nerdyrocker · 1 year
Jesse: 18 yr 2000s emo
Vance: 23 yr 80s rockstar ghost
Chapter Two
When Jesse woke up the next morning he saw Vance looking in his mirror at his track marked arms. "I thought things were better when you died," Vance said, ghosting his arm over his veins that pumped no blood, but were still flooded with the track marks of a needle.
Jesse felt bad for Vance, he had died and woke up to still be in a body he hated. He couldn't look away, because even though he's still in his same body, he was dead. A figure resembling that of a ghost and a man. His hair flowing around his face, his eyes a bright blue, he didn't cry tears, more of a black ooze dripping from his bright blue eyes.
"Maybe they'll go away," Jesse said. "I died like this, it's not going away," Vance said sitting on the side of Jesse's bed. "I hate my body," he said. "Don't," Jesse said, laying his warm hand on Vance's cold shoulder. "I think… I think you look nice." "Thanks, Jess," Vance said, wiping his eyes.
"JESSE! GET UP! TIME FOR SCHOOL!" Jesse's mom, Lucia, said knocking on his door. "Okay!" Jesse yelled jumping out of bed and walking to his closet, grabbing a black Korn shirt, black jeans, and fishnets to go on his arms. Along with his converse filled with song lyrics and words. "Turn around!" Jesse said when he saw Vance looking at him, eyes wide with interest. The ghost looked to have a blush on his bloodless face as he turned away from the human. Jesse slipped on his clothes and then turned to Vance. "You can look now!" Jesse said, grabbing his backpack.
Vance turned to look and he smiled. "I like it," he said. "Thanks!" Jesse said, smiling brightly at the spirit who floated above him. "Not many do, my mom hates it actually and it makes me feel bad about myself so I like it when someone compliments me, especially a rockstar from the eighties. Something you don't see often!" Jesse said. "Do you see a ghost more often?" Vance asked with a laugh. "Now I do, you never see celebrities!" Jesse said before he walked out of his room, Vance following.
"Who were you talking to, Jesse?" Lucia asked as she handed Jesse's dad, Steve, a plate full of food for breakfast. Jesse looked at Vance and soon realized that he was the only one who could see Vance. "Rick, I called him before school," Jesse said with a nod. "They can't see me," Vance said. Jesse subtly shook his head so his parents won't think he's crazy and then he sat beside his dad, pulling out his eye liner and applying it while looking through the small decorative mirror on the table.
Steve scoffed at the sight of his son wearing fishnets and makeup. "What is that on your arms, Jason?" Steve asked. "Fishnets," Jesse said. "That's a girls thing, you're becoming a young man, Jason," Steve said. "It's Jesse!" Jesse said, slamming his hands on the table. "You may have convinced your mom to call you a girl's name but I won't, Jason," Steve said. Jesse growled under his breath and stood up. "I'm going to wait for my bus," Jesse said.
He walked outside in the warm spring sunshine and walked down to the end of the driveway waiting for his bus. "Hey, Jesse, I'm sorry-" "Stop! I don't wanna talk about it," Jesse said anger building up in his chest at the thought of his father not accepting him for who he was. Imagine what he would say if he found out that he was gay. He'd flip, he'd kick him out. "I'm sorry," Vance said, landing to stand beside Jesse. "It's fine, I guess I can't stand the thought of my dad hating me for who I am and what I like to wear, my mom is getting that way, but at least she addresses me by Jesse and not Jason, I hate the name Jason, don't you?" Jesse asked. "You don't look like Jason, of course I can't say I hate the name, my guitarist was Jason," Vance said. "Jason Grace?" Jesse asked. "Yeah… he was a good guy," Vance said. "He's still alive, y'know," Jesse said. "I doubt he'd be able to see me," Vance said. Jesse nodded as the bus pulled up to his drive.
Jesse and Vance boarded the bus and sat beside each other, silence flowing between them as Jesse didn't want anyone thinking he was crazy. That was until Jesse's best friend Rick sat beside him on top of Vance. Vance screamed and Jesse started laughing as Vance quickly floated to the top of the bus banging against it causing all of the students to look above the two boys. "Did you hear that?" Rick asked. "Yeah," Jesse said watching as Vance floated down to sit on top of Jesse causing the smaller to blush deeply. "This alright?" Vance asked. Jesse nodded subtly and Vance smiled.
The truth was, Jesse was warm, Vance hadn't felt this warm since he was alive. It felt nice.
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nerdyrocker · 1 year
Idk what to call it
Jesse used to be a normal Teenaged boy in the year 2005 when he was suddenly met by a ghost from the eighties. Who happened to be a famous guitarist. Eager to help his new friend he attempts to bring the ghost back to life.
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Jesse: 18 (2000s Emo)
Vance: 23 (80s Rockstar Ghost)
Jesse never thought ghosts were real. He only said he believed in them to be more edgy and different than his peers. It also annoyed his best friend Rick who was super into science and never thought of such things, saying it was childish to believe in things like UFOs and Aliens and Ghosts.
But no amount of science could explain why a long haired Blondie was sitting at the foot of his bed looking at Jesse as if he had seen a ghost. Jesse didn't even know what he should blame it on! His tiredness, lack of sleep, lack of food, anything! But there was no explaining the strange cold air pushing towards his body as the ghost looked at him.
"Why are you in my house?" The ghost asked, sounding heartbroken and if Jesse didn't already lose his heart he would've been extremely hurt over that. "This is my house, no one ever lived here since the eighties," Jesse said sitting up. The ghost was alluring and the emo boy felt drawn to him. "It is the eighties," the ghost said, looking scared. "No, it's not," Jesse said, raking a hand through his black hair, a single blue streak running through it. The light blue being the color of the ghosts friendly eyes. "It's 2005 actually, and this is my house. What's your name?" Jesse asked, his voice monotone. "Vance, I… I don't know what happened. I fell asleep and when I woke up I was here and you were here. You weren't here when I fell asleep," the ghost said. "Vance? You wouldn't happen to be Vance Freely? The famous guitarist who was found dead of an apparent drug overdose?" Jesse asked. "Drug over…. Oh," Vance said, thick black ooze spilling from his bright blue eyes. "I remember now." "Gonna tell?" Jesse asked. "No," Vance said. "What am I going to do?"
Jesse scooted over, lifting the blanket, he patted the space next to him. "Stay with me, Vance!" Jesse said. "O-okay," Vance said crawling over to Jesse's side, he curled up beside him. "Maybe if I go to sleep, this will all be a dream!" Vsnce said sleepily. "I'm thinking the same thing," Jesse thought before he laid his head down and fell asleep.
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nerdyrocker · 2 years
having a quiet intimate moment with your f/o, where they’re just holding your face and you’re looking into each other’s eyes, and maybe they’re resting their forehead against your’s, tracing your bottom lip with their thumb while smiling gently, and they’re looking at you softly as they ask in a small and delicate voice, “what did I ever do to deserve you?”
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nerdyrocker · 2 years
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Follow Wayne Munson through the the hardship, love, and joy in his life of raising his rambunctious nephew Eddie Munson.
Wayne paced the trailer waiting anxiously for his brother and nephew to arrive. The trailer was clean for once, all bottles of alcohol thrown away and the drugs he had been using out locked away in his room where the young boy would have no contact to them. He knew he'd have to quit for the well being of his nephew but he knew that would be hard. He had been doing hard drugs since he was a teen, he had gotten ahold of some of his father's and the alcoholic druggie Munson cycle continued through the generation. Even his brother, Drew, was a long time user of heroin and other drugs.
Wayne walked into the room that would soon belong to his nephew, Edward also known as Eddie. It was plain but he managed to get ahold of some blankets that had ducks and other animals on them for the childish look. He got some children's toys from local churches giving them away.
All seemed perfect, well not perfect. Perfect seemed to be stretching it. Everything seemed fine. Eddie would be comfortable in their little house, they had enough food to Las them a while until Wayne's next paycheck, the beds were comfy, and Eddie had a bunch of soft pillows and blankets with ducks and trains. All would be well. Eddie would be comfortable.
The sound of a car pulling up in the driveway knocked Wayne of his thoughts. Heart racing, he ran to the door and swung it open just in time to see Drew helping three year old Eddie out of the car. The boy held a stuffed bat close to his body, bandages all over his skinny legs from his childish activities. His hair slightly curled but very short on his little baby faced head.
"Drew! It's been a while!" Wayne tried to make conversation but Drew looked at his brother coldly. He looked horrifying, he was skinny and covered with scabs from the drugs he was abusing. Drew hardly acknowledged his brother as he pushed his son forward toward Wayne. Wayne had not seen Eddie since he was a baby, the boy was nervous and shy. He coward behind his dad and looked up at him through scared eyes. "Go on, kid, I don't have all day!" Drew said shoving the young boy forward. "Easy!" Snapped Wayne kneeling beside his nephew. "He doesn't know any better he's only a kid. And a shy one too. Hi, I'm your uncle Wayne, I'll be taking care of you from now on!" Wayne said his voice changing soft as he talked to his shy nephew. "Can I call you Pops, Drew doesn't let me call him that!" Eddie asked. Wayne cracked a small smile. "Of course you can, son!" Wayne said. Eddie smiled and attached himself onto Wayne's arm. "I love you, pops!" Eddie said. "i
I love you too, Eddie," Wayne said hugging his nephew.
Wayne stood up, Eddie in his arms, and he turned back to Drew. "I'll see you then?" Wayne asked with the tilt of his head. Drew shrugged and walked back to his car. "BUY DREW! I'LL SEE YOU MONDAY!" Eddie yelled. Drew didn't reply, he just got into his car and drove away. Wayne knew his brother was not coming back for Eddie.
"Let's go inside, I'll show you your new room!" Wayne said walking to the trailer. "Well, I can't sleep alone in new places, can I sleep with you maybe?" Eddie asked. "Of course you can kid! What silly question is that!?" Wayne asked. Eddie laughed. "I love my knew home!" He said smiling brightly as he looked around the trailer.
The trailer was bigger than Eddie's home as he lived in a RV since he was born, he was an accident. His drug addicted parents failed to use a condom one night and had him. Eddie never had any toys other than the stuffed animal bat gifted to him at birth from Wayne. Eddie never had the cute bedding either and he slept on the couch.
Already life was looking up for him as he was introduced to his new bedroom full of toys and a comfortable bed in the corner.
Yeah, Eddie loved his knew home.
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nerdyrocker · 2 years
"All mine" they gaze at you with fondness, even when you're doing something so simple and mundane.
"All mine" as they think of you, common everyday things constantly reminding them of you.
"All mine" they stare at you with warmth and tenderness, they always try to look at you if they can.
"All mine" they whisper against your skin, breath heavy, kissing you in all the places you allow them to.
"All yours" they declare with a soft smile, and perhaps a touch of colour on their cheeks.
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nerdyrocker · 2 years
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Reblog this with a picture of your F/O and MY F/O will say the first thing about them that comes to his mind.🙂
Warning: My dear husband rarely thinks before he speaks and so it often happens that the things he says are rude, mean, or just completely inappropriate. Please keep this in mind if you decide to ask him for his opinion and be aware that you´re doing this at your own risk. I take no responsibility for the things he says. 
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nerdyrocker · 2 years
"Come on!" I yelled slightly annoyed at my friends who failed to keep up with me as I trudged through the thickness of the Upside Down's woods. "Lemmy, wait, we can't go any further!" My boyfriend Steve Harrington called out as Robin Buckley fell to her knees unable to hold herself up. "But it's just a bit further and my brother and Dustin are still out there we have to go before something happens to them!" I said looking out at the swarms of trees that cleared an opening where screeches of demobats could be heard. "Don't worry, if they knew what's good for them and what I told them they wouldn't have tried to be heroes," Steve said, walking up to me and interlacing out fingers. "You know how Eddie is though," I said, frowning as I looked at my boyfriend. Steve nodded, "I'm not letting you go alone," he said, turning to face Robin and Nancy Wheeler. "You stay here, I'm going with Lemmy to find Dustin and Eddie!"
This whole thing has been nothing but a disaster. I come back to our little trailer and find the body of one of my cheer buddies lying on the floor, black ooze painting the ceiling and the floor around my body. My uncle wasn't home yet and I didn't know where Eddie was.
Eddie "the freak" Munson is my brother. He's a good brother, of course like any other he can get on my nerves but I still love him. He was supportive when I wanted to date Steve despite not liking him very much. And I played the bass for his band Corroded Coffin. We're close, maybe it was because our parents abandoned us to live with our uncle Wayne. We're really the only family we have, Wayne working night shifts can't be there for us as much as we can be for each other.
The entire story of coming to the upside down is a story for another day as it is long and complicated and quite hard to tell.
Steve and I walked through the words until coming to a clearing where I saw Dustin lying over the body of my brother. I screamed and ran to them.
"Dustin! Eddie!" I yelled as I stood beside them. Dustin lifted his head and he was covered in blood that wasn't his. I looked down and saw Eddie, his eyes glossed over looking at me with a soulless gaze. "Eddie," I sobbed as I sat beside him, tears flowing from my eyes. "He didn't run," Dustin said, burying his face in my shoulder and sobbing. I bit my lip and looked down not wanting to stare into my brother's dead eyes any longer.
"Come on," Steve said, reaching down and picking Eddie up. "We'll get him back to Hawkins and have a proper burial where no one will interrupt us."
I don't think I have been the same since then. I've been in an endless spiral of depression not being able to cope with him really being gone. Steve has been worried about me, I haven't seen him since Eddie died. He keeps trying to come to my house with food and drinks and movies wanting nothing but me and him for a while but I just can't.
I don't have the energy for it anymore.
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nerdyrocker · 2 years
Cleric, a priestly champion who wields divine magic in service of a higher power!!!
Reblog with a pic of your f/o and I'll say what class in dungeons and dragons they would be. The only rules is that they can't be already in the fantasy world or have a class or anything related to a class from Dungeons and Dragons! Ready! Go!
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nerdyrocker · 2 years
anyways, imagine your f/o sitting beside you right now. just. sitting beside you, keeping you company. no matter if you’re watching tv or reading a book, they are right there, enjoying it with you. leaning against you, looking over your shoulder to get a better look at whatever it is you are doing. maybe they’ll ask a couple of questions, or observe you in silence.
they are glad to be able to enjoy your presence.
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nerdyrocker · 2 years
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Just started vol. 2, here’s my contribution to the hellfire
Edit: Thankyou so much for the love, it was an honour to watch their friendship grow
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nerdyrocker · 2 years
It's been a long day, you're feeling out of it and curled in a ball crying on your bed when your f/o walks in with blankets, snacks, sodas, and movies. They put the movie on and wrap you up in the blankets holding you tightly to their chest and handing you a snack. They smile and let you know that everything will be alright you just gotta wait for the storm to past.
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nerdyrocker · 2 years
You walk into your house after a long day at work, you had to stay overtime tiring you even more. The pouring rain didn't help any. You see that your f/o is fast asleep on the couch, there were too mugs on the coffee table in front of the couch but it seemed that your f/I had drank both of them while waiting for you to get home. The credits if your favorite movie played in the TV. You walk over to f/o and shake them awake. They smile warmly when they see your face but have trouble keeping their eyes open. You help them up off the couch and they mumble something about a movie but are too tired to put much thought into it. You help them into their PJ's and then get into your before crawling beside them. They're arms instantly wrap around you and they snuggle into your shoulder and mumble an I love you. It may not have been what they had in mind for a welcome home but you thought it was the best one ever.
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nerdyrocker · 2 years
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to start off my blog, I'd like to try something !!! Reblog game! Reblog with a picture of your f/o (one at a time please) and I'll assign them a pokemon and a shiny pokemon! I know this has definitely been done before but I wanted to try and put my own twist on it.
(edit: pro.shippers dni with this post and my blog)
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nerdyrocker · 2 years
"It's the 80s not everyone can be gay" bitch there is fucking demogorgan and a alternate dimension.
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nerdyrocker · 2 years
Reblog if I can go on your page and write stupid things in your ask box whenever I'd like to.
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nerdyrocker · 2 years
My beloved Chad 😘
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nerdyrocker · 2 years
Paladin, a holy warrior bound to a sacred oath.
Reblog with a pic of your f/o and I'll say what class in dungeons and dragons they would be. The only rules is that they can't be already in the fantasy world or have a class or anything related to a class from Dungeons and Dragons! Ready! Go!
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