nicky-the-silly · 2 months
Streamers say 'mods' the same way a medieval lord would say 'guards'
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nicky-the-silly · 2 months
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nicky-the-silly · 2 months
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The collar is similar to the green goblin mask actually
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nicky-the-silly · 2 months
i accidentally clicked onto and off of the "explore" page very quickly, and in the second or so that the explore page was onscreen i saw a beautiful photoshopped image that may infact be nothing like how i saw it due to the speed at which it appeared and disappeared.... but still. what i saw was beautiful
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it looked like this
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nicky-the-silly · 2 months
Need neef neeed need pleasr
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nicky-the-silly · 2 months
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nicky-the-silly · 2 months
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now say it back
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nicky-the-silly · 2 months
in the mood to impregnate a trans girl tbh, any volunteers? :3 i’m sure we can make it work if we try hard enough ^w^
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nicky-the-silly · 2 months
A trans friends' mother described another family with a gay son as a "less extreme situation" [as her being trans]
reblog if you're any level of situation but especially if you're an extreme situation
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nicky-the-silly · 3 months
"Oh my fucking god"?
i think they prefer the term "god(dess) of fertility" actually
... i'll see myself out i'm sorry for even having thought this
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nicky-the-silly · 3 months
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEPLEA- oh wait only like two people in my friend group have tumblr. still if you're seeing this PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE
I wanna bully a tgirl (sexually) like yeah im pansting you and embarrassing you in front of our friends ! Yeah I’m shoving you up against a wall and calling you weak and fragile, yeah I’m shoving your shirt up and announcing how big your tits have gotten. I’m lifting your skirt up so everyone can see your hole isn’t covered at all by this thong! I’m snapping your bra straps, and pulling on your g-string whale tail. when you shower at my house I’m stealing your underwear so when I ask you to pick something up for me everyone can see you exposed and slutty . It’s all in good fun though !
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nicky-the-silly · 3 months
Okay so when the video game character does it its an "idle animation" but when i do its "fidgeting" and "distracting people".
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nicky-the-silly · 3 months
... Rude to target me like this
so many of the transfems i know spent their time pre-transition performing a kind of lifelong exercise in self-deprivation, the goal of which was to find out exactly how little a person needed to live. they starved themselves, dressed carelessly, shunned friends, and hollowed themselves out so as not to be burdens on anyone but themselves.
i see it now, too, in the girls around me. i'll ask if they want care – a home-cooked meal, relaxed company, sex without the expectation of reciprocation – and they say no, no, thank you, i don't need it; what would you like, what do you want, because in their head they're still doing that awful calculus, still training themselves to disappear in the eyes of the people around them.
i don't think i'd have died without transition – not in the conventional sense, at least – but to take that leap, i had to stop thinking of myself as a human experiment in fuel-efficient living and start nurturing the anemic, atrophied flame of desire in my heart. i had to learn to eat well, to exercise, to style myself beautiful, but harder than that, i had to learn to ask the people around me to work on my behalf in order to enrich my life and give me the things i wanted.
and i did it; i learned. and it was agony, but courage is a muscle you can train, and every day i get better at accepting gifts with the hungry gratitude i never learned in my years and years as a sad, scared, lonely boy.
so be patient with the trans girls in your life. better than that: be proactive, attentive, generous; be forceful, if you have to, and learn to distinguish real discomfort from the terrified reflex of self-denial that so many of us once learned to rely on.
and if you are so lucky as to love a trans girl, you must insist upon her. you must insist upon her happiness, her comfort, her pleasure, and her rest, because she may still not yet know how to make those demands for herself. if you can devote any amount of energy to becoming an engine that nurtures the flame of even a single tgirl then there is a place for you in trans heaven, which as far as i'm concerned is the only one worth going to
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nicky-the-silly · 3 months
I pushed the button but then zoned out for a little zamn.
it is so true, that shit sounds epic
Tranny faggot pit stank
Reblog if you agree
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nicky-the-silly · 4 months
Im now licensed yippee
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nicky-the-silly · 4 months
Woaw monsertz
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