<<<<<<Rototototo~! Rotom video!>>>>>>>
Kiki is standing in fronth of an officer Jenny, ChiffonCake clutched against her chest like a ragdoll. The Galarian meowth is hanging limp but keeps flexing her claws. She doesn't have her fake mustache on and she is standing ramrod straight, her head hanged and glaring up through his lashes as the officer Jenny rants.
"You just- look kid, you really can't do this." Officer Jenny sighs and crouches down to her level but the hand placed on her shoulder doesn't make Kiki's brows unfurrow "There has been a lot of pokemon stealing going on these days and everyone is on edge, I'm sorry i yelled at you. Let's give the trainer his pokemon back together, okey? Then you'll apologise and promise not to get too excited when you see a shiny next time, alright?"
Kiki shuffles in her spot and hols up ChiffonCake to ear level. The feline Pokemons eyes doesn't leave the officer nor does her mouth move, yet the rocket grunt nods like she is getting a lecture "Okey!" Her posture suddenly shifts and she beams up to Officer Jenny "CC said we are very very sorry and we won't do it ever again!" The kid pouts "But what if he gets mad at me..."
"Don't worry about that, I'm here." She smiles and straightens up, taking a step back to tell her partner it was all a misunderstanding.
"I'm still a bit sad about losing that shiny..." Kiki whispers and hold up ChiffonCake to her ear. The pokemon doesn't react again but the rocket grunt brightens up like she just reassured her "You are right! I'm sure boss will be very very impressed I'm giving him 3 whole shinies in one week anyway! Losing one is a tac-ti-cal retreat to make sure we don't get the others taken away. You are a genius CC." She proudly nods to herself;
"This time, I'm sure I'll get promoted!"
<<<<<Rototototo~! End of video!>>>>>>>>
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They do hunt!!!! They mostly scavenge but I saw raichus go after Caterpie and weedle and sometimes even small Rattata and Pidgeys!
Do raichu hunt?
I feel like I should know this
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Prettiest lady of the week!
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This female delphox named Melissandre was brought to us as the first customer of the week and was booked for half the working day! Good thing to ^w^ She looks dazzling on her show day after a deep conditioning, detangling and full body trim! Simple yet elegant, she took the competition by storm! We wish her luck in her semi-finals!! My arms hurt so bad after brushing her for 3,5 hours straight
Fun fact! Did you know? Only %12,5 of all fennekis are born female!
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That's so cool!!!!! Well, in Kanto they are very common and also very very common to own. They are very high energy! I don't remember the last time i groomed a Growlithe without being drenched in water XD
Well, Arcanine's are very big so most of them don't fit in my regular bath! I had to get a large washing area in the backyard just because of how many Arcanine's I get XD they are mostly good at following instructions though so as long as i have Bob holding me up i can manage ^^ detangling and brushing them takes hours and i don't even want to get to just how much they shed help me
I groom arcanine's almost daily!! How did you meet yours?
Hi! I met Leandra at Mt. Pyre after I started working at the Lavaridge Gym under the former leader. I had six pokémon on my team already, but I was training to become the leader once she retired, so I wanted more to give myself options in battle.
Growlithe are pretty rare here, but Leandra came right up to me! I was crouched down in the grass trying to stay quiet and keep an eye out when she snuck up behind me and started barking. I thought I felt my soul leave my body, I was so startled. So I had Ruby, my magcargo, put her to sleep, and I caught her from there. She was pretty feisty and energetic at first, but I'm under the impression most growlithe puppies are high-energy, and she chilled out pretty quickly once I introduced her to the rest of my team. Thanks for asking!
Grooming arcanine sounds like a fun job! How'd you swing that?
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Are you SURE my Pokémon will be treated right, guy with “Rocket grunt” in their url?
Yep! I am just a spa owner who will make sure your Mons look prettier than those contest stars on TV!!!!! The rocket grunt thing is, um, a pokemon fan club who really really really likes wobbuffets!!!!! Since wobbuffets kinda looks like blue rockets!!!!!!
Also I'm a lady ^w^
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I bought a cute baby blue collar for CaramelToffee!!! She destroyed it after i took pictures!!!!
Other people can do cute reblog chains on their blogs
What would I ask? Favorite recent purchase?
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I think it's a little late for that
[ Image ID: The Hound has the bone. It is very clear that removing the bone is Not an Option, ]
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Awww........ :(
Okay I'm still pissed about this but you know what.
...Rotomblr does anyone have advice for when someone just dumps a Pokémon on you that you're not going to be able to take care of and you're not sure if they have any intention of taking it back-
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What if i say pretty pretty pretty please with whip cream and a cheri berry on top 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Okay I'm still pissed about this but you know what.
...Rotomblr does anyone have advice for when someone just dumps a Pokémon on you that you're not going to be able to take care of and you're not sure if they have any intention of taking it back-
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I see you're already working.
Of course, sir.
You always rise early. I respect that of you, Archer.
Thank you. Your respect means everything to me...
I'm glad.
Ah, Ariana. What do you need?
I want a word. With the Boss.
You are aware of the protocols related to arranging a meeting, correct? If you have a concern, you may address it during one of your weekly or mission reports.
Don't worry yourself with this, Archer. I'll handle it... Ariana, meet me in five minutes.
... Understood.
Such a shame our conversation was cut short... Ariana isn't usually up at this time, so I'm surprised that she thought to arrange a meeting.
It is indeed a shame... Although, if she cannot go through the regular protocols, it must be important.
Indeed. I ought to go... I'll see you this afternoon, Apollo.
Understood, sir... May I say one more thing before you depart?
I love you.
... Thank you, Archer.
Of course, sir. I hope that the meeting is beneficial.
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Awww... :(
*gasp* İs the fur around your neck real?????
- @no-1-bestest-rocket-grunt
Yes and no. It’s a part of my coat, but it’s made of real wooloo wool and a bit of joltik fluff.
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Fraxure!!!!! They are cool and strong and mysterious and very very angry!!!! Also they are my uno an zodiac!!!
I’ve seen a lot of people make these favourites posts, so I’ll make my own. What’s your favourite pokémon of the unovan zodiac?
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Give them to me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Okay I'm still pissed about this but you know what.
...Rotomblr does anyone have advice for when someone just dumps a Pokémon on you that you're not going to be able to take care of and you're not sure if they have any intention of taking it back-
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Oh I do!! I do!!! There is a brand called the SmeargleStain that makes hair dye which is safe for pokemon!!!!! I always use that brand in my spa!!!!!
D does abyone know any goos fur dye? Or paint?
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Nu-uh!!! They clean teeth and prevent disease in the thing that teeth are attached to!!!!!
I think it's a little late for that
[ Image ID: The Hound has the bone. It is very clear that removing the bone is Not an Option, ]
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Me and LemonZest stole a tasty looking persim berry pie from the display window from a bakery and now our tummy hurts :(
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At this point i should just sent you a bunch of my old brushes so you can act as a dis-per-ta-ti-on system XD
Why does every single person you meet has unkept hair •>•
- @no-1-bestest-rocket-grunt
I’m unsure. N has…unkept hair….but I like….his hair….its also….soft….and….quite nice….
Anywho….i am unsure….why all hair….is unkept….people must….lack brushes…or just wake up….and go…..”yep! This is…the style today!”
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