nine-mp3 · 16 days
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i redid cullen’s card because im a lousy perfectionist
This week’s Fan Art Friday spotlight is shining on @mojavia, who claims they’re a lousy perfectionist. We disagree. They’re an incredibly talented perfectionist. 
If you want to see more amazing art like this Tarot card-style rendition of Cullen from Dragon Age: Inquisition, check out @mojavia‘s Tumblr.
Want to be featured in next week’s Fan Art Friday? Submit your best gaming-themed fan art (or cosplay!) for a chance to be featured. A Winner Is You!
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nine-mp3 · 3 years
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Legends of Tomorrow - 7x06
Zari helping Gwyn through a panic attack
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nine-mp3 · 3 years
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John Constantine | Dr. Gwyn Davies - Cinematic Parallels
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nine-mp3 · 3 years
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nine-mp3 · 3 years
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“Well, some things are worth staying around for.”
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nine-mp3 · 3 years
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Best moments of Matt Ryan as Joe O’Hara in The Halcyon personal choice 
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nine-mp3 · 3 years
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nine-mp3 · 3 years
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[210502] Love ✧ LibidO
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nine-mp3 · 3 years
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promo for @mythsnet | huāshén, a chinese flower goddess
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nine-mp3 · 4 years
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- a one-shot inspired by OnlyOneOf’s Love going back to black hair recently
- vampire!love / jisung
- reader!witch/warlock
- word count: 1755
- warnings: blood mention, narrator only curses once, other than that it is very pg-13 
Lifting up the hatch to the roof of the cabin, you carefully move your way up to the surface. The cool night air of the forest is inviting; promising for days when you couldn't sleep, too many thoughts in mind. You walked across the ceramic tiles, careful not to slip. In one of your hands was a can of Coca-Cola, a favorite drink of the mortals in the world. And it so happened to be the same for yourself though you were a witch/warlock. As for your other hand, you held a medium-sized juice pouch with dark red liquid contained inside; it was made of primarily cranberry juice and other herbs, a known supplement for blood that only witches or warlocks can make. A very popular consumable in the supernatural market. 
You sat down at the other end of the roof, a few feet away from the trap door, and set down the juice pouch, while opening the coke. As you take a sip, the carbonation hits your nose strongly, making you wrinkle your nose for a moment. A black and tawny cat, Chestnut, leapt up from the trap door. She walks over, joining you, brushing against your arms. Though it seemed like the cat was accompanying you, she in reality was waiting for someone else. But you give the cat what she wants anyways; attention, rubbing her head generously.
It wasn't long till said person came, as they had promised to do so the other day. You barely had enough time to blink when someone appeared besides you without any warning. Most people would be shocked, or perhaps fallen off the roof. And that is speaking from personal experience, from when you first befriended Jisung. 
You eventually got used to it; being friends with a vampire simply just came with these surprise appearances. It’s one of the lesser terrifying things in the world when you think about it, considering the life you live as one kind of supernatural being as well.
Chestnut leaps out of your arms without another thought and into his, purring endlessly into his chest. Jisung laughs, happy to greet an animal who wasn't afraid of him. Hands running through fur, he hugs the cat with the same amount of affection. 
"You made it. And on time," you said, a smile reaching your face upon seeing him. 
"Did you think I wouldn't show up?" Jisung asked, his dark crimson eyes moving away from the cat to look at you. 
He idly played with Chestnut's paws as the cat rested on his lap now; it was quite scary to see a cat be in the hands of a vampire literally, wary of Jisung's long dark nails. But over time, you came to know that he was one of the gentler vampires in the world. And cats knew better than all of us; Chestnut wouldn't approach Jisung if she felt he was dangerous. 
"No. It's not an easy travel route to here, I mean," you said, setting down your can of coke to poke the straw into the juice pouch you had reserved for him.
He scooted over closer and was mindful not to jostle the cat in his lap as he did. Jisung smiled giddly, teeth and fangs showing, as if he was a child receiving sweets, and took the juice pouch from your hands to take a sip. You watched as his image changed once he took a generous glup and swallowed; he ran a hand through his black locks of hair, before leaning back against his arms. The light from the night stars made his pale skin glisten, even more than usual. It's hard not to look at him. 
And here's the confession; you thought Jisung is very beautiful. Vampires just came with good looks. He's not the first vampire you've met in your life either. Safe to say most of them are assholes and only have one goal in mind: to survive. As for him, he is both beautiful inside and outside; the supernatural transformation did not take away his ability to be kind or blurr the meaning of it. You assumed it took a great amount of willpower to do such a thing. Comparing the life of a mortal to a vampire, it was drastically different.
"Worried that I can't handle a couple of forest demons?" Jisung asked then, elbowing me playfully. 
"I guess it's something like that... anyways, do you know what day it is?" you responded.
"March 20th? Or is it one of your witchy / warlocky holidays?"
"...Witchy / warlocky holidays? Name one."
"Huh? That one applies to all supernatural creatures-"
Jisung snickered, seeming to enjoy the confusion on your face. You knew he was joking then and shoved him to the side as hard as you could with your shoulder. Unfortunately, vampires have insane super strength in this world also; your physical shove did nothing to him. It might've hurt just your own shoulder in the end. The vampire, unmoving, laughs even harder.
"God, you're annoying. I'll send you across the field with a fireball if you don't shut up," you said, folding your arms and rolling your eyes in irritation.
"You like me too much to do that," Jisung responded, his smile turning into a knowing one.
In moments like these, when he was making fun of you, it was easier not to look at him out of spite. Jisung teased you relentlessly, but it was part of the friendship. You did the same back, except this moment was particularly different. The meaning of this day. The vampire notices your demeanor, the seriousness, and stops laughing.
“Aw, come on...I know what day it is, y/n. March 20th, the Spring Solstice. The anniversary of the day we first met," he said now. "I remember and...it's not something I would forget."
You didn't immediately look at Jisung again when he said that. It was because no one had ever said anything like that to you, the level of genuineness you felt from his words; it caught you off guard. Warmth had crept up on your face, paired off with the sudden acceleration of your heart. This wasn't something you can hide from a vampire though, it was more out of embarrassment to not look at him now. Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Jisung's face become written with surprise.
It was probably also good to note that a witch’s /warlock's blood was particularly toxic to vampires, which was another reason why it wasn't hard to become friends with him in the first place; you didn't have to worry about him thinking of you as a midnight snack. 
There was a good moment of silence as you attempted to muster the courage to find a way to respond to that and of course, explain why in the world you were reacting this way. You were trying to figure out for the longest time about how you truly felt about Jisung; if you were confusing feelings of friendship for...something else. The last thing you wanted to do was to ruin it all. 
This had happened several times and before Jisung could ask any questions, you teleported away from him. And you were about to do that again. He seemed to have anticipated the move and grabbed your hands, a tight grasp, preventing you from casting the spell. This forced you to look at him, though mainly out of your own surprise. There was a concern on his face now instead, and you couldn't miss the dilation of his pupils either; this made you know, whatever you were feeling, Jisung mutually felt the same. You felt stupid for not seeing it sooner; it made sense since you did literally disappear every moment before you could see his reaction every single time. But you were only scared. 
“Sorry,” you blurted out, breaking the heavy silence. “I’ve just been confused and I don’t know what this all means and you’re like my best friend and I don’t want to lose you and you know how complicated it would be for beings like us and-”
Jisung removed one of his hands to cover your mouth, stopping you from talking. 
“Okay. Now when I remove my hand you’re going to breathe. Sound good?”
You nodded, complying with his words. When he takes his hand from over your mouth, you inhale and exhale as directed. Looking back over to Jisung, he has an assuring smile on his face. He held both your hands in his again, his thumbs gently stroking in comfort. You noted that Chestnut the cat had gone from his lap; she must’ve thought you two needed to work something out when sensing tension from you and fled. It was one less thing to worry about. 
“So, all of that...was the reason why you kept running away?” he asked. 
“Yes. It was,” you admitted, the feeling of embarrassment returning. 
Jisung laughed lightly and you saw it now, his own shyness visible. 
“It’s hard to find the words...but I honestly wondered if you’d ever really think of me that way. I know that I have this irresistible beauty-”
You rolled your eyes for the second time today at that statement, almost wanting to retract your hands, yet he again prevented you from leaving until he finished his sentence. 
“- let me finish! But we both know it’s the vampire charm, blah, blah. Anyways, what I’m really trying to say is that I do have the same feelings- I mean at least what I sense your heart is telling me and all your stinky blood rushing around like that in your veins. Since day one, if you really want this to get anymore cliche...a vampire falling for a witch/warlock, vice versa...happens once in a blue moon, doesn’t it?”
Of course, Jisung still manages to joke while making a confession out of awkwardness. Yet you couldn’t be any more happier though. You pulled your hands away from his to wrap your arms around his shoulders for a tight hug, not minding how cold he was. There was no hesitation from Jisung either, his own arms immediately moving to loop around your frame, enjoying the warmth that emitted from your body, tucking his head against yours. The two of you spent a while like that, enjoying each other’s presence, before beginning to talk again about memories, addressing the moments where you both were dodgy; overall, catching up with each other’s feelings as the night continued on.
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nine-mp3 · 4 years
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nine-mp3 · 4 years
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yj: did the entire world look golden to you before? junji: the whole world looked golden.
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nine-mp3 · 4 years
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Nine - a sOng Of ice and fire 200828
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nine-mp3 · 4 years
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67 notes · View notes
nine-mp3 · 4 years
Hii! I just want to tell you that I love our writing and I'll be waiting for the next part 💕
Hello, thank you so much 😭❤️!!!! I appreciate your kind words a lot!!!
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nine-mp3 · 4 years
I just want to be surrounded by so much love in my life. And not just relationships. Love for my job, my home, the stars, the sunsets, the place I live where ever in the world that is. I want to experience love in all forms
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nine-mp3 · 4 years
Your Neighbor Sungho | Ch. 3
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Photo Credits:
- left hand corner, @116page - center, @newat_rie
Rie (sungho) x (female) reader, fluff, slice of life, semi-angsty (?)
appearances of other OnlyOneOf and Dreamcatcher members will occur
hey so I rolled a wheel on who to write a fanfic first and got rie plus picked out a prompt to write from
warnings: alcohol, getting drunk; this fic is PG-13, some light cursing occasionally
btw i’m pretty sarcastic, there’s sarcasm thrown here and there, hope you enjoy
Description: your neighbor, sungho, from the day you've moved in has kept you up countless nights with their significant other. dancing, muffled long conversations, and amongst other noises you wished you could wipe from memory. one day it suddenly stops. those days become months.
This is Chapter 3. Chapter 1 & 2 is linked below.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Sungho brings you to a diner somewhere in the city, not too far from your apartment. It was retro, old school themed. Booths and single counter top seats that stretched to the end of the building. You have heard of this place from a friend, but never came to ever try it out. The two of you picked out a seat at the booths next to the wide window view that looked on to the city streets. It’s a cozy environment, the breakfast hours being rather quiet on a Sunday morning. Hushed voices spoke, the smell of coffee yet again filling in the air, the sound of cooking in the background, the chef yelling orders, and the occasional ding of a bell to let the waiters know a dish was ready. You never thought this would be a place Sungho would like. In reality you weren’t sure what to think at all since little is known.
“You can buy as much as you’d like to eat,” Sungho said, passing you one of the menus from the side of the table.
“And that’s what I like to hear,” you said, taking up the menu gratefully.
Not too long after deciding what to order, a waitress appears to come take your orders. Not noticing at first, you realize that the waitress is one of your friends.
“Yooheon?” you exclaimed, staring at her in surprise.
She jumps, looking up from her notepad upon hearing her name.
"y/n! Oh my god!"
You’re standing up to hug her immediately. She reaches out to return it briefly, both your voices in excitement from seeing each other.
“What are you doing here? Of course, to finally come visit this diner I’ve been telling you about right?” Yooheon said, poking you with one end of her pen to your shoulder.
“Ow! Sorry, it’s been very busy. Please don’t kill me,” you said, rubbing the spot, and holding your hands up to defend yourself.
"Yeah, yeah. Save your excuses. I knew you would have come eventually."
She takes notice of Sungho, seeming just as alarmed. The other male simply gives a small wave in greeting.
“Sungho?! You’re here...and with y/n? Wait, you guys know each other?” Yooheon asked, looking back and forth from the both of you.
“I was about to ask the same thing. But please, give me my usual coffee.” Sungho mentions, folding his hands on the table top.
“Alright, Mr. Demand. As for the one who’s been ignoring my messages for the entire month. Are you...doing okay?” she asked as she scribbled down the note, concern showing on her face.
They...know each other, you thought.
“I’m fine. Just...take our orders, would you?” Sungho said bluntly, averting eye contact now.
Yooheon’s a bit taken back by his sudden attitude. You gave an apologetic look to her, mouthing one too.
“Uh, ahem. We’re neighbors, for context. Small world right? Anyways…” you said, scratching at the side of your neck nervously.
Once Yooheon has our orders and Sungho has another cup of caffeine, there’s a silence filled with unnecessary tension. You’re stirring your own iced coffee with the straw, watching the ice cubes in the glass spin.
“Sorry,” Sungho said suddenly to you.
He’s gripping at his cup handle somewhat, moving around the cup slightly in his hands. Was it a nervous habit?
“Hey, stop saying sorry to me. Who you should really be apologizing to is Yooheon,” you tell him, gesturing to the female in the distance.
There's a pause, as if Sungho was thinking again, before he nods in understanding. You hoped that your message was clear and he wasn't only nodding to get you to shut up.
“How do you know Yooheon?” he asks, eyes lifting up to meet yours now.
“Old friend from high school. You?”
“Friend of friends and... this diner. I come here a lot, if it doesn’t show.”
You nodded to his explanation, taking another sip of the ice coffee from your cup. There were a million questions to ask. It wasn't exactly proper to ask about the relationship just yet, so you were deciding on an ice breaker question. Well, Sungho beats you to it in the end.
"I know what you want to ask...about what happened with them...and I," he said, grasping the cup tighter in his hands.
"Huh? What are you talking-"
"It's fine. The walls are thin, I know. That you heard us," Sungho said, cutting you off. "And the sudden silence too."
There wasn't any point in pretending now that he brought it up.
"Okay, you got me. I am curious," you admitted, still stirring your glass nervously. "You really don't have to tell me if it's personal. The details and all. Really, it's none of my business."
"I just...want to tell you for some reason. Especially since we both were a nuisance most of the time. And yes, I was very well aware they did not like you for some odd reason. Gave them more or less reason to be louder than they already were..." Sungho explains, his eyes focused on the surface of the table. "Anyways, not the reason why we broke up. We had a small argument over something so miniscule, insignificant. They made a big deal out of it and ever since that, they haven't returned. It's been a month now. Which explains the silence and my behavior."
It was your turn to nod then, taking another sip of cold coffee. You listened carefully, keeping your eyes on Sungho to let him know that you were listening. Not that he was making eye contact with you, but you found it important in conversation. There's another silence that fills up the air. Just as you were about to speak, Yooheon arrives with the food that was ordered.
"Okay, meals coming up! One for the irritated man and one for my lovely friend, y/n!"
"Thanks Yooheon," you said, smiling up towards her.
"You can say thank you by leaving a good tip! Enjoy!" Yooheon said cheerfully, turning away on her heels to continue her job.
Once Yooheon was out of earshot, you recalled what you were able to say to Sungho. His explanation, of course, was as how you thought it went down. In honesty, someone who threw childish glares at you for only greeting their boyfriend was also on the line of making petty arguments, followed by them throwing it out of proportion. You felt bad for him.
“All I can say is...that I’m sorry this happened. Though the silence wasn’t bad for me…haha...” you responded, smiling playfully.
Sungho scoffed, but there was a laugh along with it. He began to cut a slice of the waffle he ordered. It was topped with whipped cream, strawberries, and syrup. You had the same, but pancakes.
“Yeah, yeah. I know you were probably so happy that you didn’t even check up with your lovely neighbor,” Sungho said, joking along with you as he took a bite of waffle.
“Uh-huh. Lovely. Anyways...I was worried. Kind of. It was at the back of my mind. I totally did have a nice time finishing all the work I was thrown in the past month. It was the busiest time of the year. I didn’t have time to think about anything. Luckily, we’re in the eye of the storm now. A calm point and all deadlines have been met,” you replied, grinning.
“I’m curious, or have been actually. What’s your occupation?” the other asked, changing the topic now.
“Just some office job that pays alright. I write a lot of reports, sort out files, and all that jazz. The most important thing is that I can live and feed myself currently. And you, lovely neighbor?”
Another smile dances across his lips, possibly from the nickname.
“Ah, well...I work as a barista at a coffee shop in the city. It’s a small shop, but customers fluctuate occasionally. Because people can’t live without their coffee. I’m one of said “people.” Guilty of having one too many cups a day.”
“Well, don’t worry. Same here. Whatever gets us through the day, right?” you said with a grin.
The both of you continued to eat, continuing to talk casually and forgot about the subject of his ex-significant other. Through this conversation and a meal, you felt like you learned a lot about Sungho. The both of you had similar interests, with a few sprinkles of differences like the pancake and waffle debate right in front (and it was discussed, each person telling their reason why they thought pancake or waffle was better). Yet, he respected your opinion in the end without any further arguments. This was only the surface of everything. There was more, always more. But you were glad that maybe, just maybe, after this you could finally call your neighbor a friend.
After your meals were finished and the last drops of coffee were gone from both of your cups, the bill was called for. Keeping his promise, Sungho paid for your meal. You can’t help but feel a little guilty watching Yooheon ring up his card. Then you were reminded that he needed to also apologize to the female.
“I didn’t forget, don’t worry. Also, don’t feel bad. Did you forget that you literally took care of my drunk self yesterday?” Sungho said suddenly, as if he read your mind.
“Right...okay, I don't feel guilty. Nope," you replied, sitting up straight and proud. "Hey, wait...was it that obvious of what I was thinking? How did you know?"
“Your face says it all,” he said as Yooheon comes back, handing him back his card.
“y/n’s emotions are always on her sleeve, so easy to read,” Yooheon added in, despite not knowing what the conversation was about.
“Excuse me?”
Yooheon and Sungho laughed at your response. You couldn’t help but to feel flustered suddenly, yet shocked. That wasn’t even a joke, yet they both thought something was funny. Was it your face? Huffing and rolling your eyes, you gathered your things and stood up from your seat. But you felt relieved to see them laughing together.
“Alright, alright, enough laughing at me. Sungho has something to say to you. I’ll be standing by the door and just come over when you’re done,” you said, pointing, before turning to walk away to give the two their personal space for a minute.
Sungho watched you head down the aisle, going to observe the rest of the store, as now he was going to execute an apology. Not for you, of course. For Yooheon and himself. He agreed with your words, that it was right to apologize. Afterall, he was being unnecessarily rude. That response was a result out of fear. The fear of facing people again after so long. Yooheon was one of his good friends that always checked up on Sungho. Seems like he did take it for granted. Even though he didn’t say anything yet, she knew what it was about. Glancing around, the woman checks to see if there were any new customers. There wasn’t. Her manager wasn’t in view either, so she took a moment to take the seat where you had been sitting.
“So, y/n said you had something to tell me?” Yooheon said, with an expectant look on her face.
“Uh, right. I just wanted to say I’m sorry. For how I acted before and...for the entire month prior to today. Thanks for checking up on me throughout that time period. I didn’t say anything, but I’m grateful to have a friend like you,” Sungho said genuinely.
“Aw, Sungho...it’s okay. I accept your apology, of course. I understand. It was hard, breakups are never easy. Especially when you’ve been with the other person for a long time. Together, happy...ahem. Anyways, like I’ve been telling you. Don’t keep it to yourself. Why else do you think Jisung and I wouldn’t stop knocking on your door every single day to make sure you were okay?” Yooheon said gently, adding one of her comforting smiles. “You don’t need to thank me. What are friends for? But now...just take it easy and...try to climb back into the way of your life. Without thinking about them. Screw them. You definitely deserve better. As of right now, don’t forget to take care of yourself too. You’re as important as anyone else.”
Yooheon reached out to hold Sungho’s hands, patting them. He would’ve cried there and then at her words, tears of joy mixed in with his sadness. Except it was a public area, so he held them in and moved to hold her hands back just as tightly. He nods simply, showing that he was grateful for her words. She pulled her hands away then, her eyes still wary of her manager coming out. It wasn’t the first time she’s sat down here to have a conversation with him on a slow day. Yooheon noted how you were idly standing in the distance, staring at the wall menus, and deciding what to try the next time if you were to come here.
“So, how’d you meet y/n? Was today like a random hookup or date? Looking at other fish in the sea now, eh?” Yooheon asked, leaning in closer towards him with interest.
“None of the above. y/n’s my neighbor. We barely know each other, actually. Today’s the first day we finally had a proper conversation,” Sungho said, making a face towards his friend now. “You remember right? How they didn’t let me talk to anyone. Not you, not Jisung, for even a minute. Sounds bad now that I’m only realizing now. The only time I was alone was if they were at work and I wasn’t…”
‘Wow. y/n’s your neighbor?! Talk about a small world! Anyways, I was only kidding. Focus on yourself first before anything, like I said before. And I remember that. Possessive they were. We tried to tell you, but no one sees anything when they’re too lost in love. It was bad, yes. Toxic relationship is what Jisung and I agreed on. You didn’t believe it though,” Yooheon said, sighing at her last sentence. “Anyways, we can talk more another time or…. later today? You’re free right? We can catch up with Jisung. What do you say? Just don’t want to leave y/n hanging any longer over there.”
Yooheon was right yet again. Sungho had been too caught up in love to realize the relationship he was in was toxic. A common problem in today’s society. People always attached themselves to people that weren’t good for them and weren't aware till the damage was done. He wasn’t the only one who fell into the statistics though. Outsiders could only do so much. It was always up to the person themselves who had fallen into such a relationship to pull themselves out, or not. As for his case, the one who was toxic left. So he was lucky that they weren’t in tbe picture anymore.
“Yeah...I really didn’t believe it, did I? And right, let’s talk another time..."
After you and Sungho said your goodbyes to Yooheon, (she also did not forget to nag you to come for the coming weekend get together as she was also amongst that circle of friends), and let her resume her work, the two of you headed back to the apartment building. Standing in front each other's respective doors, facing each other, there was an awkward moment of silence. Each person wondering what to say now that the out was done and favor was fulfilled.
"Uh, so...thanks for breakfast...again. I had a fun time," you said, giving him another bright smile.
"I did as well. I'm glad that I finally can get to know my neighbor for real. Not exactly the way I  thought, as in you having to deal with me drunk," Sungho said, chuckling.
"Consider it forgotten, Sungho. Don't worry about yesterday anymore," you responded.
"Sounds like a plan. Oh, let's exchange numbers? We're friends now, right?"
You pretended to think as you fished out your cellphone from your bag. Honestly, hearing Sungho asking that made you...happy. As you had hoped back in the diner, it was spoken thought into reality. Your neighbor, a friend.
"Hmm, I don't know about that..." you joked, as you opened the phone screen.
The other simply returned another smile, going along with your joke again. You had eventually lost count of how many times he smiled today. It was definitely a lot more than in the past month. From this, you made the conclusion Sungho looked the best when he was happy. He took your phone and dialed his phone number in for you, evening naming the contact for himself.
"Lovely Neighbor Sungho, seriously? Funny. You're really funny," you said as you hit the call button so he could get your number as well. "What are you going to put my name as?"
"Lovely Neighbor y/n of course. Consistency and now matching nicknames," Sungho replied.
He picked up the call, even though he was right across from you. With another hand, Sungho searched for his apartment keys. Just to humor him, you putting your phone to your ear as well.
"Anyways, I hope you have a great day y/n. I have an apartment to clean. Shall we hang out another time again?" Sungho said, his voice echoing through the speaker of your phone as well.
"Yes, of course. I would love to."
Author's Note: Hello! Sorry for this long gap between chapter 2 and 3. I was a bit busy for some time. Now I'm free again, so hopefully there won't be another long gap in between chapters again. The ending should be at chapter 5, but that is yet to be determined. I tend to write without an ending in mind, a flaw of mine...but don't worry! There is one for this story. Anyways, thank you for reading as always! I hope you enjoyed. Please look forward to chapter 4 ❤️!
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