neos-boo-blog · 7 years
Regarding This Blog
I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to post much because I have had some exams for the past couple of months but anyways I’m back and I want to ask my followers something. I’ve been thinking that maybe I should add another group to this blog or maybe just create another one, the group I was thinking of adding is B.A.P.  What do you guys think?
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neos-boo-blog · 7 years
Waking Up NCT127
A/N: This is going to include the two new members, Doyoung and Johnny Johnny: He would most likely be the one who wakes up with messed up hair(cause it's so thick, oh god ×.×). Waking him up would be easy because he doesn't seem like a heavy sleeper. Calling his name or sometimes even removing the covers a couple hundred times would do the trick but at the smell of food he wouldn't blink twice. Taeil: Being the grandpa he is, he would need some encouragement. Gently stroking his hair or cheek would bring him to his senses but you would need to make sure that he was at least sitting up before you could leave to continue making breakfast. Taeyong: He would be the one waking you up, no doubt there. Although sometimes when work got stressful he would sleep in, sometimes longer than you would expect. Giving him a few small pecks to wake him up was all that was required but the most important thing he needed after you woke him up would be for you to join him under the covers and cuddle so that he could feel better that day. Doyoung: Oh god where do I start, this guy is messy like really messy. You could leave him on the bed and go to the bathroom but coming back you would discover him on the floor with his blanket wrapped around him. He would take a lot of time to get ready, its like during the time he was sleeping everything in his mind shifted. And it shifted so much that his phone could be in front of him on the night stand but he would be looking in the blanket to find it. He needs a lot of care and quite some time. Jaehyun: This boy would be cute while looking totally sexy. Like his hair would be really messy but the good kind of mess. He usually slept with no shirt on, which made you stare at him for quite a while, when you get back to your senses you throw him a shirt and tell him that the food is getting cold. However when he finally gets downstairs he would be wearing sweats and holding the shirt you threw to him in one of his hands while rubbing his eyes with the other one being the cutie he is. Basically anything this boy does in the morning drives you to the point of insanity. Mark: Like we saw in NCT Life he would wake up confused but not as much as Doyoung. The poor baby would sit there blinking while you were stroking his hair(it's so damaged, can I cri). After taking a few minutes to gather his thoughts together he would get up with no problem expect Haechan(kidding^.^, that would come later) Winwin:Awwww, he would be the cutest thing with his hair in the oddest angles. Despite being awake his eyes would closed while mumbling something in chinese. There were days when he woke up early because of his schedule and practiced some korean phrases or words he wanted to remember for that day. Haechan:This boy is sassy 25/8. When you were tugging on his shirt to wake up he would fling it off saying that he needed more beauty sleep. Of course you needed him up otherwise you wouldn't have bothered him. So some talking back was required. Yuta: He would shoot straight up when you slightly shook him awake but then when he saw that it was you he would go back to his normal state. Mostly consisting of cursing you in japanese for waking him up so early despite it being 12.
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