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This e-portfoliio is a picture diary with many descriptions and it is the accumulation of all the activities, my memories, experiences, and some core principles I have acquired during my time in VCU Globe. I have accomplished: understanding concepts such as intercultural communication, cultural brokering, local and global issues, and nonverbal communication tips.  I was able to learn how to gain a more diverse perspective on the world and how to become a more culturally aware individual. This is a journey in which shows the progression of my Global Education. It was a lot of fun and it required major time management skills and perseverance. I was able to experience everything I wanted to while still being able to build relationships with new individuals. 
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GLED 101.
Getting to know my fellow VCU Globe students in the same cohort as me. We were learning how to practice our team building skills and communication skills with an interactive exercise icebreaker. 
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National Ballet of China, lead dancers at VCU Globe. 
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The National Ballet of China
I attended a co-curricular my second year of VCU Globe and was able to meet the two lead dancers from The National Ballet of Beijing. As they were sharing their stories and passion for dance, I came to the realization that dance and art has no boundaries, they are universals in which each person can interpret and experience. They danced absolutely exquisitely which matched their beautiful hearts.
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VCU Globe gave their students the opportunity to connect and mentor international students who came to our campus to further their education. This was my first conversation partner from Palestine. I was able to help him practice his conversational English and even with his academics. One main thing I learned from this experience was that it is always crucial to listen to where people have been and where they want to go, because you never know how you can help them. 
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A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the souls of the people
Mahatma Gandhi
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The Cultural Iceberg, is important in being aware of different cultures. Most of the time when we meet an individual, you can only see he surface, what you can visually and physically see. There is so much more to a person, more to their culture, and more to what makes them, well, them. 
I always refer back to this cultural iceberg because it is a great reminder when meeting someone with opposing views, and different cultural practices than you. There are more factors that go into a person’s life, not just what you see on the surface. 
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I was able to practice conversational English with my friends from Guadalajara, Mexico! Again, international students from Guadalajara, Mexica came to VCU to enrich their english speaking skills and opportunities. They all have different stories and aspirations, all you have to do is listen and pay interest to learning new things. They were lovely human beings. 
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For GLED 301 and 302 I was volunteer at a local community partner and to help them with issues that they are facing within the Richmond community. 
I was paired up with The Daily Planet located on West Grace St. in Richmond VA, their mission is to provide healthcare to ALL communities and individuals. I was assigned to work with three other VCU Globe Students. Together we created a very resourceful pamphlet to help the organization’s volunteer physicians, dentists, and psychiatrists to gain better insight on their patient’s culture and background. We focused on the Puerto Rican population and their culture.
It was a major learning curve working independently while still being a part of a group. Communication and leadership skills were crucial qualities that each individual had to have. It was a very unique experience. 
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Cultural Awareness Presentation
Spring of 2016, two other VCU Globe students and myself, went to a local workshop and informed middle school to high school students about intercultural communication and how to be culturally aware. 
There, we discussed about what culture is, and how to be aware of different cultural communities and social cues. We talked about the cultural iceberg, and how to break social and cultural stigmas and stereotypes. 
I was able to practice my presenting and public speaking skills while trying to be relatable and relative to the audience. Allowing the students to gain a broader perspective on culture and different types of customs was very  insightful. I was able to see how they viewed culture and what type of social stigmas and stereotypes they may have experienced. 
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Spring Break 2016, I went with VCU Globe to Doha Qatar, receiving credit for the GLED 302 course. Here we explored Doha, learned about the city’s history, about their culture and customs, and about social issues that they have been working through the past couple of years. I was there to fulfill my GLED 302 coursework. I was able to learn more about intercultural communication, leadership, and to see how interconnected the globe actually is. 
I took this picture  of one of their mosques the first night I was there. It exemplified their importance of tradition and religion, while also showing their culture and history with the architecture. 
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Capturing moments with Ms. Ingber and a VCU Globe student Yumna, while walking around their local market. For GLED 302, we were there to learn about Intercultural leadership and how to work as a community. 
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The Museum of Islamic Art, in Doha Qatar
A VCU Globe member who received henna during a celebration dinner. 
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Education City, Doha Qatar. 
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VCU Globe has been a major part of my college career, by shaping my personal views on what I am interested in. Most importantly by allowing me to discover where I stand with my personal views on political, global, and public issues. I was able to discover new passions and future aspirations and goals within this program. With supportive faculty and influential advisors I now feel equipped and empowered to be a cultural broker and ambassador wherever I go.  
I would like to say I was able to grow in my communication skills, my critical thinking skills, leadership skills, but most importantly my team work skills. I was able to practice all of these things in every program. Each analogy and presentation given in class was beneficial to my everyday life skills. I am so appreciative for leaders and advisors who took the time to listen and interact with their students. 
All of the co-curriculars and community engagement assignments were experiences that I will never forget. I was able to interact with individuals who have given me a chance to listen and learn about their lives. In that, I am so excited and appreciative for those opportunities. 
VCU Globe, thank
 you. It has been fun, and until next time, cheers! 
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