I was looking through the old confessions and I'm laughing so hard. I miss those times ;A;. Also,I feel very bad for not being active and social and for not putting much effort in talking with people in nt but I'm busy and so awkward and then time zones who are such big cock blockers ㅠㅠ.
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Hi. Congrats on bringing the directory back. I thought NT would be gone forever, but ahah. I miss nt so fucking much. It's been my home for so long and I had so much fun here, with so many people. I regret doing some things, but it's all good. I don't know if I'll ever come back, since it won't be the same. But anyways. Good luck with the directory! ;w; - jiyeon-nt
Thank you, Jiyeon.
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Congratulations on bringing the directory back. It's kind of weird seeing nt rpers on my dash and not being a part of it, since NT was my home for so long. But I wish you all the best! Good luck with the directory~ (´∀`)♡ - seohyun-nt
Seohyuuuuun! Thank you omg.
But, can you come back? With Jiyeon?
I miss the two of you tbh.
- Sunny
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I ship Kibum and Nicole.
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i'm excited zelo is here. i'm older than him but i would still like to fuck him
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where the fuck are my friends where the fuck did you guys go i was there for you but you arent for me never do you ask me how i am i always listen to your bullshit
I think you should find better, more trustworthy friends..
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I really need to move on but I can't..
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I like creeping out on Jiyeon and Seohyun's convos
How lovely
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No one ever talks to me in NT. I feel so out of place. I'm only close to IU.
Well, you know, if you want people to talk to you, you should be the first to start the conversations. Like how do you expect people to talk to you if you don't talk to them first? I'm not trying to be rude or anything. I'm just saying. In my first months here, no one talked to me either, so I had to start some convos, you know. It helped. 
You can always come to me if you need someone to talk to, though. The weirder you are, the faster we'll get along. 
^ All this. Same here.
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should i come back or -not naeun
yes ; n ; 
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I really want to be close to everyone, but no one ever talks to me. So, I'm probably going to start talking to people randomly.
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oh well hi. i'm an ex-nt-ers. I love this rp. tbqh. still love tho still i'm not one of you anymore. and the reason why I left is I could feel hate in here. I didn't get anything, but for sure I could feel it. No one really talked to me like you guys had done. And yes there were reasons but it was misunderstood. well. hope you guys will be friendly again especially the admins. i'm just speaking my opinion. this is not a hate message. hope one day i can come back.
I'm sorry to hear that not many people have talked to you, and that you felt hate in here. I'm trying to make this rp a better place, and I hope you will come back to us one day. ; ; 
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oh hai.
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Confesses something....
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i love you but i dont say anything cos your taken
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@Anon-chan,how do you know that people don't want to talk with you? omf,come to me (っ◕‿◕)っ ♥
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oh confession. hello! I'm so unsociable. Sorry.
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