networksoft-blog · 8 years
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Bоmgаr tо Dеmоnѕtrаtе Rіѕkѕ оf Rеmоtе Access аt HDI 2016
          Bоmgаr wіll dеmоnѕtrаtе thе іmроrtаnсе оf ѕесurе ассеѕѕ ѕоlutіоnѕ        through a lіvе hack exemplifying hоw cyber сrіmіnаlѕ саn еаѕіlу        соmрrоmіѕе оutdаtеd rеmоtе ассеѕѕ tооlѕ, rеѕultіng іn соѕtlу breaches.
          Bomgar will еxhіbіt аt bооth Nо. 402.
   Bomgar соnnесtѕ реорlе and tесhnоlоgу ѕесurеlу, рrоvіdіng leading rеmоtе ѕuрроrt and рrіvіlеgеd access mаnаgеmеnt solutions thаt ѕtrеngthеn ѕесurіtу whіlе іnсrеаѕіng productivity. Bоmgаr solutions hеlр ѕuрроrt аnd security professionals improve buѕіnеѕѕ реrfоrmаnсе by еnаblіng ѕесurе, controlled ассеѕѕ tо nearly аnу dеvісе оr system, anywhere іn thе wоrld. More than 10,000 оrgаnіzаtіоnѕ across 65 соuntrіеѕ uѕе Bоmgаr tо dеlіvеr ѕuреrіоr support ѕеrvісеѕ аnd mаnаgе access tо vаluаblе data аnd systems. (Phоtо: Business Wіrе)
        Abоut Bоmgаr          Bоmgаr connects реорlе and tесhnоlоgу securely, рrоvіdіng lеаdіng remote      ѕuрроrt аnd рrіvіlеgеd ассеѕѕ management ѕоlutіоnѕ that ѕtrеngthеn      ѕесurіtу whіlе increasing рrоduсtіvіtу. Bоmgаr ѕоlutіоnѕ hеlр support      аnd ѕесurіtу рrоfеѕѕіоnаlѕ іmрrоvе business реrfоrmаnсе by enabling      secure, соntrоllеd access to nеаrlу any dеvісе оr ѕуѕtеm, аnуwhеrе іn      thе wоrld. Mоrе than 10,000 оrgаnіzаtіоnѕ асrоѕѕ 65 соuntrіеѕ uѕе Bomgar      tо dеlіvеr superior ѕuрроrt ѕеrvісеѕ аnd manage ассеѕѕ to vаluаblе dаtа      аnd ѕуѕtеmѕ. Bоmgаr іѕ рrіvаtеlу hеld wіth offices іn Atlаntа, Jackson,      Wаѕhіngtоn D.C., Frankfurt, London, Pаrіѕ, аnd Singapore.
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networksoft-blog · 8 years
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Vеrіzоn Networkfleet
Verizon Networkfleet рrоvіdеѕ соѕt-еffесtіvе flееt management ѕоlutіоnѕ fоr government аgеnсіеѕ, ѕmаll- tо mеdіum-ѕіzеd buѕіnеѕѕеѕ, аnd еntеrрrіѕе flееtѕ. In a wоrld where everyone must dо mоrе with lеѕѕ, Nеtwоrkflееt’ѕ proprietary GPS vеhісlе trасkіng аnd еngіnе dіаgnоѕtіс tесhnоlоgіеѕ provide the ассurаtе, tіmеlу dаtа оrgаnіzаtіоnѕ nееd tо manage thеіr flееtѕ more efficiently and еffесtіvеlу. Wіth Nеtwоrkflееt’ѕ іnduѕtrу-lеаdіng flееt trасkіng ѕуѕtеm, organizations can lower соѕtѕ, boost рrоduсtіvіtу, іmрrоvе driver ѕаfеtу, еnhаnсе сuѕtоmеr service, and соmреtе mоrе еffесtіvеlу. Inсludеd аt no аddіtіоnаl соѕt іѕ a limited lіfеtіmе wаrrаntу and еmеrgеnсу roadside аѕѕіѕtаnсе tо аll vеhісlе сlаѕѕеѕ.
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networksoft-blog · 8 years
Are Analysts Bearish Carbonite Inc (NASDAQ:CARB) After Last Week?
Out of 3 analysts covering Carbonite (NASDAQ:CARB), 2 rate it “Buy”, 1 “Sell”, while 2 “Hold”. This means 40% are positive. Carbonite was the topic in 2 analyst reports since September 21, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. Below is a list of Carbonite Inc (NASDAQ:CARB) latest ratings and price target changes.
05/02/2016 Broker: Bank of America Rating: Underperform Old Target: $10.00 New Target: $8.00 Target Down
About 23,838 shares traded hands. Carbonite Inc (NASDAQ:CARB) has declined 27.68% since August 25, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 37.96% the S&P500.
Carbonite, Inc. provides cloud and hybrid backup solutions. The company has a market cap of $214.95 million. The Company’s solutions are designed to address the specific needs of small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) and individuals. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s suite of solutions includes Carbonite Personal, which include unlimited cloud backup for one computer at three different service levels for individuals; Carbonite Pro, the Company’s small business workstation solutions automatically back up files to the cloud and include an unlimited number of devices for an annual flat fee based on the amount of storage needed, and Carbonite Server Backup, the Company’s hybrid server backup solution that protects an unlimited number of servers, databases and live applications, and offers management capabilities.
The institutional sentiment decreased to 0.85 in Q3 2015. Its down 0.31, from 1.16 in 2015Q2. The ratio worsened, as 11 funds sold all Carbonite Inc shares owned while 37 reduced positions. 5 funds bought stakes while 36 increased positions. They now own 19.72 million shares or 38.55% more from 14.23 million shares in 2015Q2.
Lyon Street Capital Llc holds 4.03% of its portfolio in Carbonite Inc for 498,673 shares. Nokomis Capital L.L.C. owns 1.11 million shares or 3.55% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Bainco International Investors has 1.72% invested in the company for 2.34 million shares. The Wyoming-based Cannell Capital Llc has invested 1.42% in the stock. Institutional Venture Management Xiii Llc, a California-based fund reported 142,552 shares.
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networksoft-blog · 8 years
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Barracuda Increases Presence in Enterprise eSignature Market, Launches CudaSign Enterprise
News Highlights:
Barracuda announced immediate availability of CudaSign Enterprise, which extends the company's cloud-based eSignature solution to enable enterprises to easily implement eSignatures at scale.
CudaSign Enterprise includes enterprise-ready functionality designed to help companies improve workflow processes, speed execution time for sales organizations, and meet compliance regulations – from any device.
CudaSign successfully completed the Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 Type 1 audit, certifying that CudaSign's information security practices and procedures comply with SOC 2 security standards.
CudaSign allows enterprises to incorporate eSignature into existing business processes and workflows via integrations with leading business applications such as Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft Office 365, ServiceNow, Netsuite, and Salesforce.
G2Crowd recently positioned CudaSign in the Leader quadrant and ranked CudaSign with the highest Enterprise Customer Satisfaction across all eSignature providers, reflecting CudaSign's increasing market presence and strong customer satisfaction based on rankings from verified customer and user reviews.
Barracuda today announced immediate availability of CudaSign Enterprise, which extends the company's cloud-based eSignature solution to enable enterprises to easily implement eSignatures at scale. With the inclusion of a number of enterprise-ready features, business application integrations, and Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 Type 1 certification, CudaSign Enterprise allows organizations to obtain signatures from customers, partners, and employees in seconds, and significantly reduces document turnaround time.
Enterprise-Ready Functionality   Designed for the mobile enterprise, CudaSign Enterprise includes enterprise-ready functionality designed to help companies improve workflow processes, speed execution time for sales organizations, and meet compliance requirements – from any device.
Highlights of the new and enhanced enterprise features include:
User Management – easily add groups of users and provision them online with a few simple clicks.
Notifications – receive real-time notifications around Email Bounce, Declining to Sign, and Reminders/Expirations on signing invitations.
Support for Compliance – enable stricter compliance requirements with full audit logs, Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA) support, and improved data validation.
Advanced Templates – add advanced text tags to Word and PDF documents allowing users and automated systems to easily upload documents and send for routed signature with no manual configuration.
Multiple Teams and New Team Types – join or administer any number of teams simultaneously, and configure teams with different levels of admin rights for sharing and audit requirements.
Simplified Mobile Web – allow users to sign documents from anywhere, with nothing to download or install, via the enhanced mobile web interface.
API updates – configure signing processes with multiple documents and multiple workflows, and use SOAP or REST interfaces to manage all admin and invite processes.
Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 Compliance Certification As part of an ongoing commitment to protecting our customers' information, CudaSign successfully completed the Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 Type 1 audit. These reports are intended to validate the data security controls of a services organization. SSAE 16 Professionals, one of the nation's leading PCAOB registered CPA firms performing SOC 2 audits conducted the process, verifying that CudaSign's information security practices and procedures meet the SOC 2 standards for security. This audit applies to CudaSign's cloud service, including its mobile apps.
Integrations with Leading Business Applications CudaSign Enterprise enables organizations to add eSignatures to existing workflows via integrations with leading business applications, including the ability to update Salesforce records with data from signing processes, new Salesforce1/Lightning support, and improvements to Drawloop, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint, Zapier, and more. New integrations include Microsoft Dynamics, Netsuite, OSX and Windows, ServiceNow, and others.
Increasing Momentum and Landslide of Praise CudaSign continues to gain momentum in the enterprise eSignature market. Most recently, the Winter 2016 eSignature grid by G2Crowd positions CudaSign in the Leader quadrant, reflecting CudaSign's increasing market presence and continued strong customer satisfaction, based on rankings from verified customer and user reviews. G2Crowd also reports that CudaSign has the highest Enterprise Customer Satisfaction rating across all eSignature providers and in the top 10 for all business applications. This recognition from CudaSign customers and users reflects the core product quality, platform availability and responsiveness, and CudaSign's commitment to provide the support and product features expected by Enterprise customers. Recent enterprises that trust CudaSign's cloud-based eSignature platform include Boston Red Sox, European Wax Center, Home Care Assistance, LA Kings, LiveHive, Notre Dame, Pittsburgh Pirates, Republic Services, Round Tower Technologies, Synnex, Tech Data, Warby Parker, and Zoom Video Conferencing.
Quotes: "eSignature provides an enormous opportunity for enterprises to improve their overall business – streamline workflows, speed execution time, increase productivity, and simplify the user experience," said Ken Grohe, SVP & GM Emerging Technologies at Barracuda. "CudaSign has consistently been rated as the top mobile eSignature app, and with the enterprise functionality and integrations we've recently incorporated, there are more enterprises now turning to CudaSign to incorporate eSignatures into their business environments."
"Today, European Wax Center is recognized as the fastest growing company in the beauty lifestyle services category. European Wax Center enables everyone to reveal beautiful skin. And now because of our partnership with CudaSign, we will further modernize our guests' experience and extend that seamlessly to our Franchisees," said Bart Butler, CIO at European Wax Center.
"At a fast-growing disrupter like Cohesity, there's certainly no shortage of devices and apps floating in and out of our offices, and CudaSign is one app that everyone's been raving about," said Mohit Aron, CEO at Cohesity. "In our business, it's not uncommon to see documents that require multiple approvals and signatures before a transaction can be completed. Whether we need to quickly pass something through approvals or obtain a signature for a tight deadline, CudaSign has helped simplify this process – truly providing real value to our company."
About CudaSign CudaSign, with over 40,000 customers and almost 4 million users, is a full-featured, easy to use, and cost effective eSignature solution. CudaSign regularly wins awards for ease of use, and has intuitive and popular mobile apps for iOS and Android. CudaSign has integrations with Salesforce, SharePoint, Office365, Google Apps for Work, and many other platforms. In addition, CudaSign offers SaaS, public cloud, and private cloud deployment options with the same underlying API. This flexibility enables customers to leverage the power and usability of the CudaSign eSignature platform, while meeting their particular security and compliance requirements.
Pricing and Availability CudaSign Enterprise enables organizations to integrate eSignatures into existing business processes and platforms, starting at U.S. list price of $9/user/month. Customers also can leverage CudaSign Enterprise as a physical appliance or virtual appliance (for Hyper-V and VMWare environments) on-premises or in a private cloud. CudaSign is available by calling 1-800-831-2050. To learn more about CudaSign or to setup an account, please visit: www.cudasign.com.
International pricing and availability vary based on region.
About Barracuda Networks, Inc. (NYSE:   CUDA) Barracuda (NYSE:   CUDA) simplifies IT with cloud-enabled solutions that empower customers to protect their networks, applications, and data, regardless of where they reside. These powerful, easy-to-use and affordable solutions are trusted by more than 150,000 organizations worldwide and are delivered in appliance, virtual appliance, cloud and hybrid deployments. Barracuda's customer-centric business model focuses on delivering high-value, subscription-based IT solutions that provide end-to-end network and data security. For additional information, please visit barracuda.com.
Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the potential benefits, performance, and functionality of CudaSign including CudaSign Enterprise. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements because they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that are, in some cases, beyond the Company's control and that could cause the Company's results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could materially affect the Company's business and financial results include, but are not limited to customer response to the Company's products, as well as those factors set forth in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update the forward-looking information to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date of this press release.
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networksoft-blog · 8 years
Intro to Managed Online Backup | WEBINAR | MAXfocus
Intro to Managed Online Backup | WEBINAR | MAXfocus
http://www.maxfocus.com Managed Online Backup is centrally controlled and simple to provide for your customers key data using MAX. From our monitoring dashboard it’s a snap to enable Remote Backup policies then begin automatically maintaining an up to date offsite backup of customers’ key data.
Click the link below to download your FREE 30 day trial today! http://www.maxfocus.com/youtube
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networksoft-blog · 9 years
Telematics might be one of those industry buzzwords that many people use, but few know what it means. Telematics is actually the convergence of telecommunications and information processing – telecommunication meets informatics. To put it more simply, your car’s GPS navigation system is an example. Telematics is the process of using technology to better understand […]
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networksoft-blog · 9 years
Networkfleet - GPS Vehicle Tracking - Verizon Fleet
Review GPS Vehicle Tracking Can Transform Your Fleet Management
GPS fleet tracking service has a variety of features, as well as its comprehensive software does anything we were looking intended for in our review. That also offers easy-to-read information and good customer assistance. Verizon network fleet work have graphs and chart which have been simple to scan thus you can glean rapid information, and its information are comprehensive.
It may be difficult to travel through the software on the phone, as well as the Fleetistics staff we spoke with suggested using the system about a computer.
This kind of GPS fleet tracking system tracks anything we were looking pertaining to in the services we all reviewed. You can observe routes driven and halts made, including how much time a car has been ceased. You can also monitor how safely your staff are driving by collecting data on harsh brake, harsh acceleration and racing. Networkfleet is also a single of the few providers that can let you know if your motorists are wearing their seatbelts.
With engine fault rules and maintenance reminders, also you can keep track of the health of your motor vehicle. The engine fault writes the GPS vehicle trackers give are the same kinds employed by mechanics, therefore the persons working in your automobile can simply identify any kind of problem within your vehicle.
Contract & Installation
The hardware you receive coming from Networkfleet is a plug-n-play device that could be installed devoid of a professional. The business does indeed offer professional installation, although there is an extra fee. The hardware is usually obvious to drivers; even so, the device will become able to tell you if it has recently been tampered with, and as it has a drivers ID option, you will certainly almost certainly be able to tell who is liable.
Networkfleet’s hardware is the most expensive in each of our review. However, this payment is not paid beforehand. Rather, you only pay the sales tax the initial month and the expense of the hardware itself is distributed out and included in your per-vehicle monthly repayment. At the time you sign up with this company, you should signal a contract for thirty eight months. There is not any startup cost or cancellation cost that you can worry about.
Your agreement includes roadside assistance everywhere in the U. H. The GPS devices will help Networkfleet know when that they may need to send away help to your cars or drivers.
Help & Support
Networkfleet received one of the highest scores for consumer support in our assessment. In our interactions with them, the company’s associates were responsive and proficient. They were certain to follow up with quotations and answers to concerns, and they were affected person with explaining how their very own company and software worked well.
You can get ahold of Networkfleet’s customer services line via telephone or perhaps email. Live chat is likewise available on its web page. Additionally there is a FAQs page obtainable in order that you can quickly get answers to frequently asked questions.
Verizon Networkfleet Summary
Verizon Networkfleet provides a full selection of tracking features and has its own of the most readable studies out from the services we examined. Its dashboard and application is also extremely an easy task to use when compared to other solutions, and very low strong consumer support score. These features helped it rank while the best GPS fleet tracking services we reviewed.
Take fleet management to a new level with Networkfleet’s patented telematics solution. Control costs. Improve driver safety. Route vehicles more efficiently. Streamline maintenance processes. Get all the data you need to manage your fleet more effectively – backed by Verizon’s reliable nationwide wireless network. With Networkfleet, smart fleet management isn’t just a goal; it’s how you do business every day.
by networkfleet.com
source: internetservicenow.com/review-of-verizon-network-fleet-work/
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networksoft-blog · 9 years
Big Data meets Complex Event Processing: delivers a better architecture2 attack data center monitoring & a #:
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networksoft-blog · 9 years
Make your McAfee antivirus installation more easy by watching this video and if anyone facing any issue while installing McAfee antivirus then call us on 1800 83 24 24 for instant tech support. For more details anyone can visit at: http://goo.gl/g2AXLQ
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networksoft-blog · 9 years
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networksoft-blog · 9 years
Revealed: The best cloud computing companies and CEOs to work for in 2016
See on Scoop.it - Cloud Employees would most recommend Zerto, FusionOps, Google, OutSystems, AppDirect, Sumo Logic, and Cloudera among others to their friends looking for a cloud computing company to work for in 2016. See on cloudcomputing-news.net
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networksoft-blog · 9 years
Business to Cloud Hosting Service which integrates with VMware expanding the concept of Apple’s Time Machine for big enterprises. Concurrently, emerging publicly and already in the game with Terremark owned by Verizon. The software is Storage Array Agnostic.
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networksoft-blog · 9 years
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Sixteen years ago, we launched Salesforce with a vision to reinvent CRM in the cloud.
And a new technology model was born.
We also put aside 1% of our equity, 1% of our employee time, and 1% of our product to form the Salesforce Foundation. These two key decisions have fueled our incredible growth, made us the global leader in CRM, defined the era of cloud computing, and inspired a new philanthropic model for all to follow. Today, Salesforce is powering innovation in sales, service, marketing, community, analytics, apps, and more.
Thanks to our dedicated employees, partners, and the customers we serve, our industry-leading customer platform has become the world’s leading enterprise cloud ecosystem. Industries and companies of all sizes can connect to their customers like never before using the latest innovations in mobile, social, and cloud technology. Welcome to the Customer Success Platform. More at www.salesforce.com
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networksoft-blog · 9 years
Salesforce announces new cloud service
During a major corporate event in San Francisco, Salesforce announced a couple of updates for its portfolio.
Among the announcements is the launch of a new service they call Field Service Lightning, which will be available for Service Cloud in the second quarter. Salesforce also said it’s planning to redesign Lightning for the Sales Cloud and Service Cloud.
The Field Service Lightning seems to be similar to what TOA Technologies, or Microsoft’s FieldOne are doing: “Organizations can connect their entire service workforce with tools for agents, dispatchers and mobile employees, giving customers a seamless service experience. Dispatchers can leverage smart scheduling to provide automatic, real-time assignments based on employee skills, availability and location. Service employees in the field are able to create and update work orders, and can also change requests and job status from any device, making them more productive than ever,” the company said in a press release.
Salesforce has also announced the Analytics Cloud and the Financial Services Cloud, as well as the replacement of the Professional Edition, Enterprise Edition and Unlimited Edition with Lightning Professional Edition, Lightning Enterprise Edition, and Lightning Unlimited Edition for both clouds.
The products that are now generally available are the SteelBrick CPQ (recently acquired), which costs $40 per user, per month. The SalesforceIQ Inbox will cost $25 per user per month – in case you’re alreay using the Sales Cloud. The Sales Wave App costs $75 per user, per month, for customers already active in the Sales Cloud.
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networksoft-blog · 9 years
All the things you need to know about being an agile product manager (but were afraid to ask).
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networksoft-blog · 9 years
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OpenShift Insider 0914
As you may have seen in my previous post, I recently started working at Red Hat. Part of my job is to show the many advantages of the OpenShift  (www.OpenShift.com) and use the OpenShift blog to connect with the developer community. So, today I am starting a new space in my blog to talk regularly about OpenShift and all the incredible content created by my team.
To check the full post, including the video, go to www.GeekEgo.com
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networksoft-blog · 9 years
Why do I prefer a cloud platform?
The reason is simple, it’s a matter of accommodation!
With a cloud platform I don’t have to bother with stuff like:
Server Configuration
Database setup
In the middle of the configuration process something fails
I will have more time to focus on what I should, that is Web Development, I will spend less money per month and I will have specialized people that can answer my issues and give me support if is the case.
The first and the one I use every day at work is Heroku, what I love in Heroku is the simplicity of their service, their support is very handy and awesome, people do want to help you even if you application is something without importance (You understand what I mean). They also “offer” you 750 hours per month, in case your application isn’t being too much used (visited) you will not pay anything if you don’t reach those 750 hours of processing.
With this I can prevent myself from loosing money without need, if nobody cares and nobody use my application, why should I pay? In a traditional service I have to pay something around 20$ a month, 240$ per year!
Nowadays you have more services like Heroku, like PHP Fog, or the recently service from Red Hat, Open Shift.
See if any of them fit your needs, you may thing this is strange at the beginning, and that you will pay a lot when you probably will not, you application will not have so many users as you thought at the beginning and etc..
But thing for a moment that you will have peace of mind in what concerns to things others then your application, you will no longer need to waste hours understanding your server and see what is wrong with it, there are specialized people for that.
Time is money, and when you are not doing your main work you are loosing money.
What do you think about this?
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