neversaynever-rp · 10 years
It makes me really sad to do this, but I've decided to close the roleplay. We've just lost a lot of members lately, and activity is pretty slow, so I've decided to close things rather than let the group die on its own because I love it too much for that. We've had a great run, but I think it's important to know when there's a lack of interest and while this makes me really sad (I've literally been trying to write this post all day), I'm pretty sure it's for the best. We've been open for 17 months, which is amazing and I love everyone that's ever been a member here. Whether you're part of the group now, or have been in the past. You were all awesome and I've enjoyed rp-ing in this group so much over the year and a bit we've been open. Me and Kylie will be continuing Sugam's story in a 1x1 because we love them too much to let go so we're definitely not disappearing and you are also welcome to create your own 1x1s with your characters if you want to. Maybe one day I'll reboot, but for now, it's time to say goodbye. I'm really sorry and I just wanted to say thank you to you all for the great memories, and good luck with your future rp endeavours!
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neversaynever-rp · 10 years
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neversaynever-rp · 10 years
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We only had one app for Santana in the end, but I was happy to accept it so welcome to the rp, Nadia! Please make your account and send it in within 24 hours.
NAME: Nadia
AGE: 17
ACTIVITY LEVEL [?/10]: 7/10, I have two browsers so it won't be a problem
SHIPS: Dantana, Brittana, Santana/girl
ANTI-SHIPS: Santana/guy 
AGE AND BIRTHDAY: 23, November 28th 
JOB/CAREER: Waitress at the Spotlight Diner
BIO: - Is very close with her mother Maribel Lopez - Is trying to get to talk to her abuela, but isn't really succeding
WRITING SAMPLE: [can be ic or not] 
Brittany walked into the dark hallways of the school, she could hear the music coming out of the gym. She flattened her black dress and held the rose she had in her hand tightly. She figured she had to make an appearance even though she didn’t have a date. The Cheerios would sure make fun of her when she didn’t show up, so here she is, wearing a knee long black dress, her long blonde hair falling over her shoulder and holding the rose in her hands.
She walked into the gym and suddenly felt a wave of nervousness run over her, she never liked the idea of huge crowds and she fumbled with her hands, looking around. She heard a familiar laugh and her eyes glanced to the side, catching side of a familiar brunette. ”Santana…” she whispered quietly when she heard another familar laugh. ”And…Puck..”she felt tears swelling up in her eyes, seeing the two of them having fun.
Britt turned around and walked out, not wanting to see the two of them having fun. She walked outside and sat down against a tree near the entrance, she shivered as she felt the cold air hitting her bare legs. She placed the red rose next to her onto the ground and closed her eyes, not wanting to let the tears go. She couldn’t cry and especially not here, Santana wanted to go with Puck and Brittany just had to accept that.
What has been your happiest moment in the past 3 years? Probably the moment when I got the record deal, I was so excited, but I didn't know yet what would happen right after..
What about your worst? When the record label told me they wanted me to hide my relationship, I still want to go all Lima Heights on their asses
What’s your worst fear? Biggest insecurity? Lopez' don't know fear and insecurities
Do you have any regrets about the past three years? Or do you tend to live life with a ‘no regrets’ policy? Regrets? I don't really have regrets, except that I didn't tell Brittany how I feel about her right now..
Are you happy with your life right now? I'm not entirely happy but also not sad about my life. I have a perfect girlfriend and although I would want things to change, like for example my singing career, I can live with it.
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neversaynever-rp · 10 years
what's happened with puck's story so far?
His bio pretty much explains everything that’s happened to his character, and his last player didn’t really advance much from that but I did update with the fact that Quinn is now living in LA with Beth and they’re basically trying to raise her now. If you have any other questions about the character, let me know!
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neversaynever-rp · 10 years
Noah Puckerman
I've unfortunately got to reopen the role due to inactivity, so Puck is now open! He's definitely needed for our Quinn, and his bio is here. If you're interested, you should come and apply.
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neversaynever-rp · 10 years
Closing Santana tonight!
Probably around 8pm GMT, which is just over three hours away. We currently have one app for her, but you're still welcome to send in an application if you'd like and message me if you need more time.
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neversaynever-rp · 10 years
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neversaynever-rp · 10 years
Kylie Kaplan
DeeJay has decided to drop the role, but is going to continue as our Quinn.
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neversaynever-rp · 10 years
The follow are on activity watch and have 24 hours to resume activity on their blog, or I will be reopening the roles.
Noah Puckerman
Kylie Kaplan
I just want to remind everybody to keep their activity up, preferably you should make at least one post a day but I know that's not always possible so I'm fairly lenient, but obviously I can't be too lenient so please let me know if you're going to be away. Thank you!
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neversaynever-rp · 10 years
Are you a very active group?
Fairly, yes. We recently lost some of our major characters so we aren’t one of those group where things move so fast you loose track, but we’re definitely active.
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neversaynever-rp · 10 years
We now have a fancy new navigation page! I'm pretty sure I included everything on there, but if you notice something missing or any glitches, do let me know.
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neversaynever-rp · 10 years
Is there an age requirement for this RP?
Not exactly. Preferably 16+ but as long as you show maturity in your audition, then it’s unlikely I’ll turn you down because of your age.
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neversaynever-rp · 10 years
did u accept the bree app?
No. After going through the app today, I decided that while I’d love to have a Bree as a part of this roleplay, the application we had just didn’t fit in and I don’t want to accept somebody for the sake of it, you know? I’m really sorry to our applicant and if they’d like to discuss it with me and then possibly resubmit an app, then they’re very welcome to but for now, Bree is remaining open.
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neversaynever-rp · 10 years
Is Santana Taken?
Nope, she is open for auditions and we’d love to see one! She’s one of our most needed characters.
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neversaynever-rp · 10 years
I spy people on the blog. You should apply if you're interested! We really need a Santana Lopez for our Dani and then possibly a Brittany to stir up some drama between them(and I love me some Britt/Sugar friendship). Both members of Seblaine and Kunter would be awesome too, because I miss seeing those guys on the dash. Although any character would still be great. I'll be online for a few more hours to answer questions if you have any, and go over apps so you should send some, yeah?
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neversaynever-rp · 10 years
Sooo. I'm working on some new graphics for the roleplay because a) I have way too much time on my hands and b) I was playing around with a psd and liked what happened. I need you to send me a quote either said by your character, or one - by anybody really - that you think relates to them (a song lyric would even work if you'd prefer that), but it needs to be pretty short and snappy so it fits on the image, so no big speeches. If you could send me this as soon as possible so I can post them, I'd really appreciate it. And please like this post once you've sent it in so I can keep track more easily.
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neversaynever-rp · 10 years
when will you accept?
I’m not totally sure. I’m actually back at college this week for the first time in a while so I’m kind of busy catching up with that, and haven’t really had chance to do a lot of advertising which I always like to do before I accept a role. However, I can tell you that it will definitely be in the next day or so as I don’t like to keep people waiting too long!
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