timmyscomputer · 4 months
☆ — put this star in the inbox of your favorite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! 💕
Omg your too sweet but hey you know what they say the sweetest people are always baddie's have an amazing day!!🩷
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timmyscomputer · 6 months
I Pinky Promise
Chris Sturniolo x reader
Summary:reader and Chris have a weird but enjoyable night or day?
(Chris POV)
As I'm playing Fortnite with Matt and Nate.
I noticed I was kind of hungry so I reached for my snack I realized I was all out while I was looking I didn't realize Nate killed me
"NATE WHAT THE FU-"I'm cut off as my door opens I look to see a confused y/n
"Sorry I didn't realize I was being loud" I
Let out quickly. "Oh that's not what I came in here for", she said. "Okay, then why did you?" I asked while turning my chair towards her. "Because I'm gonna go home so I wanted to say bye" "What you're leaving now" "Yes I have work tomorrow and I want to be there on time"
"Baby please stay," I say while I hold out my hands with the best puppy eyes I can muster. "Sorry bubs I gotta go but I'll see you tomorrow after work I promise" Pinky promise," I say while holding out my pinky.
"Pinky promise," she said while interlocking Pinky's. She turned around to leave before quickly turning back and kissing me then she left. I turned back around to continue playing when I put back on my headphones "Mwah mwah oh please stay y/nnnnnn" "Yeah I just love you so much" "Oh fuck off".
~~~~~~ TIME SKIP ~~~~~~
2:15 am
My clock stared at me I just couldn't sleep
I've tried for like three hours now and I just can't so I decided to get up and go to the store as I'm getting ready I decide to go to Chris's and see if he wants to join me too. As I'm heading downstairs my phone rings weird. (that's hella suspicious 🤨)
I pick it up it's my boss "Hey is something wrong?" "Uhm yes my husband just had a heart attack so I'm just calling to say I'm not opening the store tomorrow" "Oh my are you ok uhm thanks for letting me know I hope he is doing ok" "he seems to be doing ok" "that's fantastic I hope he ends up okay" "me too sorry to call you so late" " no it's fine I'll see you next week"
"See you next week bye" "Bye," I say while hanging up that's just terrible I think.
As I arrive at Chris's I knock and Nick answers the door looking confused "Uh hi" "Hey I know I left a while ago but I don't have work so is Chris awake?" "I think Idk can check" "ok bye" As I walk into Chris's room I notice him on his bed scrolling on tik tok I assume "Hey baby" He greets me "Hi bubs" "I thought you had work" " I don't anymore wanna go to the gas station with me?" "Sure I'd love to let me get my shoes" As were walking to the gas station holding hands and making random
Conversation. I notice a random guy staring at us but I ignore it entering the gas station we go to the candy section grabbing a bunch of different kinds we also grab two Pepsi and head to check out. We're walking home now laughing and acting like kids enjoying the moment.
Once we finally make it back we snuggle onto his bed watching a movie and eating a bunch of junk food we eventually pass
Ok so this is kinda bad but in order to get better you got keep writing I'm so fuckin tired didn't force my sister to proof read this one it's late I worked on this for like two hours I love you so much goodnight
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timmyscomputer · 6 months
https://www.tumblr.com/angelsturnnn/742693442522660865/to-love-is-to-feel?source=share is this it ?
YES SIR thank you so much I literally love you🙏💕
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timmyscomputer · 6 months
it was a Chris sturniolo fic it was called And I love her, and like the plot was basically like if you were on like the lacrosse team or whatever you'd get a cheerleader assigned to you and she was his assigned cheerleader I like I can't find it anywhere I just want to know who made it so like I can you know read it cuz it was so f****** good.
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timmyscomputer · 7 months
I'm Sleepy
(he is just not very good with his fingers)quoted by my lovely amazing not tortured by reading this sister. Guys this is proofread for once.😘💞
Harrison Wells x gn!reader
As I stare at the lonely lamp on my nightstand. I wonder where the fuck Harrison could be at this hour. Probably working on something in the laboratory, so as I head that way I detour toward the kitchen for a little snack. I decided on chips. Walking towards the laboratory I saw the lights on indicating he was in there. As I approached him I noticed he was working on some little gadget I wasn't sure what it was I never am." Mad scientist come on it's time for bed" I say."ok in a little bit I'm almost done here then I will come to bed" he says as I crunch loudly on chips "Just go to bed without me" he sighed "umm no can do harry it's late I'm tired you need sleep too just please come to bed" I replied. "Honey just ,I'm busy right now go," he said sternly. I look at him annoyed and walk over grabbing his chair and pulling it out so I can stand in front of him." Up now Harrison Sherloque Wells" I say sternly staring into his eyes." not my full name" he said sarcastically rolling his eyes.
"Seriously come on it'll still be here in the morning" I replied."ok fine," he said while standing."thank you," I said happily. As we walked to bed he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and then continued to follow me into our bedroom. As he changed I couldn't help but stare at his eyebrow it looked almost burned off"Hey what happened to your eyebrow"? I questioned."ohh that I burned it a little" he replied nonchalantly "Just a little it's almost gone, Harry," I said concerned."it's fine let's just go to bed," he said while getting in bed next to me falling asleep almost instantly.
The End
Word count~315 probs?
Love you I know it's kinda shit but I need to post something you know can't disappear just life been hectic ❤️❤️
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timmyscomputer · 8 months
*boops your nose* send this to ten blogs you think are lovely and deserve a boop on the nose. 🩷💜
Your nose has been *booped*
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timmyscomputer · 8 months
hey bbg
Hey BBY sorry I like never check my inbox
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timmyscomputer · 8 months
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome
Omg you to sweet ily😘😘❤️
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timmyscomputer · 9 months
Everyone is a Nick girl but because he's unattainable we have Chris and Matt girls🧡🧡💕🔥💯😊
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like or rebloig.
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timmyscomputer · 9 months
🧡Master list🧡
Percy Jackson
I'm sorry
Chris sturniolo
Chapter 1 (discontinued)
I Pinky Promise
Harrison wells
I'm sleepy
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timmyscomputer · 9 months
dude I love you but you need to get social media like Instagram cause you never know wtf is going on🐒
No stop calling me out I have tiktok that's enough dude also I will ttyl🧡
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timmyscomputer · 9 months
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10 posts!
Smh 🙄 literally why TF would I care no jk thanks ig lol I do this myself but still thank you.🧡
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timmyscomputer · 9 months
Percy x gn!reader I'm sorry
Ok here is an angsty fluff ending fic it's kinda short but I'm like so proud of this lol
Word count~717
Me and Percy are arguing about him missing another date." Percy this is the second time this month you've missed a date".I said upset."Baby, I'm sorry but you know how they are I couldn't say no" he replied."So you're saying they're more important"? I asked."wh-what"?Percy said confused." that's what I thought," I said while leaving. As I walked away from Percy's cabin I cried. I mean how could I not, he was blowing me off for his friends, and this wasn't the first time, and for what to play games I mean was it too much to ask for one night with him? I guess it was because when I brought it up he flipped. I guess it was stupid to think he liked me. The next day at lunch he started walking toward me and I looked down and walked away fast. I know it was wrong to avoid him but I just couldn't believe he would do that yesterday so for the time being I was going to avoid him till I felt better."y/n" Percy said kind of loud towards me. I turned to look at him and kept walking eventually he caught up." what" I asked annoyed."y/n I just want to say sorry about yesterday" he said."okay great by Percy I got to go" I replied walking away. I can not believe his half-ass apology I could tell he was generally sorry but that apology was terrible. I mean you blow me off twice and then say oh sorry like hello you knew what you were doing. Anyway, I just have to ignore him till I feel better or he apologizes better.
Percy pov
I just don't get it why are they this mad at me I mean I get it I missed too many dates but I forgot the first time and the second time was because I got the wrong time. As I walk over to Luke I ask him"Hey Luke can I ask you something?" He stared at me but replied "Sure" so I asked, "Hey I missed two of my and y/n's dates and they seem genuinely upset what do I do?" "Did you apologize?" he asked"Yeah I said hey I'm sorry about yesterday" I said. "Oh there's your answer one you've made a basic apology two you did even apologize for the date in general," he said."oh shit" I replied. while getting up and leaving "Where are you going?" he questioned." to fix this" I replied. As I walked through the woods looking for Flowers. I stumbled upon a beautiful rock and smiled thinking about how y/n loves rocks so I grabbed it and stuffed it into my pocket. Continuing my search for the perfect flowers, After a while I found some pretty yellow and white flowers picked them, and headed toward the fruit field grabbing some fruits. (you can make them whatever fruit you want)I started to head toward their cabin but I couldn't see them so I decided to wait on their porch after knocking and not getting a response.
Your POV (again)
I'm currently just wondering around camp aimlessly trying to kill time and calm down and it's working I feel a lot better already so I decided to head back to my cabin as I'm walking I realized I should have let Percy apologize and heard his full apology rather than running off. As I get closer to my cabin I notice Percy sitting on my porch with Flowers." hi" I say. Percy looks up at me and smiles while replying " Hey" Handing me the flowers he says "These are for you look I'm so sorry about the date yesterday, I got the wrong time and I know sorry won't fix it that's why I'm taking you on a date right now" " oh Percy these are perfect thank you" I replied. Staring at the flowers"Come on" Percy says while holding out his hand. I take his hand in mine while he pulls something out of his pocket "Here" he says. It's so pretty "I'm adding this to my collection thank you so much I love you" "I love you too" he leans down and kisses me. The End.
I low-key love this and hope you like it so I'm writing a bunch of random stuff to get better requests are open. love you have a wonderful day.🧡
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timmyscomputer · 9 months
For reference I just feel like it's written by a thirteen year old on Wattpad and not the good one the cringey one. It's for my Chris x reader story btw.
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timmyscomputer · 9 months
Chris “gaining” weight is old news, it was from 2-3 months ago when people were body shaming him on TikTok because he didn’t have a shirt in a TikTok or a video I think
Thank you cause I was like huh man where's clothes three sizes too big how tf do people notice it but that makes sense cause I'm like never on social media.thxs🧡
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timmyscomputer · 9 months
I'm not gonna talk about what is going on in the sturniolo Tumblr fandom rn,But I'm curious 🧐 about how tf you guys know Chris is gaining wait that man is always wearing hella oversized clothes how the hell can you tell,anyways have a wonderful day 😊🧡
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timmyscomputer · 9 months
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5 posts!
What a milestone am I right?
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