For those inclined to look out the windows of the Selene Space Station and observe the Dweller lurking in the moon, they might notice something else out among the flying Lurkers attempting to assault the station. A red and black blur, small in comparison, flitting here and there between groups of the monsters. It maneuvers through empty space as easily as through air, ragged bat-like wings flaring every now and again as it rips through groups of enemies like butter.
Red light streaks behind as the blur reorients itself, facing the moon with wings spread wide. The Dweller opens its mouth wide, energy building in the gaping maw, condensing as it prepares to fire its laser on the station. The barely larger then human figure raises its hand, red light shaping a gun as long as its arm. It takes aim, more red light building in the muzzle as the Dweller releases its charge.
Lasers collide with a brilliant light, fracturing into particles that vaporize any Latchers in the vicinity. Left unscathed, the winged figure bares its teeth in a grin. Now this, this is a challenge.
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Vincent nods, accepting that answer easily enough. That was more or less what had gotten Cloud leading them all, though he'd been a pretty capable one when push came to shove. Vincent is too used to working alone or in pairs as a Turk and barking orders isn't something he's ever been good at.
"Vincent Valentine," he replies, shaking the man's hand with his gloved one. It's firm, business like, no nonsense on both ends. Bigby seems like a man he can get along with, from his limited first exposure. At the very least, he's a man trying to look after those not inclined toward combat which Vincent can appreciate.
"I'd prefer longer range," he shifts his cloak so his abnormally large, triple-barreled handgun is visible holstered on his thigh. "Though I am trained in hand-to-hand and have enhanced strength so I can handle melee if needed." He pauses and tilts his head slightly before dipping his chin down behind his high collar.
"If things turn particularly bad, I can temporarily shift my form into a stronger beast. He is... not me but willing enough to be cooperative if need be. He tends to frighten civilians however, I'd prefer to keep him uninvolved if possible." He's not going to mention Chaos, because if he comes out it's because something's gone very wrong and he can't take his proper form yet anyway. If something comes up, then something comes up, but he'd rather not tempt fate.
"I've done quite a bit of body guarding for my job before. Groups included. It shouldn't be difficult, though this is a rather large one." He glances around at the milling, nervous looking group. He supposes they have every right to be nervous, considering the circumstances they all simply woke up to and their rather ominous surroundings.
"Does this sort of thing tend to happen often here?" He asks, wondering if Bigby has had more experience with this place. Vincent has only been here a handful of months after all but this is the second time he's been abruptly kidnapped from home.
Relief swells in Bigby when his yell seems, slowly, to take effect: people are still confused and frightened, and slow to move as a result, but some do form up - several coming over to him, attracted by the pretense of Knowing What The Fuck I'm Doing that apparently comes with a loud voice and the right attitude.
Well. At least he does actually know what he's doing when it comes to keeping people alive, more or less.
The slow trickle gradually forms a large enough group that Bigby's starting to wonder if he'll need to split them and take multiple trips, when a man comes close to speak to him, one smelling of gunpowder and something smoky and feral that shifts in tone with each breath - is that wolf, layered somewhere in there? The scents are so tangled, it's difficult to tell. Regardless of what he smells like, he has a look in his eyes, a set to his posture, that Bigby knows well, and that recognition brings a strange kind of relief, too.
This is another predator-turned-protector, another killer choosing to turn his skill at bringing death against those that would harm others less vicious than they. One who's offering his services, no less.
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"Good," he answers, maybe a little too sincerely. "I'm no real leader myself, but I've got some experience, and if no one else is picking up the slack I can do all right with getting folks organized and forming a strategy."
He holds out his hand, an invitation to shake. "Name's Bigby. What kind of skills are you working with? And what ranges suit you best?"
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He makes it into the cover of the trees, barely keeping ahead of the thing that was a little girl before. It doesn't do much good to slow her down, trees shattering and splintering as she charges after him. Splinters and shards fly and collide with his back and shoulders, slice across his face. Theres bits of wood and leaves flying off of him as he keeps going, keeps pushing, right up until she turns and rushes the other way.
Shit. What could have caught her attention and made her turn? Was there someone else she was chasing now? He pivots and leaps after her, focus narrowed to the single point that is the creature now fleeing from him. He doesn't know its the sun chasing her, doesn't know why she's turned from the chase. He just knows he can't let her go back to tearing the city and its people apart.
He doesn't have anything to stop he with but using himself as a distraction. Maybe another minute or so of Galian and his gun and that's it.
"Dam-bi!!" He tries again. His enhancements are the only reason he's not wheezing for breath right now and the only reason he's still standing with his chest and shoulder dripping blood.
She slams into a building and chunks of rubble spray everywhere. Vincent flings his gold clawed arm over the back of his head and neck to block pieces from hitting him but several chucks collide with his back and shoulders. He grunts but keeps going, not allowing blossoming bruises to slow his pace.
Its the flying monsters that prove the greatest distraction. They dive at him and the first one catches him only just emerging from the shower of debris. One moment there's dust and debris and the next theres another inky black creature in his face, sinking claws into his shoulder and raking over his chest as he just barely twists away from getting his throat ripped out. The snarl ripped out of his throat is closer to Galian's voice then Vincent's, too-sharp teeth bared as he gets his gun between them and fires.
The triple barrels flash and blow the thing's head off, Vincent shaking off the body as he keeps running. Only now she's literally snapping at his heels and he's leaving a trail of blood that's thicker then he's comfortable with. Without his full abilities he's not going to make it all the way to the Mistwood without getting ripped into pieces. Dammit!
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"You are coordinating?" Vincent asks the man bellowing orders. He reminds him of Veld shouting at the trainee Turks. Something about him has Galian perking up in interest and Vincent shoves the beast in his head back down in his place. He may come in handy later.
"I can assist in guarding a group or escort anyone who prefers to strike out, whichever is needed." Vincent tilts his head slightly, the low light making the faint red glow of his eyes more pronounced.
"I am not much of a leader but I play guard very well."
Great. Well, at least Bigby is incredibly familiar with this type of situation by now. There are variations, sure, but ultimately it comes down to the same thing: fight and survive. And those skills, in particular, have been burning in his blood for thousands of years.
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"Form groups!" he yells in his best Authority Voice, years of experience (and maybe a bit of paternal ancestry) allowing him to project the sound clearly through the din of confusion. "Everybody team up! If you're not a fighter or you work better with a frontliner, come on over here! Long as it's a workable size, I can guard a group!"
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"You're about as 'friendly' as Chaos is I see. While it would be easier to be friends with both of you, I suppose it will just be Livio then."
Vincent doesn't for a second take his eyes off Razlo, not with that predatory look in his eyes. Taunting him got him away from any bystanders, but it's escalated this little game into something a lot more dangerous and possibly deadly.
Well, he still has tricks up his sleeve and his own Others to help if he really needs it. Galian is practically drooling for the chance to tussle with Razlo.
"I don't think that would go very well for you, but you are welcome to try."
“You’re not very good at the ‘friendly’ part of the competition, are you?” Vincent comments, reloading with lightning speed for someone who’s only had this “weapon” for a grand total of five minutes.
“Going to try to kill me with a gun full of sand? I suppose that could be creative.” He’s bland and unbothered, almost bored. Goading. Come on Razlo, let’s see you try.
Its a good thing the other people around have decided to leave the two crazy gunmen to their private battle. Things could get uncomfortably messy if anyone else got in the way.
"I've never been much for friendships, just the blood."
He chuckles, a dark sound, but certainly sincere. He doesn't have any, does he? Does Livio count? Who knows.
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"I could, maybe. You wanna see it?"
He's way too eager for that, he's gotten too comfortable.
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"You're not very good at the 'friendly' part of the competition, are you?" Vincent comments, reloading with lightning speed for someone who's only had this "weapon" for a grand total of five minutes.
"Going to try to kill me with a gun full of sand? I suppose that could be creative." He's bland and unbothered, almost bored. Goading. Come on Razlo, let's see you try.
Its a good thing the other people around have decided to leave the two crazy gunmen to their private battle. Things could get uncomfortably messy if anyone else got in the way.
“I’m not sure what you think I’ll be leaping off of in a sea of sand,” he remarks as he flicks his cloak out on purpose to catch a few of Razlo’s shots that would be close to his face then he’s totally comfortable with.
His own next volley is aimed for the other’s gun, just to see if he can knock it out of his hand before the ex-Turk is off again, sliding down a dune, twisting mid-way down and kicking off in a spray of sand and dust to fire back at Razlo again.
"Anything!" He calls back, that smile never once leaving his face, ready to tear Vincent asunder.
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"I lived on a desert planet-- you gotta get creative or you die. This time....it might just be you."
Unfortunately for Vincent, his plan doesn't succeed, this big lug has a good grip of his gun, but it does show Razlo exactly what the plan is. And where Vincent is, before that new spray of sand.
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She slams into a building and chunks of rubble spray everywhere. Vincent flings his gold clawed arm over the back of his head and neck to block pieces from hitting him but several chucks collide with his back and shoulders. He grunts but keeps going, not allowing blossoming bruises to slow his pace.
Its the flying monsters that prove the greatest distraction. They dive at him and the first one catches him only just emerging from the shower of debris. One moment there's dust and debris and the next theres another inky black creature in his face, sinking claws into his shoulder and raking over his chest as he just barely twists away from getting his throat ripped out. The snarl ripped out of his throat is closer to Galian's voice then Vincent's, too-sharp teeth bared as he gets his gun between them and fires.
The triple barrels flash and blow the thing's head off, Vincent shaking off the body as he keeps running. Only now she's literally snapping at his heels and he's leaving a trail of blood that's thicker then he's comfortable with. Without his full abilities he's not going to make it all the way to the Mistwood without getting ripped into pieces. Dammit!
Well that got a reaction at least. Not the one he was hoping for but it was something other then mindless attacking.
He throws himself to the side, rolls, springs to his feet in a fluid motion, and takes off running.
"Deal with them!" He shouts, throwing out a hand toward the new wave of monsters as he twists to narrowly dodge another tendril. "I'll lead her off!"
Without waiting for a reply, he takes advantage of her focus on him and bolts. Vincent is fast and, more importantly, incredibly agile even without his full abilities available to him. That and he's spent a lot of time free-running. If there's anyone that can manage to keep ahead of her and lead her away from more people, it will probably be him.
He launches off the side of a building, over a pile of rubble, and twists midair to fire a glancing blow at her beast form's shoulder, just to keep her attention.
"Dam-bi!! Take back control!!" He leaps and slides over the top of a dumpster to keep her just far enough away not to reach him, continuing into a mad dash on the other side. Mistwood, he should steer her toward the Mistwood. Less civilians there.
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Well that got a reaction at least. Not the one he was hoping for but it was something other then mindless attacking.
He throws himself to the side, rolls, springs to his feet in a fluid motion, and takes off running.
"Deal with them!" He shouts, throwing out a hand toward the new wave of monsters as he twists to narrowly dodge another tendril. "I'll lead her off!"
Without waiting for a reply, he takes advantage of her focus on him and bolts. Vincent is fast and, more importantly, incredibly agile even without his full abilities available to him. That and he's spent a lot of time free-running. If there's anyone that can manage to keep ahead of her and lead her away from more people, it will probably be him.
He launches off the side of a building, over a pile of rubble, and twists midair to fire a glancing blow at her beast form's shoulder, just to keep her attention.
"Dam-bi!! Take back control!!" He leaps and slides over the top of a dumpster to keep her just far enough away not to reach him, continuing into a mad dash on the other side. Mistwood, he should steer her toward the Mistwood. Less civilians there.
Voice is distorted. It would be as if one were underwater hearing someone speak. Everything is muffled and when Vincent speaks, there's no change in movement. The monster continues to strike. The sound of her roar shakes all around them once more, creating a tremor.
The sound of people's scream remains muffled through....
Dam-bi, wake up!!
And Dam-bi slams her paws into the ground, sharp talons digging in and tearing through with a monstrous roar. Beneath her, it looks like more monsters are beginning to reveal themselves through strange translucent portals.
Tendrils continue to whip around furiously. With the momentum she's built from this action alone, she CHARGES at Vincent with a snarl. The giant monster planning to rip him into shreds with her maw.
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Galian is having a little too much fun, a little too enthusiastic to be out and free to fight and tear and bite, and it doesn't exactly occur to the beast to pay attention to the other information his senses give him. It's not until he's practically bowled over by a particularly vicious strike that puts him and the other monster all but nose-to-nose that he gets a good enough whiff to trigger something other then the bloodlust.
He knows that scent. Its the smell of the little girl Vincent had spoken to a few times, the one with the white hair and dead green eyes. Vincent had tried, in his own way, to help her a few times and Galian agreed. She was a pup after all. Even he wouldn't hurt pups.
Unfortunately, this particular pup was currently an 8ft monster who was killing anyone who couldn't get away fast enough and Galian's hesitation was enough to earn him a rake of talons across his chest. Wounded, he had no choice but to retreat back to Vincent. At least the human knew everything he did.
The purple furred monster bled back into the man with the red cloak the same way he'd shifted the other direction, red light and his body flowing from one form to another. Vincent staggered for a moment, barely ducking another swipe that tore through the end of his cloak instead.
"Dam-bi... Dam-bi! Stop this!" He snapped, shaking off the disorientation from the change in order to shoot at another tendril and twist around another slash of claws. Galian could come back to heal but if Vincent took one of those to the chest they were all done.
"Dammit, Dam-bi, wake up!!" He roared, far louder then his normal soft rumble of a speaking voice.
With two large sized monsters, it's only more dangerous to be in the proximity of the attack happening. People continue to evacuate those who can be moved, those with powers large enough to assist in a much greater way joins in and evacuates more people. This monster is going against another monster and those brave enough to assist Vincent.
Though, even with Vincent's attack and the add-on attacks of those teaming up with him, the creature with the thousands of eyes does not seem at all tired out. Distracted, sure. However it seems to be proving difficult to get it to stop summoning its monsters.
As they continue their fight, the plants and trees around them begin decaying with every movement the monster makes pass these living sources. Its flames do catch fire around the battlefield as long talons slashes at its attackers.
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"I'm not sure what you think I'll be leaping off of in a sea of sand," he remarks as he flicks his cloak out on purpose to catch a few of Razlo's shots that would be close to his face then he's totally comfortable with.
His own next volley is aimed for the other's gun, just to see if he can knock it out of his hand before the ex-Turk is off again, sliding down a dune, twisting mid-way down and kicking off in a spray of sand and dust to fire back at Razlo again.
Well his distraction tactics have absolutely worked. Razlo won’t be aiming for anyone else in the near future. Vincent is more confident in his own ability to take a hit then any of the random others wanting to participate in this game.
Hopefully their definitely rougher then advised challenge will be left alone.
Razlo is fast but so is Vincent. He twists out of the line of fire, cloak snapping around him like it’s alive, and aims his own little sand filled gun back at the other man. He could certainly disregard a few hits, it’s only sand after all and he’s wearing enough leather to dull a hit. Unless Razlo decides to ditch the gun but that will be a different situation entirely.
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Razlo, used to taking damage and still able to run around, does take the sand-y hits, and fires off his own round of rounds at Vincent, most hitting their mark, at the least in the flowing lines of his cloak.
“You’re not gonna do any of that acrobatic shit you did on the roof that other time? Laaaame!” He chides Vincent, baring his teeth. 
It’s a good thing any bystanders have since jumped out of the way, also.
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Well his distraction tactics have absolutely worked. Razlo won't be aiming for anyone else in the near future. Vincent is more confident in his own ability to take a hit then any of the random others wanting to participate in this game.
Hopefully their definitely rougher then advised challenge will be left alone.
Razlo is fast but so is Vincent. He twists out of the line of fire, cloak snapping around him like it's alive, and aims his own little sand filled gun back at the other man. He could certainly disregard a few hits, it's only sand after all and he's wearing enough leather to dull a hit. Unless Razlo decides to ditch the gun but that will be a different situation entirely.
“Compared to what’s in my head, you’ll be easy to handle.” He hums, idly flipping the sand gun around in his hand as he tests the weight of it. He eyes Razlo from the corner of his eyes, red seeming to glint.
“I’ve face world destroying monsters, you’re only a man after all.” He spins the gun again and salutes with it before taking off. The goal is technically to shoot the targets but the rules do include shooting the other participants to keep them from hitting the targets.
Somehow Vincent suspects he and Razlo will be busy aiming at each other instead of the targets.
"Only a man."
Razlo snorts loudly, nostrils flaring nearly angrily. Vincent is over here underestimating him, purposely, as if he's really going to be that easy!
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Well, that just isn't going to happen. He doesn't need to be told twice-- he takes off after Vincent, certainly making no effort to shoot the targets-- just his target, the man in red.
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Vincent had been fighting since he heard the first scream as a monster tore into someone down the street from him. The things seemed never ending; no matter how many he shot down or tore apart there were more. He'd saved plenty of people but more had been killed before he could reach them, leaving bodies strewn over the streets. As soon as he'd realized they were simply replenishing he'd set off to find the source. There were others tending the wounded and continuing the fight but if the source wasn't cut off they'd simply keep coming.
So here he was, facing down the thing spawning the other creatures in the hope of stopping the chaos. Or at least distracting it long enough others can get a handle on the rest of the monsters and can get the injured civilians out of the danger zone.
He darts around the monster, firing at the tendrils it attacks with in an effort to throw it off center. As it charges though, he shifts himself, leaping forward as his form is surrounded in red light. A beast meets her charge, large and purple furred with horns and a spikey red mane. It has bits of Vincent's outfit incorporated: his cloak around it's hips and his golden claw on its left arm. It gives back as good as it gets, snarling and slashing with massive claws, biting any bit it can reach. Flecks of fire flash from its claws and teeth, though none of them catch.
The other creature howls, seeming delighted to match blows with a monster its own size.
The sound of black and thin tendrils whips and cracks through air. The sound of rumble runs through the ground upon contact from being hit by black tendrils and the sound of this monster's roar shakes and trembles items about.
Grounds are cracked, homes are destroyed, bodies upon bodies are stacked or scattered about and while there are a whole group of people tending to those injured and fighting off the stray monsters wrecking havoc, there is one gentleman going up against the main source of everyone's problem.
He's relentless and this monster has decided that this man will be its NEXT targeted victim.
It roars, it charges, and it continues to release flurries of devastating blows.
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"Compared to what's in my head, you'll be easy to handle." He hums, idly flipping the sand gun around in his hand as he tests the weight of it. He eyes Razlo from the corner of his eyes, red seeming to glint.
"I've face world destroying monsters, you're only a man after all." He spins the gun again and salutes with it before taking off. The goal is technically to shoot the targets but the rules do include shooting the other participants to keep them from hitting the targets.
Somehow Vincent suspects he and Razlo will be busy aiming at each other instead of the targets.
There’s a snort in response to that, short and soft and just a little derisive. Like Razlo could make Vincent cry. It’s just not something that will happen, regardless of how beat up he may or may not get in this little game.
“You can try but I assure you, you will not succeed in that. I’m sure I’ve had worse then whatever you might try here.” He raises a brow at the… excitement in Razlo’s grin. Yeah, that’s definitely more then a little bloodlust.
He’s seen it before, plenty of it lived in his head after all.
“I’ll be your opponent then. Livio and I never did get around to a shooting contest. Surely you’re at least as good as he boasts.” There’s maybe more then a little bit of derision in that last sentence, solely there to make himself more of a target and thus the other participants less of one.
There was no need for anyone else getting hurt if Razlo’s… enthusiasm got out of hand.
"I'm the best!" He confirms, teeth grit in a dangerous smile, his chest puffed out. He's strong-- a lot stronger than he used to be. Because he had to.
And a 'friendly' competition? He's all about that! Razlo's about as friendly as a shark.
"You're gonna be in for a rude awakening, Vince."
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Even with these stupid little weapons, and even flimsier stakes.
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The last time he was in space was that damn rocket so... He's not so sure about this honestly.
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Speaking of fathers today are we? Well. It had been a long time since he'd thought of his own.
Always caught up in his work, science and experiments and progress. He'd become a Turk partially to be away from all that. For what it was worth in the end.
He never knew exactly what had brought about his father's death. Just Shinra's generic 'lab accident'. Likely he'd never know.
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There's going to be rumors of a strange new beast lurking around the Mistwoods, though it doesn't seem inclined to attack anyone unless it's attacked first.
Certain people may get pounced on though. Possibly licked.
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There's a snort in response to that, short and soft and just a little derisive. Like Razlo could make Vincent cry. It's just not something that will happen, regardless of how beat up he may or may not get in this little game.
"You can try but I assure you, you will not succeed in that. I'm sure I've had worse then whatever you might try here." He raises a brow at the... excitement in Razlo's grin. Yeah, that's definitely more then a little bloodlust.
He's seen it before, plenty of it lived in his head after all.
"I'll be your opponent then. Livio and I never did get around to a shooting contest. Surely you're at least as good as he boasts." There's maybe more then a little bit of derision in that last sentence, solely there to make himself more of a target and thus the other participants less of one.
There was no need for anyone else getting hurt if Razlo's... enthusiasm got out of hand.
Renewed interest had lit red eyes when he’d seen Livio but caution reasserts itself a little when he speaks. Razlo, the other Livio had spoken of in comparison to Chaos. Interesting.
“Razlo.” He dips his head in a nod. “It’s Vincent, but I suppose I don’t mind answering to Vince.” He wasn’t particularly insistent, considering how often the girls liked to give him nicknames. At least it was a variation of his actual name and not something outlandish and annoying.
“If you thought it would be boring, why come? At least it’s a way to test your skills against others without ending in bloodshed. Clever, if messy.” Livio seemed disinclined to bloodshed but he didn’t know anything about Razlo yet. Maybe he was closer to Chaos.
Who was getting shoved as far back in his mental box as Vincent could manage.
Razlo frankly wouldn't give a single crap if Vincent had minded or not-- he's dubbed Vince officially, and there's not a single thing he can do about it. Unmovable object blah blah.
The bigger man's mouth curls into something that could be a pout, on a more soft face. The tattoo does that to a man.
"Can't really do much when someone else wants to go. No blood, but someone'll cry."
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Now he grins again, eyes twinkling-- is that bloodlust or--
"You might!"
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