#Fabray twin
newyorkbynightrp · 2 years
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Full name: Alexis Jane Fabray
Birth date: February 1st, 4th born
Age: 25
Sexuality: UTP
Occupation: Dog groomer at Petropolis
Alter ego: None
Ability: None
Allegiance: Civilian
Bio: Alexis has never really understood her siblings. Of course she still loved them but she didn’t understand their negative outlooks on the world and each other. Then again, that is the kind of person Lexi has always been: sweet, kind, and horrendously naive. As she was the youngest, her family would always ‘aww’ over how cute she was and continued to do so into her late teens. Lexi has never had to have any responsibilities due to her age and carefree nature. So when she was deemed ‘grown up’ and thrown out of her parent’s home, it was quite a shock to her. After she was left without a home, Lexi decided that she wanted to go somewhere new and ended up following her sisters to New York. Once there, she still felt lost, so she latched onto anyone she could. That turned out to be Stephan Hudson. Her love for animals and sweet personality quickly got her a place working at a pet store near to her apartment that she shares with Mike Chang.
Life as a Citizen: Lexi has no dealings with The Vigilantes or The Reckoning (unbeknownst to her, one of her sisters is a member of the former). Her boyfriend, Stephan, used to be a gangster. However, once they got together, she insisted that he should stop associating with them. Stephan agreed although, secretly, he did not really leave The Vendettas. He simply plays a lesser role than he did in the past. Lexi knows nothing of his continued allegiance and is head-over-heels in love with him.
Charisma: +4
Intelligence: +3
Athleticism: +3
Power: +0
Frances ‘Frannie’ Fabray - Eldest sister.
Frannie is probably Lexi’s favourite sister - although she would never admit it because that would be mean to the others. Frannie has always been the one who listened and cared for Lexi the most whilst their parents were away or decided not to pay attention.
Rosalie Fabray - Elder sister.
Sometimes Lexi finds that she can’t look at Rosalie because it makes her sad. She believes that it is her and the other quads’ fault that Rosalie needs that chair. Rosalie also makes Lexi feel a little stupid when they are around each other as she uses big words that Lexi has trouble understanding.
Charlotte ‘Candy’ Fabray and Lucy ‘Quinn’ Fabray - Elder sisters.
When they were younger, all of the girls - including Rosalie and Frannie - were as thick as thieves. Frannie would show her younger siblings how to properly play dress up and they would have sleepovers in each others’ rooms.
But then came the time to grow up and the girls drifted apart, especially Charlotte and Lucy. Lexi had always loved her sisters’ hair and names - Charlotte’s was always a lot thicker than Lexi’s and Lucy’s was a lovely red - but soon they began to change everything about themselves. Lucy started going by her middle name Quinn, changed her face, and started acting like she was better than everyone else. Then Charlotte demanded that no one use her full name and they called her ‘Candy’ instead; she dyed her hair pink and started pushing everyone away.
And then there was just Lexi sad and confused as to what had happened to make her big sisters go away.
Stephan Hudson - Boyfriend.
Lexi and Stephan met over a year ago when he came into the pet shop she worked at to buy some more food for a friend’s goldfish he was looking after. He got really confused and almost bought cat food before Lexi hurried over to him and explained he was in the wrong aisle. She took him over to the fish stuff and they got chatting. Lexi found herself giggling a lot more than she had been recently and just before he left he slipped her his number.
Brittany Pierce - Best friend.
Lexi and Britt have been friends ever since Lexi bumped into her on the way into their apartment complex. Brittany told her she was looking for fairies and that Lexi should help her because they like pretty people. Lexi had agreed to help and they’ve been hunting magic creatures together ever since.
Noah ‘Puck’ Puckerman - Friend, mainly through Stephan.
Lexi is a little worried that Puck is a bad influence on Stephan and may try and get him to go back to his womanizing ways.
Mike Chang - Roommate.
Lexi thinks that Mike is adorable and frequently asks him to show her some dance moves whenever she gets in from work.
The Lopez sisters and Charlie Puckerman
Lexi knows of Santana, Cameron, and Charlie because they attended her school and because Santana was friends with Quinn.
Trivia about this character: UTP
OOC Information: 
Ships:  Lexi/Chemistry
Anti-ships:  Lexi/No Chemistry, Lexi/Forced
Lexi is TAKEN [By Samber]
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myplasticadversary · 1 year
So we agree that if Glee was Twin Peaks then Quinn would be the Laura right
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jedi-luca · 2 years
Avenger Lane Chapter Five
Previous Chapter
Summary: You and your wife Quinn move your family outside of New York City to Avenger Lane; a small private suburbia. There you face your toughest obstacle of your marriage. Will your marriage with Quinn be strong enough when a certain redheaded beauty captures your attention? 
Parings: Quinn Fabray x G!P Reader / eventual Natasha x G!P Reader
Warnings: mentions of sexy times! Drug use!
Word Count: 12,198 😅
A/N: So I decided to make a mini playlist for each chapter, I can't hep myself I love music. Also it helps me write each chapter/scene. I'll go back and add playlists for the previous chapters. I'm adding all of the playlists on Youtube since it's the easiest and most available for everyone here. Also I do have a tag list now so if you'd like to be tagged in a post please follow the link below.
Hold Up by Beyonce 
Dinner At Eight in the Suburbs By All Time Quarterback
Formula by Labrinth
Surrender by Cheap Trick
The Joker by Steve Miller Band
Swing life away by Rise Against
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Avenger Lane Chapter Five: Dinner at Eight In The Suburbs
“Can I come in now?” You pouted at your wife who already looked freshly showered while she moisturized her face. The soft beats of Hold On by Beyonce flowing through the speakers. If Quinn played Lemonade it was for one of three things. She’s feeling herself, she’s upset, but your favorite is when she’s horny.
She smirked at you through the mirror. She had made you shower in the guest bathroom. ‘You don’t know how to keep your hands to yourself.’ is the last thing she said to you before shutting and locking the bathroom door.
“You know I have a beauty regimen, and you know it takes time.” Quinn spoke as she began her makeup. “We didn’t have time for a quickie.”
Quinn always looks flawless. She never really has to put in any effort, but you’ve seen this many times before you can count at least five examples on one hand. Meeting your parents, Prom, both graduations, wedding things, and anytime she was around Sersi. That’s only five examples, there are plenty more. You’re certain she’s doing this because of Natasha.
“What are you going to wear?” You found yourself leaning against your side of the twin sinks.
“I already laid out your clothes.”
“I hate when you do that. I'm not a child.” You gruff stomping your way into your shared room.
“I know that I’m just saving time. Besides, you would have taken hours to figure out what to pair your new polo with.”
You grumbled under your breath; she wasn’t wrong. You changed before heading into the bathroom. You begin fixing your hair as you watch your wife apply her makeup. You don’t know why, but you loved watching her make herself up. Seeing her stroke that brush against her sharp jawline captivates you.
“Babe, what are you doing?” Quinn’s voice cut through your daydream. Her tone was verging on frustration.
“I’m putting on my shoes.” you say simply.
“Those are the wrong shoes I put out for you.”
“Quinn, I’m not wearing Louboutins to our neighbors dinner.” You scoffed; the shoes in question were actually the ones you got married in. Truthfully you only like to wear them on special occasions.
“You promised you wouldn’t argue if I got to choose the matching outfits since I have to go to this dinner on my last night off.” Quinn raises her brows. You like to pick your battles with your wife. The last battle you won she sold your bike. She wanted to lend an egg to Kurt and Blaine. Both were big arguments. You were so certain thinking you two were going to divorce, but that’s a story for another time.
You both stare at one another until you break the silence.
“Okayyyy.” You sighed, taking off your shoes you thought would look just as good, and submitting to your wife by placing the Louboutins on your feet. You just hope Nat didn’t think you were being ostentatious. Your wife in ways is like her mother always displaying the very best front. 
“Come here.” Quinn smiled near the mirror.
You stand walking over to your wife. You already know what she wants. She wants to make sure your outfits look good together. 
“Damn we look good.” Quinn smirked. “I’m loving you in these vintage Italian polos. I’m gonna have to ask Kurt to find more for you.” She winked.
“They feel great and check this out.” You flexed. 
“You better stop it or we won’t leave.” She joked about rubbing your muscles when she gets an idea. 
“No. I know that face. No Quinniffer, I already told Nat we’re going, and I’m not breaking her heart after she’s been cooking for us all day. That’s just rude and flakey.”
“I’ll get the girls.” Your wife sighs.
15 minutes later and you and your family are walking over to Natasha’s home.
“Where we goin?” Finley asked.
“We’re having dinner at Natty’s.” You answer.
“Yayy Natty!” Your daughter's eyes widened as she leaned back in your arms clapping her hands. You had to use your other hand to keep her balance.
You ring the doorbell when Bruce answers the door.
“Hey It’s the Y/L/N’s.” He smiled, waving you in. “Please come in!”
The first thing you notice is the aroma in the house. Whatever she made is making you drool.
“Hello I’m Bruce.” He smiled introducing himself to Quinn.
“Quinn.” She smiled, shaking his hand. He turned towards Beth.
“I’m guessing this is your mini me.” He chuckled.
“I’m Beth.” She smiled.
“Is this Y/N Jr?”
“Finley.” You grinned at the toddler in your arms who looked warily at the man.
“I thought I heard you.” Natasha smiles exiting the kitchen.
“Natty!” Finley squeals.
“Finny!” Natasha smiled warmly as the toddler reached for her.
Quinn placed her hand behind her balling it up in a fist as Natasha took Finley from your arms. The whole thing looked a little too domestic for her taste.
“How are you today?” Natasha smiles adoringly at Finley.
“I’m grrrrreaaaat!” Finley giggled, throwing her arm in the air like Tony the Tiger. Causing the room to laugh.
“Now you ask her how she is Fin.” Beth smiled.
“How are you Natty?” Finley asked, playing with her ear and hair.
“I’m very happy now that you’re here.” She booped Fin’s nose causing her to giggle bashfully. “I’m gonna check on dinner. Wanna come with me?”
“Yes peas.” Finley nodded.
Natasha smiles back at you like she’s in heaven. You can’t help, but smile lovingly at their interaction before Nat walks back into the kitchen.
Which does not go unnoticed by Quinn. 
“Great shirt Y/N! I’ve never been able to pull off the polo look.” Bruce sighs looking down at his purple button up.
“I can’t pull off the color red.” You shrug trying to relate.
“Yes you can, you're wearing it now.” Quinn laughed.
“It’s just a stripe.” You playfully nudge your wife.
“And under your shoes.” Beth giggled pointing at your feet.
“Do they always gang up on you?” Bruce chuckled.
“Always.” You smirked.
“Come on, let's take a seat in the dining room.” Bruce chuckled, waving them along.
“You two have a beautiful home.” You say trying to fill the silence.
“Oh thanks it’s all Tasha I’m gone most of the time for research purposes.” He says adjusting his glasses.
You all take a seat when you notice Natasha made everyone a pink cocktail and an appetizer.
“Is that caviar?” Quinn asked, trying not to sound shocked.
“Yes and traditionally they’re served on top of blini’s.” Natasha said, walking in and laying a small tray of what looked like mini pancakes with Finley on her hip. “And your drinks are called Kissel.”
“Naslazhdatʹsya." Finley smiled nodding. 
You do a double take.
“That’s perfect мой ангелочек.” Natasha smiled fondly at your mini me.
“What did she just say?” Quinn asked, eyes wide.
“What does Naslazhdatʹsya mean мой ангелочек?” Natasha asked her softly.
“Enjoy!” She beamed giggling.
“Nat, that's awesome. Can you teach me too?!” Beth gasped. 
“Of course printsessa.” She smiled.
“Great job Fin!” You chuckled.
“Honestly sometimes she can barely say words in English.” Quinn smiled as Natasha handed her Finley.
You always thought caviar was for the wealthy, and you also thought it was sort of gross. They’re fish eggs… Not wanting to hurt her feelings, you reach out first following her instructions before eating it.
The table was silent as they watched you.
“Natasha this is just… wow so good!” You reach back out for another when your wife and Bruce follow suit.
“Very.” Quinn and Bruce nodded along. 
“Thank you.” She blushed, smiling. “I’m gonna get a high chair for Fin.” 
“I can help.” You say when Bruce doesn’t offer you to wipe your hands on the clothed napkin before standing up.
“Oh no-“
“Yes it’s the least I could do.” You chuckled. “Lead the way, chef.” 
She smiled, shaking her head before leading out. That’s when you really take notice of her clothes. She looked gorgeous. You can’t believe she cooked everything looking like that in those heels. She leads you into the garage. Grabbing a few wipes to wipe down the chair of any dust or germs.
“So how’s it been with Bruce back for- what 24 hours now?” You ask as you help clean the chair.
“Yeah..It’s okay I guess.”
“Kind of wish he was still gone?” You smirked.
“Yes.” She bit her lip. “You must think the worst of me.”
“No.” You shake your head with a grin. “I think you’re pretty cool so…” 
“I’m pretty cool?” She furrowed her brows. “I don’t think I’ve ever been called cool before.” She smirked
“Well that’s just one of the adjectives I have for you.” 
“What are some of the other adjectives?” She asks you a little breathlessly.
“Well you're a great cook because whatever the main course is; it has me drooling. You’re sweet and kind, and so far you’ve been a great friend to us.” She looks down for a moment trying to keep her smile from faltering. “Not to mention Finley is definitely falling in love with you.” You chuckled. 
“I love her too.” She bashfully smiled.
“Oh and the food isn’t the only thing that has me drooling, you look lovely this evening Nat. Although lovely might just be a bit of an understatement.” You grinned. “I’d list some more adjectives, but we’d be here all night.” You laughed.
“Thank you.” She blushed avoiding your eyes before looking back at you. “You clean up nice. Bruce was right that polo looks good on you.”
“Oh stop.” You bashfully hit her.
“Come on, let's get that inside.” She chuckled, smacking your arm playfully while opening the door. 
You follow her noticing photos of her and her family, and friends, but barely anything of Bruce.
You walk into the dining room hearing Beth telling Bruce what she learned in science class last year.
“You’ve got a bright young lady on your hands Y/N.” Bruce smiled.
You set the chair down with a proud grin as Quinn hands you Finley.
“Considering Quinn is a Yale graduate and Y/N should have been a shoo in at MIT.”
“I’m a Harvard and Penn State man myself.” Bruce chuckled. “Go Crimson Penguins. Bulldogs suck”
“We Bulldogs wipe the floor with you Crimson wavers every year.” Quinn smirked with a kinked brow.
“This rivalry runs deep.” You chuckled looking at Natasha.
“I’m going to grab the main course.”
Once again Bruce doesn’t make a move instead is now debating with Quinn on the rivalry. You stand following Natasha. “I can help.”
“You know you’re supposed to be my guest.” She smirked checking the food before giving you the side eye. 
“I’m a helper.” You shrug. “I can’t help it.”
Natasha laughed as she stirred. You lean your arm on her bar next to her stove watching her taste it.
“Here so you can stop drooling.” She smirked letting out a chuckle. She bites her lip when your face lights up. 
“Whoa.” You hummed.
“Good, it’s done then.” She transfers the food onto a glass tray.
You grab everything she tells you too and you rush to the kitchen door to open it for her.
“Thank you.” Natasha smiles.
You both set everything down before sitting down, and serving yourselves.
“Papa!” Finley whined wanting to be fed.
“Sorry.” You cringed before making airplane noises.
“You’re doing it again dad.” Beth said.
“Sorry, I tend to make airplane or car noises.” You chuckled.
“Sometimes it’s a skateboard or a spaceship.” Beth grinned.
“I like to get creative.” You chuckled and shrugged. 
“That’s cute.” Natasha chuckled watching Finley smile at you.
“I hope this doesn’t sound or come off as rude but why is it that they call you dad and not mom?”
“I got this pop.” Beth speaks up.
“When I was a little bit younger there was this bully who said I didn’t have a real family because I had two moms. He said dads do the heavy work around the house. That’s my dad.” She said in a serious tone gesturing towards you, making you smile. “And my Dad can do anything! Dad takes care of me and helps me feel better when I’m sick. Dad taught me how to protect myself if someone pushes me around, how to fix a car with any issue, sports, how to follow your own compass. Everything!”
You laughed wholeheartedly as Quinn kissed her cheek.
“Y/N Y/L/N is my father and always will be.” Beth grinned.
“Damn skippy kiddo you can’t get rid of me.” You grinned.
“Sounds like you’re a great father.” Bruce smiled kindly.
“Are you and Natasha thinking of having one some day?” Quinn asked.
Natasha shuffled in her seat, and Bruce cleared his throat reaching for her hand but she moved it.
“No kids are just not in the books for us.” Bruce said softly.
“Oh I’m sorry.” Quinn spoke softly, noticing Natasha’s discomfort.
“Don’t worry about it.” The scientist waved her off. “So Y/N, Quinn what do you do for work?”
Quinn for a second felt for Natasha; she seemed so taken by the girls. It didn’t take Quinn long to come to her own conclusions.
Natasha side eyed him; he always had to bring up the fact that he was a well renowned scientist.
“I'm an Editorial Director at Lotts & Hound.”
“They’re a mega publishing company right?”
“Been around for a century.” Quinn smiled.
“How do you like it?”
“I don’t… I love it.” Quinn smiled. 
Bruce laughed before turning towards you “What about you Y/N?”
You hated this part. It was always so embarrassing to say you didn’t have one. “Oh I don’t really have a career, I sort of just take care of the girls, and the house.”
“You’re also a contractor.” Natasha kinked her brow. “She fixed my bike and built those flower beds you mentioned earlier.” Natasha turned towards Bruce.
“Y/N owns a business which she fails to mention every single time.” Quinn frowned at you. “She owns an auto shop back in our hometown. She bought it right after graduation.”
“Wait what? You didn’t tell me that.” Natasha felt a little taken back.
“Well I don’t run the shop.” You defended yourself with a sigh. “The shop owner Burt, well his son is Kurt, and Finn was his step son.” You elaborate towards the redhead who nodded in understanding. 
“When Quinn and I found out we were having Beth, Burt hired me to work after school and on the weekends. Anyway, right before graduation he got really sick, and had to sell the shop. No one actually knew that he was selling it until one of the buyers came to the shop, but they didn’t want to keep it as an auto shop, they wanted to turn it into a Parking garage. So I figured since I didn’t get into MIT and I had a family to feed. I would use my college fund on something that could help Burt and provide for us at the same time.” This was your battle with your parents constantly. They were so upset when they found out. 
“That’s honestly very smart you were thinking logically.” Bruce nodded. 
“Also, very kind, you said you helped their dad keep his shop.” Natasha smiled that she was right about you. You’re a good fucking person.
“So Y/N you never went to college?” Bruce frowned.
“I got my degree online.” You shrugged.
Natasha looked over at the blonde who remained too silent for Natasha’s taste. How could she not get you to go to school? Why would she let you throw your dreams away?
“If you had gotten into MIT what would you have done?” Bruce presses.
“Physics and Electronic engineering.” 
“You must love building things.” Bruce smiled.
“I love working with my hands.” You nod.
“What did you get your online degree for?”
“Just a bachelors in science.” You shrugged. “Nothing major.”
“Still you got a degree while taking care of your kids.” Natasha chimed in.
“Have you given some thought on maybe going back to school to get your masters or doctorate?” Bruce asked, taking a sip of his cocktail.
You shake your head negatively. “No, if anyone is going to school it’s these two.” You gesture to your daughters. 
“I wanna go to Yale just like my mama.” Beth smiled.
Natasha stood up excusing herself as she made her way into the kitchen. She grabbed what she needed before making her way back, setting a cold can of soda and a glass of ice next to it.
She smirked at you as you laughed.
“You didn’t really have to get me a can of Coke.”
“Those are the rules of jinx.” Natasha smirked.
“Technically the rules of jinx would have required you to remain silent until you gave her said can of Coke.” Bruce piped in.
Natasha rolled her eyes at Bruce as you opened your soda. 
“Guess we know who the party pooper is.” You chuckled, causing Bruce to blush and laugh as well.
“Papa, can I have some?” Finley licked her lips at the carbonated ice cold drink.
“No ma’am you will be up all night.” Quinn spoke up.
Finley glared and huffed at her mother before turning towards you. “Papa!”
“Mama said no Fin.” You raised your brow.
Finley’s eyes began to tear up and her bottom lip began to tremble. 
“Oh no you don’t.” You say shaking your head and sticking a spoonful of food in her mouth.
Finley’s eyes widened as she chewed. “Hmm!” She hummed, nodding.
“Dad, can I have some?” Beth grinned.
You put out some of the coke before feeding Finley and subtly handing your other daughter the can.
“Y/N, you know I hate you all drinking sodas.” Quinn raised her brow.
“Hmhm.” You nodded while drinking said soda.
“Ass.” She smacked you.
“Ass! Ass! Ass!”
You quickly spoon fed her, shutting her up. You turned glaring at your wife.
“That was your fault this time mom.” Beth snickered.
“Sorry about that; she’s in this parrot phase.” Quinn explained, shaking her head in frustration.
Natasha waves her off as she chews.
“So Bruce, what is it that you’re researching?”
“A lot of my research is usually radiation based.”
“Interesting.” Quinn comments nodding. “Do go on.”
Natasha wants to roll her eyes; she really doesn’t want to hear him drone on and on about it. It was interesting in the beginning but it just got annoying to her. In a way everything he did annoyed her.
“I better not, I already promised Tasha no shop talk.” He chuckled.
“Fair enough.” You chuckled. 
“So Natasha did you go to college?” Quinn asked.
“No, I was too busy modeling.” 
“Speaking of modeling, are you excited to get back in it for Kurt?” you grinned.
“You’re going to model again?” Bruce asked, surprised.
“It’s just for a new friend I made through these two.” She smiled nodding towards you and your wife.
“That’s great!” Bruce chuckled happily.
The night went along smoothly with you and Natasha keeping a steady conversation as Quinn and Bruce discussed the importance of feminism. 
When you feel something brush across your leg. Your eyes widened; realizing it wasn’t Quinn you jolted upwards banging your knee on the table.
“Jeez Y/N.” Quinn glared.
“Something touched my leg.” You defended yourself.
Natasha laughed when her cat jumped into her lap. “I’m sorry Liho scared you, she just wanted to say hello.”
“I had no idea you had a cat.” You chuckle pushing your hair back.
“Kitty!” Finley beamed as the cat gracefully lept from the Russian’s lap onto Finley’s high chair. The black cat began purring as Finley gently stroked her back.
The girls were fawning over the cat when Natasha spoke up. 
“I found Liho outside during the winter and brought her in. She stayed with me for a while, but she likes being outside most of the time. She’s a tough and curious kitten.”
“She’s so sweet.” Beth cooed.
“She really is.” Natasha smiled.
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Soon You and Quinn thanked Natasha for her hospitality, and let Bruce know it was nice meeting him. The salt and pepper haired man descended to his study, and Quinn made her way back home with the girls.
“Thanks again, Nat, dinner was delicious.” You say standing on her steps with an orchestra of crickets chirping in the background.
“You’re welcome, I enjoyed having you all over.”
“I’ll have to return the dinner one day.”
“Don’t feel obligated.” 
“I don’t.” You smile stepping down the steps. It was silent for a beat.
“I’ll see you later?” Natasha says back with a small smile.
“Later.” You smile nodding before walking next door to your house.
“She’s a fucking trophy wife! I knew it!” Quinn exclaimed after you closed the door.
“Quinn.” You warned her as she took her heels off.
“Oh come on I’m not saying the guy is ugly, or anything she’s just so out of his league.“
“You’re out of my league.” You shrug.
“Aw Y/N come on baby that’s not true.” She smiled, kissing your lips. 
“Quinn, please don’t be mean to Nat. I like her! She’s actually a friend. Thumbelina 1 and 2 like her, not to mention B and Santana. You just don’t like her because you think she has a thing for me.”
“Ugh okay, okay.” Quinn groaned as you took her by the hips.
“Don’t be jelly baby, you still got me.” You smirked.
“Ugh shut up I am not jealous of that ginger.” She scoffed pushing you away as she lifted Finley up to take her upstairs.
“Suuuurrrrre you’re not.” You internally sigh.
Beth came running back downstairs in her pajamas.
“Dad, can we play video games for a little while? Please?!”
“Only for a little while you two.” Quinn raised her brow. “Fin and I are gonna bathe and get ready for bed. This mama has to work in the morning.”
“You ready to get your tiny butt whooped?” You nudge your daughter before running and jumping on the sofa.
“Psh, you’re going down!” Beth huffed before joining you on the sofa.
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You woke up before Quinn carefully got up and out of bed. You just wanted to have a quick work out before making her breakfast and fixing up her lunch. You didn’t mean to see what you saw, but you saw it. You were making coffee when you saw a jeep rubicon drive up in the driveway of the Rogers residence. You remembered Thor asking when Steve’s wife would be back from London, but the jeep wasn’t what caught your eye. 
The man sneaking out of Steve Rogers upstairs window is what caught your eye. You furrowed your brows thinking you were going crazy when his prosthetic arm blinded you with a glare of light. You watched the guy climb down the balcony, and jump 10 feet to the ground before running down the block. 
“Wow… never would have guessed.” You muttered seeing Steve greet his wife through their upstairs window.
“Never would have guessed what?” The blonde descended down stairs with a groggy Finley in her arms. 
That our neighbor is a closeted gay man who seems to be cheating on his wife.
“Oh nothing She heard you huh?” You smirked seeing Finley playing with her freshly curled hair.
“Hmhm, wanted to sit with mama while she got ready.” She smiles sweetly down at the toddler.
Quinn sat Finley in her high chair before wrapping her arms around you.
“Thank you baby.” Quinn mumbles against your back as you fix up her lunchbox.
“You’re welcome.” You smile turning back so you can kiss her head. “Are you excited to go back?” You ask as you close her lunch box. Handing it over along with a smaller bag with her breakfast.
“Yes but I’m going to miss my family.” She smiles sweetly kissing your lips.
“Cheese Ball.” You chuckled.
“Yes my love?” She looks over leaning against your front.
“Where you go?”
“I’m going back to work.”
“I go too!” Finley huffed trying to get up out of her high chair.
“No my love you have to stay here with daddy and your sister. I’ll be back before you know it.” Quinn smiled, kissing her little hands.
“I go with you mama.” Finley shook her head.
“Come on Fin, you don’t wanna go with mama! You wanna stay here and have fun with papa and sister. Mama has to work today.” You feigned throwing up.
“Work yucky!” Finley giggled.
“Exactly; which is why you have to stay and have fun with papa.” Quinn smiled.
“I stay.” Finley nodded as if she had a choice.
“Yayy!” You clapped. “Now eat your eggys.”
 Finley smiled before she began eating her scramble.
Quinn kisses you and Finley goodbye before leaving for work.
You sat down with Finley eating your breakfast as you watched cartoons.
A short while later you hear your doorbell ring. When you go to open the door you find a small crew of men.
“Hiya neighbor I’m Scott Lang, Tony sent us to start setting up your new security system.”
“Oh right! Morning fellas come on in.” You grinned, stepping aside.
“You have a beautiful home.” A Russian man nods.
“Thank you; just moved in.” You grinned.
“Welcome to the block!” Scott beamed. “So Y/N this is Luis, Dave, and Kurt. We all used to have our own business called ‘Ex-con security consultants’ but We have merged with Stark Industries.”
“Tony was telling me that’s great. So you all used to burgle homes?” You asked.
“Yes! Well sort of.” Scott chuckled.
“We have all been in the pin.” Dave nods.
“But this is our second chance if you will.” Kurt explained.
“Scott and I had a lot of trouble finding work after prison. People just don’t wanna hire past felons even if we never hurt anybody. That’s when we created this team.” Luis smiled.
“That’s great.” You grinned right back.
“We’re going to go ahead and remove the hammer tech.” Luis nodded, lifting up the Hammer tablet.
“Thank the lord that shit sucks ass.” You pointed out.
“Definitely.” Kurt nodded.
“What should we do with it?” Dave asked.
“If you guys can just leave it in the garage that would be great I can drop it off later.”
“Will do.” Dave nodded.
“Alright Y/N we’re gonna get started.” Scott clapped his hands.
“Okay, you fellas want a breakfast burrito?” You asked.
“Ooh what kind?! You know what it doesn’t matter, can I have two?” Luis beamed.
“Seriously Luis?” Scott huffed.
“I’m starving, you ate my donut!” He poked Scott.
“You did eat his donut.” Dave nodded.
“You don’t have to make us anything, I'll Uber eat us something.” Scott shook his head.
“Nonsense, I don’t mind, it won't take me long.” You grinned just as Beth padded down stairs.
“Good morning little one.” Kurt smiled. 
“Morning.” Beth rubbed her eyes.
“Beth, these are the gentlemen who are fixing our security system.” You introduce them to your daughter before looking at her. “Want a breakfast burrito bub?” You ask Beth who clings to your side.
“Yes please.” She nods.
“You know maybe one day you can meet my daughter Cassie! You seem her age.”
“Really?” Beth seemed interested.
You figured it was time to start setting up playdates she had so many friends in the city and now she has to start over.
“Yeah maybe I can bring her over sometime you girls can meet.” Scott grinned.
“Okay.” Beth smiled.
“Alright fellas do what you have to do, and I’ll make you guys some breakfast.” You grin.
“Thanks Y/N I’ll take Scott’s.” Luis winked earning a shove from his best friend.
The men began their work as you sat Beth next to Finley on the sofa. 
“I’m gonna make you breakfast.” You feel Beth nod when you hear the doorbell.
You open the door only to find Natasha standing in front of you.
“Morning neighbor fancy some iced coffee?” She smiled, extending her hand with a cup of iced coffee.
“Thanks, come on in.” You chuckled while taking the cup. 
“I hope you don’t mind me just showing up like this. I just-“ you touch her hand.
“You can come by anytime.” You smile. “I was just about to make Beth and the guys some breakfast burritos. Want one?”
“Sure.” She smiled. “Hey fellas.” She waved towards the techs before following you in the kitchen.
The men waved as they sorted through their bags.
“It is ridiculous how beautiful that woman is.” Dave shook his head, speaking low towards Kurt.
“Russian women are very beautiful-“ Kurt stopped Dave’s hand. “But deadly.”
“Man, all women are deadly.” Dave huffed.
“Want some help?” Natasha asked as you pulled out a few ingredients.
“No thanks, I’ve got everything ready, you just sit there and look pretty.” You winked turning back towards the stove missing her blush. “So is Bruce driving you up the wall already?”
“Of course he is.” She groaned.
You chuckled briefly wondering how they were still together.
“Quinn went back to work today?” 
“Hmhm.” You say scrambling the eggs and chorizo.
“That smells so good. Now I’m drooling.” She smirked. 
“Princess come get your breakfast.” 
Beth ran over to you as you handed her the breakfast burrito.
“Morning Nat, thanks dad.” 
“Morning Beth.” Natasha smiled.
She smiled before taking a big bite and running back in the living room.
“Where’s Fin?” 
“Napping in front of the TV. She always gets sleepy after eating.” You chuckled before setting a burrito in front of her.
Natasha took a bite and moaned rolling her eyes back. You chuckled looking away from the way her neck flexed. You had this strange urge to bite her neck. Maybe lightly nibble until you find her spot so she can moan like that again. 
Whoa chill out Y/N! Not cool! Bad Y/N! you internally berate yourself for having impure thoughts of your new Redheaded friend when your doorbell rings again.
“Again!?” Finley huffs from her napping spot making you and Natasha laugh.
You walk over opening the door only to reveal Tony Stark. 
“Morning neighbor!” He grinned,
“Morning Tony, come on inside.” You grinned, stepping aside.
“Hey I know you.” He smirked at Natasha before giving her a side hug.
“Want a breakfast burrito.” You asked; fixing up an extra one just in case he said yes.
“Dear God, yes.”
“Wait, are you supposed to have something like this?” Natasha smirked, taking a bite.
“Zip it Nat!” He warned playfully.
“His wife Pepper has him on a diet.” She explains to you.
“Doc said I had to watch my ticker, but I can have one burrito.” 
You chuckled before setting one in front of him.
“Oh my God sweet sustenance.” He moaned rolling his eyes back. “Fuck excuse my language-“ he hurriedly looked behind him to make sure no young ears were near. When he noticed your daughters still watching TV he swiveled back around. “This is so damn good Y/N.”
“It really is.” Natasha muttered, eating the rest of hers.
“I’m glad you two like it. I’m gonna take these to the guys right quick.”
They watch you leave before Tony speaks up.
“Heard Bruce is back.”
“Hmhm.” Natasha nodded.
“Has he talked to you yet?” Tony fiddled with his coffee tumbler.
“Talk to me about what?” She furrowed her brows, noticing the way his eyes diverted from hers.
“… About his trip… how it went.” He cleared his throat.
“I mean he said it went great?” 
Natasha doesn’t miss Tony mumbling under his breath. “I’m sure it was.” Before she could press him you came back in.
“Y/N,” Tony stands from his stool. “Pepper and I are throwing you and your family a ‘Welcome to the Block’ party on Friday night so you and the family better be there.” He grinned, setting an invitation on the island.
“Oh you guys don’t have to-“ Natasha interrupted you by placing her hand on yours.
“Let him. It’s easier if you just let him.” She chuckled.
“Alright then.” You laughed.
“It’s so everyone can meet the Y/L/N’s.” He grinned. “Thanks for the breakfast. I'm gonna go help them finish up.” 
“So what are you gonna wear to the party?” Natasha smirks before sipping her iced coffee.
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“We’re going to be late.” Beth sang as she watched the neighbors going to Tony’s house. Beth smiled seeing a jump house in his backyard.
“Late, late, late!” Finley copied her sister.
“Got your swimming stuff?” You grinned coming downstairs.
“Check.” Beth grinned showing you she was wearing her bathing suit under her clothes.
“What about you, Fin?” 
“Check!” Finley lifted her shirt up as well revealing her swimsuit.
“Good.” You said sitting down on the steps to put your shoes on.
“I’m telling you the loafers would look better.”
“I’m not looking like some preppy nerd who wears boat shoes to a backyard barbecue.” You huffed placing on your vans before tugging up your tube socks. “Tony’s invitation said it’s just a casual barbecue with no theme, and just laid back. This is me laid back. You wave your arms. “This is me relaxed.” You opted for a 
jogging short You look like a beautiful summer's day though.” You grinned up at your wife who wore one of her classic summer dresses.
“Papa me too!”
Finley said, pointing to her matching shoes and socks. You reach over doing the same thing when you hear two people arguing. You look out the window to see Bruce slam the front door and Natasha stalking off across the street.
“Trouble in paradise already.” Quinn mutters next to you.
“He probably didn’t want to go?” You suggest.
“Or what if she’s using him for a green card and he’s using her as a beard?” Quinn raised her brow.
“Natasha wouldn’t use anyone she isn’t like that.”
“I’m just saying it makes more sense as to why they're together.”
“You keep saying that and it’s not very nice.” You glare at her. “Bruce is a world renowned scientist who is gone for work most of the time.”
“So she’s a gold digger.” Quinn shrugged. 
“That’s really mean Quinn she’s not a fucking Gold digger.” You defend your friend.
“Well then how else do you explain their marriage? It’s weird Y/N, and you know it. It’s so obvious they don’t love each other, and It’s glaringly obvious he’s seeing someone else.”
“No, you're speculating.” You shake your head.
“Y/N when have I ever been wrong?” She kinks her brow as you think.
“Mom is never wrong, dad, remember?” Beth chimes in, nudging you with her elbow and a tiny smirk on her face.
“Come on, let's get going.” You chuckled
“Watch them tonight.” Quinn takes your hand as you shut the door, hearing it automatically lock. “I promise you Y/N their marriage isn’t normal.”
“Alright.” You sighed as you and your family looked both ways before crossing the street. You grinned hearing a familiar tune playing from the backyard.
You and your family walked through the opened gate seeing the whole block somehow fitting in the backyard. Steve had opened up his backyard to make more room. There were some yard games scattered around, and Tony’s pool was packed with floaties.
“Nat, your girlfriend and her family are here.” Wanda smirked.
Natasha smacked Wanda hearing Pietro ask what Wanda meant by that.
“Oh Nat has the hotts for her neighbor.” Wanda smirked.
Natasha ignored them, seeing you with a matching Finley in your arms. 
“Oh is that who Nat is crushing on?” Carol gasped looking at Wanda who nodded then back to her wife. “I don’t blame her, she is crazy sexy.”
“Both of them are definitely hot.” Val nodded.
“You have such a thing for tall blondes…I wonder if they’d be down for a foursome.” Carol bit her tongue teasing Natasha as she winked at her wife.
“Okay ew no.” Natasha pointed before walking towards you, taking Tony’s arm as he walked towards you.
You grinned seeing Natasha walking towards you. You had to admit Bruce was a lucky guy. Natasha looked so delicious and she was wearing something so simple and still looked great. 
“You made it!” Tony grinned giving you a hug before introducing himself to your wife and kids.
“Natty!” Finley beamed, jumping into her arms.
You smiled fondly as the two hugged before the toddler asked to be placed down.
“Hey everybody I got an announcement to make!” Tony said tapping his beer bottle before his daughter ran up handing him the karaoke microphone. “Thanks sweetheart, why don’t you take Finley and Beth and introduce them to your friends.”
“Okay daddy!” She beamed before turning towards Beth and Finley. “Hi I’m Morgan wanna come meet my friends in our clubhouse?!” 
“Yeah okay! Can my little sister Finley come?”
“Yeah sure!” Morgan beamed before your kids ran off into the jumping castle.
“Beth watch Finley.” You managed to let out as they ran off.
“Don’t worry they’ll be fine.” Nat says resting her hand on your forearm ignoring the look Quinn was giving her. 
You nod trusting her before Tony begins speaking.
“Where’s my wife? Where’s Pepper?” Tony looked in the crowd when Pepper walked back through the sliding doors setting a large platter on a table. “There she is. Get up here, beautiful.” Tony grinned.
“Hello, hello.” Pepper smiled at you and Quinn shook your hands. “Welcome!” 
“Everyone, let's give a warm welcome to Y/N and Quinn Y/L/N!” 
Your new neighbors began clapping.
“You know we’re a very tight knit community so this is our way of welcoming you all to our neighborhood, and to get to know you of course.” Pepper smiled.
“Well we thank you, this is so sweet of you two.” Quinn smiled sweetly.
“Of course now let's eat!” Tony clapped.
You were in the middle of fixing up your plate when Steve walked up to make his plate.
“Hey Y/N, Quinn, this is my wife Peggy.” Steve grinned introducing the woman you saw him cheating on.
“It’s so nice to meet you.” Quinn responds.
“Nice to meet you.” You say desperately trying to act normal. Steve was definitely cheating on Peggy.
You and Quinn had practically met the entire block by the time you sat down to eat. 
“Should I go get the girls?” You asked Quinn as you set your plate down.
“Oh don’t worry Pepper told me the kids have their own little buffett right over there.” Quinn pointed towards the back of the backyard where pizza, hotdogs, and burgers sat in tiny little piles. You kinked your brow seeing Beth laughing with her new friends and Finley giggling at her new friend who was acting like a wild animal eating his food. “Come on, sit down.” Your wife said softly tugging you down.
“Would you rather sit at the kids table Y/N?” Tony smirked, taking a bite of his food.
“I just might; they have a make your own Sundae bar.” You smirked back.
“I’ll join you.” Natasha grinned.
I’m sure you would… Bitch. Quinn thought to herself.
“Honestly, me too I freaking love ice cream!” Wanda chuckled.
“Stark are you tellin’ me those little brats get ice cream and I don’t?” Marc said playfully from a couple seats away from you.
“Fuck that noise I needs me a sundae.” Katie said sitting next to her boyfriend Shaun. She began inhaling from her pen. She turned towards you, handing it to you. “Wanna hit?”
“Hell yeah.” You chuckled before taking a long drag holding it in.
“Dude, fuck yeah finally another stoner.” Shaun chuckled as you handed him the pen.
“Wait!” Katie huffed at Shaun taking it and looking towards Quinn. “Want a hit?”
“Tempting.” She knew she needed a hit; she was being so uptight. “I better not. I'm not a fan of mixing thank you though.” She chuckled, gesturing to her drink. She truly wasn’t a fan of being cross faded. 
“Fair enough.” Katie smiled before handing it back to her boyfriend.
You finally exhaled.
“Y/N Y/L/N I had no idea you were a stoner.” Wanda giggled.
“Hmhm.” You smiled lazily.
“I’ve never done it.” Natasha admits looking into your glazed eyes.
“Piet and I tried to get this one to do it, but she never budged.” Wanda nudged Natasha.
“We didn’t mind.” Peitro chuckled, wiping his mouth. “More for us.”
Everyone began laughing.
“Weed never cut it for me nah it was snow.” Tony smiled widely.
“Anthony Stark.” Pepper growled.
“What? It was the 80s!” He huffed.
Natasha had gotten up to grab some desert and you followed suit.
“Wanna try smoking with me some time?” You find yourself asking Natasha suddenly as the laughter drowns out as you get some 
“I don’t know, I've never smoked anything before.” She smiled.
“Well when you’re ready.” You grinned.
“I’ll come to you.” Natasha smiled. “Are you having fun so far?”
“Loads.” You grinned. “You?”
“Loads.” She chuckled.
“You sure?” You press.
“What do you mean?” She asks.
“I may or may not have heard you two yelling before coming here.”
“Oh. You caught that huh?” She smiled sadly.
“I didn’t hear anything, but it sounded rough.” You admit. “I just wanted to check in on you honestly.”
“Thanks Y/N you’re so sweet.” She said pulling you in a hug she squeezed and you squeezed back: 
You inhaled softly, a little buzzed and a little high. “You smell different. Good but it’s different.”
“Bruce got me a perfume while abroad. Not a fan?”
“Of you? Yes, of him? I don’t know so far, not so much.”
“I’m sorry I’m not trying to skew your image of him. He just didn’t want to come here tonight, and that upset me.” She admits.
“You are not skewing anything up. He’s been gone for so long of course you want him here with you and your friends, and you’re not skewing anything up.” You shrugged.
Not quite but she couldn’t admit that to you. No, the truth was Bruce had told Natasha that while he was gone Tony had caught him with Betty. Apparently Bruce had come down a little early and went to the same expo Tony attended with his team. Tony is now threatening to expose him to Nat if he doesn’t confess.
Natasha was pissed. They only had 6 more months of this, that's it, and he messed up. Bruce apologized over and over, promising her that if it did get out that he was with Betty he would make it look like he cheated on Natasha. Still even so now it was messy. Now Tony was involved, and she really didn’t like that. She knew the team wouldn’t say anything but she knew Luis was terrible at keeping secrets. If he knew there was a good chance there was now a chain of people slowly finding out.
“Yeah.” She nodded.
“I’m sorry Nat.” You say softly.
“Don’t be.” She smiled. 
You look away from her green eyes looking over at your kids who were having a blast.
“I knew they would make friends here.” She says following your line of sight. 
You see Beth turn and she catches your eyes and waves happily before turning back to Morgan.
“Have you and Quinn spoken about having another yet?” Natasha asks.
“I tried but she keeps changing the conversation, I don’t think she wants another.” You sighed. “I’d even be on board for adoption, but she doesn’t seem into that either.”
“You’d… you would adopt?” She questioned.
“Yeah of course I mean there’s so many kids out there that just want a family.”
Natasha smiles fondly at you as you stare at your babies from afar.
“I know some people say there may be a disconnect if they’re not biologically your child, but I don’t know. I just feel like I’d love that child just as much as my girls.”
She watched you for a beat before speaking up.
“I never told you this but Yelena and myself were both adopted.”
“Really?” Your brows furrowed.
“Hmhm, my mother died during birth, and my father was taken by the KGB. I don’t know why or what for. They probably killed him. Back then tensions were very high the KGB listened in on everything.” She sighs. “Alexei and Melina, my parents, took me in after hearing about my bio parents.”
“Can I hug you right now?” 
“Of course.” She chuckled.
You collide into her squeezing her tightly. “I’m sorry you’ve had such a tough life.”
She chuckled and smiled, closing her eyes as she basked in your aura. “You’re such a sweetheart Y/N.”
“No you are.” You pulled back, letting go.
“No you are.” Natasha giggled she liked this high version of you. You couldn’t help but speak nothing but the truth. As if it fell directly from your brain to your lips no filters needed.
“No you are; I could do this all night.” Your face is turning red from laughter and a little from her eyes. You feel like they pierce through your soul.
“Hey Mrs. Y/L/N, Mrs. Romanoff.”
You turned to see Peter and his friends. 
“Hey Peter.” You smiled. “Please call me Y/N.” 
“For the last time Parker please call me Nat.” She rolled her eyes playfully.
“Right, sorry.” He chuckled as his friends walked up with a plate of pizza in hand.
“What are you guys up to tonight? What are you doing here with us adults?” You grinned.
“Free food.” MJ pointed.
“Gotcha.” You nod.
“We took a break from video games for an hour.” Ned explained before taking a bite.
“Is this your wife?” MJ asked, nodding towards Natasha looking between you two.
“What? No, that's Natasha, she's with Bruce!” Peter laughed. 
“Sorry, I just saw the chemistry and assumed. Plus the two of you are sort of matching.” MJ held her half eaten slice in the air motioning between the two of you.
“Oh dude I thought that too!” Ned gasped grinning at his friend.
You and Natasha looked down at your clothes before looking over at one another. You were both somehow wearing the same color shirt and shorts. You both awkwardly laughed at the situation. You turned back laughing under the teenager's deadpan expression. 
“That’s my girl Quinn right over there.” You pointed towards the blonde who was now talking with Pepper.
“Oh my avid the face that launched a thousand ships..” Ned muttered.
“Dude.” Peter hissed at him. “Sorry Y/N he means no disrespect he just has a major thing for blondes.” 
“Sorry.” Ned chuckled, quickly diverting his gaze.
“Don’t be I know she’s hot AF.” You shrugged.
Ned choked on air causing MJ to roll her eyes.
“We should go before he passes out.” MJ muttered, grabbing a pizza box and a liter of soda.
“We should-“ Peter waved his hand in front of Ned's gaze on your wife. “Dude come on let’s go.”
Ned snapped back into reality before dropping to his knees.
“Thank you for allowing me to gaze upon the most beautiful maiden in this realm. Gwendolyn.”
“Dude you are so embarrassing.” Peter hissed.
“Honestly.” MJ grumbled. “Get your ass up!” 
“Her name is Quinn.” you say slowly taking his hands off of yours.
“She shall be named Queen Gwendolyn in my head.” He smiled as if waking from a sweet dream. “I am but your Knight my liege.”
“Pete get Ned off of me please.” You muttered taking his hands off of yours once again.
“Seriously, we can’t take you fucking anywhere.” MJ grumbled shoving the food in Peter's arms before dragging Ned away.
“I think you may have some competition.” Natasha smirked before chortling, pointing at Ned who ran to your wife.
You walk a little closer to hear him better.
“To you my fair maiden Gwendolyn. You are but the fairest maiden here.” Ned handed her a lego rose he was planning on giving someone else.
“Oh well thank you.” Quinn cleared her throat as the table began to direct their attention to her, and the teenager declared his love for her.
“God dammit Ned get outta here!” Tony yelled.
“Pepper.” Ned gasped seeing the strawberry blonde next to Tony. “It’s not what it looks like.”
Pepper couldn't help but chuckle.
“Parker!” Tony bellowed.
“Sorry Mr. Stark, I got him.” Peter apologized.
“This is why you weren’t invited.” MJ hissed grunting as she dragged him away with help from Peter.
You looked at your wife’s confused expression then back to Natasha who was trying so hard not to laugh. The moment you caught her eyes she broke.
“I’m so sorry I shouldn't laugh.” She says while laughing.
“Oh ha-ha.” You chuckled smirking at her red face. “I better check on Gwendolyn.” This causes her to laugh even harder.
“Gwen.” You smiled sitting next to your wife.
“So he did call me Gwendolyn.” Quinn chuckled as the realization hit her.
“Fitting for the most beautiful maiden here.” You grinned.
“Stop.” She blushed smiling as she hit your shoulder and you brought her closer kissing her softly.
“If you’re Gwendolyn does that mean I’m King Arthur and he’s Lancelot?”
“I mean technically.” She smirked. 
“I think I know what we’re role playing tonight.” You smirked whispering into her ear causing her to blush and nod excitedly. “Only the best for my Queen.”
You feel a tug on your arm. You turn around seeing Beth and Fin with their friends behind them.
“Dad, everyone is going in the pool now can Fin and I go swim too?”
“Sure but please make sure Finley is safe if not bring her to me please.” You say softly brushing her hair back.
“She calls you dad?” Marc questioned.
“I do you got a problem with that butch? I’m from Lima Heights.” Beth glared, arching her brow exactly the way her mother does using Santana’s tactics.
You and Quinn both sucked in your lips trying to remain silent.
“Problem B? I’m from Lima!” Finley glared, folding her arms.
“They’re about to kick your ass.” Quill snickered.
“No… no of course not.” He gulped.
“That’s what I thought.” She quirked her brow once more; giving her mother a run for her money before turning on her heel walking off with her new found friends.
“An eleven year old girl and a 2 year old just scared the shit outta me.” He gulped as everyone began laughing.
“As they should.” Layla nodded with a smirk. “I’d call Y/N daddy too.” She winked at you.
You coughed up your drink in shock.
“What the- Layla!” Marc huffed.
“You can’t be upset, Marc, Y/N has big dick energy.” Katie shook her head turning towards you. 
“You do ya know? Own that shit dude.” Carol grinned, giving you a fist bump as she walked by.
“Uh thanks?” You chuckled blushing profusely looking over at Natasha who was trying not to laugh at your embarrassment. She shrugged at you as if to say it’s true.
You looked to Quinn who was now clearly upset with you, because you let another woman call you daddy. So instead of telling Layla please don’t call my wusband daddy. She joined in a conversation with Christine Strange.
“What is big dick energy exactly?” Bruce asks.
Everyone begins laughing.
“He’s serious, someone please explain it to him.” Natasha groaned.
“Easy examples would be Val and Y/N.” Carol smirked.
“And Thor.” Val chimed in high-fiving her best friend.
“Thanks Val.” He grinned sweetly.
“Bruce, I googled it!” Steve laughed. “People with big dick energy possess qualities such as leadership, kindness, positivity towards others, great humor, and a "dont fuck with me" aura. Great hair too.”
“Gotcha.” Bruce nodded.
You looked back over at Quinn who was still ignoring you. That of course didn’t go unnoticed by Natasha, and a few others at the table. Especially when the two of you were on the verge of making out with one another just beforehand.
Luckily Wanda speaks up feeling the need to deflate the tension.
“Congratulations Quinn for winning at life.” Wanda grinned, catching her attention.
“I’m sorry congratulations?” Quinn furrows her brows.
“Yeah you've won; you got Y/N.” Wanda smiled, causing Quinn to look at you and smile fondly.
“Yeah I guess I did.” She grinned, leaning in to kiss your cheek. You feel your tension deflate.
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“Oh man 16 and pregnant?” Clint inhaled. “You two are troopers.”
“I get it to a certain degree.” Carol chimes in. “My past wife had gotten pregnant when we were in our freshman year of college. It was hard and that’s because we were in college, not high school.”
“Honestly, I think I would have died.” Peggy jokes lightly, her fingers messing with Steve’s hair. 
You feel your wife tense next to you at her words. She felt absolutely depressed in the beginning when she found out, but not once did she want to die or terminate the pregnancy. Doesn’t mean it was easy. Having Finley went great until she had her and the postpartum hit.
You brought her closer looking down at her before you spoke up.
“It was tough but we stuck it out and now we have an 11 year old with a great head on her shoulders. She’s the best big sister Finley could ever have. Having a baby in high school was rough, yes, but I’d do it all again if it means I get my girls.” You shrugged softly caressing Quinn’s side. 
“Oh baby.” The blonde kissed you softly. Quinn relaxed at your words and she finally felt comfortable. You know when she’s fully relaxed when she’s practically in your lap resting her head on your shoulder.
Natasha’s eyes linger on the intimate moment between you and your wife. How you knew exactly how to calm her down. How to make her feel better. God she wanted that. That’s all she ever wanted was to love and be loved. Sadly she never got that.
“That’s so sweet you two are cute together.” Carol muses her wife Val nodding in agreement. “How long have you been married?”
“We got married 5 years ago but we’ve been together since we were 15.” Quinn smiled thinking about your time together. 
“A whole ass decade.” Sam whistled. “I can’t believe it, not even any break moments?”
“Nope.” You both shake your heads.
“We’ve been together for decades and never had a break.” Clint shrugged, holding Laura closer.
“We did.” Thor muttered looking over at Jane who nodded, taking his hand.
“Dumbest thing I ever did.” Jane replied.
“Someone here wanted a break.” Tony arched his brow at his wife. “Who was it again darling Aldrich Killian?” 
“No. It was a break from you because you never took time off work. Aldrich is just who you like to put blame on. Who I never dated by the way.” Pepper said, bringing her martini glass to her lips.
“Who proposed to who?” Wanda asks with a sweet smile.
“Was it a shotgun wedding?” Clint joked earning a discreet elbow in his gut from Laura.
“She asked after we graduated college.” Quinn smiled, biting her lip.
“Ooh I love proposals! How did it happen?!” May asked.
“She sang me a song then when I said yes she had a drumline waiting.” Quinn bit her lip.
“Please tell me there is a video of that.” Peggy giggled.
“Of course.” Quinn grinned. 
“Pop that baby on the screen!” Katie laughed.
“Ahh.” You gave a strained smile to your wife. “Nah, who else wants to go? Laura? Clint?”
“Come on, it was perfect.” Quinn cooed.
“Alright.” You grumbled.
“Yayy!” Quinn whipped out her phone to find it, and quickly mirrored it on the big screen.
The video started with you jumping around nervously.
“For the love of God stop it.” A guy chuckled, setting up the camera. 
“Finn,-“ you say in unison with the video. Quinn wraps her arms around you leaving her chin on your shoulder. Natasha looks away from the display and she figured this was the guy you named your daughter after. She only knew because you mentioned it once when she took out the broken frame when she helped you move in.
“-I’m about to ask Quinn to marry me. I'm nervous, and Spam is late.” You huffed looking out the window again.
“First take a chill pill.” Finn smirked, sitting you down. “Second, you don’t really need Sam. You just wanted him and the others for effect. Artie can just adjust your mics a little. Third, your dad is about to come up, and last but not least.” Finn placed his hands on your shoulders. You consider yourself above average height, but Finn still towers over you. “Quinn Fabray, soon to be Quinn Y/L/N, has been in love with you since we were 15! You also have Beth together! Why are you so nervous?” He chuckled.
“Cause Finnessa it’s scary!” You chuckled feeling excited. “We love each other, yes, and we’ve been through so much together, but it’s still scary.”
“Hmhm.” A bunch of the husbands as well as Val nodded chuckling. “Oh yeah.”
Your dad stepped in walking towards you noticing the camera he squeezed your shoulder before bringing you in bear hug. He leaned down a bit saying something in your ear.
Quinn furrowed her brows no one could hear what he was saying, but you were listening intently. Once he stepped back you looked taken back before nodding and engulfing him in a hug.
“What did he say to you?” She asked softly.
“I don’t remember.” You shrugged nonchalantly. That was a lie. You did remember. In fact it was something you thought about quite often. 
Your father said “Do you remember what I told you all those years ago about what it really means to be a man?”
You nodded, of course you remember. You think about it all the time and carry his words of wisdom with you. You were only 5 or 6 when he said these words. You had your first fight with Noah Puckerman. 
“What’s wrong Y/N?” Your father asked as he cleaned up your scraped knee.
“I don wanna say cause you might get mad.” You say with a slight whimper.
“Well champ, sometimes you're going to have to tell me stuff that might make me mad, but you shouldn’t be afraid of that. I always want you to come to me and your mom. I promise you Y/N we will always be here to help. Now what's wrong?”
“I wanna cry my eye and my knee hurts.” You whimpered.
“Now why would I be upset about that?” Your father chuckled lightly.
“Because boys don’t cry.” You wiped your eyes.
“That’s why you and Noah fought? He said you weren’t a boy?”
You nod sniffling.
“First of all that is not true. Real men cry. Real men feel things. You think I don’t cry? I cried the day I held you in my arms, I cried when you made that home run last weekend.”
You giggled sadly from his tickles.
“Y/N/N, in this world boys will tell you that being man means wearing expensive jewelry, driving fast cars, cheating on women left and right, and whooping anybody's ass who looks at you sideways, but that is not a man. Don’t get me wrong, protect yourself and the people you love. Like today, sometimes you have to scrap, and I’m going to prepare you for that now, but real men know how to pick and choose their battles. Real men aren’t afraid of love, they aren’t afraid of getting heartbroken or hurt. A real man isn’t afraid to forgive. A real man stays no matter what. Got that Y/N/N?”
You nodded as he wiped away your tears.
“And if you want to be a man you will be a man, if you want to be a woman then you’ll be a woman. Noah Puckerman didn’t have a real man for a father.”
“Like Finn?” You sniffled.
“Sort of like that. Finn’s father died in action fighting for our freedom, Noah’s dad was just too scared to be a real man.”
“Oh..” You nodded. 
“The next time Noah says mean things remember real men pick and choose their battles.”
“Real men forgive and aren’t afraid to love.” You nodded.
“That’s right champ. Now come on, I'm teaching you about one of my all time favorite sports. You’re popo taught me. Now I’m going to teach you.”
“Hmhm it's called Boxing.”
Your father brought you back from your memories.
“I want you to forget about that just for a minute. You don’t have to marry her just because of Beth. I want you to make this decision based on your heart. Because Y/N/N being in a marriage is one of the most difficult things you will ever do. It’s important that your partner is the one you wanna deal with hardships with.”
“I love her. I’m Sure.”
After your hug with your father Finn spoke up.
“Rachel just texted; they’re all here. It’s showtime, are you ready?” He gave you a boyish grin.
“Where is Spam?!” You growled.
“I’m here, I'm here!” A blond ran in with his guitar.
“Shit Sam today really of all days?” Artie huffed.
“I know I know but I’m here now.” 
Artie shook his head, clipping the mic to him and the guitar.
You walked to the door letting Finn mic you up.
“It’s on.” Finn nodded.
You nodded to your friends and father before opening the door to the stadium field.
You picked the strings settling into a melody just as Quinn looked down to see you walking out. Quinn’s favorite movie is 10 Things I Hate About You. This was low key, always a dream of hers. To be sung too in a stadium. Seeing the expression on her face made your nerves go away. (6)
“Am I loud and clear, or am I breaking up?
Am I still your charm, or am I just bad luck?
Are we getting closer, or are we just getting more lost?
I'll show you mine if you show me yours first
Let's compare scars, I'll tell you whose is worse
Let's unwrite these pages and replace them with our own words
We live on front porches and swing life away
We get by just fine here on minimum wage
If love is a labor I'll slave till the end
I won't cross these streets until you hold my hand
I've been here so long, I think that it's time to move
The winter's so cold, summer's over too soon
Let's pack our bags and settle down where palm trees grow
I've got some friends, some that I hardly know
But we've had some times, I wouldn't trade for the world
We chase these days down with talks of the places that we will go
We live on front porches and swing life away
We get by just fine here on minimum wage
If love is a labor I'll slave till the end
I won't cross these streets until you hold my hand...until you hold my hand
I'll show you mine if you show me yours first
Let's compare scars, I'll tell you whose is worse
Let's unwrite these pages and replace them with our own words
We live on front porches and swing life away
We get by just fine here on minimum wage
If love is a labor I'll slave till the end
I won't cross these streets until you hold my hand
Swing life away
Swing life away
Swing life away
Swing life away”
You stopped in front of the blonde when all your friends and family walked up behind you showing her the cards ‘Will you Marry me?” with Beth holding the the box up in her hand.
“Quinn Fabray, will you-“
“Yes! Yes I’ll marry you!” She squealed, jumping up and down. 
“She said yes!” You shouted.
Suddenly a drumline came out to help you two celebrate.
The video stops and the music resumes.
“Oh dear, Wanda are you alright?” Vis asked, turning towards her; seeing her mascara running. He grabbed and took out his handkerchief and handed it to her. 
“That was such a beautiful song.” Wanda sniffled.
“Yeah it is.” Quinn smiled looking at you like she did the day you sang that song.
“Wow, Y/N, I kinda wanna fight Quinn to the death for you.” Carol spoke up.
“Same honestly.” Val smirked at her wife.
“Umm safe to say everyone just fell a little more in love with Y/N?” Layla teased.
“Oh yeah.” Katie joked.
“No brainer.” Laura cheersed; Wanda nodded along.
“Wow.” Marc huffed, taking Layla’s beer.
“Wha-“ she huffed watching him drink her beer. “Marc you stuck a small sticker of the moon with the words ‘Will you marry me?’ on a telescope.”
Marc coughed as he drank her beer. “I’m sorry are you ragging on the way I proposed right now?” 
“No, I'm just saying Y/N wrote a song. Did you?”
“You know I can’t!” He huffed pointing. “I have stage fright!”
“How did you propose, Bruce?” Quinn asked, snuggling deeper into you which you didn’t think was possible.
“Oh.” He chuckled while fixing his glasses. “Well I took Natasha to dinner and put the ring in the champagne. When I proposed, the house band played for us.” He smiled.
“You have a woman like Natasha and that’s how you propose?” You inwardly scoffed. 
“Well not everyone can write a song.” Quinn chuckled. You poked her side glaring at her.
“Mine had to be better than that.” You heard Marc whisper to Layla who giggled, slapping his arm.
“If you do that to me I’m saying No.” Katie chuckled in  Shaun’s ear.
You looked over at Bruce and Natasha. He had tried to hold her hand and she subtly moved it away. You knew she didn’t care for his proposal which again left you wondering ‘why did she marry him?’.
“Tony I’m dying to know what you did.” You chuckled, taking the attention off Natasha and Bruce.
“I took her up on a hot air balloon and had people arrange the letters down below.” He grinned.
“A hot air balloon?! That’s awesome.” You chuckled.
“It was also terrifying.” Pepper huffed.
“It took me 5 minutes to get her to look over the edge. Almost missed the proposal.” Tony laughed.
“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t wanna look over a rickety basket and plummet to my death.” Pepper said sarcastically.
“Quinn, did you propose back?” Carol asked.
“No.” She cleared her throat.
“Carol proposed to me a week after I proposed.” Val smirked.
‘I would have proposed.’ Natasha catches herself thinking.
“Val took me horseback riding on the beach at sunset when she popped the question.” Carol smiled sweetly kissing Val’s cheek.
“Carol, took me skydiving proposed before jumping out of the fucking plane.” Val laughed.
“Why didn’t you propose?” You joked; pushing her shoulder slightly.
She smirked, picking up your finger and taking your band off.
“Baby will you marry me?” Quinn giggled.
“Hmm no, you’re too late.” You said making everyone laugh.
“Ass.” She muttered before placing it back on your finger.
“Okay so we heard Quinn and Y/N’s proposal, Marc and Layla, Natasha and Bruce, Tony and Pepper, Carol and Val’s. Wanda, Vis you’re up!” Katie chuckled while opening another drink. Shaun next to her is a little uneasy considering he’s been carrying a ring in his pocket for the last 4 months.
“I’ll let you tell it darling.” Vis smiled sweetly.
“Well Vis and I were on holiday in Sokovia visiting my family. After asking for permission he proposed on Christmas Day. We had all opened all our presents and he said there was one more for me to open.” She smiled, wiping a happy tear away. “I turned to find him on one knee in front of the Christmas tree.”
“Damn, that’s sweet.” You comment as everyone nods in agreement.
“Thank you.” He smiled shyly quickly, throwing the attention elsewhere. “Happy, how did you propose?”
“May and I are huge Yankee fans. So during a game I used the Jumbotron to propose.” Happy chuckled.
“Yankees won that day.” May nodded with a smile.
“Clint, Laura it's your turn.” Happy smiles.
“Ah, here we go.” Clint laughed while stretching. “You tell it.” He said kissing Laura’s cheek.
“Well we were camping out in Yosemite. We got up early to watch the sun rise and he turned to me and said ‘There is no other woman that has ever made me feel this way. I know we’re still young, but Laura, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?’ Then he showed me this beauty-“ she held up her ring. “-and I said yes.”
“We were 23.” He grinned and kissed her temple.
Quinn smiled fondly along with you at them.
“Jane? Thor?” Laura smiled seeing the two giggling into one another's ears.
“Thor got a star under my name and when I went to look at it he had reset the focus and made it to where all I saw was him holding a ring. Val and Loki were holding sparklers running around in circles.” Jane smiled, kissing his cheek softly. “We got married in Norway right off a coastal cliff.”
You noticed Natasha walk away very quietly when she thought no one would notice.
 ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
“Hi.” Nat smiles meekly when you finally find her in Tony's living room.
“You alright?” You ask.
“Yeah I just didn’t want to see their pity stares.” She sighed.
“Hmm.” You nod.
“You have something to say?” She says softly as you raise your brows. “Whenever you wanna say something your jaw clenches, and you use your tongue to poke around your cheeks.” She’s smiling softly as she reaches over softly tapping the side of your jaw.
Your eyes widened before you chuckled. “Oof you got me… Quinn doesn’t even know that about me.”
“I notice a lot of things about you.” Natasha smiled, looking away from you.
“Hey, there you are.” Quinn smiled, sauntering in the room walking up pressing against your side. “Everything okay?”
“Oh yeah, just talking.”
“Hmhm.” Natasha nodded, giving her a tight smile.
“Okay well let’s start saying goodbye; Beth wants to have a sleep over at Monica’s, and Fin needs to go home. She passed out next to Nate.” She said softly. “And this mommy wants you to take her home.” Quinn smirked, kissing the side of your mouth before swaying out the room. She just wanted to remind the ginger that you were hers. 
Quinn smirked looking back she had you wrapped around her finger. You were blushing profusely and Natasha really wished she didn’t just see that display.
“You should go. I’m gonna stay here for a bit.” Natasha speaks up softly.
Without thinking you engulfed her in a hug. It took exactly a second for her to hold you back with just as much gusto.
“That guy's an idiot Nat. You deserve more than that.” You whispered, hugging her a little tighter.
She squeezed her eyes shut inhaling your scent. She could smell a mixture of your shampoo, moisturizer, and cologne. She felt like she could stand there forever. She feels at home in your arms, something she’s never really felt before. Her thoughts briefly flew over to Sersi. Was Nat going down the same road Sersi did?
“You sure you don’t want me to stay?” You asked, breaking the hug to lean back and look in her eyes. 
“It’s okay your mommy wants you back home.” She teased trying to lighten the mood.
You chuckled, stepping back blushing. “Yeah… I’m sorry about that.”
“Don't be.” She shook her head.
“Maybe tomorrow you can teach me how to model.” You smirked.
“Sure.” She chuckled.
“I’ll see you soon then.” You smile.
“Of course neighbor.” she winked.
“Alright.” You chuckled. “Goodnight Nat.” 
She waved watching you walk out the door.
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🖊 - Amalie
Amelie is Roman Kline’s twin sister, Jesse St James’ older cousin. She lives with her uncle Josh and is the main bartender at Scandals while she works her way through school. She went to Crawford Country Day School where her best friends were Lindsay Wright & Franny Fabray, and her endgame ship is Lindsay.
She is estranged from her parents, very emotionally intelligent (she’s Colton’s emotional support bartender), and can usually be counted on to be the voice of reason – at least when the kids are around.
Also, in my Dalton era project (Cooper & Roman are at Dalton, Amelie & Lindsay & Franny are at Crawford), she’s portrayed by Kiernan Shipka
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charlie-fabray · 4 months
HC Event: Who is your hero?
This is easy. Austin Fabray. My twin is my hero. I can't say too much to explain because it would violate his privacy, but I will say that without him to protect me as we grew up I wouldn't be the person I am today. I think if I hadn't had him, I might not know how to love or how to be accepting of the love of others. He is so smart and thoughtful even if he doesn't reveal that side of himself to people often. If he has than you should feel honored. He is brave. He is kind. And he's funny.
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dancingsunflowers-ocs · 11 months
𝘼𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙋𝙡𝙤𝙩 𝘽𝙪𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙚?!? ✹ 𝘼𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙡 𝘽𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙮
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-Rachel Berry’s younger twin sister
-Grunge fashion aesthetic
-Best friends with Artie and Tina
-Is a huge fan of anime and Pokemon
-Her favourite musicals are Sweeney Todd and Little Shop of Horrors, and was really excited, when the Glee club did The Rocky Horror Show
-Quinn Fabray ship (Opposites Attract trope)
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Tagging Glee Moots: @luucypevensie @daughter-of-melpomene @carmens-garden @ginevrastilinski-ocs
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mckinleyhq · 29 days
most wanted canons right now?
we'd love to have a quinn fabray, mike chang and marley rose !! also open from the main cast are: mercedes jones, santana lopez, jake puckerman, ryder lynn, the mccarthey twins, jane hayward, kurt hummel, brittany pierce, and unique adams.
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askmadison · 4 months
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𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗺𝗰𝗰𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗵𝘆.
𝗮𝘂𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗴: yuck, charlie xcx .
" shh, if you’re going to say things like that to me you need to use your psychic inside voice. "
wait, is that MADISON MCCARTHY? they kinda look a lot like SOFIA CARSON, don’t they? i heard the TWENTY year old is known as the CHEERLEADER TWIN around mckinley. it seems like they auditioned to be in NEW DIRECTIONS which is so lame? people at campus have said they’re +NURTURING, but don’t be fooled since they’re also -CONTROLLING. rumor has it, you can find them at CHEERIOS, DANCE/BALLET, DRAMA, INTERNATIONAL CLUB when they aren’t belting show tunes. their entire vibe revolves around CHEERLEADING POLYESTER UNIFORM, FIELD OF SUNFLOWERS, CARPOOL KARAOKES STUCK IN TRAFFIC but no one pays attention to that here in ohio.
full name: madison mia mccarthy . pronouns: she/her . nicknames: mad/mads, maddy . hometown: lima, ohio . birthday & age: may 3rd / twenty years old. relationship status: single . sexuality: bisexual . occupation: student at mckinley arts college . sports/clubs: drama, dance/ballet, international club . glee club: new directions . major: drama .
madison lives and breathes cheerleading. her parents signed her up ever since she’s practically watched “bring it on” for the first time at age 12 (although she got in trouble right after considering it wasn’t that suitable for kids). she absolutely loves any sort of competition, especially when she knows she’s a shoe-in for the win.
madison is the oldest twin by 12 minutes, making her being the main one “in charge” when it comes to her brother. she loves mason so much that she can’t imagine a life without him. she’s known for being bossy at times, especially when things don’t go her way.
when she found glee club was starting back up, she immediately signed up to be part of the new directions. she originally wanted to sign up for the troubletones (because girl power, obvi), but due to the fact where she physically doesn’t want to be separated from her brother, she stuck with the new directions instead.
madison can seem quite intimidating sometimes, but don’t be deceived by that. she’s kind-hearted and will do anything to make you smile.
when it comes to any sort of relationship, madison is completely terrified of commitment. maybe it has to do with the fact she doesn’t want to abandon her other half; but in reality, she doesn’t think anyone could love her. but, she’s definitely a hopeless romantic.
psssttt... come fill these connections for me!
platonic —
best friend / ride or die
mentor / tutor ( could be with music, cheerleading, dance, etc. )
wing woman
former exes to friends
cheerleading besties
family friend
romance —
blind date
summer romance / fling
unrequited love
fake significant other
negative —
negative influence
ex best friends
other —
college project partners
hookup/secret best friends: madison meeting jacob was a unexpected turn of events, especially hooking up one night. although it was nothing more, madison thinks it's fun spending time with him outside of campus. — taken by jacob ben israel.
crush/yoga buddy: on her freetime madison loves winding down and relaxing her nerves by doing yoga with sam. in fact, she loves spending time with him to the point she feels something more. — taken by sam evans.
mentor/mom friend: simply, wwqfd? someone madison looks up to and can ask for advice whenever she needs it. — taken by quinn fabray.
kissed/made out: trying to figure herself out, madison ends up having a sleepover with her kitty, only to get caught by kitty's parents after kissing. — taken by kitty wilde.
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ginger-grimm · 9 months
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MEET ARIEL BERRY'S FAMILY for @dancingsunflowers-ocs
Hiram Berry - Father
LeRoy Berry - Father
Shelby Corcoran - Biological Mother
Rachel Berry - Twin Sister
Ariel Berry
Quinn Fabray - Girlfriend/Future Wife
I hope you like it!
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Quinn Fabray from Glee is a femme lesbian with depression and PTSD who uses she/her pronouns!
Her girlfriend Rachel Berry is a Jewish femme bisexual girl who uses she/her pronouns!
Rachel's boyfriend Finn Hudson is demisexual and uses he/him pronouns!
Finn's brother Kurt Hummel is a GNC gay man with depression, anxiety, C-PTSD, and OCD who uses he/him pronouns!
His boyfriend Blaine Anderson is a gay man with depression who uses he/him pronouns!
Blaine's best friend Sam Evans is a dyslexic bisexual trans guy with ADHD and anorexia who uses he/him pronouns!
Sam's girlfriend Mercedes Jones is unlabeled and uses she/her pronouns!
Artie Abrams is a bisexual trans man who uses he/him pronouns, and he's in a polycule with Tina, Mike, and Brittany!
Tina Cohen-Chang is a pansexual transfeminine demigirl with anxiety who uses they/them, she/her, and he/him pronouns!
Mike Chang is bisexual and uses he/him pronouns!
Brittany Pierce is an autistic bisexual intersex girl with ADHD, PTSD, and hypersexuality who uses she/her pronouns!
Brittany's girlfriend Santana Lopez is a femme lesbian who uses she/her pronouns!
Noah Puckerman is a Jewish butch lesbian with ADHD who uses he/him pronouns!
His brother Jake Puckerman is a Jewish unlabeled guy with ADHD who uses he/him pronouns!
Jake's girlfriend Marley Rose is a panromantic asexual person with bulimia who uses she/her pronouns!
Marley is in a QPR with Unique Adams, a trans woman who uses she/her pronouns!
Unique's boyfriend Ryder Lynn is a cishet guy with dyslexia and PTSD!
Ryder is also dating Kitty Wilde, a closeted asexual girl with PTSD and hypersexuality who uses she/her pronouns!
Her friend Myron Muskovitz is a Jewish closeted trans girl who uses she/her pronouns!
Madison McCarthy is an autistic aromantic lesbian who uses she/her pronouns!
Her twin brother Jason McCarthy is a trans man who uses he/him pronouns!
Mason's girlfriend Jane Hayward is an autistic queer person who uses she/her pronouns!
Roderick Meeks is aroace and uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
His best friend Spencer Porter is a gay man who uses he/him pronouns!
Spencer is dating Alistair, a gay nonbinary person who uses any pronouns!
dni link
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 7 months
New Glee OCs!
When I will I stop making Glee ocs? For sure not today. Most of these live on vibes only but whatever
Veronica "Ronnie" Nell - part of an all-girls band (lead singer); New direction Member; baby lesbian; socially awkward but really nice; Quinn Ship Her fc is Maya Hawke!
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Susan Cole - part of the band (guitarist and second voice); Cheerio and New Direction Member; Her faceclaim is Vanessa Morgan!
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Harper "Honey" Hayes - part of the band (drummer); not ND Member; called Honey but ain't sweet Her faceclaim is Sophie Thatcher!
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Lula Delaney - part of the band (kayboard player); not ND Member; Her faceclaim is Saoise Ronan!
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Audrey Clay - part of the band (bassist); not ND Member; into witchy vibes (you should see her room lmao I love her) Her faceclaim is Barbie Ferreira!
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Connie Sanchez - future star; joins Glee in season 2 with Sam (but she's a Freshman!); basically just New Directions baby; basically no plot just vibes Her faceclaim is Madison Reyes!
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Linda Berry - Rachel's half sister; named after Glinda from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz; totally a Diva; oblivious as hell (aka "this girl hates me/ we're total enemies" when the other is highkey in love with her) Her faceclaim is Victoria Justice!
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Jennifer Glynn - "Beware The Quiet Ones" Trope Queen; doesn't know how to express feelings bc of shitty parents; angry face is her basic face (Is she angry all the time? No. Does she look like it? Absolutely); doesn't understand why the girl she likes hates her but she's sure she deserves it (no, you don't dear 🥺) Her faceclaim is Liz Gillies!
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Melody Wells - Lyra's twin; Little Miss Sunshine; pure vibes Her faceclaim is Dove Cameron!
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Lyra Wells - Melody's twin; Little Miss Badass; ready to kill you in any moment lol; just like her sister... pure vibes Her faceclaim is Dove Cameron!
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Cosette Chamberlain - Actress; Rich Bitch Energy; her and Cooper briefly dated when they were in high school; still good friends; will eventually end up together again Her faceclaim is Tilly Keeper!
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Chrissy Chamberlain - Blaine's best friend (due Cooper and Cosette); Crawford Country Day's student (at least at first); Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold until you piss her off (she can totally kick your ass so don't try it trust me) Her faceclaim is Peyton List!
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Carina "Cara" Fabray - Quinn's "less popular and weird" sister; a sweetheart; lowkey acts dumb on purpose; wants to be a photographer; Rachel ship Her faceclaim is Aimee Lou Wood!
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Kathleen Bao - Hopeless romantic; firmly believes bakery is a form of art; looks sweet, is sweet, still doesn't take anyone's shit; Artie ship Her faceclaim is Lana Condor!
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Garreth Duke - English teacher; sigle father; also basically ND's honorary father; a bit man-child but would die for his honorary kids; Emma Pillsbury ship His faceclaim is Paul Rudd!
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Ramona Solomon - Cheerio; McKinley's Queen Bee; lesbian princess who comes from a queer rich family; Quinn ship Her faceclaim is Sarah Jeffery!
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Kipp Hudson - Finn's twin brother; silly loveable jock; mainly lives on vibes His faceclaim is Milo Manheim!
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iandores · 1 year
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                                  introducing grace lightfoot.
inspired by :  blair waldorf // gossip girl ; brooke davis // one tree hill ; hermione granger // harry potter ; kamilah al-jamil // the good place ;  katie fitch // skins ; quinn fabray // glee ; heather duke // heathers ; elle woods // legally blonde
name | grace penelope tala lightfoot     nicknames | n/a         date of birth | june 6       age | twenty three         gender | female       pronouns | she / her   species | half elf & witch, blessed by the goddess aphrodite schools of magic | enchantment &  divination           sexuality | she’s gay, folks.     hometown | new mushroomton, oregon, usa.     current residence | elias, california, usa.  
height | 5′4         build | petite     hair colour | brown eye colour | brown    piercings | ears, septum   tattoos | a couple - they are small, dainty, and heavily symbolic           glasses/contacts | she wears glasses on a normal day, but will switch to contacts for the right outfit. faceclaim | pari*s berel*c
physical ailments | none       allergies | none         sleeping habits | needs 8+ hours or she gets cranky     eating habits | vegetarian     body temperature | runs cool       dominant hand | right        drugs / smoke / alcohol |  she enjoys a glass of wine from time to time.
mother | megara dimitriou  father | ian lightfoot siblings | hudson lightfoot ( older brother ) & eleanor lightfoot ( twin sister, younger by three minutes ) children | none cousins | kinsley, eowyn, guinevere, & gabriel lightfoot birth order | older twin, middle child. significant others | n/a friends | could be you !      
zodiac sign | gemini mbti | estj - the director         enneagram | three - the achiever       temperament | phlegmatic           hogwarts house | ravenclaw       moral alignment | lawful evil     primary vice | lust     primary virtue | diligence    
compassion.          3/10.
empathy.          4/10.
creativity.          9/10.
mental flexibility.          7/10.
passion.          8/10.
luck.         9/10.
motivation.  9/10.
education.          8/10.
intelligence.          7/10.
charisma.          6/10.
reflexes.          8/10.
willpower.          8/10.
stamina.          7/10.
physical strength.          5/10.
battle skill.          8/10.
initiative.         7/10.
restraint.          5/10.
strategy.         8/10.
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jedi-luca · 10 months
Absolutely NO WAY are you a Faberry lover who was caught in a Diana Agron/Quinn Fabray chokehold who is now obsessed with Scarlett Johansson/Natasha Romanoff ????!!!
SAME. total SAME. Legit.
Are we.... twins? 😦😂
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😮 I think so!
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THE QUEERBATING EPISODE! I will never forgive Ryan M*rphy 🤮
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homcbound · 1 year
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Hey! I swear I saw CHRIS PINE last night but it was just COSMO FABRAY. The 35 year old MALE [he/hIM] is a CEO living in UPTOWN. I heard they're BRASS, but also FEARLESS.
NAME: Cosmo James Fabray
AGE: 35
OCCUPATION: CEO of Cosmic Security
He went to university for IT and Criminal Justice
His birth name is James Cosmo Fabray, but he hates any form of James so he legally changed it at 18 to Cosmo James Fabray.
He wanted to be an astronaut when he was a kid and was set on that for the longest time until he found out how much math goes into it.
He knows anatomy better than he knows himself.
He played just about all sports, but his favorite is rugby.
He is just naturally gifted when it comes to hand-eye coordination and can play just about every sport after learning it once.
He is selfish. Can and will put his own needs first 80% of the time.
He has spent his entire life trying to fit into this perfect box and won’t take any less.
Due to his religious upbringing, he’s stayed in the closet most of his life, but since he returned post college he’s been out because he couldn’t take it anymore.
He grew up learning French and English side by side.
The only reason he’s good at math is because his tutor in school related it to sports - can only do stats quickly.
His favorite food is homemade flamiche
He likes cooking to maintain a healthy diet and because its calming. He grew up helping his mom cook and did a lot of it when his twin sisters were born to help out around the house.
He has a dog named McCoy.
FAVE DRINK: whiskey
FAVE FOOD: flamiche
FAVE CLOTHING: a good pair of jeans
FAVE DAY OTW: saturday
FAVE SONG: tightrope - the score
FAVE MOVIE: the seven year itch
BOOK OR TV?: book
HOT OR COLD?: cold
TEA OR COFFEE?: coffee
SPORTS OR ART?: sports
THREE GOODS: Caring / Helpful / Protective
THREE BADS: Conceited / Blunt / Bitter
BEST SKILL: cooking
BEST TALENT: athletics
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Glee OC Masterlist (A-G)
[ H - M ] [ N - Z ]
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Name: Aurora Anderson
Story: Somewhere Only We Know
Face claim:  Kaylee Bryant
Love Interest: Sebastian Smythe
AO3 | FFNet | Wattpad
Summary: Aurora had always known that Andersons go to Dalton, she just didn’t think that she would be included in that legacy.  But after the incident at the Sadie Hawkins dance left she and her half-brother in the hospital, their father told them that Aurora would be the first female student in Dalton history, regardless of what she wanted.  Of course the Dalton Brotherhood had always been her family, and being with her closest friends was exactly what she needed, but when a spy shows up in their midst, she knows that her home is going to be changed forever.
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Name: Abbie Hudson
Story: Brutal
Face claim: Savannah Lee May
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Summary: Ever since she was a little girl, Abbie Hudson had wanted to be a cheerleader.  She had grown up with dance and gymnastics, going to the elementary and then middle school cheer camp, and never missed a single high school football game — not for any love of the sport, but to watch the Cheerios.
Finally, in her freshman year, she got to join the team, and it was even better than she’d ever dreamed.   She was popular, she was talented, she was special, and she was happy.   And then she found herself joining the Glee club — it was barely even a club, only a small handful of students and a teacher who gave her the creeps.  It hadn’t been a big deal at the time, Glee was so irrelevant that no one even seemed to know it existed, and she was able to fly under the radar with it and keep her hard won popularity.   But then, in her sophomore year, Will Schuester took over the club, and dragged her twin brother into the mix.  and to Abbie’s great dismay, Finn brought with him the one thing she had always wanted to avoid — attention.  From slushy-wielding jocks to Sue Sylvester’s rage, Abbie’s involvement in the club could no longer remain a secret, and she was going to have to make her choice.
She enjoyed Glee, she did, but was it really worth risking everything she’d ever dreamed of?  
( Dance Squad: Amanda Lopez, Cori Collins, Melissa Carlson, Paige Callahan, Tally Boyer, Trisha Kent)
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Name: Adelia Kline
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Ester Exposito
Love Interest: Sebastian Smythe; Quinn Fabray
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Name: Amelie Kline
Story: Multi
Face claim:  Lily James
Love Interest: Lindsay Wright
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Name: Ash Astor
Story: Somewhere Only We Know [ & others ]
Face claim: Anna Kendrick
Love Interest: Cooper Anderson & Roman Kline
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Name: Barbie Corcoran
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Zoey Deutch
Love Interest: Noah Puckerman
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Name: Benjamin Seurat
Story: Multi
Face claim: Mark St Cyr
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Name: Betty Fabray
Story: Breakthrough
Face claim:  Sabrina Carpenter
Love Interest: Xander Smythe; Mac Hudson
Summary:  Freshman year of high school was supposed to be the start of the best years of your life, right?  Betty Fabray had it all planned out.  She was going to join the Cheerios and cement her newfound popularity by her sister’s side, become Head Cheerio after Quinn’s graduation, and have the high school experience that everyone dreamed of.  When she hears about a new singing club, she doesn’t think of it as a threat to her plans.  She loves to sing, and no one really cares about the club anyways, it should be fine.  And it was, until Finn Hudson joined the group and all eyes of the school turn to the Glee Club.  Suddenly she’s getting slushied, her position on the Cheerios is being threatened, and her big sister is pregnant and getting kicked out of their house.  Betty’s plans are in shambles and she has no idea what to think, but between Sue Sylvester and Sectionals, no one is giving her time to figure out what she wants, other than to get her sister back.  And, hopefully, to get through high school in one piece.
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Name: Bobby Seurat
Story: Rumour Has It
Face claim: Jordan Fisher
Love Interest: Savannah Evans & Valeria Ramírez
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Name: Camilo Ayers
Story: John Hughes Movie
Face claim: Taylor Zakhar Perez
Love Interest: Jo Berry
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Name: Cecilia Cartwright
Story: Get It Right
Face claim: Odeya Rush
Love Interest: Matt Rutherford, Tina Cohen-Chang (possible Tina x Mike)
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Name: Chad Channing
Story: Multi
Face claim:  Chris Pine
Love Interest: Johanna St James
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Name: Charlie Sylvester
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Josephine Langford
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Name: Christie Hummel
Story: Don’t Stop Believing
Face claim:  Laura Marano
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Summary:  Ever since their mother died, Kurt and Christie Hummel had somehow gotten even closer.  They did everything together; voice and piano lessons, dance classes, working in their dad’s shop, enduring the daily torture that was McKinley High, and, of course, joining glee.  But there was one thing that the twins didn’t agree on: Finn Hudson.  While Kurt saw him as their knight in shining armour, just because he offered them the barest hints of dignity while his friends tormented them, Christie saw him as just as guilty as the rest of his teammates, watching their endless humiliation and letting it happen.  Despite their polarizing opinions, the twins had always been able to look past that - to not let Finn Hudson come between them.  But when Finn joins the glee club, bringing even more jocks and Cheerios with him, their seemingly indestructible bond is going to be put to the test.
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Name: Claude Emerson
Story: Breakthrough
Face claim: Owen Patrick Joyner
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Name: Cole Manning
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Cody Christian
Love Interest: Quinn Fabray
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Name: Colton Cartwright
Story: Get It Right
Face claim: Matt Cornett
Love Interest: Sam Evans, Finn Hudson
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Name: Daphne Carter
Story: Anything Goes
Face claim:  Ashleigh Murray
Love Interest: Leon Elliot, Mike Chang, eventual Sam Evans
Summary: Daphne Carter didn’t miss Lima.  She hadn’t been there since she was five, back before she booked her first commercial and suddenly found herself as The Child Star of her generation.  And ten years later, starring on Broadway across from her best friend and dating one of the biggest up and coming rock stars around, Lima didn’t even crossed her mind enough for her to miss it.  But once the drugs and drinking that her parents had always chosen to ignore made her the front page of every gossip rag across the country, something had to be done.  Not for her well being, of course, but because addiction wasn’t profitable.  And that’s how Daphne Carter finds herself being shipped halfway across the country to live with her parents’ childhood friends, and being dragged into the McKinley High Glee Club.
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Name: Delilah Puckerman
Story: Wish You Were Me
Face claim:  Vanessa Morgan
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Summary: Delilah Puckerman hadn’t actually wanted to leave her boarding school.  Of course, her expulsion hadn’t been a surprise considering what had happened, but being sent to public school?  Unfair and unnecessary, in her opinion.  But nobody cared what the crazy girl wanted, and she found herself sent off to McKinley High.  She honestly thought that things couldn’t get any worse, until she meets a boy named Noah Puckerman.
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Name: Demeter July
Story: Untitled
Face claim:  Elle Fanning
Love Interest: Quinn Fabray
Summary: Demeter July was on top of the world. She had spent the past ten years starring in a reality show about dancers and their mothers, she had won more national competitions than she could count, and her life was seemingly perfect. But her dance instructor was horrific, her mom’s past mistakes were constantly held against her, and she was crumbling under the weight of the cameras watching her every move. Until one day she breaks, the lowest moment of her life captured on film and aired across the world. Unable to handle the scrutiny any longer, spiralling more and more every day, Cassie July had to look out for her daughter’s best interest — in this case, getting out of the spotlight. One emotional conversation later and Demi finds her life packed up in suitcases on a plane to Lima, Ohio, to recuperate under the care of her beloved honorary uncle, Josh St James.
The plan is simple, keep her head down and get through sophomore year, hope that the now-viral video of her breakdown would blow over, and go back home. But the video is only getting more views by the day, McKinley high is hell, and now Demi has found herself being roped into choreographing for the up-and-coming Glee club: the only place in school as dramatic as the life she was trying to leave behind.
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Name: Dolly Corcoran
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Diana Silvers
Love Interest: Jesse St James (not endgame)
Summary: Dolly Corcoran was living the dream.  She was on top of the world, female lead of Vocal Adrenaline, and dating Jesse St James: golden boy, star of Vocal Adrenaline and the national show choir circuit, and her lifelong friend.  Everything was perfect.  And then her mom tells she and Barbie that they have a sister.  A sister who happens to be the female lead of the New Directions.  A sister that their mother wants to form a relationship with.  A sister that their mother wants to form a relationship with by having Jesse transfer schools and start a relationship with her.  Dolly Corcoran was living the dream, but that dream is quickly turning into a nightmare.  A nightmare starring one Rachel Barbara Berry.
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Name: Faye Anderson
Story: Untitled
Face claim:  Vanessa Hudgens
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Summary:  To any outsider, the Anderson twins had it all.  4.0 GPAs at Dalton and Crawford, lead soloists of their respective glee clubs, a big house in Westerville, and a celebrity brother.  They didn’t see behind the curtain; didn’t see the absentee parents, the lonely, empty house, or the brother who only texted a few times a year.  But Faye was happy. She loved her school and her glee club and her brother.  And then Blaine decides to go to public school, and her parents decide to send her to McKinley with him.  And although she loves her twin, and would do anything for him, she can tell that her teenage dream is about to become a teenage nightmare.
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Name: Gabriella Wright
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Annasophia Robb
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Name: Gilbert Hummel
Story: Anthem
Face claim: Casey Cott
Love Interest: Blaine Anderson & Sam Evans
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simplysummers · 2 years
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I posted 4,561 times in 2022
289 posts created (6%)
4,272 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,375 of my posts in 2022
Only 48% of my posts had no tags
#glee - 454 posts
#kurt hummel - 305 posts
#sebastian smythe - 302 posts
#kurtbastian - 195 posts
#ask bea - 95 posts
#bea’s mutuals - 80 posts
#santana lopez - 61 posts
#bea’s bullshit - 52 posts
#quinn fabray - 52 posts
#bea’s beloved besties - 48 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#and he’s like ‘they all taste the same???’ and instead of sebastian being catty or fighting back. he’s like ‘i will give you an f-ing power-
My Top Posts in 2022:
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100 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
Happy Father’s Day to Burt Hummel and Burt Hummel only 😌✊✨
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109 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
These two could’ve had the most iconic friendship on the show, but the writers were cowards.
In this essay I will-
Look at them. Twin expressions, they are so done. What do you mean that car is too expensive for a 16 year old?? Ridiculous.
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See the full post
147 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
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See the full post
167 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Me: *suffers a small ounce of writers block*
My brain: You’re losing your touch. You’ll never write anything again. You’re letting everybody down. The world will end because you can’t pick up a damn pen.
171 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
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