nerovbelial · 2 years
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Blue Rose Key
Fallen from Heaven for an unrequited love, I walked the earth blaspheming those above. 
White wings pure as unsoiled snow, now made black to mark me as a common sow. 
Once a Virtue, angel of the moon tasked with shining down mystical light, now a lost wanderer destined to hide in the depths of the night. 
My radiant halo that marked me as one of Gods chosen, is left cracked and broken. 
And so I have wandered this forest for what felt like eons, waiting for the day that I would one day be done in by violet ruffians. 
But then on that day my fate changed, as I came face to face with the devil who could make me unchained. 
Hair as gold as the sun, and a smile that spoke only of fun. 
Eyes red as mortal blood, and yet they told me I would be loved. 
He asked me my name and I replied, “Mariel the lost”, he chuckled at that and then responded with a voice so soft. 
“Well I guess now you’re Mariel the found, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Nero the Proud.”
“Demon of Pride, have you come to end me, or will you torture me first” I asked, his eyes widened and he looked at me aghast.  
“What kind of brute do you take me for? I merely wish to show you the door. 
“The door, door to where?” “The door to leave behind your despair” 
“What do you know of my despair? I screamed. “I see in your eyes that you want to be redeemed.
My throat grew dry at the words he spoke. I was frozen in place by the truth he evoked. 
“You and I are the same, identical dreams light our hearts aflame.”
Then he uttered a sinful spell, that cunning devilish rebel. 
A Blue rose appeared in his hand, A smile on his face so very grand. 
“Mariel the found, would you like to come with me, this rose you see is the key” 
A small smile graced my lips, as the pain in my heart began to be eclipsed. 
“Yes” I said, glancing up.  And that is how I became the Belial Bishop
Art by: https://twitter.com/artofakuwa
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nerovbelial · 2 years
The Great Revelation
An event taking place in the year 20XX. The Heavenly Host revealed itself before the world proclaiming the existence of Angels and the Abrahamic God Yahweh.
In the aftermath the Principally visited all the churches of the world showing them the "true path", and uniting them under one banner. While some sects tried to resist they fell swiftly under the gaze of Heavenly Host.
Similar events occurred within the Jewish and Islamic communities as well. This all resulted in the ARC (Abrahamic Revelation Covenant) an alliance of sorts between the three religions. And while on the surface there seems to be peace and camaraderie between the three, under the surface conflict looms evermore.
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nerovbelial · 2 years
Hell is only one part of the greater Underworld, the other part is Sheol the land of the dead.
In contrast to the burning Inferno that makes up much of Hell, Sheol is a realm of shadows, ice, and decay. It is inhabited by sinful spirits that died before the Treaty of Purgatory, and those spirits that lack great sin yet but to acknowledge Yahweh. Besides spirits Sheol is also home to the Reapers; the gods of death, beings whose duty it is to collect souls from Earth and bring them to the Underworld.
Sheol is ruled over by the 13 Reaper Families.
They are as follows:
1) Hades
2) Pluto
3) Thanatos
4) Orcus
5) Azrael
6) Yama
7) Ereshkigal
8) Mot
9) Anubis
10) Charon
11) Hel
12) Naberius
13) Izanami
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nerovbelial · 2 years
The Blue Devil Faction
The Blue Devil Faction is a political group within Hell that seeks the restoration of the role that Hell played in the cosmic order prior to the second fall and the great flood. That role being a cooperative relationship with Heaven wherein the denizens of Hell worked with Heaven to punish and purge human souls of their sin. Many of the members also seek divine redemption themselves although whether such a goal is obtainable is questionable at best.
In the current era these are the Houses that make up the Blue Devil Faction:
Belial - Representative: Nero Vanitas Belial-Phenex
Satan* - Representative: Azul Satan-Samael
Phenex - Representative: Rose Phenex
Dantalion - Representative: Henry Dantalion
Naberius - Representative: Julius Naberius
Gremory - Representative: Zinta Gremory
Aim - Representative: Azhar Aim
Dracul - Representative: Victor Dracul
Amy - Representative: Ciro Amy
Samael* - Representative: Azul Satan-Samael
*The representative of house Satan does not currently hold the title of Prince of Wrath and therefore does not have access to his houses votes; that being said he is acting as the proxy heir to the house of Samael to which his mother belonged to.
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nerovbelial · 2 years
The Goetia Council - Hell's Heroes Lore
The Goetia Council is the ruling body of Hell, all matters pertaining to Hell and its territories are overseen by the Goetia Council. In the Chaos that is Hell it is the Law. While rarely all votes are ever utilized the amount of votes given across the council has and always will equal 666, then number of the beast.
The Goetia Council is composed of the following groups:
The Seven Princes of Sin: (10 Votes Per Prince) The seven demons who embody the seven transgressions that are said to separate a soul most from Yahweh. They have always come from the Seven bloodlines of the original seven who led the rebellion against Heaven.
The 72 Demon Lord's: (6 votes Per House) The current heirs to the Angels who fell during the 1st Rebellion, all of whom are recorded to some degree in the Lesser Key of Solomon
The 22 Grigori: (4 Votes Per House) The angels who fell during the time of Enoch before the great flood. It was they who spawned the Nephalem.
The Six Wings of Lucifer: (6 Votes Per House) Six Demon families that are loyal to House of Lucifer above all else, they are the demons who run the day to day affairs of Hell and oversee the unclaimed wastes where lesser demons dwell. These six houses are: Lucifuge, Nebiros, Satanachia, Agaliarept, Sargatanas, Fleurèty,
The Extra Houses: These are Families, Bloodlines, and positions that for some reason or another gained votes in the council despite not being a part of the aforementioned groups.
The Following are the Extra Houses:
The House of Abaddon the Abyss (10 Votes)
The House of Azazel. (6 Votes)
The House of Lilith (6 Votes)
The House of Samael (6 Votes)
The Grim Reaper Ambassador (4 Votes)
The House of Baphomet (4 Votes)
The House of Dracul (4 Votes)
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nerovbelial · 2 years
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Born to Vincent Belial and Evangeline Phenex, Nero grew up in the lapse of luxury. Heir to the Nobel House of Belial he grew up surrounded by dutiful servants, loyal retainers, and close friends.
But on the eve of the renewal of the Purgatory Treaty the happiness Nero had thought to be mundane ceased to exist. Upon exiting his room that day he was greeted with a river of blood that led back to his parents corpses.
It was on the gruesome day that Nero became Head of the Belial family and the inheritor to the great ambition of his father and his father before him; the salvation of Hell.
Art by https://twitter.com/akuwa_art
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