nobxdysbitch · 10 years
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nobxdysbitch · 10 years
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nobxdysbitch · 10 years
[points and screams] YOU ARE/WERE ON DARYLLLLL
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nobxdysbitch · 10 years
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everything that’s happened to us, all the stuff we’ve done… are we gonna tell them the truth? we’re gonna tell them who we are. but how do you say that? who are we?
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nobxdysbitch · 10 years
[ I know we don't talk much, but your nan is my prayers. Sorry to that, friend ]
[ Thank you. Everythings still up in the air so we don't know yet but should by monday. So thank you.
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nobxdysbitch · 10 years
It's good to see you on again! I hope things are better for you, and you've had as good as time as you could.
[ They’re a bit better! Coming to grips with it all. Thank you.
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nobxdysbitch · 10 years
Daryl's opinion of Beth had changed dramatically over time. He'd gone from in all honestly think she was a little boring and there wasn't much to her - more of a daddy's girl than anything else but he still had respect for her, of course he did there was no one in this group he didn't have respect for. But over the past months he'd seen her in a different light. She was still that daddy's girl that couldn't put a foot wrong but she was fun, she was cheeky and wasn't afraid to have a conversation with Daryl no matter how grumpy he might have been. In many ways she'd been the person to help him come out of his shell - she'd taught him a lot. If there was anything he could have taught her in return he would have but he was a little rusty. Maybe he could teach her to shoot his bow one day? 
"Don't tell him that now he'll find something for ya'." A quiet throaty laugh left Daryl as he finished off the last of the food on his plate until it was practically clean. He hadn't realised just how hungry he was until he started eating but then again that was always the way in here. You didn't know how much you needed or wanted something until it wasn't there. Putting the plate to one side he stood himself up and took a look around. In the distance he could see a figure coming towards them slowly but not slow enough. 
It was about time to.
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"Alright, no heart attacks for Hershel and no sunbathin'. I've got a better idea." Well he might as well give it a shot. "Come with me." He beckoned her over with a hand heading towards the gates where the walker was approaching. "You ever shot a bow before?"
{ +daryl }
 "I’ll have to learn t’ask better questions then, won’t I?” Beth replied hotly, though there was no malice in her words. The truth was, she knew from looking at him he didn’t suffer fools. He didn’t like to be pestered, neither. She had always seen him as an eternally private sort of man, but she’d never really tried. Maybe this was her chance to remedy that, so his entry in her diary wouldn’t be a bunch of inelegantly scribbled question marks (and a few cats and penguins, because that was all she could draw).
 Daryl eating was always an experience. He wasted none of it, and even less time with manners. Beth had to keep a stiff lip as he slurped away, torn between ill and amused. At least he liked her cooking. Beth had spent a lot of time observing the group, for her daddy’s peace of mind. It came as a total surprise that he thought of her as a rule breaker, when in reality she wasn’t anything of the sort. She went to bed each night at ten, said her prayers, never touched alcohol or cigarettes, and had only had her first kiss with Jimmy (when all of this started).
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 ”I only broke it twice! And I had to go to church the next day, both times, ‘cause my dad got all funny about it. I think he was tryin’ to punish me, but it wasn’t much of a punishment…” Beth nestled her chin on the back of her spinny chair, toes still touching the ground. She idly pushed back and forth, fuming over the fact he’d said she was ‘innocent with a side of cheek’, more or less. Maybe he was seeing more to her than there was. She’d been a good girl.
 She still was.
 "No." Beth was red in the cheeks, now sitting bolt upright. “I like you bein’ alive, and I like my daddy not havin’ heart attacks. Unless you wanna plan it f’your own sake, then be my guest.” Beth waved her hands, now squinting up at the sky. Anywhere aside from Daryl.
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nobxdysbitch · 10 years
"Everythin's fine, just hadn't seen him this morning is all. How are you doing?"
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"He’s with Carl. Why? Everythin’ alright?" 
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nobxdysbitch · 10 years
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"I'm not so bad. Sure am, can't wait to get out of here for a while."
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"I’m doin’ fine? How are you Daryl? Ready for the run today?"
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nobxdysbitch · 10 years
"They're good people so nah I ain't."
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nobxdysbitch · 10 years
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"Aint you got more hope now? There's a cure."
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“‘M sure you have. Doesn’t excuse me though.” She bit her bottom lip and laughed. “As okay as a body can be, these days. Just um…Kinda tryin’ to keep goin’. Not lose what little hope I have.”
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nobxdysbitch · 10 years
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          "Even I ain't got the heart to do       that to a woman. This here is for       walkers and anybody who tries       to kill me - I think you're safe."
      { Daryl nodded his head and       swiped his tongue along his       bottom lip as a hand raised to       wipe across it. }
      "Now I guess I gotta come up       with a name for you."
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     ”And why’s that? Are you going         to open fire on a woman who is         sassing you? Settle down, I’m          only playing with you.”
     { She couldn’t help but laugh aloud ;           despite the small threat, the stranger           had her quite amused. Despite this           however, Sévérine’s hand disappeared           behind her back, fingers gliding over the           gun tucked in her waistband. }
          ”Legolas it is, then.”
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nobxdysbitch · 10 years
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Norman gets caught trying to take a selfie with Emily.
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nobxdysbitch · 10 years
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nobxdysbitch · 10 years
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nobxdysbitch · 10 years
"No man is good enough for your little girl…until one is." -Hershel Greene
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nobxdysbitch · 10 years
I'm really angry.
I'm really sad.
I'm also really scared.
It's thrown me of course so much. 
I'll try and get back into writing on here soon just please be patient with me. 
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