nnaly143 · 3 years
Being respected is reassuring. It helps us to increase our self-esteem. And it helps us to express ourselves. We should STOP DISCRIMINATING because In the eyes of God we are all equal! WE SHOULD RESPECT EACH OTHER. We should treat each other equally. Be good, be fair, and be polite to everyone. Share the love to everyone. We should respect each other not to discriminating one another. Because I believe that....
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nnaly143 · 3 years
" My experiences during Typhoon Ulysses including how we handle the situation"
Typhoon Vamco, known in the Philippines as Typhoon Ulysses, was a powerful and deadly Category 4-equivalent typhoon that struck the Philippines and Vietnam. It also caused the worst flooding in Metro Manila since Ketsana in 2009. The twenty-second named storm and tenth typhoon of the 2020 Pacific typhoon season, Vamco originated as a tropical depression northwest of Palau, where it slowly continued its northwest track until it made landfall in Quezon. After entering the South China Sea, Vamco further intensified in the South China Sea until it made its last landfall in Vietnam.
Typhoon Ulysses was formed in November 8, 2020. It has highest winds, ten minutes sustained: one hundred fifty-five kilometer per hour. For me, this is the most heavy and dangerous typhoon I experience at the age of fifthteen.
Typhoon Ulysses made its first landfall in the Philippines near midnight on November 11 in the Quezon province as a Category 2-equivalent typhoon. The typhoon brought heavy rains in Central Luzon, and the nearby provinces, including Metro Manila, the national capital. Heavy rains caused by the typhoon overflowed rivers, causing severe flooding in Marikina. As the typhoon crossed the country, dams from all around Luzon neared their spilling points, forcing the dams to release large amounts of water into their impounds. As the Magat Dam approached its spilling point, all seven of its gates were opened to prevent dam failure, which overflowed the Cagayan River and caused widespread floods in Cagayan and Isabela.
While waching the news about the typhoon Ulysses, my parents was planning what to do. When we heard from the news that the flood was near to us we already have a planned. We woke up early at 12:00 am when my aunt who lives in Balzain said that the flood was in there house already and they already evacuate in Hotel Lorita.
So before the flood came we were ready. First, papa put all his pet ducks and chickens in a cage where the flood would never reach them. Our pet dogs and goats were placed on our rooftop. Papa, uncle and my older brother helped catch chickens, dogs and goats. Mama and I put the ingredients we will need for cooking in a container. We raised the equipment so that it would not get wet by the flood. And we all worked together to secure the equipment. And all was well and assured that everthing is fine and we all done in our duty, we rested. We no longer think about what we will eat because we know that we are always ready. We have stored food and my parents have grocery before the flood. And what we will use for cooking we will not have a problem because we have gasulet. We were already preparing because we knew the flood would reach us because our land was just low. But we are so thankful that we have a second floor. We have three bedrooms but only two is finish. That was my room with the cr inside and the guest room where my uncle was staying temporarily. And in a room that wasn't finished yet, we put chairs that could get wet and damaged in case the flood hit it. The kitchen we made was the terrace upstairs. We are always ready for such disasters. We just work together. We also don’t have a problem with the light because we have an emergency light. Everything is ready for us to use. The next day, the flood came to us. It entered our home on the first floor. It reached our window. This is the biggest flood we have ever experienced. Although we were worried, we just prayed that the flood would gone. Mom and dad, slept in my room while my older brother was in the guest room with my uncle. We were relieved because we knew we were safe but we still did not lose our fear because we heard that a lot of people in other baranggay who was near to us that they was drowned and dead.
When the flood began to subside we helped each other fix things that could be returned. And when the flood finally subsided we helped with the cleanup. And restore everything to normal. It was a tiring day. But we are all thankful that nothing was lost with us and we pray for the families who have lost their loved ones.
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nnaly143 · 4 years
3 Favorites Movies
1. An American Girl Stirs up Success
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Movie summary:
The title of this movie is AN AMERICAN GIRL STIRS UP SUCCESS. Grace reluctantly goes to Paris with her mother where coping with her French cousin proves to be tough. Later, she sees that her grandparents' bakery is collapsing and tries to get it back on track. In Paris the cousin of her parent has a bakery. And to help her grandparent's bakery she learned the different methods of baking.
Following Questions:
What life lesson can be learned from this movie?
- In this movie it thought us to become fighter. Do not give up and practice makes perfect.
What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
-For me, the most powerful part of the story is the, when grace never give up from learning the methods of baking. Because even though that how many times she made a mistakes in baking she never give up from learning.
Who was your favorite character in the movie?
- Of course it's Grace because she is the one who prove that even though that it is hard do not give up because there is a lot of things to do so that you will make it better.
Did anything happened in the movie remind you of something that has occured in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
- Yes, like grace she never stop from practicing on how to bake properly. When I am practicing my dance step I always make a mistakes but I never give up. All I did is practice and practice all over again until I make it perfect.
2. The Wild Child (2008)
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Movie Summary:
The Moores - widowed father Gerry and his two teenage daughters Poppy and Molly - are a wealthy Malibu based family who have all the luxuries and modern conveniences of life. Ever since her mother died five years earlier in a car accident, sixteen year old Poppy has been acting out, causing her father grief most specifically in any of his attempts for meaningful relationships with other women. Although he has threatened to do so several times, Gerry, based on Poppy's latest actions, finally decides to send Poppy to boarding school, most specifically to Abbey Mount in England. It is an immediate fish out of water situation for Poppy, whose main goal is to get out of Abbey Mount and back to Malibu. Despite Poppy's initial antagonism toward her, she is befriended by Kate, who has been assigned her big sister in showing her the ropes around Abbey Mount, and the rest of the girls in their shared sleeping quarters. Kate can see that underneath Poppy's privileged exterior is a scared girl who just wants to get along in life. Kate and the gang counsel Poppy in that if she really wants to get out of Abbey Mount, the only way is to do something or a series of somethings to get expelled. This task is easier said than done as the school's principal, Mrs. Kingsley, can see in Poppy the same thing that Kate does. Through her stay at Abbey Mount, Poppy continually butts heads with the school's snobbish head girl, Harriet, who rules her entourage and the school's younger students with an iron fist. Harriet would like to see Poppy gone as well, especially as Freddie Kingsley, Mrs. Kingsley's teenage son, who Harriet fancies as her boyfriend, seems to be falling for Poppy. Poppy, in turn, decides to use Freddie in achieving her goal. But in using Freddie and seeing an old photograph hanging on the school wall, Poppy may come to some realizations about both her life and friends at Abbey Mount as well as those same aspects previously in Malibu.
Following questions:
What life lesson can be learned from this movie?
Wild Child movie is a movie about teenager with romantic comedy genre. It tells about Poppy more as wild child. Poppy Moore tries to reach her passion to get the life purpose through her acts. Her acts can be as guidance in considering bad or good acts in moral perspective. This research has two problem statements, what are moral qualities of Poppy Moore’s character in Wild Child movie and the effect of Poppy’s act in Wild Child. This research applied moral and philosophical approach and movie theory about moral. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The finding of this research reveals that there are five bad moral qualities of Poppy Moore’s character in Wild Child movie, they are disrespect, disobedience, arrogant, and dishonest. And there are two good moral qualities of Poppy Moore’s character based on Wild Child movie that are loyalty and responsibility. Moreover the writer also finds the effect of Poppy Moore’s act upon the acts that she has done
What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
- For me, the most powerful part of the story , when Poppy motivate her teams. Because of her they become a champion.
Who was your favorite character in the movie?
- Poppy's true friend from Abbey Mount. Because of them Poppy's attitude change. She learned how to respect and her artistic attitude was also change.
Did anything happened in the movie remind you of something that has occured in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
- Yes, like Poppy, I also motivate others. When my cousin was so stress from her studying I always there for her to help her and cheer her up.
3. Hachi: A Dog's Tale
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Movie Summary:
Eleven year old Robbie is giving an oral class report on the topic of "My Hero", his chosen subject, Hachi, who on the surface is an unusual choice. Several years earlier, Parker Wilson, who lives in Bedridge in suburban New York City, is a college music/performing arts professor, he who makes the train commute to/from the city every working day. It is on one of those routine days going home that he finds at the Bedridge Station a puppy, who he eventually will learn was being shipped somewhere unknown, with the shipping tag lost. He also learns from Ken, a Japanese professor friend, that the dog is a Japanese breed called an Akita, and that the Japanese character on the dog's collar tag is the number eight - "hachi". Parker does whatever he can to find out who the dog belongs to, and although his many acquaintances around the train station do their small part in helping Parker, no one is willing to take the dog, even temporarily. So Parker takes the dog home, despite he and his wife Cate long having dismissed the idea of having a dog. However Parker is able to convince her to let the dog stay temporarily. Eventually on the high probability that they will never find the dog's owner, Cate, upon seeing the interaction between the two, lets Parker permanently keep the dog, who he has since named Hachi. Although living in the Wilson home with Parker, Cate and their daughter Andy, Hachi becomes not a Wilson family pet, not Cate's, not Andy's, but Parker's alone as a special bond forms between the two. Although not a "typical" dog in that Hachi will do not what most dogs do such as fetch, Hachi demonstrates an unwavering and lifelong loyalty to Parker in an unusual way that all around him can see. Robbie chose Hachi as his hero because of this loyalty, despite he never having met Parker, who in nonetheless an important part of his life.
Following questions:
What life lesson can be learned from this movie?
A dog's love can never be measured by anything. Make them feel that you care and love them and they'll bring it back to you 10,000 times more. Being a loyal to someone is very important to have a better relationship.
What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
- For me, the most powerful part of the story , when Hachi was waiting for his owner to came back, the dog was waiting outside the subway station. There's a people who gave the dog a food so that while he was waiting for his owner to came back he will not get hungry. And there is still a people who are willing to help a pets.
Who was your favorite character in the movie?
- my favourite character is Parker because he is helpful and he is a good man.
Did anything happened in the movie remind you of something that has occured in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
- Yes, like Parker I also adopt a pet that I saw in a trash bin. The cat was too young so I bring the cat to my home and took care of it.
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nnaly143 · 4 years
Blog no. 2
Choose your favorite Technology.
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I choose Cellphone as my favorite technology because It easy for me to carry it whenever I go. Unlike laptops, because it is heavy and tablets are also big. So I preferred a cellphone.
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nnaly143 · 4 years
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Hi guys! I am Donnalyn. But Naly or Aly for short. I'm 16 years old. I am already a senior highschool student. And I am currently studying at Saint Paul Unviversity of the Phillipines here in Tuguegarao Cagayan. And I'm new at this school. And I am already a Grade 11 and a HUMSS student. My parents are both Filipino so I am Filipina. I have older brother and he is already 17 years old. We have a different school attending. Actually he is studying at ISAP Atulayan Tuguegarao Cagayan. Our parents
are both working in the same office. I love chocalates because it's my comfort food. I love dancing and I am not good at singing. But I always trying my best. I love color pink. I love cats because for me cats are sweet and lovely.I love eating because foods makes me happy. And actually I really hate material things because I preffered foods more than things. I love surprises. And actually I am sweet and jolly in personal. I also love reading, especially wattpad. Wattpad is my stress reliever. Because by reading it makes me calm and bacause of what I read, it makes me forget my problems and it makes me happy at the same time. I am also a helpful person. Suppose like just one call, and I will be there. Being helpful is the best thing I can do for others. And also I am a kind and adorable at the same time. I also love music. Love songs and etc. I also love watching korean movies and dramas. Actually I am learning korean language because sometimes when I am watching some subtitles are different from their script and I can't focus in the movie or drama because I don't understand it so I decide that I should study their language for me to understand. Unfortunately I learned it by reading books and efforts is the best way for us to achieve our dreams in our life. I started a blog because this is the one of our performance task. And of couse to improve our self confidence. So here I am making my blog. I hope that you will support me. Thank you.
Here are some following question that I need to answer.
Where do I see myself 10 years from now? Is my learning in SPUP vital to where I'm leading to?
So, For me I see myself 10 years from now at the hospital as a good psychology. Helping people who had a psychological problem. My learning in SPUP are very important or vital where I am leading because studying and efforts is the only thing I can do to achieve my dreams and to make my parents proud.
Was HUMMS the best choice after all?
For me it's a yes, because there is a lot of courses that are under into this strand. Being part of HUMMS is verry interesting because in HUMSS strand it helps you to improve your reading, speaking and more skills.
What coarse will you take in college and why?
In my college I want to take the BS Psychology or Child Psychology because I want to help people who have a psychological problems. I chose Child Psychology because while they are still young we can prevent the complication and so that they can enjoy their childhood and so that when they grow up there is no problem into their psychological health.
What topic would you like to learn more in this subject?
For me, everything because it is a part of my studying.
What the corona virus has taught you about life?
It taught me that Health is more important than money.
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