nml12461 · 23 days
He took me so long (Was doing redesigns). Messed up on the hair.
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Artris the main character in A Run Through the Systems (ARTS) Drawn my brother @nml12461
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nml12461 · 3 months
A Walk in the Woods
I never fully understood why in small towns people usually hangout in grocery stores or parking lots. Personally I like to be closer to my family and do things out doors. We’ll go hiking or go deep in the mountains and stay next to a waterfall. We’d always find new ways to keep things interesting, although sometimes someone will get hurt; it was always good fun though.
Every Monday someone in my family will choose what to do, and this time it was my turn, and so I chose my favorite place; the woods. The forest protected our small town so everywhere you went there was always something new to find. Most people try not to go into the woods because of all the supposed bear attacks and missing people, but it was too beautiful to pass up.
We’ve set up camp in the woodlands just outside the local high school. Since this is my first time running our hangout, I am in charge of everything. Where we will go,the food,what we are doing,and how many days we’ll be out there. Honestly it was pretty nice finally being in charge. My parents usually want the ones in charge to be twenty or older. Since this was my twenty second birthday it was also going to be my little birthday treat.
My dad was showing me how to put up little flags, so we know where we are and not to get lost. He was showing me all kinds of things, my favorite was making the fire. Since Dad was always the one to organize our hangouts, I wanted to ask for some advice on my plan.
“I wanted to talk about what we are going to do. I know this is my first time running our hangouts but I really wanted it to be perfect. Well I hope it’s perfect I kn-”
“Annie, stop with the rambling and spit it out already.”
“Okay! okay I’m sorry, I just thought it would be nice if we had another member of the family, if you know what i’m getting at.”
He paused, his face turned away from me looking out into the woods. He seemed to be deep in thought. I had a twisted feeling in the pit in my stomach. What if he didn’t like my plan? What if he thought we weren’t ready? There are so many possibilities that could be going through his mind,it scared me.
“This is a big thing to think about, but if you have everything ready then we should be fine. Are you ready?”
I smiled up at my dad, bouncing with each step. I was so excited I couldn't wait for everyone to know.
I told him all about my plan. A step by step process on what to do, what not to do, and how to do it correctly; making sure everything works out. Most of the time we’ve always been successful but there would be a few times that they get away but dad made sure to always give us an engaging speech so we’re not left discouraged.
We made it back to camp in no time and dad started to call everyone for a family meeting, since It’s my turn to organize everything, I also had to lead the meeting. I don’t even know how my siblings will think of it, especially my mom. I know it was really hard on her when she first came into our family but she warmed up and I could even say she loves us but whenever we mention a new family member she gets fidgety and quiet.
“Okay I’m just going to spit it out, I want a new sibling.I know this is a huge thing to even think about but please trust me I have a plan.”
“And why should we trust you? This is your first time hosting a hangout and you automatically want to jump in the deep end. It took years before I could ask for a sibling and by the way that’s when you came in.”
Of course Courtney would say something! Just because she was one of the oldest doesn’t mean she can just butt into my plans without letting me finish. I looked over at dad hoping for some encouragement but instead I saw him holding my mom close rubbing her arm as she played with her fingers.
“Dammit I know this is a lot but can you just trust me or at least hear me out.” I can feel the pinch in my forehead growing tense. My body shaking as I grew angry. Turning away from Courtney as I take a breath to calm down. Once I felt like I could handle myself, I turned back to my family. I could see just from their faces and body language that they all had mixed emotions on getting a new sibling.
But at this moment I didn’t care if they didn’t agree, they’re going to get one.
I can see my breath following me as I chase after our new addition. I pull my fur covered hood over me to blend into my surroundings. Hiding behind a giant oak tree watching as you catch your breath. Seeing as you look around scaredly as if a monster is chasing after you, but it’s not a monster, it's your new family.
Making my way through the woods inching closer and closer without you noticing. A loud crack is heard under my feet. I see you look around in the dark trying to find something you can’t see. Good instincts we definitely need someone like that in our family, I knew I chose good.
Twirling my claw like a grappling hook ready to catch my prize.
I watched you grow, watched you be raised into a family that doesn’t care for you. Now I finally have the chance to bring you into our home and love and care for you like a family should. I was just like you once, brought into a family that wouldn’t care for me like the one I have now. If it wasn’t for my older sister I would still be trapped in that so-called “family”. I won't let that happen to another.
My homemade grappling hook wraps around your ankle and dragging you down the forest floor. I can hear my family running over. Hearing light swooshing from their very own hooks. The way it swings in the air and grips into your skin was just so appealing. Your quiet cries rang like music in my ears. My plan is working; everything is going so perfectly, you aren’t even screaming.
I dropped my grappling hook knowing you can’t get away while our family has their hands on you. Reaching into my pocket and pulling out a small glass vial as I make way towards you. Crouching down at your level. Seeing sweet tears glistening down your cheeks.
“Shhh, we wouldn’t want to waste your energy on tears now would you.” The back of my hand meets your soft cheek as I wipe away your tears. “I know this isn’t the best way of meeting your new family but I know you’ll love us, just give it time.”
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nml12461 · 4 months
Summery of- A Run Through the Systems
I'm currently working on my short story that has a thriller and horror aspect. Hopefully my writers block goes away and I can post it here and on my Ko-fi account, next week. For now I wanted to summarize my story. My last post had a small paragraph from it, although looking at it now I know it was confusing to understand without the context.
The book I am working on is called 'A Run Through the Systems'. It's about a young man, Artris who has to go through the challenges of losing his home, his family, and his planet. Artris and few of the people on earth travel to the neighboring system, of planets. Throughout his travels in the Li' jenta system, he must face his lies and all the actions of the human race.
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nml12461 · 5 months
reblog if ur mom is smart and beautiful
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nml12461 · 5 months
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nml12461 · 7 months
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To be fair.. he still looks pretty nice.
Also my first time drawing him.
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nml12461 · 9 months
The only difference between Anakin and a cat is that a cat is okay with sand and has better mental health.
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nml12461 · 3 years
Hey I've been thinking about the marvels Multiverse and it got me thinking if it was in other things like bnha/mha and i imagine three other universes, one would be that after izuku gets told that he can't be a hero by all might and he'll kill himself (yes very sad anyways), the other is the same thing but he has anger and becomes a villain, but the one I thought of was what if he just went straight home like he didn't see all might or bakugou with the sluge villain he just went home and of course he'll get depressed and stuff but one day he'll see an add for an American comics about superheros, well what if he saw that these heros don't have quirks or superpowers just themselves and that's were Izuku will try to become the first quirkless hero.
Now I'm not saying this but can someone maybe write fanfiction with this
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I'm using my brother's account so don't give him credit it was me cynthia 😌
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