nidaime-ai · 8 years
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nidaime-ai · 8 years
I just realised it's not the aesthetics of a guy's body that makes me look again and again or perhaps even stare, it's the stupidly cute little things they do with it they make me want to continue watching in a never ending loop.
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nidaime-ai · 8 years
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Reblog In 5 seconds for good luck
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nidaime-ai · 8 years
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nidaime-ai · 9 years
10 things to start doing in 2016
1: Be kind, say hello to strangers passing by and take time out of your day to help a friend out.
2: Stay calm, don’t let small things intimidate you, don’t let anything big or small bother you. Stay calm and stay true to your intentions.
3: Allow yourself to feel, get out of your town and explore, make the most of your time here on this earth, head to a foreign town and visit a cute cafe, head to the beach and feel your toes beneath the sand, get up early and watch the sunset, ride your bike and take in your surroundings, live a life worth living.
4: Be the person other people fall in love with, be someone who smiles at the smallest things in life, be someone who sings at the top of their lungs and isn’t afraid of stepping out of their comfort zone. Be someone other people can’t get enough of.
5: Live for the small things, smile at the little bugs and take in the details of the falling leaves, look up at the clouds and make shapes, appreciate when people compliment you and smile at couples holding hands.
6: Unleash your inner free spirit, randomly go on roadtrips, go outside, immerse in the sea and meet new people. Say hello to new faces and tell them about your day, head to a foreign town and be a traveller.
7: Just do it, do the things you have always wanted to do, get that piercing, wear that new skirt, try that new eyeliner trick, whatever goal or dream you have, start it now and become who you want to be.
8: Change, don’t be scared to change your choices, break away from negative people in your life, leave the town and your worries with it, it’s never too late to change who you are.
9: Take time for yourself, run a hot bath and fill it with bubbles, buy and new soap and get to know the back of your neck and your inner thighs, paint your nails and meditate deeply. Take time to reflect on your day.
10: Stop waiting, stop waiting for things to happen to you, stop waiting for happiness or a best friend, stop waiting for a boy to like you or for a sunny day. Get out there and smile, meet new people and dance in the rain. Make the most of every single second you have because time flies and before you know it, you will be wishing you put your phone down to go on that road trip or smile at that boy. Life’s short, make the most of it.
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nidaime-ai · 9 years
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Complete Workout Photo Set
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nidaime-ai · 9 years
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Zucchini & Haloumi Fritters
These low carb fritters remind me of potato latkes (ie. the best damn hash browns in the world), and yet have no starchy crap in them! Yum.
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nidaime-ai · 9 years
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Fudgy Paleo Brownies
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nidaime-ai · 9 years
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Quinoa stew! Made with 2 courgettes (cubed), 1 onion (sliced), tomatoes (1 can chopped tomatoes), butter beans (one small can) and quinoa. Fry onions and courgettes in oil, add chopped tomatoes and a little water and cook till courgettes are softened. Add salt and sugar to adjust flavour to your liking. Add butter beans and cooked quinoa till everything is warmed through, add dried basil and serve! I added a little cheese to mine afterwards because melting cheese is 💖
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nidaime-ai · 9 years
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If you aren’t totally quaking in your boots at the news of millions of bees dead, yet again, you’re nuts.
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nidaime-ai · 9 years
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Taking a break from our usual creepy content, to show this powerful comparison. To top it off, I have a muslim friend who was told by his mother,  “Never do anything big. The world’s not ready for you or anyone like us.”
This world needs to change. 
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nidaime-ai · 9 years
Omgosh this is perfection 😊
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nidaime-ai · 9 years
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A tiny male deer fawn weighing just 1 pound and measuring 6 by 6 inches was born on May 12 at Queens Zoo, NYC. Pudu are the world’s smallest deer species.  
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nidaime-ai · 9 years
It sucks when someone you have feelings for doesn’t share those feelings; it happens to women all the time, too. We hear “I just want to be friends” and “you’re like one of the guys” and “you’re like a sister to me” just as often. But you’ll never hear a woman complain that guys just don’t appreciate a Nice Girl because we’re taught it’s our own fucking fault when we’re rejected—we aren’t pretty enough or thin enough or sexy enough, we weren’t sexual enough or were too sexual, we put out too much or too little or too soon or not soon enough, we didn’t wear our hair the right way or our skirt the right length, we’re “too tomboyish” or “too butch” or “too feminine”, or we’re “not their type”, or we’re otherwise not good enough in various ways to entice the man to grace us with his affection. But when we’re not interested in someone, we’re vilified. We’re the bitch that lead them on, the bitch who let them buy us dinner but didn’t want to date them, the bitch who doesn’t appreciate a nice guy, the bitch they were nice to and then got nothing in return from. And, frankly, fuck those people. Showing interest in me, being friendly with me, getting close to me, or eating a meal with me (even if they paid for it) doesn’t obligate me to open my heart or my legs. And anyone who doesn’t appreciate my friendship sure as hell doesn’t deserve my love or my pussy.
(via jesshambys)
(via weliveinarapeculturesociety)
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nidaime-ai · 9 years
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LifeStraw purifies water instantly and inexpensively: it is a solution that can provide millions of under-privileged people with safe drinking water.
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nidaime-ai · 9 years
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nidaime-ai · 9 years
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Stuff I ate yesterday! I've been eating better over the last few days and I feel happier already because I've not been binge eating junk food! I hope I can keep it up because I like the feeling of being in control rather than caving into my junk food craving urges. The teh tarik is a super sweet Malaysian tea which was more of a treat, but because I allowed myself to have something small I didn't feel deprived and it really helped my cravings!
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