no-thoughts-i-forgot · 8 months
hey guys
what's up. it's me, i'm back and making a post again. i didn't forget to post last week, i decided not to. today i feel like writing.
i did a lot of work on my website today. it was fun, getting some front end stuff done. i made some music, and generally just chilled. fun weekend.
that's about the only interesting stuff to post about, so see you again next week, internet :)
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no-thoughts-i-forgot · 8 months
october is here
AKA hi part 4
helloooooo internet it's me! i'm back! literally just finished a school assignment i've been putting off for days feels good!
as you can see, it's october now! september went by very very fast, i knew it would. school started back up again and that's been good.
also nothing new interaction wise with the blog so mostly nothing to say here. worked more on a song i've been working on for probably a month now, it's almost done but i have a voice actor doing stuff so i gotta wait for the lines lol
fun stuff, thanks for reading! see you guys again next week!
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no-thoughts-i-forgot · 9 months
hi part 3
belated post
lol i forgot to post last week. anyways hey guys i am feeling much better than i was before. i drew a lot this weekend and made some music too, it was really fun!
there hasnt been any interaction or nothing with the posts so there isnt much to talk about rn. but hopefully in the future there will be things people wanna hear. but maybe thats wishful thinking, idk!
i havent made much music lately so getting a song done fast is fun. making music is really rewarding i should do it more often.
anyway thats about it for this week, see you all next week with more amazing posts and all my ramblings and yea goodbye :)
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no-thoughts-i-forgot · 9 months
hi part 2!
give it up for week 1! i remembered to post and oh boy i have some things to say :)
today's been a lot for me my mood has gone from very stressed to feeling great like 3 times and. it's a lot i'll say that
i work on a team for a game thing it's decently big and all online, i help direct. organization is basically non existent but i care about it a lot so over the last 2 months i've started building up stuff like that to help art and whatever else stay tracked.
but people's work gets replaced a lot still and i have to remind not to replace work without asking people. idfk i can't say much without revealing it so i'll say people get fed up and it makes me stressed.
sorry for the shitty vent post i'll probably post something better next week who knows idfk
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no-thoughts-i-forgot · 9 months
i need. a place to just post things and do it like this because idfk i just want to. i mean i could do it on my newgrounds or my website (i made that blog for a reason) but like this is just so appealing to me.
i doubt anyone'll see it for a while but i think this could be fun. so yea i will maybe post my thoughts or whatever is happening weekly. that sounds fun! and maybe this could become a bigger thing!
so yea just thought i'd say hi here and say that text posts will be made probably and feel free to ask questions even though this is the first post and there is nothing.
if anyone on this vast internet is even reading this rn you're awesome and i appreciate your time. see you all next week hopefully i don't forget :)
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