newverseam · 6 months
Newverse part 11
A unwanted Reset part final
Frisk:...Huh...? * Opens eyes *
Hesans: Hello there
Frisk: What's happening?
Bacchus: O your awake
I can't tell you....you can't fight IT
Frisk: What's happening?
Bacchus: They're just arguing about fighting you
Frisk: What....?
Bacchus: Don't worry I just like to listen
Frisk: But I don't want to fight anyone
Bacchus: O well in this case...too bad ;)
Frisk:... 😑
Bacchus: * Drinks some wine ....* Aaaaah well let's see maybe if you just try to sneak out you don't have to deal with this-
HA HA HA * Breaks door *
Bacchus:.... 😐
There you are
Gamma: Yes
Ares: And They are very in a lot of arts in fighting
Gamma: Didn't say that right but yes
Frisk: I'm with God when I say this...I'm a Pacifist
Ares: Huh ...? A Pac-ci what?
Gamma: A Pacifist
Ares: What's that?
Gamma: A Pacifist is someone who is devoted to mercy and not hurting or at least killing anyone, whenever they meet someone they chose if in fight to not cause death to them-
Ares: Alright that's too many words but I got that you don't wanna fight me or kill me
Ares: But what if I told you that I won't DIE;)
Frisk: I still don't want to fight
Ares: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 😠 fine but you will fight me...I don't have anyone else ...these weaklings are NO challenge
Bacchus: * BURP * Aaah I guess that's true but my real name is Dions
Frisk: He lied?
Frisk: Jees can I just leave?
Ares: NO
Gamma: Yes but are you sure you're ok?
Frisk: Yeah
Gamma: Good after finding you crashing in the snowy ground I thought you would be bad
Frisk: Umm yes but what about Bacchus or Dions whatever
Gamma: He's a DemiKing he can survive anything well almost anything
Frisk: Ok
Ares: 🤔 Ok how about this after I met you again we will fight
Gamma: You mean when I meet you again
Ares: When after the same thing
Gamma: Not even close
Ares: We will BATTLE THEN
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newverseam · 11 months
Tumblr media
I feel called out hehe
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newverseam · 1 year
Newverse part 10
A unwanted Reset part 10
Frisk: Hmm 🧐 where do I go now?
Chara: HELLO
Frisk: Why?
Chara:....What was you talking about?
* A red hand grabs Chara *
Chara: WHAT
* A red hand drags Chara to a unknown place *
Bacchus: Hulloy
Frisk: Who are you?
Bacchus: Well * hiccups * looks like * hiccups * you are the determined being he said would be at the place * hiccups * my name is Bacchus Hulloy how are you this.....what time is it again?
Frisk: I am trying to get out of here? Do you know how?
Bacchus: Well what's your name
Frisk: My name is...no comment
Bacchus: Heh * Hiccups * no comment what a strange name I am a Sans like you probably think I
Frisk: Wait why are you you know hiccuping
Bacchus: * Drinks a lot * Well...I like drinks hmm 🧐....well if you want to get out you have to talk to the strongest one of you know
Frisk: Who's the person
Bacchus: Name is I don't remember....hey no comment mind to tell me something
Frisk: Name Frisk
Bacchus: O name Frisk what a strange name
Frisk:.....- _-
Frisk: MY NAmE is FRISK
Bacchus: O well I am a part of the Demi Kings so....I have to stop you
* Encounter happening *
Bacchus: Well....I need drinks 😭
Frisk: * Uses a item and uses leaf and gives it to the guy *
Bacchus:.....I will use this later
Bacchus: Hmm 🧐....well I guess it's attack time
Bacchus: * Uses a bunch of crazy attacks and stops * Heh well let's do this :)
Frisk: * Uses a heal which gains 15 hp *
Bacchus: Well ok what is the problem now?
Frisk: None
Bacchus:.....* Looks at Frisk happy *
Bacchus: Hey sense I am a Sans let's just touch each other
Frisk: Huh
Bacchus: Simple * Touches Frisk at the belly * see that fine?
Frisk: * Feels pain and is striking Baachus *
Bacchus: * Before even reacting he dodges with perfect * that's rude
Bacchus: * Drinks something with pleasure *
Frisk: * Feels dizzy * What is?
Bacchus: Aaaah you feel it now?
Frisk: What is?
Bacchus: It's my ability which is Drunkenpiece
Frisk: Hmm 🧐? * Feels so dizzy *
Bacchus: It's ability * feels dizzy * that makes you feel dizzy
Frisk: * Feels dizzy * Why
Bacchus: It makes you feel like your drunk
Frisk: --_-- * Feels like Frisk can't walk * But why
Bacchus: Heh.... * Hiccups * we're are some what a like trying to not do stuff we don't want to do....* Hiccups * I am trying to keep my family safe..... well I was not wanting to fight you...but I was forced * hiccups * the only way to stop is..... by doing this sense I can't fight you and you can't fight me draw time
Frisk:....* Hiccups * I umm 🤔 * falls *
Bacchus: * Falls down with pleasure *
Random person: O great
Gamma: Heh....looks like I will save Bacchus from having a brain freeze or a cold
Gamma: * Picks both up * We should go to my house
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newverseam · 1 year
Newverse part 9
A unwanted Reset part 9
Random person: That person was always mean, he never cared about all 12 of us, he never cared if we got hurt, he never cared if we died, he never cared if we were sad, all he cared about was his power.
Random person: O am sorry, my name is the Narrator
The Narrator: He was the strongest
The Narrator: He was actually never said that he loved us, never said that he even thought of us as....people...he never actually try to take care of us in dangerous problems
The Narrator: He never talked about us...he was greedy to get all power but....we was his family
The Narrator: His name is Uranoses
The Narrator: He truly cared about power and....he was the past King of the Multiverse...he was the Omni King of the universe
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newverseam · 1 year
Newverse part 8
A unwanted reset part 8
Frisk: Hmm 🧐, well this is the door-
Random person: Hello,....I am sorry but I have to end you:)
Frisk:....Huh, what do you mean?
Random person: Well it's the problem that,..... you are a Human and basically I am one of the dangerous beings that swarm the place
Frisk: But...why are you so tall and why do you have to end me?
Random person: Well it's because I am a dangerous being and if I get your soul I will be stronger and I don't want you to cause any trouble
Frisk: Well, I don't want to fight you-
* Encounter starts *
Random person: My name is Matutor ( Mat, too, tor ) and I will end you hehehehehe
Frisk: What a strange name, but....* sees buttons and presses act and uses check * Matutor a weak but still deadly beast, attack 5, defense 30 and 0 magic
Matutor: Take this * Unleashes a few slashes that are..... just pathetic *
Frisk:.... 😑
Frisk: * Sees buttons and presses act and uses encourage * You tried your best :)
Matutor:.....Why am I even trying?
Matutor: Take this * makes a special attack called X- push...which causes 3.5 damage *
Frisk:......* Presses items and uses leaf heals 7 hp *
Matutor:.... 😭
Matutor: Behold my powerful attack * Uses a extremely hard attack which deals.......1 damage *......
Frisk:.... 😐
Matutor:... Alright that's it, bye * Moves away *
0 notes
newverseam · 1 year
Newverse part 7
A unwanted reset part 7
Chara: What do I do now!!!!?
Random person: Hello there
Chara:.....Who or what are you, and where am I?
Random person: Well Chara, you are here in my place, in the dark Hell
Chara: And....where am I here?
Random person: I brought you here, as a promise making thing
Chara: Promise and what is that?
Random person: I need you to promise that you will kill all the people in that world the world where you were sent out
Chara: I was already going to do that
Random person: Heh....I need you to kill all the 12 DemiKings the King of the Multiverse and the Frisk
Chara: Ok =)
Random person: In return, I will grant you the ability to do whatever you want, you don't have to cause Genocides or you could do it, you could control the world of Undertale or just control the fate like Frisk did, or you could just stay here not do the deal and I would have to beat you down
Chara: I am going to do it, I will kill them all =)
Random person: O I forgot to tell you something, you fail to do this I will make you suffer in a hell you never image * Starts to have dark red eyes *
Chara: Ok....
Tartarian: My name is Tartarian and I am more powerful than you will ever be, now go and finish our promise * starts to grab Chara's body and puts his hands on Chara's soul * U N D E R S T O O D?
Tartarian: Now, GET OUT * Sends Chara away *
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newverseam · 1 year
Have a bagel
Killertale Sans: Sure :)
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newverseam · 1 year
Newverse part 6
This will create some.... trouble
Random person: What's happening?
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newverseam · 1 year
Newverse part 5
The unwanted reset part 5
( Information on Hatris )
Hatris is the 11th DemiKing, He is 133 years old, he is 5' 12", he is a Sans but he doesn't have the blue and yellow eye he has no color of eyes, Hatris is a DemiKing and is the kindest of all the DemiKings. His powers have, teleportation, bones, Gaster blasters, Forgiveness ( Which is a ability where a holy, yellow, bright glow gets behind him and then it purifies anything that has Hate, violence, and any bad intentions to other people or themselves. Which is a part of the skill SPIRITUAL PURIFICATION ) Save which is a skill that is like Frisk's save in the Asriel encounter, holy protection which is a skill that protects anyone that is pure hearted, Kindness mercy which is a skill that heals anyone that wants to use mercy, Kindness's healing, and portal which is a skill every DemiKing has
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newverseam · 1 year
Newverse part 4
A unwanted reset part 4
* After a long sleep *
Hatris: O you are up
Frisk: What happened?
Hatris: You after I saved you, you had faint
Frisk: O,.......well. What should I do now?
Hatris: You may stay here, or just leave and do what you wanted to do
Frisk: ( Why does this place look like the place that Toriel lived, or the home that I was in....but blue? ) Well I think I will leave
Hatris: Well ok, good bye....I geuss I will just relax, but do you know where to go out?
Frisk: Yeah, very easy
Hatris: Ok
Frisk: I think....I will go away now
Hatris: Heh....... remember you are saved
Frisk: Why did you save me, and why do you look like a Sans?
Hatris: I am just doing my job, as the DemiKing of Forgiveness, Hearth, and saving. And I look like Sans because I was created this way...I am not your Sans, heh....well you may not get it
Frisk: Ok, bye. * Leaves out of the place *
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newverseam · 1 year
Newverse part 3
A unwanted reset part 3
Frisk: Who are you?
Random person: My nam is Hatris ( Hat, tris )
Frisk: O my name is Frisk
Hatris: Well that is a unique name, I like it
Frisk: Good, 😊
Hatris: I know about the ghost, and I may help you
Frisk: What....
Hatris: I am able to help you, you don't have to do this anymore. No more genocide, no more pain, no more suffering 😊
Frisk: Do you....mean that?
Hatris: Of course, don't worry it's your choice please... pick the right one
Chara: * Takes control of Frisk's body and attacks Hatris *
Hatris: * Dodges * That was close * Uses force to make Chara stand still * now let's get you away from this person
Frisk: Wait...but how
Hatris: * Thinks about it * Alright let's do this, behold my special attack....SPRITAL PURIFICATION
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newverseam · 1 year
Newverse part 2
A unwanted reset part 2
Frisk: O my, this place is so.....blue
Chara: Yeah I never saw The Ruins as being blue
Frisk: Well, where do we go?
Chara: ........Wow
Frisk: What, what is the matter?
Chara: It's literally the same place as before
Frisk: Right, let's go
Random person: Hello there, who are you?
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newverseam · 1 year
I got Focaccia
took a which bread are you uquiz this morning that told me i was zucchini bread and i can't stop thinking about it. my life makes so much sense now
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newverseam · 1 year
Newverse part 1
A unwanted reset part 1
Frisk: Ow.....
Chara: Frisk, GET UP
Frisk: O yeah, we have to go...... wait where are we?
Chara: I don't know, this place looks strange....this is not the same place as before
Frisk: Let's go now, we have to start what we did before :(
Chara: Yeah =)
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