newverseam · 1 year
Newverse part 7
A unwanted reset part 7
Chara: What do I do now!!!!?
Random person: Hello there
Chara:.....Who or what are you, and where am I?
Random person: Well Chara, you are here in my place, in the dark Hell
Chara: And....where am I here?
Random person: I brought you here, as a promise making thing
Chara: Promise and what is that?
Random person: I need you to promise that you will kill all the people in that world the world where you were sent out
Chara: I was already going to do that
Random person: Heh....I need you to kill all the 12 DemiKings the King of the Multiverse and the Frisk
Chara: Ok =)
Random person: In return, I will grant you the ability to do whatever you want, you don't have to cause Genocides or you could do it, you could control the world of Undertale or just control the fate like Frisk did, or you could just stay here not do the deal and I would have to beat you down
Chara: I am going to do it, I will kill them all =)
Random person: O I forgot to tell you something, you fail to do this I will make you suffer in a hell you never image * Starts to have dark red eyes *
Chara: Ok....
Tartarian: My name is Tartarian and I am more powerful than you will ever be, now go and finish our promise * starts to grab Chara's body and puts his hands on Chara's soul * U N D E R S T O O D?
Tartarian: Now, GET OUT * Sends Chara away *
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dromaeo-sauridae · 5 months
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the labyrinth as defined by the american heritage dictionary of the english language is “the maze in which the minotaur was confined”. minotaur, as defined by wikipedia, is the unnatural offspring of a woman and a beast. among other things.
a demigod is the unnatural offspring of a mortal and a god. of all the profane and blasphemous things you could do, knocking up yours or someone else’s creation is up there. therefore if one is to be born, it must be killed or otherwise punished. yes, we’ve established all of this.
cinder is the child of daksari. not profane or blasphemous enough to have a child with a mortal, but enough to get her sorry ass imprisoned under miles and miles of what was just begging to be called a labyrinth. the only thing it was missing was the minotaur, of course. so when the youngest child of cadaver had a rather surprising run in with a very godless mortal on the moon of cassandra…. it all seems rather planned out, doesnt it? i cant help myself when it comes to references to mythology and video games.
a labyrinth and its minotaur.
what a terrible fate
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pk-plague · 22 days
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He'll do whatever it takes to appease Asgore and to save Monsterkind.
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demikkail · 4 months
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scribblesandsnaps · 1 year
be which?
There is prompting afoot at Desperate Poets where were are answering the call to ‘Go Wild.’ What came first? The map or the boundary? Cartographic riddles here at the edge of the welt Where beings deemed ‘not flower enough’ Push up against the fence Those imagined lines made real Whispering words of warning About such a slicing of the whole Here it is that I ply my craft Here the village…
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hecateisalesbian · 1 year
The Pride of- July?: A Final Thank You
WOW! I believe we did it! 30 Whole Days, an entire month, full of Pride! I’m honestly astounded that we were able to complete this! And I’m even more flabbergasted with how many people liked it! When i started this i thought only my mutuals and maybe one other would see this but no! This gained almost 200 notes and so many people participated in this! And I’d like to thank them all! And some even gave a few final words and talks. About Pride and Disability!
Thank you to Outmaww for being part of this and participating for the Lesbian Flag Day! You kicked off this project by being our first representative and I just wanna say thank you so much! 🩷
Thanks Oz for being there last minute when I was trying to find a representative for the Gay Flag! You pulled through and I’m very grateful for that! And for representing the Agender Flag too! Keep being awesome 🩵 💚
Thanks Sofi, I couldn’t have done this without you being an amazing bisexual disaster! And also being able to keep me in contact with Human! You are an amazing person and I hope you continue to be amazing 💜
Let me start by saying that you are the best trans girl ever! 🏳️‍⚧️ I hope you get the boobs you desire lol. Thank you for representing the trans flag and being so funny! Thank you Jasmine ❤️
Not only did you represent the Trans flag, you also represented the Androsexual AND the Grayace flag! Thank you for that! And Puff even had a final closing statement about him and his disability!
“Being androsexual is a big part of my identity and what I find attractive. Androsexual means to be attracted to masculinity or just men in general, my LGBTQ+ identity has been all over the place, past few years. But I’ve found myself, I remember looking at pictures on Google that showed masculine people and I feel very attracted to them. Just something about masculine people makes me swoon over them !
I also have autism, self diagnosed. I’ve recently figured this out and have made connections between my experiences and autism through research. I have always been depressed, it seems from what my mom has told me, my family has a history of anxiety. I stim in different ways, experience noise sensitivity, have a hard time with boundaries, and more things that contribute to my autism. I hyperfixate on things for months to years, these things make me happy and people have said I’m obsessed. Which I am lol !! But it’s just how my brain works and I’m happy to have figured myself out, it all makes sense now. :)
Having autism is hard though, I can take stuff the wrong way, especially in real life where I have a hard time finding tone in people’s voices. So I end up taking them seriously. This is why tone indicators are a big thing for me and many others, we need people to use these so we don’t take them the wrong way. And I can get upset over the smallest things such as a noise I don’t like, it’s really hard. I always bring my headphones with me just in case it gets too loud. :)”
So thank you to Puff! You are a gem :) 🩵 💜 🤎
Omnisexual AND DemiKING! You are amazing and supported me from the beginning! I’m very grateful you did this and for your kindness! Thank you 💙 🩵
Kat, my fellow Genderfluid, I am very glad you participated! You represented Omnisexual, Demisexual, and Genderfluid, and even created this amazing art!
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Thank you Kat :} 💙 💜 🩶
What words can describe how amazing you are? You are one of my best and favorite mutuals and you are incredibly talented! I mean, just look at this lovely asexual art you made!
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Thank you Rainbow 🌈 🩶
My first Mutual and an asexual king! I hope you can return soon to Tumblr! We all miss you! Thank you for doing this :) 🩶
I Hope that you and your friend Bella have a wonderful life. Asexuals and Aromantics don’t deserve hate and definitely don’t need to be ‘fixed’. Keep being you :) 🩶
Your blog is super funny and I love seeing your posts on my dash! Thank you for representing Aroace and genderqueer! You are so cool! Thank you :) 🩶 💚 💜
You went very above and beyond with art and talking about your experience with being Aromantic! Your art looked beautiful
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“To break the professional language for a sec, figuring out whether you are aromantic or not is hard, especially if you are not asexual as well. When I was figuring myself out I often found that I never really developed crushes on others and that made me feel weird since romance is so mainstream and talked about and for some reason I don’t feel these weird butterflies in my stomach or something? I guess I’m just weirdo! Sure, I can find people attractive and cute but I didn’t feel that romantic feeling. As a kid I would try and just scan other kids in my class to try and figure out if they’d be a good partner. I didn’t know that there had to be some kind of feeling to get in a relationship with someone. I just thought people would go ‘hey this person is nice and cute, I will be their partner!’ but that’s definitely not how it works. I would find it hard to differentiate romantic and platonic love because I mean… love is love…? I mean some would say romantic love is doing stuff like cuddling, holding hands, kissing, hugging… but you can also do that platonically, right? There’s just that extra step in romantic love that I just can’t see because I can’t experience that extra step. There are moments where I think I feel love but I realise that at the time I was just really eager to be their friend as I get very excited when meeting someone like me but if I really thought about if I would be in a romantic relationship with that person… the answer would probably be no. Some aromantics can feel lonely as they can’t feel romantic love and they don’t have the desire to devote their life to a person, but remember that you still have those platonic relationships and they can be just as strong if not stronger than romantic ones, nothing is better than hanging out with a really awesome friend. If you believe you’re on the aromantic spectrum but are unsure, try doing some research for yourself as there are many terms under the umbrella that may fit you! Demiromantic for example is when you only feel romantic love when close to someone or grey-romantic is when you feel fluctuating levels of romantic love but as a whole barely experience it”
Thank you Zed :) 💚
Genderfluid Partner in Crime and Pansexual! I adore your art and your chaotic and optimistic energy! You truly brighten my blog and im very thankful for your contribution to this project! I mean, just look at how cute this art is!
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Thank you 💜 💛
Thank you for being apart of this and being educational to everyone! You even made my post even better by explaining even more about being bi-gender!
“If you'd like some further information on the bigender identity, I have a Gender of the Day post here! I also have a bigender masterpost here on my main blog.
Additionally, here are some other bigender flags! One of the most common ones currently being used by the community is the upper left one!
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Want some bigender blogs to follow?
@talking-bigender @bigendering @bigender-culture-is
And as a little bonus, I have my own bigender flag down below, called the sunrise/sunset bigender flag.
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- Your Bigender Big Brother 💙💚”
Thank You 🙏 💚
Thank you for being so enthusiastic about this and being wonderful! I hope your future is bright aswell 💚
Thank you for representing Demigirl and for just being proud!
“Hey guys! 👋 I'm the guest for today's pride of june! If you guys have any questions about demigirl as a gender identity, or any questions about it in general, I'm more than happy to give you my part of the answer! Do remember that everyone sees gender differently, and while there's no "right" or "wrong" answer to gender, I hope my answers might help anyone with whatever they're looking for. Happy pride everyone!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜”
Thank you Ah Wei 🩷
Demigender Culture is YOU! Thank you for being in this and representing the demigender flag :) And you even made this!
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Thank you! 💛
A polyamorous pansexual! And a non-binary! Thank you for participating in this and being you! 💜 💛 ❤️
thank you for being part of the Polyamorous flag day. It’s hard being accepted but you being there was very cool! Thank you so much ❤️
Thank you for sharing light to the very unknown sexuality Gynesexual. You even made this!
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You are helping more people learn about it just by reblogging all of this project :) 🤎
Thank you for representing Abrosexual, a sexuality that I feel a lot of people forget about! You are amazing 💚
You were amazing for this project and you even decided to talk about your life as an intersex person!
“I have a condition called simple-virilizing congenital adrenal hyperplasia, or what’s usually called “classic CAH.” I was born with XX chromosomes and assigned female at birth, and I also have ambiguous genitalia and a hormone profile of typical estrogen and atypical testosterone called hyperandrogenism. This means I have one of the dozens of variations that can make a person what we call intersex. In many ways, I love my intersex body and identity, but much like any other person could, I do not feel my assigned sex is my gender. Being intersex is part of me, but I am also an intersex man. I am a transgender man, but I might fall better into a category called utltergender—while I will transition to be more masculine, I was already born with many of these features. What I would like for perisex (not-intersex) people to understand about being intersex is that you won’t always understand, and that’s okay. We will have bodies you don’t understand. We will have transition patterns you don’t understand. We will have identities you don’t understand. We are not born male or female in a world where everyone must be, and even when we identify ourselves within the binary, we are never truly accepted into it. Yet, to this end, you must advocate for us, because we are not enough to win fights on our own. We do not have communities like every other queer identity—most intersex people don’t know any other intersex people in real life. We don’t have clubs, we don’t have bars, we don’t even have representation at pride events much of the time—we are invisible. Make space for us. If you want to put I in the acronym, know why you do. Know who and what we are and why we are important beyond a quick gotcha against the binary.”
Thank you for being so open! 💜
“Hey everyone, this post is going to be a bit different. Pride month is nearing an end and I was ask to make a special something for this project I'm in.
I want to talk about my journey with discovering my sexuality and gender identity, along with my battle with my disability battle with ADHD.
I was around 15 or 16 when I started to question my identity. I didn't understand what or why I was different from everyone else around me. I didn't understand why I faked being in love with boys or found myself only falling in love with fictional boys but not real guys. Then I began to think harder. I realized that maybe I wasn't so straight.
As I was finding my way I explored different labels, explored my gender, and eventually finally admitted that I needed therapy for my health.
At first I thought I was bisexual and nonbinary. At the time it felt correct, but time past and I realized it didn't make sense or feel right. I needed to keep looking. Then I identified as lesbian and demigirl, but once again later down the line they didn't feel like me.
Finding your identity takes time, trying things out for a time and seeing what makes you feel you. There is no rush, no impending doom waiting around the next second.
I finally found my gender when I was looking online about different genders in the trans and nonbinary umbrella: trigender.
Trigender is a gender similar to gender fluid. One identifies as three genders, whether all at once- like a mix of colors- or flux between the three- like colors melting into another.
Trigender was the labe that felt right, where I felt myself click into place. I felt like a woman, a man, but in between- nonbinary. It made sense and felt just right for me.
As for my sexuality? I am still into women, but I now use Gynosexual as my label. It is a gender neutral way to say that a person is attracted to women identifying genders or feminine traits. Which I am.
I also figured out I am ageosexual. Ageosexual is a sexuality on the asexual spectrum. Ageosexual is a sexuality where one isn't disgusted seeing anything sexual in nature, able to watch 'adult fun' without being uncomfortable, but still having no desire for sexual intercourse of any kind.
I can handle a sex scene or joke in media, but even the thought of actually having sex makes me uncomfortable and nauseous. I don't like even the thought of anyone I may date in the future see me naked, god forbid touch me. I will hold hands, kiss on the cheek, peck on the mouth, cuddle, hug, but anything else is a no. Just no.
So after finding the labels that fit me and have found myself comfortable with them, I settled on my pronouns next: they/them. I didn't like being referred to as just she/her, just female. I liked the more neutral they/them as it feels better and more like me. It felt right. But everyone around is still having to get used to my pronouns and using them. Learning is still going on, my family no used to my pronouns as they spent years with my old ones.
But my mental health during this? I went to see a therapist at 16, working on my depression and anxiety first. I was prescribed medication to help deal with my issues and given tools to help manage what the medication can't. Medicine isn't a cure for mental health, it just helps manage the issues one has.
After I was given the starting tools I worked on myself and tried hard in high school. I was more energetic, I felt less tired, and I had more motivation. It didn't last however. I began to have issues with attention, I kept getting distracted easily, forgot things constantly, was restless, overall a mess without knowing why.
Then my doctor prescribed me with a medication I recognized my mother taking. It was one she took for her bipolar. So I thought for a while I had bipolar, stupid I know but hey I wasn't thinking clearly. But soon I was diagnosed with ADHD, given medication and tools I needed to manage things, and found myself more relaxed- and given confirmation that I do not have bipolar. I could sleep longer than four hours. I could finally have my thoughts slow down. I even could focus better.
But the struggle wasn't done. You see, during one summer on a boiling hot day, I tried to end my life by heat stroke. I had turned my heater on full blare on the hotest day that week. Then I took a nap, hoping to anyone listening that I wouldn't wake up. I woke up, drenched in sweat, realizing what I nearly done. I turned off the heater and quickly tried to cool myself down. I only confessed about till six to seven months after that happened. This was when I was around 19, probably 20. I had dropped high school before this, the stress of dealing with family problems, moving, and the pandemic just beginning. I wasn't great mentally.
I have also experienced cutting before, something common sadly with people dealing with depression and constant stress. It wasn't a good feeling. The pain of cutting was not what I enjoyed ever, but I am ashamed to say this, but I did like how it made me numb to everything.
In the present day I am much better, not perfect but not a mess, I'm simply okay. I've been through so much and have many years to go hopefully. To end this post as it is long enough as it is I will say this:
Your journey will not be like anyone else's, it's your life and you will find the pieces of yourself in time. You just have to find what feels right and what is comfortable. You may have a hard time with your disabilities, mental or physical, but you have support around you ready to help. There are people who want to help you get better, you'll find them. I know it. Just be kind to yourself, allow time to feel out what it is you need. And allow yourself to make mistakes.
The worst thing I ever did was try to be perfect, to be strong. In actually, it's okay to be weak and to be imperfect. We all need to learn by making mistakes, grow from them. And sometimes we need to let out emotions, to stop trying to hold everything inside.
It's okay to be yourself.”
Thank you :) 🩷
Thank you for participating and being a representative of the Pansexual Flag! You are wonderful 💛
@bloggingboutburgers and their partner @civiart
You guys did so much! Not a lot of people know about QPRs and you did not shy away from the task of educating! You made this amazing art
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And this amazing explanation
“What it's like to be in a QPR? Well, at the very least the QPR I'm in is very comfortable I'll say far most! It's hard to define in exact words to describe the relationship. It's the closeness and comfortable vulnerability of being with someone that you see as your life partner. The more meme-esque way I like describing it is Akhts is my ride or die!! Life is crazy and so unpredictable! It throws hands at ya in anyway it wants to and you just have to figure out how to roll with the punches and face it! It gets hard to face it on your own, so it's nice to build a dynamic with someone where you can share the messiness of life. There's that element of closeness you have with them that's just really comforting and fills your heart in a special way. It's always an honor being able to spend time together with a beloved and feel that solidarity confidence in one another. It's like the dynamic and development for this relationship just lead up to it naturally without the mix of romance and sexual attraction. It's definitely a relationship of what feels right to each individual. At least for mine, I'm really happy being in a QPR with Akhts! The dear really gives me a lot of comfort, company, and honestly sharing the braincell too. I'm honored to have her company and will absolutely prance my adoration for her! Life feels so much more fuller with her!"
Thank you both! I wish you the best of lives! 🩷
And finally, I’d like to thank my mutual and friend @bloodied-dagger, who made this wonderful musical piece to end off pride month
Wow! This got long haha! In all seriousness though, thank you all! You all did such a wonderful job and really helped me on this project. But now Pride Month is Over. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be prideful though. The US Supreme Court made a ruling on June 30th saying businesses had the right to deny service to queer people. This is devastating to the queer community and is ranking us equivalent to a second class. We should be recognized as human beings and shouldn’t be made to feel guilty, dirty, or sinful for being who we are.
Now that July is here lots of queers are joking about Gay Wrath Month, but July already has its pride. July is about Disability. Disability is still rarely accommodated even in 2023 and we need to draw attention to that. People with disabilities shouldn’t be looked upon as if they were lower than those without. So this month mine and your challenge is to help those with disabilities. Donate to funds or just simply don’t be a jerk or make ableist jokes. Be kind this month.
All of my Art will be posted in a big post on my art blog @accidentally-drank-paintwater if anyone wishes to see all of them together. Happy Pride!
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dexyau · 1 year
wussah my name is demikkail. or just demik (the D of Demik stands for Dumbass /j). they/them
so about me: i like hamsters. i am known as the hamster deity. i am, in fact, a hamster on a keyboard. i like fnaf, hamsters and art, and writing.
[Signed, D]
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10 Cara Menghilangkan Efek Ganja yang Perlu Diketahui
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Kecanduan narkotika dan sejenisnya memang menjadi masalah buruk bagi seseorang. Oleh sebab itu, mencegah adalah cara paling baik dari pada mengobati. Namun, jika sudah terlanjur bagaimana cara menghilangkan efek ganja?
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Efek dari ganja cukup berpengaruh buruk bagi tubuh. Beruntungnya efek tersebut dapat dihilangkan dengan berbagai macam cara. Seorang yang telah kecanduan ganja akan berdampak pada tubuhnya.  Akan tetapi, tenang saja. Kecanduan ganja masih bisa dihentikan. Sebab, penyalahgunaan narkoba jenis ini, juga cukup banyak. Bagi Anda yang memiliki teman atau saudara kecanduan ganja coba cara berikut ini. 
Cara Menghilangkan Efek Ganja
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Berikut langkah dan cara menghilangkan efek ganja pada seseorang yang telah kecanduan. Baik itu dialami oleh diri sendiri maupun dialami oleh rekan atau orang terdekat Anda:
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1. Menyadari Kecanduan Cara pertama yakni menyadari bahwa memiliki kecanduan. Sebab, terkadang seseorang yang memiliki kecanduan tidak menyadari secara langsung bahwa dirinya sedang mengalami kecanduan.  Justru, orang tersebut menganggap dalam keadaan yang baik-baik saja. Tidak ada gangguan kesehatan apa pun. Orang yang telah kecanduan biasanya akan mengalami gelisah saat tidak mengkonsumsi ganja.  Oleh karena itu, apabila Anda sendiri sebagai orang yang kecanduan ganja, Anda harus segera menyadari hal tersebut. Selanjutnya, Anda harus menerima bahwasanya kecanduan ganja akan berdampak buruk bagi kehidupan.  2. Dukungan dari Orang Terdekat Cara menghilangkan efek ganja yang berikutnya adalah mencari dukungan dari orang terdekat. Sebab, dukungan dari orang terdekat cukup berdampak bagi orang yang kecanduan. Seperti keluarga dan teman yang selalu memberi dukungan.  Seseorang yang telah kecanduan ganja sangat tidak disarankan untuk sering menyendiri. Maka dari itu, perlu untuk bercerita kepada orang yang terpercaya. Hal ini bertujuan agar ada orang yang mengingatkan seorang korban penyalahguna. Dengan demikian, orang terdekat akan membantu untuk mencegah seorang korban penyalahguna agar tidak mengkonsumsi ganja berlebihan. Selain itu, dukungan untuk sembuh dari orang terdekat juga cukup berpengaruh.  3. Konsultasi dengan Spesialis Kesehatan Jika Anda sudah merasa sebagai korban penyalahguna berat dan Anda menyadari hal tersebut, maka perlu untuk mencoba konsultasi dengan spesialis. Tentu saja hal ini bertujuan agar Anda tahu langkah apa yang perlu diambil.  Selain itu, tujuan Anda konsultasi dengan spesialis untuk mengecek kesehatan Anda. Sebab, mengkonsumsi ganja secara berlebihan tentu akan berakibat buruk pada kesehatan. Anda bisa terserang berbagai macam penyakit. Dengan melakukan konsultasi, Anda bisa mengetahui apabila ada masalah kesehatan pada tubuh Anda. Sehingga, ini bisa menjadi cara yang efektif sebagai usaha untuk menghilangkan efek ganja.  4. Hindari Lingkungan yang Memicu Kecanduan ganja dapat disebabkan karena lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, cara untuk menghilangkan efek ganja, Anda perlu menjauhi lingkungan yang memicu Anda untuk mengkonsumsi ganja. Bisa jadi itu penyebab Anda sulit sembuh.  Dengan menjauhi lingkungan para pemakai ganja, Anda akan bisa sembuh dan menghilangkan efek ganja. Namun, jika Anda tetap pada lingkungan orang yang mengkonsumsi ganja, maka Anda juga akan sulit menghilangkan efek dari ganja.  Sebagai catatan, sebenarnya jika Anda termasuk pengguna ganja yang berkelompok. Anda bisa mencoba untuk sembuh secara bersama-sama, dengan demikian efek dari ganja juga bisa menghilang secara perlahan.  5. Cari Aktivitas untuk Menyibukkan Diri Cara menghilangkan efek ganja yakni menyibukkan diri dengan aktivitas lain. Sebab, seorang yang telah kecanduan ganja akan terus menerus mencari cara untuk bisa mengkonsumsi ganja.  Pasalnya, jika tidak ada kesibukan, maka seseorang yang telah kecanduan ganja akan sulit untuk sembuh. Anda bisa mengalihkan dengan kesibukan lain, misalnya bermain musik atau berolahraga, yang terpenting Anda tidak berdiam diri. Dengan demikian, perhatian kepada ganja akan teralihkan kepada kesibukan tersebut. Anda bisa lebih cepat untuk sembuh serta menghilangkan efek dari ganja dalam jangka waktu berkepanjangan.  6. Kelola Stres  Orang yang mengkonsumsi ganja akan sering mengalami stres. Sehingga akan kesulitan untuk konsentrasi serta seringkali tidak fokus. Pasalnya, hal tersebut yang akan terus membuat kecanduan untuk mengkonsumsi ganja. Sebab, orang yang sudah kecanduan ganja merasa hanya ganja yang bisa menenangkan mereka. Secara berulang korban penyalahguna ganja akan terus menerus mengkonsumsi ganja saat merasa stres. Oleh karena itu, mengelola stres sangat penting sehingga Anda tidak terpengaruh untuk kembali mengkonsumsi ganja. Membuat diri merasa bahagia akan mengurangi keinginan untuk mengkonsumsi ganja.  7. Lakukan Terapi  Apabila sudah teridentifikasi sebagai korban penyalahguna ganja, maka Anda bisa melakukan terapi. Terapi dapat dilakukan dengan ahli untuk dapat menghilangkan efek dari ganja. Strategi terapi dapat dilakukan secara rutin agar mendapat hasil yang maksimal. Dengan demikian, efek  ganja bisa hilang secara permanen. Sebab, jika tidak diberikan terapi, maka efek akan berdampak pada kesehatan. Saat melakukan terapi, umumnya seorang ahli akan melakukan pengamatan terhadap sikap dan perilaku. Dengan mengidentifikasi pola pikir serta perilaku seorang ahli akan melakukan terapi sesuai dengan hasil identifikasi.  8. Mencoba Berpikir Rasional Seorang korban penyalahguna harus selalu mencoba berfikir rasional. Maka dari itu, sebagai orang terdekat Anda harus selalu mengajak seorang korban penyalahguna untuk berfikir secara rasional.  Hal ini disebabkan dampak dari ganja adalah membuat pikiran seorang korban penyalahguna menjadi tidak rasional. Terlebih ketika seorang korban penyalahguna ganja sudah tidak bisa menjauhi jenis narkotika tersebut. Lingkungan yang baik adalah teman-teman yang selalu memberi dukungan untuk kesembuhan dari kecanduan ganja. Hal tersebut agar selalu menginspirasi dan menasehati orang yang telah kecanduan.  9. Perbaiki Pola Hidup Cara menghilangkan efek ganja adalah dengan memperbaiki pola hidup. Misalnya, dengan rajin berolahraga dan mengkonsumsi makanan yang sehat. Pola hidup diyakini sangat efektif untuk menghilangkan efek dari ganja.  Kecanduan ganja cukup berdampak negatif bagi kesehatan. terutama bagi korban penyalahguna berat. Saat mengkonsumsi ganja secara berlebihan dapat mengakibatkan masalah kesehatan bahkan overdosis. Apabila hal tersebut sudah terjadi, maka Anda benar-benar harus menghentikan konsumsi ganja dan memperbaiki pola hidup. Rajin berolahraga untuk menjaga kesehatan jantung karena konsumsi ganja berlebihan.  10. Konsisten dan Jangan Menyerah Cara menghilangkan efek ganja yang terakhir adalah dengan tetap konsisten. Sembuh dari kecanduan memang bukan sesuatu yang mudah. Sesekali ada rasa keinginan untuk kembali mengkonsumsi ganja.  Namun, perlahan Anda harus konsisten dan tidak boleh menyerah. Mencoba segala cara untuk bisa sembuh dari kecanduan. Terkadang kesembuhan juga tidak bisa Anda duga datangnya.  Maka dari itu, ada baiknya mencoba berbagai metode penyembuhan hingga terapi atau rehabilitasi. Anda akan lebih fokus pada kegiatan yang bermanfaat dan menyibukkan diri dengan aktivitas lain. Apabila Anda merasa sudah tidak bisa menyembuhkan kecanduan tersebut sendiri, Anda bisa mempercayakan pada Pusat Rehabilitasi Narkoba. Dengan, dukungan dari cara menghilangkan efek ganja menjadi lebih mudah. Read the full article
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chatreasontrist · 11 months
corey demiks and his wife have disappeared to LA and won't say anything.
Ceak geiler is the same and unmarried.
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notestomyself2 · 2 years
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newverseam · 6 months
Newverse part 11
A unwanted Reset part final
Frisk:...Huh...? * Opens eyes *
Hesans: Hello there
Frisk: What's happening?
Bacchus: O your awake
I can't tell you....you can't fight IT
Frisk: What's happening?
Bacchus: They're just arguing about fighting you
Frisk: What....?
Bacchus: Don't worry I just like to listen
Frisk: But I don't want to fight anyone
Bacchus: O well in this case...too bad ;)
Frisk:... 😑
Bacchus: * Drinks some wine ....* Aaaaah well let's see maybe if you just try to sneak out you don't have to deal with this-
HA HA HA * Breaks door *
Bacchus:.... 😐
There you are
Gamma: Yes
Ares: And They are very in a lot of arts in fighting
Gamma: Didn't say that right but yes
Frisk: I'm with God when I say this...I'm a Pacifist
Ares: Huh ...? A Pac-ci what?
Gamma: A Pacifist
Ares: What's that?
Gamma: A Pacifist is someone who is devoted to mercy and not hurting or at least killing anyone, whenever they meet someone they chose if in fight to not cause death to them-
Ares: Alright that's too many words but I got that you don't wanna fight me or kill me
Ares: But what if I told you that I won't DIE;)
Frisk: I still don't want to fight
Ares: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 😠 fine but you will fight me...I don't have anyone else ...these weaklings are NO challenge
Bacchus: * BURP * Aaah I guess that's true but my real name is Dions
Frisk: He lied?
Frisk: Jees can I just leave?
Ares: NO
Gamma: Yes but are you sure you're ok?
Frisk: Yeah
Gamma: Good after finding you crashing in the snowy ground I thought you would be bad
Frisk: Umm yes but what about Bacchus or Dions whatever
Gamma: He's a DemiKing he can survive anything well almost anything
Frisk: Ok
Ares: 🤔 Ok how about this after I met you again we will fight
Gamma: You mean when I meet you again
Ares: When after the same thing
Gamma: Not even close
Ares: We will BATTLE THEN
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dromaeo-sauridae · 5 months
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some kiddos that have needed proper designs for way too long. the king's headpiece is definitely going to change in the future but for now its fine as is
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pk-plague · 22 days
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Ever felt like you were gonna burn? Acid makes the job quicker.
#Demik #undertaleAU #undertale #UndertaleYellow #ocxcanon
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vaverett · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Aka Demiks Akdmks Jeans New Without Tags Size 38/34.
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apwmagazine · 2 years
Hannah Demik Obituary, What was Hannah Demik Cause of Death?
Hannah Demik Obituary, What was Hannah Demik Cause of Death?
Hannah Demik Obituary has been recently searched in a more significant amount of volume online, and moreover, people are eager to know What Was Hannah Demik Cause Of Death. Currently, Hannah Demik’s death is widely spreading, and people are concerned to know about Hannah Demik Obituary and want to get a real update. With that being said, let’s further investigate the truth and details of Hannah…
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petalsechoes · 3 years
Somewhere, that isn’t NEAR the current chaos, of course people might listen in. 
A coffee machine is broken. Siege stares at 5 people, her expression being neutral. 
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“So, who broke it? I am not mad. I just want to know.” 
@demikings @panniculata @stcrryteller @nauhtilus​ @dripblood​
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