nickelofprion · 1 year
((i WAS gonna revive this blog
but then i ended up in the er. twice
this being said if u wanna throw interactions at me please do! i am currently in pain and cannot think))
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nickelofprion · 1 year
((what if i
revived this blog))
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nickelofprion · 2 years
Send “Baby” And I will talk about a hypothetical kid from both our muses
This includes crack ships too!
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nickelofprion · 2 years
Send “Hold still!” to find my muse injured.
Or “That hurts!” for mine to find yours.
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nickelofprion · 2 years
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((i know i already incorporate a LOT of unicron trilogy into nickel but what if i actually played a ut nickel))
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nickelofprion · 2 years
The Wolf Among Us - chapter one - sentence starters
1. “If you can’t afford to look human, you’re going to ______. It’s as simple as that.” 
2. “You’re drunk all right? Think this through. If you keep on like this, I won’t have any choice but to put you down.” 
3. “Sorry about the car. We ended up going out the window. Couldn’t be avoided.” 
4. “You all right back there? I mean… your eyes… and the teeth… You’re not really supposed to do that, are you?” 
5. “You’re not as bad as everyone says you are.” 
6. “Hate’s the wrong word. They fear you more than anything. You ate a lot of people back in your day.” 
7. “I know you like this whole Lone Wolf thing you’ve got going for yourself, but I’ve seen the way you look at _____, okay? You’re not fooling anyone.” 
8. “You are the one charged with protecting the citizens of _____. Your failure to do so cost someone their life, and the safety of the entire community!” 
9. “I did it because I was ashamed. I couldn’t live with myself, knowing I had done that to _____.” 
10. “I’m a fucking burden, I’m useless. I don’t want _____ to have to worry about me anymore.” 
11. “You almost look peaceful. Except that you’re lying in a dirty alley. With an open wound on the back of your head.” 
12. “You and me have been going at it for hundreds of years. I’m through fighting.”
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nickelofprion · 2 years
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I’ll make a proper promo in the future but like/reblog this post if you’re interested in interacting with a semi canon divergent Starscream from Transformers Prime.
-Roleplaying for 5+ years -Semi Selective/Mutuals Only  -OC and Crossover friendly  -Mun is 21+  -Occasionally NSFW, will tag as such.
Side blog, follows as @fatesyetunwritten​
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nickelofprion · 2 years
Manhandling symbol starters
Send one for your muse to…
★ - drag my muse by the arm ⁂ - grab my muse by the front of their shirt, possibly shoving them back ✱ - take my muse by the hips to carefully move them out of their way ➜ - smack my muse upside the head ⌧ - grip my muse by the back of the neck © - put a hand on my muse’s back to steer them somewhere ✂ - point sternly at a chair and tell my muse to sit down ✉ - push my muse back down when they try to get out of bed (perhaps involving illness, injury, or sleep deprivation) ☛ - press a finger to my muse’s lips to shut them up ♚ - put a hand on my muse’s knee while sitting next to them, to discourage them from standing up ♧ - slap my muse’s hand away from something they shouldn’t touch ♦ - grab my muse’s hair and yank ♤ - slam a door shut before my muse can leave the room ♞ - physically pick my muse up and carry them ♭ - grip my muse’s jaw to make them look yours in the eye ♨ - rub my muse down with a sponge/wet cloth  ☀ - pin my muse with their arms behind their back ☠ - slam my muse into a wall ☾ - wrestle/pin my muse to the ground
Add as much or as little context as you’d like!
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nickelofprion · 2 years
Mild panic sparks in her brain when she realizes someone gave him a KNIFE. Luckily he’s probably only capable of scraping paint with it. If it can barely whittle aluminum, it may as well be just a toy. Nickel’s priorities are straight.
“Aww,” she purrs, acting as if the startled expression that crossed her face didn’t happen. “How sweet, Hotshot. Thank you very much!” She doesn’t care it barely looks like her, it’s always about the gesture to her. Vos could hand her anything as a gift and she’d take it in stride and keep it.
Is Nickel getting a bunch of sparkling cuddles, pit yes she is.
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Baby obtained. Nickel cuddles her horrid little grandson back, chittering.
"Hello Hotshot."
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nickelofprion · 2 years
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nickelofprion · 2 years
[I’m a femme of medicine. I’ve been obsessed with it since I was a sparkling. I was lucky enough to be afforded the highest education my home planet allowed. As you may have guessed by my pen name, I’m from the colony planet Prion, and we had one of the most affluent medical schools in the Cybertronian Empire.
Though my focus is on medicine, I enjoy music and dance as well, and pre-War poetry as controversial as it may be. And what bot doesn’t collect? My suite looks as if a pre-War transport ship exploded, and I came to live amongst the rubble and cargo.
I’ve been dead-set on my passion for millions of years now, though. I can’t often swing myself away from studying medicine, I enjoy it far too much.
- Prion’s Rings]
[I’m certainly not immune to being judgemental myself. It’s a survival instinct, so sometimes, especially these days, you really can’t blame someone. It does get tiring, though.
I don’t believe you would be ridiculed. I’d struggle to call my family just that if they ridiculed me when I opened up. I’m incredibly lucky that at worst I’m told to leave them alone.
Of course. We’re a bit neck-deep in our own musings though, not that it’s any problem, but how about you tell me a bit about yourself? As little or as much as you want, I don’t want to sound like I’m prying, I know this is an anonymous forum.
- Prion’s Rings]
►   Let’s see… Outside, mechanisms see me in a certain way. It is what I have created, I push mechanisms away and so I’ve caged myself. I yearn to be loved yet I fear attachment, and the price of love that is sorrow. I’ve barricaded the side that is delicate, art loving, affectionate… as I fear those are the most vulnerable part of myself. Part that now writes here, with you. If we were to meet in person, somewhere, sometime, I doubt you might recognize me. Nor would I ever speak aloud what I just wrote. So, it doesn’t concern me.
I love literacy and poetry - I believe I have studied the most what has been spared from destruction. Both classical and modern. I used to dance, enjoy beautiful sceneries and experiences. But I am also curious to learn new. Back in my time there was only one path to follow - but I doubt I would have fit in the passionate atmospheres of academies anyway.
Would you love to share something about yourself? What is hidden behind Prion’s Rings?
- Little Comet
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nickelofprion · 2 years
“If ya didn’t voluntarily come in every now and again, I’d personally promote myself ta head of the DJD,” Nickel snarks. Though she didn’t mean it seriously, she surely had to be among the first picks- Nickel, at base and by personality and belief alone, was just a smaller version of Tarn. “No business takin’ care of a buncha tinheads if ya can’t botha ta see a medic without bein’ forced ta.”
She snickers, pulling her tools out of his arm.
“Move your fingers for me, see if the mobility’s the same?” She lets him go to let him move his hand on his own. “You should get feelin’ back too. Don’t move your wrist quite yet though.”
“I can threaten ya as much as I want,” she jokes right back. She could, really, with a clean track record like her own, it’s just that she chose not to. She knew where the line was drawn, and unless it was for his own wellbeing, she wouldn’t knowingly step over it. “Everyone in their right mind knows I’m worse than ya.”
Ah, talk of killing each other. Just standard DJD things. It’s how they show affection.
She can’t help the smirk on her face. She enjoys Tarn’s company, even if it’s situations like this. Eventually, even if only briefly, there will be a smile from her. Nickel twirls her wire cutter between her claws before putting it back down. “Besides, maybe if ya got inta less trouble, this would happen less.”
Nickel moved to minor connections now, replacing busted pistons and sautering sensory wires back together to restore movement and touch.
There were very few who could threaten Tarn and he wouldn’t take offense to it, one of them would be Nickel. Now she’s rightfully earned that right to joke with Tarn far more than the average would even get the chance. The one “threat” he enjoyed from Nickel was her… flavorful gestures. 
His optics dimmed slightly before brightening once more. “Is that so?” Tarn chuckled some. There was no need for her to explain her reasoning behind that. “Better keep that between you and me then Nickel,” he teased. But he would be lying to himself as well if he didn’t enjoy Nickel’s company even if it didn’t happen as often and he may like. 
Perhaps that would be true but it was job security. Tarn didn’t mind having to get fixed from time to time, whether it be from what he could call normal circumstances or self-infliction. It was all the same to Tarn. “Being fixed doesn’t necessarily bother me. Besides, I wouldn’t be able to evade you if I didn’t come forwards.” 
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nickelofprion · 2 years
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“Good,” she responds, giving his helm a little pat.
“What’dcha make?” Nickel asks. She puts her chin in one servo.
Is Nickel getting a bunch of sparkling cuddles, pit yes she is.
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Baby obtained. Nickel cuddles her horrid little grandson back, chittering.
"Hello Hotshot."
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nickelofprion · 2 years
“I can threaten ya as much as I want,” she jokes right back. She could, really, with a clean track record like her own, it’s just that she chose not to. She knew where the line was drawn, and unless it was for his own wellbeing, she wouldn’t knowingly step over it. “Everyone in their right mind knows I’m worse than ya.”
Ah, talk of killing each other. Just standard DJD things. It’s how they show affection.
She can’t help the smirk on her face. She enjoys Tarn’s company, even if it’s situations like this. Eventually, even if only briefly, there will be a smile from her. Nickel twirls her wire cutter between her claws before putting it back down. “Besides, maybe if ya got inta less trouble, this would happen less.”
Nickel moved to minor connections now, replacing busted pistons and sautering sensory wires back together to restore movement and touch.
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“I’m not,” she replies. Not pain sensors, at least. However, Tarn’s bound to sever wires for that reason, if not by removing his own hand, by general wear-and-tear. She fishes frayed wiring out of his wrist with dexterous little claws.
When he jokes about it, Nickel looks up at Tarn, stopping what she’s doing, and narrows her optics at him. 3 and a half million years of working for him likely makes it obvious this isn’t just an expression of frustration, but also concern. Nickel worries because she cares.
“It could’ve,” she says, returning to her work. “N’ it’s in your best interest ta see nothin’ worse does happen. Traitahs may be able ta take a lil piece from ya at worst, but I can cut through ununtrium like it’s gold leaf.”
She picks up a pair of cutters, and provides very little warning. “Lil’ shock.” One swift motion and she’s sliced through all his frayed wires. She tapes the ends shut and tucks them away so they won’t decay and cause him more issues. Back to the task at hand- pun intended.
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Crimson optics narrow right back at her. Don’t fret, it wasn’t out of ill-will or anything of the sort but more-so Nickel was one of the select few who could dish anything back at Tarn and he wouldn’t react negatively. But this is Tarn. “No need to concern yourself too much Nickel.” He was aware that she cared but his own self not so much. The Decepticon would call it a negative and unfortunate side-effect of his past. Something he’s never fixed for many reasons he’d never speak of. 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” half joking here. He could never stop himself with the bad jokes. But the executioner was aware that she was able to cut through ununtrium like it was nothing. Being the Decepticon Justice Division’s medic came with more than a few.. perks if one would call it that. But the abundance of different tools and materials that they’d gotten their hands on put them above most.
While he isn’t one who enjoyed.. shocks too much, unfortunately he’s quite used to it at any scale. iOne of many things that he’s masked unfortunately. But those optics of his never strayed from watching Nickel fix his severed servo. Thing is, he could feel that little shock a ways down–thankfully his abilities have not been in his servos for a few million years now.
If there’s one part on his frame that’s been constantly undergone any sort of fix is those damn servos of his. One would think they’d be in far worse condition but he appreciated that Nickel was able to fix them in a timely manner but also respected Tarn’s wishes on boundaries he’s not willing to step out of yet. On his own time and terms it might one day happen but not now. 
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nickelofprion · 2 years
@miisfiiriing began following.
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“Ah, wonderful. It’s you. Whaddya need, Misfire?”
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nickelofprion · 2 years
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nickelofprion · 2 years
((slowly gettin to replies..... brrrr))
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