niewicki · 12 years
How the Mandate Amendment Coalition will save America from the corporatism that will result form Obamacare and the supreme court chief justice Roberts' decision.
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niewicki · 12 years
What will happen when the prescient is set in stone that American politicians can combine their taxing power with corporate money?  Mandates for just about everything, next is vaccinations.
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niewicki · 12 years
How can we learn from history what happens when products and services are imposed upon the American people by the government?  The impending problems in the health care industry can be seen in other, similar efforts in history.  And the worst is yet to come as government uses more and more its new right to force citizens to buy the products and services of private companies.
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niewicki · 12 years
Want to know why Romney lost the election in 2012?  Here is your answer.  The GOP will not like this, but it is the truth.
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niewicki · 12 years
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If you find my instance upon NOT toeing the line for your political party annoying . . .
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niewicki · 12 years
Students blame teachers, teachers blame families, families blame teachers, Democrats blame the lack of funding and Republicans blame the unions. There is truth to all sides of the discussion as much as there are falsehoods.
Who and what are really important, and how can this truly change?
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niewicki · 12 years
The idea of rationing health care became a very popular topic within Bioethics circles after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, aka, "ObamaCare". Many conferences and journal articles dealt with the issue, particularly surrounding the issues of "fairness" and "end of life care." As this report shows, not only do bioethicists advocate rationing, but some have learned to not use the word, and they freely admit that they believe rationing to be inevitable.
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niewicki · 12 years
How does one be creative? Is it learned or is it innate? Like so many things in life, there is no definitive answer. There are those who are creative by nature and those who find it a challenge, yet even the most creative people have moments of difficulty and failure, just as those who are creatively challenged can have moments of true ingenuity.
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niewicki · 12 years
Markets and Morals by Nicholas D. Kristof is a perfect example of how morality in American society has progressed beyond the absurd. Kristof’s complete and utter ignorance of his country and economics, coupled with his ability to be published in a supposed prestigious publication as the New York Times, illustrates that people of character and wisdom are few and far between today . . .
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niewicki · 12 years
537 politicians vs. over 300 million citizens, and they could win.
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niewicki · 12 years
Does taxing online purchases really create a level playing field or only feed the government more money to waste? 
The contention that tax free sales online posses an unfair advantage over those companies selling locally is completely ridiculous for three reasons:
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niewicki · 12 years
When politicians state today they wish to increase access to just about anything – health care, medications, education or whatever, they do not really mean "access," they mean "transfer." In other words, they want to take from one person for the benefit of themselves and/or some special interest. This is the common sleight of hand we see so often today when it comes to vernacular . . .
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niewicki · 12 years
The fight today against the ideology of President Obama is being waged by those people with the same values and passions as those who waged the fight against slavery in the United States. This can be seen by comparing the arguments made in favor of Obamacare and those made in favor of maintaining slavery in the United States. Upon careful examination, these two situations are eerily similar.
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niewicki · 13 years
How often do you feel you have truly cast a vote for a person who stands for your principles and values? When it comes to national elections, most often people say they have chosen the lesser of two evils as opposed to the candidate who squares sufficiently with his or her values . . .
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niewicki · 13 years
No American worker can be forced to join a union. But most unions push companies to agree to contracts that require all workers, whether they’re in the union or not, to pay dues to the union for negotiating with management. State right-to-work laws make these sorts of contracts illegal, meaning that workers in unionized businesses can benefit from the terms of a union contract without paying union dues. (Under federal law, unions must represent all workers covered by a contract, even if some of those workers are not members of the union and do not pay for the union’s representation.)
Unions are fighting the expansion of these laws, which currently apply in 23 US states. A coalition of lawmakers, manufacturers, tea partiers, and big conservative think tanks want to see them passed in the rest of the US.
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niewicki · 13 years
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An Occupy Rochester sign inside a food tent reads “Stop Believing in Authority and Start Believing in Each Other.” Taken this February by Robert Tully Carr.
Follow Robert here on Tumblr!
You can view the rest of The Political Notebook’s project to gather photography, documentation and experiences from the OWS movements nationwide. (I love photos of protest signs…) Check out the Call for Submissions page and email your photos to me at [email protected]!
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niewicki · 13 years
The goal of political parties is to pray on the laziness and ignorance of the public in order to achieve its primary mission: More power. In any scenario in which organizations are in competition for the attention and resources of people, it benefits those vying for such attention to ensure the options are limited. This is true for all organizations and political groups are no different . . .
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