nitonitonito · 1 year
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Khepri depicted as a scarab with the Duat the Egyptian Afterlife, held above his head, standing on a sun disk with baboons on either side. 
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nitonitonito · 1 year
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The description of this figure in Two Theban Princes is so interesting that I’m going to quote (most of) it:
“Pylon 15 [in the tomb of Khaemwaset] is the last on the right side. The guardian demon[’s] head is turned away from us; it is thus the back part of his wig that we see. The face, therefore, looks inwards towards the sanctuary, while the feet of the creature are turned outwards. His name is Nehes-her-peri-em-Duat, which may be translated, ‘Watchful one, on coming forth from the Duat.’ This seems to explain his attitude, especially as we shall see below that part of his description is 'the one that goes and comes.’ The name 'Nehes’ is given to the bow of the boat in [Chapter 22 of the Book of the Dead], which is entitled 'The Chapter of entering after coming forth’ [ie returning to the Duat after leaving it]. The attitude of the guardian is an attempt to combine both movements.” (p 51)
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nitonitonito · 2 years
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nitonitonito · 2 years
bye gongeous (seals you in the tomb forever)
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nitonitonito · 2 years
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The Book of the Duat, Part one. From the first hour to the sixth hour.
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nitonitonito · 2 years
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          S-she can hear you !!!
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nitonitonito · 2 years
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nitonitonito · 2 years
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nitonitonito · 2 years
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nitonitonito · 2 years
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Egyptian god of death, the underworld, and the afterlife. Up until the time of the Middle Kingdom (2055 – 1650 BC), he was Lord of the Duat (the underworld) until this role was bestowed upon Osiris. Despite this, Anubis still ushered the heart of the deceased into the afterlife.
Amongst the many titles Anubis is also known for is “Master of Secrets”, as he alone truly knows what the afterlife holds.
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nitonitonito · 2 years
❥         𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐋'𝐒      𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆      𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄     (    ₂₀₀₅   )     ﹔please  do  not  add  to  the  post.  you  may  adjust  any  pronouns  as  needed.
❝  there  you  are,  sweetheart.  sorry  i’m  late.  i  was  looking  everywhere  for  you.  ❞
❝  where  to ?  i’ll  be  your  escort  this  evening.  ❞
❝  don’t  get  alarmed,  i’m  being  followed.  act  normal.  ❞
❝  sorry.  looks  like  you’re  involved.  ❞
❝  see ?  not  so  hard,  is  it ?  ❞
❝  that’s  my  girl.  ❞
❝  so  that  did  happen.  it  wasn’t  a  dream.  ❞
❝  of  course  he  did.  he  was  trying  to  steal  your  heart !  ❞
❝  you  need  to  be  more  careful.  it’s  dangerous  out  there.  ❞
❝  i’m  not  asking  what  they  would  have  wanted.  i  want  to  know  what  you  want.  ❞
❝  it’s  your  life.  do  something  for  yourself  for  once,  will  you ?  ❞
❝  you’re  by  far  the  tackiest  thing  here.  ❞
❝  the  best  part  of  that  spell  is  you  can’t  tell  anyone  about  it.  ❞
❝  what  do  you  think ?  it’s  all  the  rage  in  kingsbury.  ❞
❝  you  can’t  stay  here  like  this  for  long.  ❞
❝  there’s  nothing  but  witches  and  wizards  out  there !  ❞
❝  i’ve  always  hated  turnips,  ever  since  i  was  little.  ❞
❝  i’ve  had  more  than  enough  of  witches  and  spells.  ❞
❝  you  turnip-head !  ❞
❝  look  at  that.  they  call  this  a  castle ?  ❞
❝  make  up  your  mind.  are  you  gonna  let  me  in  or  not ?  ❞
❝  i  don’t  envy  you.  that  is  one  bad  curse.  ❞
❝  you  promise  to  help  me  if  i  help  you ?  ❞
❝  come  on !  you  should  feel  sorry  for  me.❞
❝  what  do  you  think  you’re  doing  here ?  ❞
❝  keep  quiet  and  don’t  cause  any  trouble.  ❞
❝  i  need  some  breakfast.  i’m  starved.  ❞
❝  i’m  not  taking  any  orders  from  you.  ❞
❝  i  don’t  cook !  ❞
❝  i  never  should  have  let  you  in  here !  ❞
❝  here’s  another  curse:  may  all  your  bacon  burn.  ❞
❝  who’s  side  are  you  on,  anyway ?  ❞
❝  you’re  being  so  obedient.  ❞
❝  wait  a  second,  you’re  all  gonna  eat  while  i  do  all  the  work ?!  ❞
❝  even  the  manners  are  a  mess  in  this  house.  ❞
❝  that  is  ancient  sorcery.  and  quite  powerful,  too.  ❞
❝  i’d  appreciate  it  if  you  didn’t  torment  my  friend.  ❞
❝  oh,  be  quiet.  you’re  alright.  ❞
❝  i  like  your  spark !  ❞
❝  what ?!  not  again …  ❞
❝  i’ve  seen  all  that  i  can  take.  ❞
❝  you  sabotaged  me !  look !  ❞
❝  now  i’m  repulsive.  i  can’t  live  like  this.  ❞
❝  i  saw  him  do  this  once  before  when  a  girl  dumped  him.  ❞
❝  i’ve  never  once  been  beautiful  in  my  entire  life !  ❞
❝  i  am  such  a  big  coward,  all  i  do  is  hide.  ❞
❝  you  obviously  don’t  know  what  these  people  are  like.  ❞
❝  you’re  wearing  that  hat ?  after  all  the  magic  i  used  to  make  your  dress  pretty ?  ❞
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nitonitonito · 2 years
I cast spell of... of.... kissie kissie kissie kissue kissie kissie
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nitonitonito · 2 years
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Han Kang | The Vegetarian | tr. Deborah Smith
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nitonitonito · 2 years
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Summer Nitocris sketch ♡
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nitonitonito · 2 years
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by 一色@t1shiki
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nitonitonito · 2 years
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in celebration of getting best farming caster
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nitonitonito · 2 years
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          New year... More growth!
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