nmxone-blog · 6 years
Personal Biz plan Student name: Fatma Adel Student ID: H00303055 Course: LSS: Innovation and Entrepreneurship   CRN: 15978 Submitted to: Tridib Chatterji
My name is Fatma Adel. Every person in this world has a dream, but I have a lot of dreams. When I was a kid, my dream is to be a Doctor, and as the time goes by, I have other dreams, sometimes I want to be a president, an army, pilot and other interesting dreams. But now I have grown up, now I know what I want to be. To many people the future is unknown, but to me, I plan my future in setting goals to achieve them in the future. It is true that the long run is thought and no one granites what is going to happen in the future, however, someone should have a good plan and strategy for the long run and do their best to create their dreams return true and also achieve their goals.
Now, I have almost finished my studies at university. I will obtain a Bachelor of Applied Science. For now I’m planning to achieve my bachelor degree and later on I will Continue my masters in Corporate Communication. I have other experiences in other majors, for example video production and this can help me start my own business while studying and earn some money. After I graduate, I want to find a job where I can apply what I have studied on corporate communication. I want to work in one of the best companies which is Government of Dubai Media office. I want to be the staff manager or manager at least. I prefer working aboard because it gives me challenge to work over there, plus they will pay me higher than work in the main office.
All great things have small beginnings and to accomplish these things you must plan and believe that you can do it not only act. All of this is just the beginning of my dreams. After I work for 4 or 5 years, I will have a lot of money by that time, I will quit my job and start a bigger business or I can expand my business. I will buy 3 or 4 shops and run my shops and have another business such as a coffee shop or restaurant and anything that have a good prospect. By that way I will make more money comparing them I work in the company.
Every person should not wait for an opportunity, they should create it. There are a lot of quotes that motivated me in this life, so I always read these quotes so I don’t stop dreaming. “Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen” Wayne Huizenga. This quote is one of the best quotes I have read in my entire life and its motives me every morning to get up and work to create my dreams.
I always ask myself what did I do in the past years? Did I learn anything? Did I teach people anything? What I’ve done? As a person I love helping people and to get help from people so I always give people, whatever information I have so they gain from me and I also gain from them even though I know a lot but I still need to learn more things in this life. I always read books and do research to know more about everything so in the future, I don’t get confused and to be a person with Knowledge who knows a lot about life. Most of the times I do my researches about people who open new business and how do they expand it. Mostly I read about positive people who never despair so I get motivated and work on my dreams.
After graduating from university I’m going to open a small coffee shop. To open a successful coffee shop, one of the first serious steps I’ll take toward opening the coffee shop is to create a business plan, most of people think that this is hard but it isn’t and should not be a hard one. A business plan no longer needs to be a long document that takes weeks to write and research. It’s not something that people need to print, bind professionally, and then stick on a shelf.  business planning should be a simple, ongoing process that helps you discover your ideal business strategy. It’s a lot less about putting together a document, and more about frequently reviewing your strategy and financials so you can respond quickly to challenges and opportunities. Then I should take time to find the right location to open my coffee shop on. I want a place which is centrally located, a place where people already gather, and a space that’s conducive to my vision. Then I’ll design my coffee shop based on how I want customers to have space to form a line, employees to have the materials they need within reach to quickly make coffee, and a seating area that’s comfortable.
Then I will hire an accountant that is really good so she helps me accomplish my business goals. Accountants build up both financial and business acumen throughout their careers, and they’re often willing to share their knowledge with clients. After that I should get local help for funding because startup funds for a coffee shop can be difficult, I will be talking with friends and family about investing my coffee shop first and I will present a solid business plan to then and ask them to invest in my business. Then I will be saving money for my own expenses and every person while opening a business should know that all of your time and energy will be devoted to your new business, a business that potentially won’t be profitable for around six months, even if you start bringing in revenue immediately. After completing all the steps of opening a new business I will start marketing before opening my coffee shop because if I start marketing the day I open, I will be already behind. On opening day, I want people excited to come in. I will actually need to start marketing several months before the opening. for example; dropping off free coffee to local businesses with a flyer that promotes the opening day, creating a presence on social media. It’s free advertising, giving away coffee samples at a few local events before opening, doing a small direct mail campaign that sends coupons to local residents and many other creative ways.
After I run my business, I am going to marry the best husband in this world. I will start to make a family and I already planned to have 2 children which are a boy and a girl. I will live in a big house which having a garden outside or maybe a pool so my children can play inside my yard because, if my children play outside, it will be a little risky. I just don’t want anything bad to happen to my family. I want to take my family to Makkah for ’umrah’ or ‘hajji’.  I think that is all I can say about my dreams. It is just a simple dream for a simple lady like me.
"six-word memoir” Her beautiful mind kept her distant.
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His hands. Everywhere.
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nmxone-blog · 8 years
I catch him staring at me, and give him a questioning look. “What?” I ask. He smiles sheepishly, although still with that dreamy look in his eye. “I was just thinking,” he says finally, his fingers playing with my hair. “About what?” I try to coax it out of him, and he laughs, his cheeks flushing. He takes a deep breath, his gaze steadfastly on his fingers. “I was just thinking… that this - you know, us - this is love, isn’t it.“ He laughs again, embarrassed, but he sneaks a glance at me. My heart melts.
this is love - oakflower (via oakflower)
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I post daily, please follow!
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I agree
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Do you?
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