nishapatel123-blog · 6 years
Beacon-Based Solutions: Blessing for Efficient & Safe Workplace
Employees are the core part of any organisation, no matter if it is a question of being a large enterprise or a small one. Shielding health and safety of the employees has been a great challenge for any organisation despite proving to be a long term sustainability factor for a success. Especially, workers working in the most hazardous conditions on this planet full of twists and turns need that extra provision of health and safety, which in turn rewards the organisation to be a success. So for all businesses, occupational safety and health of the OSH is an aspect that you have to really shine light on. Many organisations have led the line to solve this gruesome problem. It is done with the help of BLE technology through beacon-based solutions and beacon-based application development.
Beacons have also been a fundamental part of Internet of Things (IoT). According to ABI Research, it is estimated that by 2020 there will be over 400 million beacons installed worldwide.
Let us have a brief look of BLE technology solutions for health and safety insome of the Real-world cases.
Beacon-Based Solution for Health and Safety
The beacon-based solution should be designed for tracking and emergency communication solution for field workers and miners for connected and unconnected environments. Industry grade sensors should be deployed throughout the area of working to detect any accident like fire, hazardous gas leakage or flood. If any of these happens, it generates and send the alert messages to control room operator. The Beacon device provides supplemental data in the absence of GPS signals and communicate its location data through BLE technology to GPS Locator watch or any other wearable. So it proves to be helpful as the indoor safety purpose regarding location awareness and delivering an ideal beacon-based solution for those who have to work alone.
The beauty of the device is that if any individual wearing this device falls, fall detection automatically sends alert.
Beacon-Based Solution for Asset Tracking
Beacon devices can be formed into absolutely compact size and by their power-efficiency, they can run on coil cell battery for ages. Workers wearing PPE can also make use of beacon devices, that provides a feature to track the assets/ people. Traditionally, there was the use of RFID technology, where scanning was to be compulsory. But with the use of beacon-based solution, you can get rid of scanning.
For example, You can identify a worker in a particular area without scanning his badge. This can be very helpful at mustering points in the event of an emergency. As per ehs today, number of PPE manufacturers are already incorporating the beacons into their products. This helps to make smart PPEs which not only tracks but also manages the safety and security for the workers.
Beacon’s Role in Proximity Warnings
Proximity Based Solution using BLE Device allows business to collect more data, accurate data. Beacons can be mounted on a fixed location or a moving platforms such as forklifts and heavy machinery in a mobile state. This will allow to provide a whole different class of application for safety and proximity warning messages. The purpose of such beacon-based solution is to warn the workers or to stop the truck or machinery automatically. Moreover, warning alerts when the workers are close to a collision with such moving hazards.
Beacon-based Solutions for safer workplace
Beacon-based solutions can be leveraged as a cutting edge technology for social networking concepts. This imparts businesses globally to keep their workforce informed and safe. However there are certain limitations regarding the accuracy of standard geofences. Beacon-based solutions can solve that problem by improving the location accuracy. We know that beacons are more accurate in terms of location tracking. It has more narrow range than GPS, Cell tower triangulation and Wi-Fi proximity. Moreover, they use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to provide location accuracy down to a few meters. This further improves if more beacons are present in the same area. Beacons can be attached to transmit the project’s identifying information to any mobile devices that approach its location. The app can detect these beacons accurately to within 20–70m with very little impact on the battery.
Businesses require extremely high location accuracy or need to separate individual project areas within close proximity to each other. Beacon-based solution is a great way to improve the geolocation feature for them.
Proximity solution for your business
The advantages of beacon-based solutions is unimaginable. The future with beacon-based solutions really looks positive. We, at LetsNurture, have our own beacon devices developed. Moreover, we have catered our clients by providing beacon-based solutions for their ideas which are a reason for their success. Kaleri app (iOS and Android) is just one of the many beacon-based applications we have developed for our clients.
Get in touch with us now, if you are having any idea and looking for similar beacon-based solution but do not know how it can be implemented from the installation to the execution.
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nishapatel123-blog · 6 years
Let’s Nurture, a leading IT company known for custom mobile app development in India has got the expertise in providing many solutions based on Augmented Reality (AR) app development, also using Multilingual language.
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nishapatel123-blog · 6 years
In this era of endless innovation, we have to wait and see what future holds for us. The one thing we are sure of is that future will look different from today and certainly more efficient. Let’s Nurture is a leading web/mobile application development company that has transformed various industries by offering custom on-demand app development and other mobility solutions to simplify business needs.
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nishapatel123-blog · 6 years
IoT based solution revolutionizing Smart Buildings
A consistent challenge for owners and managers of multistory buildings, schools, or building complexes is to keep the operational expenses low. The infrastructure available for managing building energy is designed for massive systems and not for managers with less budgets. This results in high costs of adoption and integration. IoT based solutions can help in such scenarios to collect, analyze, and control data from a multitude of systems, including HVAC, power, and lighting.
Implementing Smart Buildings for Greener Planet
With multiple thermostats and sensors producing data, manually collecting the information and compiling it in spreadsheets become an overwhelming tasks. Creating an extensible, connected platform capable of integrating with building sensors would be effective.
Sensors send the data from equipment such as air conditioners and lighting, and also on the flow of building occupants to the cloud to further analyze. Respective actions associated with the sensors are then triggered. For eg, when rooms are not in use, choosing the right time to turn down the thermostat to prevent waste. This will reduce building management costs — both in utilities and in staff.
Smart Building Scenarios
Numerous building systems, currently lack the connectivity and interoperability to work in unison. There were no means of process automation for efficient energy consumption. How about the thermostats that intuitively adjust the temperature, humidity, and light based on residents’ preferences and climatic conditions? This is now possible with IoT based solutions.
With a solution for home automation, IoT is changing the way buildings will be automated to save energy. Building automation is currently undergoing an pioneering transformation, encouraging the owners and tenants to rethink the possibilities of building management.
A recent McKinsey report on IoT estimates that connectivity can reduce energy in buildings by 20 percent and can lead to a nearly 20 percent increase in productivity.
IoT based solutions improve building visibility and manageability, giving facilities management firms the tools they need to reduce operational costs and provide the best experiences for tenants. This automated solution ensure the best-in-class climate control, energy savings, and maintenance.
Smart schools
The survey of more than 600 IT leaders from Extreme Networks, recorded that the scope of smart schools extends beyond traditional interactive classroom technologies.
The adoption of wearables, sensors located throughout classrooms, eBooks and tablets, collaborative classrooms, and smart lighting and HVAC has transformed the schools to become smarter and serve smart education to the students.
Smart Offices
Smart offices offer the automated heating and cooling systems, lighting, elevators and security are connected by a centralized management solution. This results in potential increase in ROI, more efficient employees, and improved environmental impacts.
Smart factories
Manufacturing industry relies on precision control of equipment and their production environment. With IoT based solutions, the identification of a problem becomes easier giving a fair turn around time to solve and schedule the maintenance.
A recent survey from PwC on IoT in manufacturing found that 35 percent of firms have implemented smart sensors to collect detailed operational data.
5 companies inculcating IoT solutions for smart buildings
Honeywell’s IoT based solution already caters about 10 million smart buildings worldwide. Honeywell implement IoT based solution at that lets building occupants report issues with heating or cooling. People become “sensors” alongside digital counterparts such as sensor.
IBM is implementing its Watson artificial intelligence and data analysis software behind its projects that make buildings smarter.
ISS, a facilities management company that will use Watson in more than 25,000 buildings to assess readings from sensors on windows, doors, chairs, food dispensers, air conditioning systems and so on.
Legrand, a French-based electrical component manufacturer, sees its technology as the glue tying together automation technologies from the likes of Samsung and Cisco. It launched its IoT initiative, ‘ELIOT’, in November 2016.
Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric is considered to be energy management specialist. It introduced smart building product line called EcoStruxure in late November 2016.
In 2016, this German conglomerate announced separate partnerships with IBM and consulting firm Capgemini to build even more credibility. The pact with IBM accords on creating a cloud service to help corporate real estate managers gain access to energy efficiency metrics for their facility portfolios.
IoT solutions For Smart Buildings?
If you are looking to build a smarter buildings by implementing Iot Solutions, we can help you.Get in touch with us to know more about our IoT solutions.
Reference: https://www.letsnurture.com/blog...
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nishapatel123-blog · 6 years
Optimize your Branding with Video Marketing Trends for 2018
It’s 2018 and we are heading to revitalize the marketing strategy with top video marketing trends. Ignoring any of the key developments means you are refusing to innovate yourself and choosing to stay in the dust. It was noted that in 2017, 74% of all internet traffic was taken by the Video, this proves that Video Marketing is vital to dominate the competition and has become premier digital marketing strategy of the most global brands.
Video Marketing: 2017 In Review
Before jumping into 2018, let’s have a brief look on the video marketing statistics in 2017 from businesses and consumer point of view.
Key stats by “The State of Video Marketing” includes:
83% of businesses believe that video gives them a good ROI.
97% of businesses said that their explainer video has helped increase user understanding of their product or service.
91% of consumers have watched an explainer video to learn about a product or service.
78% of businesses that have used Facebook Live, said it was an effective marketing tool.
95% of consumers believe that a video should be less than 2 minutes long.
There is nothing surprising about the benefits of the video marketing for the business. It is definitely worthy. And now that 2018 is here, let’s take a deep dive into the trends leading the video marketing for your business!
Read More: Influence And Trade With Video Marketing
Facebook Watch : Ruling all
Facebook has set its goals to become one of the biggest video sharing platform in the world by taking Youtube with their recent introduction, Facebook Watch.
Facebook Watch is a video on demand service of long-form live streams and original content. Any business using it will lead a social presence where people across the globe can tune into together.
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Source: TechCrunch.com
For publishers, Facebook Watch is seemed to be the platform to make money and build passionate following because Facebook shares 55% of its ad revenue with them. Having more than 8 Billion daily video views, Facebook is heading to be one of the largest video streaming site in the world.
Plan of Action
Because Facebook watch delivers content to the large set of captivating audiences, it is all set to have the crown of all video platforms. Put in the efforts to know about the Facebook’s posting guidelines and best practices. It is better way not to lose the valuable market share by not playing the rules. Build your own audience and even collaborate with other Facebook Watch influencers. Focus your efforts on building and sustaining engagement across the Facebook Watch platform. Video marketing is going to be really hot in 2018 and Facebook Watch will absolutely be leading the charge.
Quora : Home of How-to Videos
The king of Q&A, Quora is the latest one to join the parade of video content marketing. There is no wonder that Quora’s informative and educational video content is on hype and gaining its authority each day.
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Quora allows you to place your brand with an innovative solution solving the people’s problems. And video content is the key to fill a void in the market.
Plan of Action
Reveal how your business can solve the queries of your target market. As it’s still in its early stage, the amount of competition is also less. Video Marketing success is all about producing variety of content appealing to different segments of your target audience. Quora is a key to speak to them in your own language through the eye of their concerns.
Video Marketing success is all about producing a variety of content which appeals to different segments of your target audience. Quora is a key way to speak to them in their own emotional language through the lens of their concerns.
Pinterest : Market to target Ladies
This social media platform has been successful since ages having highly targeted user base. The statistics says that Pinterest is comprised of 85% female users. This states that if you are selling products or services with the female focus, then this platform is the best to pull away from the back.
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Source: Rjmetrics.com
Plan of Action
Pinterest is driven by the keywords and the user base of women constantly searching for something new. You can easily capitalize on this with researching trends and positioning your content with apt tags to drive engagement. Target your video marketing content on Pinterest to a female demographic.
Video Collaborations : Hit the Roof with Global Community
We all have witnessed the face that to create a live video with someone based in the other part of the world, complex equipments and supports systems where needed to make things happen.
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Source: bulldogreporter.com
And today, all you need is a smartphone and video collaborations are on the fly! It is easier now a days to team up with the friends, individuals and brands that are influential to your targeted audience. The ability to go live with an individual, you can take video collaboration to a whole new level.
Plan of Action
Seek out the collaborators at least once every other week who are ready to help for your video to be more engaging.Once you build the global community, it becomes easy to exploit on the success of others and leverage the power of influence to grow your brand. And Video marketing is easy when you collab.
Reels: New Story in the Market
Inspired by the Snapchat stories, Reels is Youtube’s own version of stories. Tough Reels is still in beta version, it is anticipated to seen huge gains in 2018. It is used of make multiple and non expiring videos of brands. Don’t miss out this new form of video content marketing.
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Source: Techcrunch.com
Plan of Action
Because very less brands are familiar with reels, you can establish yourself and grow your brand with this new service. Invest in learning on how to produce video content on this platform.
Live Video Streaming: Drive Engagement
Live Videos are watched more as compared to the normal videos. Even teenagers have embraced the Live-video trend and has given rise to a new wave of teen influencers.
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Source: Facebook.com
Social Media platforms are giving more importance to the live videos and are constantly looking for the ways to improve both the user and publisher experience. This is yet another validation that live video Marketing are set to rule in 2018
Plan of Action
If you are still not producing the live video in your marketing strategy, the time is now. Start engaging audiences and make things happen without missing the small stuff. Think of creatively using Live Videos in your video marketing strategy.
Augmented Reality: Making things Happen
The recent introduction of iPhone X has pushed the Augmented Reality for the masses seeking to be more conceptual than foundational. And the latest release of the ARKit by Apple is ice on the cake.
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Source : Dribbble.com
ARKit puts the power in the hands of the creative publishers to produce the viral augmented reality based video content for iPhone and iPad. This is where the tremendous growth happens in the form of audiovisual storytelling
Plan of Action
Since this form of storytelling is new in 2018, you can invest in learning how to create augmented reality based videos and amaze the most tech-savvy members of your targeted audience.
Video Marketing with Let’s Nurture
Technology is continuously showering powers and utilities in the hands of marketing directors with the savvy to innovate. And historically at Let’s Nurture, we’ve always witnessed early adoptions of social media platforms grabbing the major portion of the market. We also offer online video campaigning along with an array of other digital marketing services which are sure to deliver results for you.
If you are still thinking for a solution for your brand to make a mark amongst the competitors, we would be glad to make a perfect video marketing strategy that gives tangible results for you. Get a free quote for our services!
Reference: https://www.letsnurture.com/blog/optimize-your-branding-with-video-marketing-trends-for-2018.html?utm_source=blog&utm_medium=Nisha
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nishapatel123-blog · 6 years
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nishapatel123-blog · 7 years
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How Big Data and the Internet of Things are Saving and Making Millions
Undecided about the value of Big Data analytics? In this post, we’ll look at how much these technologies are already helping companies earn and save.Big Data might be high tech, but it’s not just for the tech industry. With existing competitors and new startups jostling for position, every ent ..
Read More at:
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nishapatel123-blog · 7 years
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nishapatel123-blog · 7 years
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nishapatel123-blog · 7 years
LetsNurture has gone through the steps to achieve partner status by demonstrating that it meets the technical and business requirements to design, build, manage, migrate, resell and support AWS services. The partnership aims to develop cloud advisory, migration and managed offerings on the AWS Cloud.
As part of Amazon Web Service Partner Network, LetsNurture will dedicate additional global resources for technical & business enablement to help customers
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nishapatel123-blog · 7 years
One billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, experience some form of disability, and disability prevalence is higher for developing countries. One-fifth of the estimated global total, or between 110 million and 190 million people, experience significant disabilities. – World Bank Org.
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