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Order one of our stickers and use it as a reminder to balance your time between networking and chilling #networkandchill #business #network #student #undergradlife
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Which is why you should have a Network and Chill sticker #networkandchill #networking #business
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Wanna network and chill with us? Buy a sticker - visit networkandchill.weebly.com
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Too busy networking #networkandchill
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Help for when a Relationship Ends
1. Try not to take it personally. Some relationships were never meant to be, and some simply don’t work out in the end. It isn’t always a reflection on you (or even them).
2. Act as if you’re happy, and are coping, with your life. Often, “fake it till you make” can make a difference. It can give you needed strength so you can make it through each day.
3. Choose to be thankful for the happy memories; and choose to forgive for the heartache and the pain. (Although this may be difficult and likely will take time.)
4. See this as a stepping stone – the future lies ahead. You may still meet someone special who will bring you happiness!
5. Let go of the old memories, the unmet expectations, the bitter disappointments and frustrated hopes and dreams. Only then will you be ready to live and love again.
6. Be patient, understanding and kind to yourself. It takes time to recover from a major loss in life.
7. Keep your eyes on the future, and what still lies ahead. You have good reason to hope that you will find true love again.
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First date…To Be Continued???
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