" Steven obliged and held his hair up and out of the way. Floret gently set the necklace around his throat and pulled the clasps together in the back. His finger gently brushed against the nape of Steven’s neck, and that weird humming feeling in his gem came back. He clasped it together and patted Steven on the back. “G-got it.”
The last thing I drew (that I can post that is) is this:
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It was for art fight for @flaretheskywing! I will tag @flaretheskywing and @neopinkdiamond!
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neopinkdiamond · 6 months
What's your headcanon voice for gem! Steve?
Literally this exact interview with Peter Cullen: https://youtu.be/zryfjSaxXLo
"Be strong enough to be gentle" for Optimus resonated with me so hard.
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neopinkdiamond · 6 months
Daytime Reblog + Some minor changes in the text baloons.
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Amethyst, please. He's going through a lot.
I think that was just about the longest I've ever gone without updating? Sorry for the long wait. Winter/Fall turned into a total bastard and other fandom brainrot started settling in (I picked a really bad time to get into RWBY, just saying.)
In related news, I'm done moving and I'm getting tested for ADD.
Thanks everyone for the support and patience!
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neopinkdiamond · 6 months
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Neo Pink Diamond - Page 47
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Amethyst, please. He's going through a lot.
I think that was just about the longest I've ever gone without updating? Sorry for the long wait. Winter/Fall turned into a total bastard and other fandom brainrot started settling in (I picked a really bad time to get into RWBY, just saying.)
In related news, I'm done moving and I'm getting tested for ADD.
Thanks everyone for the support and patience!
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neopinkdiamond · 7 months
Every few months I check back in case there's a new update. Curious to see where things might end up going.
Yeah, my schedule got *boned* thanks to suddenly having to move at the end of the year last year and me succumbing to a funk. I've gotten *very* little progress done. I've begun speaking to a specialist about it, and I apologize to everyone for the long and unplanned hiatus.
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neopinkdiamond · 10 months
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Fanart from TerraCarge over on Twitter!
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neopinkdiamond · 11 months
"Intermission | Discontinuity 2" from Steven Universe: Walk the Line on Tapas: https://tapas.io/episode/3002913
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Guess who made a cameo!
Walk the Line is made by a good friend of the AU. Picture "Into the Stevenverse" if you gotta sum it up.
It just finished it's prologue and is doing an intermission chapter. Now's a good time to jump on!
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neopinkdiamond · 11 months
will the diamonds be in this i am curious what they think of him now being a full diamond now can't wait to see the crystal gems reunite with him along with what the diamonds think of him considering it took time for them to accept pink is gone and that steven is a diamond human hybrid but now he is a full diamond how would this effect them
Yes, the Diamonds will be featured pretty heavily in the story.
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neopinkdiamond · 11 months
how long has he been gone ??? why did the gems not try to take his gem out when he died to see if he will come back. i mean i bet he told them about what happened when white pulled his gem out all those years ago. i am amazed she didn't push for that i mean maybe they were just respecting his body but they should of known sooner or later the gem would be released from the body. either by them or even body decomposition idk if that was the reason why he got out. but if the story before this is anything to go on they just put his body in a tomb and then his gem wrecked its way out.
I really need to check my inbox more often.
He's been gone about 3 days. The rest is more about what Steven himself wanted rather than taking into account what his Gem would do.
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neopinkdiamond · 11 months
i got a other question did steven really outlive all of his humans friends and family if so how? i mean i know he's part gem so that would mean he can live a little longer then any normal human but to live up to until the year 2895 i mean that is just crazy how is that even possible for his human half to even live that long?
I imagined Steven's Gem acting as a sort of preservation device, helping his human half stay fit and healthy, as well as assisting with cognition (I highly doubt the human brain can keep ~900 years of memories straight by itself, after all!)
However, you prolly noticed it isn't perfect. He did still age, (albeit very slowly) he went from 7 foot-something to something barely over 5 feet and lost most of the mobility in his legs. Coupled with a depressive episode that started in the 2700s, the combination of mental state and physical decline meant the gem was eventually unable to maintain his human half and had to resort to...other methods to keep being "Steven" when that half died.
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neopinkdiamond · 11 months
i got a question where is lapis, peridot and bismuth in all of this what did the gems did not tell them that steven is dead or what. even they deserve to know what happen to steven.
They're aware. They were probably the first to know, even before Homeworld, but they aren't on-planet. Details are coming in the upcoming pages.
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neopinkdiamond · 1 year
Huge thanks to @thechekhov/@ask-whitepearl-and-steven for this!
I've been a longtime member of their Discord (It's basically a hangout for every SU AU artist) and subscriber to the comic's Patreon.
I now *have* to have NeoPD!Steven dress like this at some point.
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The next up in the AU palooza is... @neopinkdiamond!
This AU takes place many, many, MANY years after Canon, and technically... after Steven's own death. Don't deny it - we've all thought about what would happen to Steven's gem after he died.
You can read the AU on Tapas!
Thank you Neo Pink Diamond AU, for inspiring me with your incredible dedication!
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neopinkdiamond · 1 year
Hey y'all, I'm gonna be attending A-Kon 32 in Dallas this weekend.
I ain't got a booth artist alley or anything, I'm just gonna be walking around, but if you see "bad timeline" biker looking Steven with excessive pouches, that's me.
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neopinkdiamond · 1 year
I take it that Garnet saw the outcome in her future vision? If so, that is a nice detail.
In my head, she was trying to rely on her Future Vision less and less. Part of it was living in the moment and the other was not wanting to see a future without Steven.
However, she probably would have been unable to see this timeline/future because her perception of Steven versus what he had become is so different.
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neopinkdiamond · 1 year
*casually waits*
Wait no longer!
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neopinkdiamond · 1 year
Daytime Reblog
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Maybe don’t drop in all dramatic and then not say anything, Steven. Prevents weapon-based misunderstandings.
How the hell is it MAY already??? Hell, it’s almost June! I’m really sorry, y’all. Work has been so busy and I’ve been way too ADD to have properly focused on the comic like I should have.
Thanks again for the continued support!!!
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