newgatexgarp · 6 months
Posted a few arts in AO3 that came from here.😅
I might just post my old unfinished and unreleased ficlets there soon too! So look forward to it!
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newgatexgarp · 6 months
So I never planned on getting Pirate Warriors 4 cause Garp isn't playable. Had complained that PW 1~3 had a playable Garp and 4 doesn't!? How unfair! This game series (PW2) got me my OTP!
Aaand a few days ago, guess who announced the new set of playable characters on the 28th?
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And I bought PW4 right away in Steam (with 19 hours remaining on sale!) so I can be ready to greet him on release day!🥲💜
I can't wait to play him and Newgate soon!
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newgatexgarp · 2 years
Oh dear Anon, if it's the Traumatise Marines one, I actually just read it hours ago (and I don't have much time to check AO3 nowadays)!💜 Adorable and sexy stuff! I'm so happy to know people think of this ship even without my influence.
And I still greatly appreciate this message. Thank you, anon!
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newgatexgarp · 2 years
Make r34 of them😍😍
Owner here! I know I had a few of them sketched before, but I doubt I can post them in tumblr. Unfortunately.😩
I had been considering on drawing them again. We'll see if I have enough motivation.😤
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newgatexgarp · 6 years
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Art trade with @picmurasaki  Older Whitebeard x young Garp
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newgatexgarp · 6 years
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“We thought you might want to keep it.”
- Coby and Helmeppo
Coby and Helmeppo might’ve had ideas of Garp and Newgate’s relationship… or they prolly think it’s a good souveneir from their last mission in Hand Island.
Yeah, I know the Whitebeard Figure was destroyed in the actual story, but what if– it was that durable that it was barely scratched and survived?
I swear my One Piece OTP can find it’s way into the littlest places.
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newgatexgarp · 6 years
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Happy Birthday, Newgate!♡
Next one for the OTP would be in 0502~!
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newgatexgarp · 7 years
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This OP Thousand Storm event that happened weeks ago seemed like a NewgateXGarp custody battle for Ace! (; ゚゚)
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newgatexgarp · 7 years
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Happy Birthday Garp!♥
A happy young NewgateXGarp!♪ My One Piece OTP deserves to be happy sometimes.
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newgatexgarp · 7 years
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Took me a while to find the OTP, but it was worth it?O(≧▽≦)O♪ They're even in their sort of younger years-- possibly the same timeline-- and that thought simply amuses me to no end!♥
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newgatexgarp · 8 years
Here’s a wonderful little gem I found! The 2nd chapter is kiiinda NSFW, just a heads up.(´▽`)♪
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newgatexgarp · 8 years
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One Piece Rare Pair Week. Day 3: Loss/ Battlefield
“I’ve already lost Ace… not you too…”
A reply to @arzani92’s ask. I figured the theme for oprarepair and the ask suits this, so I had to finally finish this WIP.
Thanks to @leafyxthiefy for telling me about the event. It’s perfect for my OTP in One Piece.(T▽T)♥
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newgatexgarp · 8 years
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My Garp is all hot and bothered by our calendar…
I was squealing in delight when I flipped the calendar over around 30th of September and saw Newgate.
Well yeah, I know he’s naked enough already but seeing him every day… for this month… looking like THAT… I mean, he’s gorgeous and all… (//∇//)
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newgatexgarp · 8 years
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Happy Birthday Garp! (2016)
No one knows how long I’ve been waiting for this day to come!(;▽;) I’ve finally got to celebrate it!
Also, good job for OP Dance Battle for bringing back Garp’s stage for his Birthday Week/Month!O(≧▽≦)O♥
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newgatexgarp · 8 years
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I know this has been delayed for a looong time cause of a major inspiration switch. Tagging @yesanymorebrightideasgenius for sending me a very amusing idea/scene with my OP crack ship NewgateXGarp.
Thank you so much for showing interest in these two.(;▽;)♥
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newgatexgarp · 8 years
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Best Birthday Gift 0406
“Happy Birthday, Newgate…!”
2nd part will be on 0502, yeah?O(≧▽≦)O♥
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newgatexgarp · 9 years
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… I don’t know where I’m going with this. I just wanted a young!Sengoku jealous over Newgate and Garp, then Tsuru just so done with them?xD
Garp’s the Boxing Club’s champion who’s best friends with the President of the Executive Committee, Sengoku, and the Gun Club’s (?) best shooter, Tsuru.
Not sure about Newgate… Some famous kid from the other school maybe?xD
Probably, High School AU or something this is a one time thing. I hopefully do not intend to think more about this AU. Unless I think of adding Roger and the other hot oldies in One Piece… uh oh.x_x
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