neoyanl · 10 months
I didn't give up.
I just need more time...
and more time...
I'm sinking, cause I'm alive.
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neoyanl · 1 year
《娛樂圈血肉史》 #4
ngo5 hai6 ci5 zi3 jiu3 zou6 jat1 go3 jin2 jyun4 ge3
dim2 gaai2 ngo5 jiu3 zou6 jat1 go3 jin2 jyun4 aa1
jan1 wai6 ngo5 tin1 saang1 ceot1 lai4 zau6 hai6 jau5 jin2 hei3 ge1 sai3 baau1 gaa3 laa3
嗱 我知道呢度有好多人細細個你哋鍾意玩下做戲扮下嘢啊
naa4 ngo5 zi1 dou6 ni1 dou6 jau5 hou2 do1 jan4 sai3 sai3 go3 nei5 dei6 zung1 ji3 waan2 haa6 zou6 hei3 baan6 haa6 je5 aa1
baan6 haa6 baa4 baa1 maa4 maa1 jau5 mou5 aa1
吓 扮下結婚有冇啊
haa5 baan6 haa6 git3 fan1 jau5 mou5 aa1
ngo5 sai3 sai3 go2 zan6 tung4 ngo5 di1 Friend ji5 ging1 m4 baan6 ni1 di1 je5 laa3
ngo5 jat1 baan6 zau6 hai6 baan6 gaan1 fu1 jam4 fu5 gaa3 laa3
daan6 m4 zi1 hai6 mi1 ngo5 go3 joeng6 bei2 gaau3 zing3 zik6 aa1
zik1 hai6 cung4 loi4 dou1 mou5 fan2 baan6 gaan1 fu1 gaa3 bo3
咁 唔係 亦都唔係扮淫婦
gam3 m4 hai6 jik6 dou1 m4 hai6 baan2 jam4 fu5
hai6 baan6 jam4 fu5 go3 lou5 gung1 aa1
I am determined to become an actor. Why do I want to be an actor? Because I believe I have a natural talent for acting. I know there are some people here who used to enjoy playing roles when they were kids. Have any of you ever played the role of a mom or dad? Have you ever pretended to get married? When I was young, My friends from that group and I no longer engage in playing these things; we took on the roles of adulterers. However, I don't know if it's because I appear to have more integrity, as I've never been cast as a adulterer. Well, I was not playing a unfaithful wife either; I was playing the husband of the adulteress.
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neoyanl · 1 year
I suppose Matrix is kind of a language.
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neoyanl · 1 year
On voit de toutes petites choses qui luisent
Ce sont des gens dans des chemises
Comme durant ces siècles de la longue nuit
Dans le silence ou dans le bruit
-- Gérard Manzet "Comme un lego"
—— 热拉尔·芒塞 《像一块积木》
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neoyanl · 1 year
《娛樂圈血肉史》 #3
nei5 zi1 m4 zi1 bin1 go3 hai6 hak1 zaak6 ming4 aa4
嗰個電影嘅日本 即係日本嘅電影大師
go3 go3 din6 jing2 ge3 jat6 bun2 zik1 hai6 jat6 bun2 ge3 din6 jing2 daai6 si2
zik1 hai6 keoi5 cang4 ging1 jung6 sap6 nin4 ge3 si4 gaan3 paak3 jat1 tou3 din6 jing2
giu3 zou6 lyun6
sai1 lei6 ne1
bat1 gwo3 ngo5 dou1 m4 seon3 sik1
ngo5 zi6 gei2 dou2 lyun6 zo2 saa1 nin4 laa1
ngo5 uk1 kei2 dou1 hai6 jat1 joeng6
wai3 m4 hai6 dai6 jat6 dim2 zou6 hak1 zaak6 ming4 hai6 mi1 aa4
Do you know who Akira Kurosawa is? He's that Japanese film master. It's him who once spent ten years making a film, and that film is called 'Ran' (《亂》). Impressive, right? But I'm not too shabby myself. I've been causing chaos (亂) for thirty years. My home is just as chaotic. If it's not like this, how can I become the next Akira Kurosawa?
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neoyanl · 1 year
《娛樂圈血肉史》 #2
zou6 din6 toi4 zi1 cin4 ne1 ngo5 jau5 go3 seon3 nim6
zau6 hai6 ne1 go3 sai3 gaai3 mou4 leon6 mat1 je5 dou1 hou2
講 係冇用嘅
gong2 hai6 mou5 jung6 ge3
做 先至有用
zou6 sin1 zi3 jau5 jung6
真係唔洗講咩 愛就係啦
zan1 hai6 m4 sai2 gong2 me1 oi3 zau6 hai6 laa1
唔好同我講愛 做啦
m4 hou2 tung4 ngo5 gong2 oi3 zou6 laa1
咁所以你見到有啲人 佢愛賭馬 愛到極點
gam3 so2 ji5 nei5 gin3 dou2 jau5 di1 jan4 keoi5 oi3 dou2 maa5 oi3 dou2 gik6 dim2
keoi5 mi1 zou6 maa5 lo1
有啲人愛呢個世界 愛到極點
jau5 di1 jan4 oi3 ne1 go3 sai3 gaai3 oi3 dou2 gik6 dim2
mi1 zou6 sai3 gaai3 lo1
Before I started working in radio, I had a belief: that in this world, no matter what it is, talking alone is useless. It's only when you take action that it matters. It's true, there's no need to talk about love; just do it. Don't talk to me about love; do it (make love)!
So, when you see some people who are deeply passionate about gambling on horses, they're the ones truly 'doing' it (meaning they might be involved in cheating or dishonest practices). Some people love this world to the extreme. They are, in a way, 'doing' the world (meaning they might engage in criminal activities).
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neoyanl · 1 year
《娛樂圈血肉史》 #1
gok3 wai2 mou5 gin3 gei2 jat6 nei5 dei6 gok3 m4 gok3 dak1 ngo5 leng3 zai2 zo2
gok3 m4 gok3 dak1 jau5 di1 ci5 lai4 ming4
daan6 hai6 dong1 jin4 bei2 lai4 ming4 sing4 suk6 di1 laa1
so2 ji5 jau5 di1 jan4 gok3 dak1 ngo5 ci5 wong4 fan1 do1 di1
"Hello, everyone. It's been quite a few days since we last met. Have you noticed if I've become more handsome? Do you think I resemble Leon Lai (黎明 Dawn)a bit? But of course, I'm a bit more mature than Leon, so some people think I look like dusk."
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