nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
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nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
The Beautiful Lie | Nicolas & Darryl
Nicolas rolled a small spliff between his fingers, trying to figure out whether to light it or not. Stephanie had made it for him a while ago, telling him it was light enough he wouldn’t get caught but strong enough that it would calm him down; relax him, she’d said. That was exactly what Nic needed now, though he wasn’t sure how to smoke it or if he should start now. He couldn’t stop thinking about Darryl, and not just because of the purpling bruise across his cheek spreading up to his eye. The eldest David had a scary hook on him, but it was much less then what he had been expecting. Looking down at the joint once more, Nicolas flicked it into the top drawer on his desk and slammed the door shut angrily. He had been expecting something worse, yes but that didn’t mean it was easy for him to lose the relationship he’d had with his best friend. The baby-faced boy had always put Darryl ahead of everything… how had he forgotten that in favour of Sierra? It wouldn’t have happened if Darryl had have returned to Tipton sooner. Then it would have been the two of them at Pulse that night, Sierra wouldn’t have lost her relationship with Steph.
Steph. Nicolas sighed as he remembered finding out it was her that had told Darryl. He was mad, yes. But not as mad as Sierra was at her. In truth, Nicolas thought that Stephanie had been strong enough to do something that the two in the relationship didn’t have the strength to do. Sighing, Nicolas pushed himself up from his desk chair. He walked out of his dorm room and into the hallway, walking to Darryl’s room and knocking on the door, praying that he wouldn’t punch him across the face once more.
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nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
"Maybe I don't want some fucking girl. I just want her." Nicolas shouted back, getting angry at Darryl now. It was the same assumption that Nic had made about what happened between them that first night, but now he'd definitely learnt better. No one thought more highly of herself then Sierra did, but it suited her and her lastname. Not that he could see that now, his girlfriend curled up inside herself, protecting herself and all Nic wanted now was to hold her and make any hurt go away. He looked back to Darryl when Sierra finally uncurled herself from the bed, trying to figure out the best way to explain the situation to his best friend, but he wouldn't understand. Nic doubted the boy before him ever looked at a girl for anything more then his own pleasure. The slam of the door made Nic's attention snap to Sierra and the room finally fell quiet. "She-we-we're together." Nicolas told Darryl, looking up into his best friend's eyes.
He exhaled at the relief of finally coming clean about their relationship. About it all. He held is hand out to Sierra and tried to coax her back into the fold, feeling the need to just hold her. "Hit me if you want, Darryl. I deserve it. But you can't not let us be together unless you can truthfully say you've never felt this way for a girl before." Nicolas challenged, sure that his friend would have a heart somewhere that had a crush on one of the many girls he slept with--the pool was wide and deep after all. Nicolas also wanted Darryl to punch him a bit, feeling like the argument wouldn't be over until the anger that had bubbled through Darryl previously had been exerted.
Risky Business | Nicolas, Sierra & Darryl
Although Darryl was mad with both Nic and Sierra, he wasn’t ready to deal with Sierra right now. He thought she would be at least honest with him and not hide her relationship with Nic--but he couldn’t blame her knowing that he’d act the way he’s acting right now and it wouldn’t make a difference. Flashing back to his first day back in Tipton, it probably wasn’t Stephanie that Sierra was texting to. How could he be so blind and stubborn; her eyes were literally glued onto her phone and the faces she kept making? It definitely wasn’t a girl she was talking to. Darryl had his back facing Sierra; once he heard his sister yell, he looked over his shoulder glancing at her but soon turned around back to facing Nic.
Ignoring whatever his sister was saying, Darryl panted as he watches Nic on the floor explaining how everything was a misunderstanding. Darryl wouldn’t mind Nic being with Sierra, in fact besides awkwardness having your sister and bestfriend together would be a great idea. But this is Nic you’re talking about; Darryl’s bestfriend that would accompany him into clubs, hitting on some random girl and expected to say goodbye the next day without even knowing their name. Darryl didn’t care if he were the type of guy that every mother warn their daughters about, but having his sister going out with the exact kind of person he is, is just unacceptable. “Hurt me?” Darryl asked Nic. Scoffing, he pointed his finger at Nic, making sure Nic got every word he said. “I don’t mind you fucking some girl down the hallway. I don’t mind you bringing five girls home. I don’t even mind if you fuck the same girl as I did two days ago. But don’t you dare touch my sister” Darryl argued, grinding his teeth at his last sentence. He couldn’t imagine what the two might have done while he was gone. He cant even imagine how it all began. 
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nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
Nicolas looked over his shoulder as the door opened, his stomach plummeting when he saw Darryl. He moved away from Sierra quickly when she pushed him, though no distance between them would take away the fact that Darryl had caught them together. "Man--wait..." Nic struggled, watching his best friend walk towards him. He went to reach out to Sierra, to protect her from the figure but something stopped him. Probably the fact that he knew it was going to be him that Darryl hit. He'd always known, since that last night where it had started as nothing more then a casual fuck. The tall figure loomed over them more as he approached, and before Nic could say anything to stop his best friend, he'd been thrown onto the floor. He heard Sierra's cry, but couldn't look at her. So far everything was out of balance, waiting for Darryl to snap.
"I-It's not like that--" Nic tried to get out. Or it wasn't anymore. Now it was about the two of them. They'd been together for a relatively long time considering who Nic used to be. But he had to let Darryl hit him, at least once. For being with Sierra, for lying to him, for that first time where she meant nothing to him until after it was done. But Darryl wasn't going to understand because he'd never seen them together, no one had. "This isn't just like a casual thing anymore." Nic insisted, standing up so that he was closer to Darryl's height. He'd made a flaw though, adding in 'anymore', but he couldn't take it back. "We just didn't want to hurt you..." He began, realising just how much he loved the two David siblings, though he wouldn't never be able to tell that to Sierra... at least not yet.
Risky Business | Nicolas, Sierra & Darryl
Once Darryl stepped out of his room hearing a loud bang coming from his door that he had pushed wide open, he wasn’t worried about Stephanie anymore. He wasn’t mad at her anymore, he wasn’t that upset anymore but all his feelings he had just 5 minutes ago, got together and all he felt was anger- not quite sure against who; Sierra or Nicholas? There was two things which made him explode; one, not being told they were fucking behind his back ever since he gotten back into Tipton. And two, not understanding why of all people It had to be Nic. Darryl has his palms tight shut as he march his way over to Nicholas’s room hoping that all whatever came out of Stephanie’s lips were just rumors and that she was just playing him. Without giving any warning to the figures behind Nic’s wooden door, Darryl twist the doorknob, hoping it wasn’t lock--and with luck, it wasn’t.
The door sprang open, revealing two bodies against one another on a bed. Darryl’s eyes widen, shocked to see his bestfriend on top of his little sister. “So it’s true..” Darryl started, having his voice calm as possible. “Been fucking around while I was gone right?” Darryl asked, walking slowly towards the bed. He furrowed his eyebrows as he nodded his head, quite impressed at how he contain his anger, but it wasn’t long for him to explode. You could see his face getting from calm, to tense, getting bright as a tomato. Once he was just metres away from the bed, he took hold of Nicholas’ shirt from behind and pulled him off the bed, and onto the floor. “Out of everyone..” he started, moving his body direction infront of Nic. He looked down at the figure which was now on the ground, narrowing his eyes, watching Nicholas very carefully. He doesn’t look at him as a bestfriend anymore, more like the boys who had hurt Sierra in the past. “..My sister?” he continued, walking towards and bending his back, staring into his ex-bestfriend.
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nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
"You know, of all the girl's I've slept with this week, you're definitely the funniest Sarah." Nic teased her, pretty sure that the brunette would know he was joking. He hadn't actually gotten close since their first night together, it was intoxicatingly boring being in a relationship, but Nicolas wouldn't a minute of his little time with Sierra for anything... except to perhaps say goodbye to his parents. He'd always wished he'd had that chance, though he knew it would never come. He watched Sierra blush, loving that he had put that pleased smile on her face and couldn't help but smile back at her. She was Sierra David, and somehow the two of them had kept their relationship secret for this long. While Nic constantly craved to reach out and grab her hand walking through the school grounds, or walk her to class, or pull her onto his lap when the Davids congregated in the entertainment room for whatever premiere movie one of them had set up for the night, he didn't want that social pressure on their relationship either. He'd seen how quickly the rumours about Steph and Darren had spread while she was with Frankie, and though he wouldn't believe those about Sierra after a while the students' rumours would succeed in planting seeds of doubt in his mind.
Nic chuckled melodically, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend's body and rolling himself on top of her. Supporting himself with his knees, he moved her brunette head onto his pillow before lowering himself closer to her, careful not to hurt her. He ran one of her dark locks around his finger, kissing her perfect pale lips after admiring the blush that still coloured her cheeks from his compliment. Moving his hand to her hip, he ran his fingertips lightly up and down her side, just needing to have their skin touching somewhere. He flicked his tongue lazily over her lips before kissing her cupid's bow softly, in their own little world. Together. 
Risky Business | Nicolas & Sierra
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nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
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nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
Nic smiled as Sierra pushed him back he licked the palm of her hand so she could remove it from his face, rolling his eyes up and laughing. He grabbed onto her wrists tightly watching her smile light her face up. Nicolas never imagined himself with someone like Sierra--being able to joke around, and just be together, least of all behave as childishly as she sometimes did. "Don't you dare break those glasses." He warned her jokingly, using his grip on her wrists to push the dark-haired girl onto her back beside him. Nic put his arm under his head so that his hand could support it, and watched his girlfriend, a smile gradually tweeking his cupid's bow as he watched the only girl he wanted to be with lately giggling childishly.
"So I'm your lover, am I?" He asked cheekily, smiling slightly as he pushed his lips onto her own quickly before she could say anything. Nic didn't really want to know the answer, not yet anyway. Wrapping his arms around Sierra, he pulled his body onto her own and kissed her more passionately before pulling back and brushing her hair to the side slightly. Taking in her dimples and delicate features, Nic cupped her face carefully and bit his lip. After a short hesitation, remembering all the times his father would greet his mother, or how his cousin greeted his fiancee, remembering always wanting what they had himself... "You're beautiful." Nicolas told Sierra, collapsing down beside her and wriggling into her body. He rested an arm lazily over her stomach, the boy's eyes fluttering a few times before Nicolas stopped trying to fight it and let them close. 
Risky Business | Nicolas & Sierra
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nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
Nicolas' heart fell slightly when Sierra mentioned car crashes. It had taken him long enough as it was to get back into a car when his parents died, but he could imagine the loss being felt more the older you became. He looked down into Sierra's dark eyes, knowing exactly the confusion as the thoughts of what she wanted to expect but what she was expecting crossed. Yes was on the tip of his tongue, naturally. He would never be able to deny the brunette anything. But she ripped herself from his arms and disappearing back into the hallway leaving Nicolas behind, his eyebrows furrowed and his arms up slightly at the side. That was not how Sierra normally behaved at all, and it surprised Nic even more then the demanding tone of her voice. Nicolas Vaughn was not her maid. "You're not the only one with feelings, Sierra." Nic mumbled to himself, rubbing the groggy feeling from his nap out of his eyes and retrieving his keys and phone from his desk before pushing his feet into a pair of loafers and heading after Sierra. 
"I'm coming, but you need to relax." Nic told the brunette when he caught her looking for him, pushing the door of David open quickly before Sierra could have some sort of a meltdown or superiority complex inside the dorm. Lately, his car had been left almost permanently on the side of the road, Nic being too lazy to drive it into the student carpark, so lead Sierra in that general direction of the gates. "Really, Sierra, it isn't easier when you fret." he told her, though he remembered his own nerves being kept nowhere near under control. It was slowly bringing up memories he thought he had completely cut the passage off long ago.
But For You I'd Be Superhuman | Sierra & Nicolas
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nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
Nicolas felt the girls arms tighten around his neck and looked continued to look away from her eager eyes. This was definitely more then he had signed up for when some part of him thought it was going to be possible to date Sierra and still be bestfriends with Darryl. Nicolas didn't want to be the reason that Darryl didn't have as much fun as he wanted, especially since the David had only just returned to Vegas. He'd just make Darryl pay him back somehow... Soft lips pressed against his neck and Nic rolled his eyes to shake the sudden wish that they were Sierra's. The dislike for what was happening was written all over Nic's face, he knew, but he'd never been the best at lying. Normally he relied on the fact that he was overwhelmingly sarcastic that people thought he was joking when he told the truth. 
The girls kisses started moving across to his jawbone trying to find his lips, and her hands travelled across Nicolas' sweater before he closed his eyes and gave in. Moving his hands to her hips, Nic pushed her back firmly but carefully rejecting the same girl twice in the space of a few weeks. "Drink." He told her, walking away quickly before she could follow him. Nicolas walked up and ordered another scotch on the rocks. Quickly slipping back into the old routine he'd developed for when he was out with the David group, he was fairly sure that only Sierra ever realised that he wasn't as much of a partier then his closest friends. You could get things you wanted without grinding it on the dance floor, after all.
No Man's Land | Nicolas & Darryl
“Not in a million years, no.” Darryl reassured Nic as he raised his brows looking at Nic with a straight forward face. If he was to ask this question back to the time when Seth was still loyal to Steph, Darryl wouldnt give up the chance; He’d go for it. Back when Stephanie was in the David’s dorm, Darryl had a minor crush on her which made him felt gutted when he had find out she was taken by Seth. After that day, Darryl use his every chance to put her down whenever he sees her, just to make him look as if she did no harm to him. Darryl cares a lot about Steph, which gave advantage to both Sierra and Nic since they were close to her but it didn’t stop Darryl from being rude and mean to her. Months passed and Darryl eventually moved on and fancied someone else, but being immune to the way he treats Steph, Darryl was still the same old.
“Don’t turn into dust..” Darryl chuckled as he joked, looking back at Nic who was now sitting alone at the bar accompanied by another filled glass. Although he knew something was bothering Nic, he wasn’t that worried about him at all. Darryl knew Nic knows how to handle himself and by time he’ll loosen up and find a girl in no time- at least that’s what he thinks. Walking towards the blonde, Darryl instantly put his hand at the back of her hips having her to sharply turn around to see how it was. Introducing himself the two didn’t take long to feel comfortable around each other and was soon having arms around each other. Looking back at the bar, Darryl wasn’t surprised to find Nic missing. As he continued to dance with the blonde, touching her waist and butt, his head wondered as he look around for Nic, wondering if he was doing the same.
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nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
"It is a long way away, you can't get rid of me that easily." Nicolas replied with a smirk, wrapping his arms around her tighter still and pressing a slight kiss onto her forehead. It was nice being around Sierra. He never had to pretend around her. But finals, college admission essays and enrollments, and finally graduation were approaching faster then most seniors would have liked and in reality there wasn't as much time left as most of them would have liked. Nic laced his fingers through Sierra's as he felt her frame lean against his and ran the pad of his thumb lightly across her's. He still wasn't used to having a girlfriend, let alone having her in his arms, but he was pretty impressed with how he was doing so far--even if he did have to Google what to get her for Valentine's Day. 
Looking at Sierra now, he couldn't imagine telling her about what happened at Pulse. It would only hurt her, and it wasn't like anything happened. Nic just wished that they would tell Darryl soon so that it could be Sierra with her arms around his neck rather then someone else's. It was hard not being able to confide in even his cousin, though the two were close, incase his uncle found out and it all got back to Darryl in the end. Though the Vaughn name was nowhere near as prominent as David, everyone always seemed to know each other when it either suited them, or there was gossip to be shared. Nicolas smiled at Sierra's Austen accent, shocked that she knew so many large words at such a small time in her academic career. "Wow, someone's been doing their homework." Nic said, trying to imagine a part of Sierra that actually knew how to sit still, amazed that she had stayed in his lap for so long already. "You could always put those glasses back on, that would be hours of amusement for me." He finished with a cheeky grin waiting to hear what punishment she dolled on him for that.
Risky Business | Nicolas & Sierra
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nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
A battering on wood slowly pulled Nicolas from his daze, a book open and heavily crumpled under his side and his pen jabbing painfully into him. He rolled off it, cursing at the state of his carefully constructed Latin notes as his attention was caught once more by the knocking on his door. Pushing himself off his bed and walking towards the door, he rubbed his eyes and ran a hand through his hair feeling the groggy effects of an afternoon nap coming on. The voice on the other side of the door caught his attention. Sierra? His slow-functioning brain thought as he reached for the handle a crooked smirk on his face. "People will talk, Sierra." Nic said playfully as he opened the door, but his smirk fell as he saw the state his girlfriend was in. She looked panicked and nervous and Nic's first instinct was to take her in his arms, not caring about who was around to see. He held her tight and stepped back slightly into his room so that she was just inside the door before pressing his lips onto her temple. "What's wrong?" He asked quietly into her ear, trying to keep himself calm about what got her into this state but partially expecting his best friend to come through the door and give him a black eye. "Tell me what's happened." Nicolas told her, holding her closer and waiting patiently for the brunette.
But For You I'd Be Superhuman | Sierra & Nicolas
Leaving her room in a hurry after stuffing a large black handbag with her phone, purse, keys, a cardigan and other essentials Sierra went in search of somebody, anybody that could give her a ride to see her cousin. Natalie had always been a younger sister figure to Sierra, someone she could have fun with but felt very protective of. Darryl wasn’t in his room when she went in search of him to take her, she assumed he was busy or already there, the only David she could think to ask was Nic. Knocking on his door hard, quick and loud she awaited his answer, worry beginning to set in. Her eyes were beginning to well with tears, Sierra was unsure as to how minor or severe the crash was, all she knew was that it was enough to land her cousin and her odd choice of accomplice, Jaclyn, in hospital. What on earth Natalie was doing with Jaclyn she’d never understand but that wasn’t what mattered right now. Knocking again after what felt like had been ages Sierra called, “Nic, it’s me! Open up would you?” Hoping he was inside she stood in the hall, waiting for him to answer or somebody else she could call on to take her.
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nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
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nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
"She wouldn't give you the chance, Darryl." Nicolas told him, feeling slightly ill at the thought of walking in on Stephanie--who was still in a fairly vulnerable state--and Darryl in bed together. Sierra and Nic were different, they had an attraction and a draw, but Darryl was only after a girl for the satisfaction of having her. "But just incase, not her, okay?" He finished, the finality in his voice ending the conversation. Nic didn't know what even made him so protective over Stephanie in the first place--their relationship had completely skipped from acquaintances to siblings--but her presence its his life just made him wish he had a sister for real. There weren't many times that Nicolas wished he'd had his parents back, he'd slowly grown to accept that they weren't coming back no matter how many times he wished for it, but being around Steph was one of those times.
Nicolas made a face as Darryl continued to eye off the girl. She was average at best. No, she was commercial and normal. "Just go man, I'll be here." Nicolas told him, wondering if Darryl realised that normally when it was just the two of them out together Nic spent most of his time at the bar. When the trio was around he often felt the need to keep up with Drew and Darryl, his competitive side taking a hold of him and feeling the need to compete. But he could feel that Darryl was confused about his best friend being so quiet and uncomfortable around the throngs of girls, most of which threw themselves at him just weeks ago. Nic walked towards the dance floor looking for someone suitable finding the same girl he denied in favour of Sierra a few weeks ago. Except this time, he didn't deny her as she put her arms around him. Nicolas glanced around to catch Darryl's eye hoping to silence any doubts he might have about him and Sierra.
No Man's Land | Nicolas & Darryl
Although Stephanie was previously a David, Darryl had always felt the need to be mean to her. Maybe it was because she was Sierra’s bestfriend, and as much as Darryl hates to admit it he hated how close she was with Sierra, to be blunt, he was jealous of her relationship with his own sister. Though he trusts his sister with no barrier at all, he couldn’t help to feel left out if Stephanie knew something about his sister that he didn’t. “Jealous?” Darryl answered back, turning his head to face Nic as a sarcastic look played on his face. Raising a brow he looks at Nic, knowing exactly what Nic was thinking. “She’s not my type, and I wouldn’t fuck her if I had a chance” He firmly replied, turning his focus back on the dance floor. That was obviously a lie, but Darryl wouldn’t do that. As much as he loves girl’s company, he wouldn’t sleep with his sister’s bestfriend, after all he does respect Steph, he just doesn’t show it much.
Circling his finger around the tip of his glass, Darryl bit his lips as he carried on eyeing at the blonde who was grinding to the beat with her friends. She did catch Darryl’s attention, considering she had ticked all the boxes Darryl had set before coming. It wouldn’t be fun if his bestfriend wasn’t involved and what bothered Darryl is, if Nic felt left out. Turning his head once more to face Nic, Darryl picked his glass up and took his last sip. “Aren’t you going to ‘aim, target and fire’?” Darryl asked jokingly as he looks at Nic who was looking rather tense. “There’s plenty of girls here. Pick one, easy as pie” And with that Darryl jumped off his stool, walking through the crowd and onto the dance floor.
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nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
Texting | Nicolas & Jaime
Nic: Well you've come to the right man to give a tour, unless you were looking for something else...?
Jaime: Uhm, I suppose a tour would be nice, if it isn't any bother.
Nic: Love, I'd rather spend my day doing anything then showing a Constantino the ropes of Tipton.
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nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
Texting | Nicolas & Jaime
Jaime: Hey are you in my English and Design class? You look familiar.
Nic: It's possible... sorry, who is this?
Jaime: Jaime, uhm...I just arrived here a couple days ago.
Nic: Well you've come to the right man to give a tour, unless you were looking for something else...?
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nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
Texting | Nicolas & Jaime
Jaime: Hey are you in my English and Design class? You look familiar.
Nic: It's possible... sorry, who is this?
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nicolas-vaughn-blog · 13 years
English 3
World History
Design (Drawing/sketching)
Cooking class
Track team
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