you’re welcome! ^^
and the thing about plurality is that us plural folk are already under-researched when compared to other (for lack of a better term) non-normative experiences, such as autism. we as a community have kind of just had to learn from each other, and in doing so we’ve learned about a lot of things that research hasn’t touched on. the important part is to not doubt anyone’s experiences — every system is different, after all! ^w^
Hi what exactly is a system reset?
basically, it’s when the system collapses, erasing all existing members and possibly the existing headspace too. we’ve never experienced one (thank god), but from what we’ve heard, it’s a horrible thing to go through.
(i’m not sure if a partial system reset is a thing, but knowing how messy plurality gets, i’m sure it’s possible.)
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I’m an endo. I support endos. I think xeno origins are cool.
but anti-endos are still people.
I don’t wanna harass an anti-endo. They have every right to be disgusted with me. I personally don’t align with their opinions, and I have them on all my dni’s, but they’re still people.
I want to give them as much respect as I can.
honestly, the second you (general you) start dehumanizing the other side of whatever discourse you’re going on about, you’ve already lost. there is never an excuse for treating someone like they’re subhuman. thank you for having civility, anon, even for those you dislike <3
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my apologies, i forgot to trigger tag for resets. that’s 100% my bad, and i’ve fixed it now. (also, i’m tagging it as discourse just for the nature of the conversation. i’m not implying that you’re trying to start something, i’m sorry if it came off like that.)
as for the “it doesn’t happen to DID/OSDD systems” bit, i’ve never seen anything to suggest it’s 100% impossible. the human brain does some strange things, plurality in itself is enough evidence of that. i’m not going to just say “oh but this never happens to certain systems” when i don’t know that for sure.
Hi what exactly is a system reset?
basically, it’s when the system collapses, erasing all existing members and possibly the existing headspace too. we’ve never experienced one (thank god), but from what we’ve heard, it’s a horrible thing to go through.
(i’m not sure if a partial system reset is a thing, but knowing how messy plurality gets, i’m sure it’s possible.)
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really annoyed rn that most of our system is pro-endo/neutral and the rest of us are just seen as the ignorant sysmeds who are all horrible people. we aren't even allowed on the main blog because they're all pro-endo and advertise the blog as such so we had to go make our own account and not associate ourselves with that account at all if we wanted to be open about the fact that we don't like endos. idk it pisses me off
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with all due respects, i’m not going to fakeclaim other people’s experiences, and i would prefer if you didn’t do so either, especially not on our blog. just because you’ve never experienced one doesn’t mean that they don’t happen.
Hi what exactly is a system reset?
basically, it’s when the system collapses, erasing all existing members and possibly the existing headspace too. we’ve never experienced one (thank god), but from what we’ve heard, it’s a horrible thing to go through.
(i’m not sure if a partial system reset is a thing, but knowing how messy plurality gets, i’m sure it’s possible.)
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going into any system space makes us want to cry, there's so much negativity for systems that aren't 'normal' it just makes us so sad.
news flash, exclusionary plurals: as far as the singlets are concerned, none of us are normal. being toxic to your own community won’t make them respect you more.
i’m so sorry, anon... some online plural spaces can be so horrible. sending you hugs, if you’re comfortable with them 🫂💙
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Hi what exactly is a system reset?
basically, it’s when the system collapses, erasing all existing members and possibly the existing headspace too. we’ve never experienced one (thank god), but from what we’ve heard, it’s a horrible thing to go through.
(i’m not sure if a partial system reset is a thing, but knowing how messy plurality gets, i’m sure it’s possible.)
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I love being a fictive and I love who I am, but I fucking hate my reputation here as a fictive. Not because of where I come from, but because of people trying to make ‘fictive’ a synonym for ‘fictional introject’. I’m not a introject. We’re different, I was never an introject, my existence is not an unconscious accident, I chose this.
I mean, introjects are cool. I respect them. But I am not a damn introject myself and I deserve to be able to use my word without people constantly grouping me in with introjects.
I don’t even want to be called a ‘fictive’ anymore, despite the fact that I’m proud of it, because of this shit.
(Thanks for running this blog. I know there are more specific blogs with specialized topics but yours just feels much safer).
even with plurality being so complex, some people just have to try and shove everything into little boxes. i’m sorry people keep trying to call you something you’re not, nonnie, but i’m glad that you’re proud of who you are!! 💕
(aww, you’re welcome, dear!! we’re glad we can help. our intention with this blog was always to make a space where as many people as possible felt safe, so it makes us happy to hear that we’re doing a good job <333)
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I just hugged the hosts little sister and since the source I’m from didn’t have clear siblings for me that I care about, I was so happy to see her, because I felt like I saw my sister again. I haven’t seen any of my siblings in so long.
aww, that’s so sweet!! i’m glad you can find a taste of home in this world, nonnie 💙💙💙
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Hello, sorry but i’m a host of a system and the core, and i just wanted to ask, is there anything such as your fictives being able to go back to their source? some of our fictives say that they can leave whenever they want and others say that they’re stuck here. So i’m kind of confused, but i don’t want to just tell them “oh hey you can’t do this, it’s not a real thing.” because our fictives who CAN’T leave have been ready homesick as i’ve been told, so i really want the fictives who can to not feel so! but with doing so it feels like, idk, we’re faking?? Any advice?
that sounds like a gateway system, nonnie! seeing as we’re (probably) not one ourselves, we don’t know too much, but some of our followers or other plural bloggers may be able to help!!
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aaaaa, we’re so sorry for being inactive, folks!!! our offline life’s been a real mess. we’ll try to get to some confessions tonight!!
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I'm the original host of the system, and the one who sees themself when they look in the mirror. Which is hilarious cause, y'know, the body is human. But I personally don't feel human. I feel like a hybrid of a doll, a mushroom, and some humanoid with pointed ears. Which plays a part in my gender identity because girl, boy, and nonbinary all feel like too gendered of a term, y'know. Honestly the feeling of not being human while still identifying with the face of the mirror makes me wonder whether or not I am actually the original host, but I think I am cause I have emotional connections to all the stuff from the body's childhood. Yet I'm not human, personally.
holy shit did i ghostwrite this
i am in the exact same boat, anon. as the original host, i technically see myself when i look in the mirror, but it doesnt look like the real me. it’s always like “what is this?? the real me has wings, dammit!! get it right, mirror!!!”
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yesterday i was almost crying and i was so angry at the host for thinking “you know a fictive of that character wouldn’t be so bad” but…
i know i can’t go back, and that hurts so much, but now i get to remember waking up when it’s not plot important, and i get to wake up to parents making breakfast, and so many other things i never got to do before
it still hurts and i’ll never get any of what i used to have back, but… maybe there are some good things about being here after all
oh, and if anyone needs a good song to cry to about losing people that you love, “So Far Away” by Avenged Sevenfold is good
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Our system was posted on r/fakedisordercringe
fuck that subreddit >:(
im sorry anon;; i hope it didnt incite any harassment.
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Sometimes I hate my non fictive head mates and get insanely jealous, they don't understand my home sickness they don't understand missing people who don't exist within the system yet I have vivid memories of
It sucks
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I'm a factive of a streamer the host likes and before coming into the system, I had feelings for my friend who is also another streamer the host likes. The thing is my source and my crush's source aren't together and they don't like being shipped together, and I guess I just feel- I don't know? A little bad? For having those feelings? I know full well alters dating or having feelings for eachother isn't the same as shipping two content creators or two characters, and introjects are seperate from their source, but I still feel bad. I'm also worried the host thinks this means they subconsciously shipped me and my crush's source even though we all know they didn't. It's weird, it's complicated, it's goddamn annoying if I'm honest.
your past doesn’t have to conform to this world’s present. your feelings are valid, but that doesn’t mean you have anything to be ashamed about. you are your own person with your own emotions, and you are free to feel them. 💙
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I feel so guilty over my self harm sometimes… none of my alters deserve to have to front in a body I want to destroy… especially the kids. I feel like a monster.
you are not a monster for being depressed. you did not ask to suffer like this, nor did you do anything to deserve it. no one deserves it.
i hope your pain eases soon. 🫂
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