nocturnalrorobin · 4 hours
Are they into cockwarming? 😬
Oh absolutely.
Kid will have you sit in his lap while he works on finer details in the workshop, either having you help him, or teasing you if you can sit still. He swears it helps him focus.
Heat likes to ask you to warm his, but he'll get so needy and start whimpering you wonder why he asks for it. If you really want to delight him, admonish him and make him wait.
Killer likes to nap while being buried in you. He'll "punish" you if you wake him up, but if you're slow and careful you make sure he gets plenty of rest.
Wire... man, Wire would have Kid help him make a harness so he could just stay buried inside you all damn day. Good luck to you if they figure it out. Until then though, he'll pull you into his lap every chance he can.
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nocturnalrorobin · 4 hours
Sweet Flame - Heat x Reader
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Picture I got from Pinterest - it's a screencap from One Piece
Summary: Heat’s partner (you) gets separated from the Crew when Kaido lands on the island holding the Kid Pirates Hideout.
Word Count: 1,694
Details: Set in Wano Country Arc. Kid and Heat may be OOC but idc lol. Established relationship. Just a sweet little fic about Heat and his sweet partner. Tried to keep it as GN as possible, if I missed something let me know and I will fix it! I've never written Heat before, hopefully I wrote him well!
Also posted on AO3
Floral Banner and Support your Creaters banner from @saradika
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You weren’t with the Kid pirates very long when you had encountered the King of the Beasts.  When Kaido landed on the island where the Kid Pirates Hideout was, it was discovered that Apoo was already aligned with Kaido. You had been standing with Emma and House at the time, on the right side of the hole created by Kaido’s fall when Kaido locked eyes on me and reached his arm toward me, grabbed me and brought me closer to his face. 
“Well, aren’t you a pretty little thing?” He said with a malicious grin.I struggled against within his hold and could vaguely hear the Kid Pirates shouting for Kaido to let me down but my ears were focused on Heat yelling out for me. Kaido brought me closer to his face and I could smell the Sake on his breath. 
“I’m going to have fun with you.” He said as he squeezed a bit harder, my vision getting darker by the minute.
Getting separated from the rest of your crew was not easy, especially seeing as you weren’t as good a fighter the rest of the crew. By no means were you a bad fighter, but your skills lay more on the medical side of things. 
Kaido had you on a leash, figuratively and literally, after you landed on Onigashima you had been forced into a Beast Pirates Costume. The leash hung on the wall, right outside of the cell that was dug out of a rock wall facing a chair that the King of the Beasts often sat on while getting drunk. You weren’t completely alone, your captain being in the cell with you. 
Every once and a while, when the Beast Pirates had a party, you would be dragged out of the cell by your leash and paraded around with Kaido, usually attached to the arm of his chair or trailing behind him with the extra long leash hooked onto his belt. They would take the leash off and throw you into the cell, more often than not throwing you into your captain, who would break your fall. 
It was truly humiliating and every time you were brought back into the cell room you would see your captain’s look of pity before the expression shifted to a glare staring at whatever lackey brought you back into the room. It still shocked me to this day, as a newer member of the Kid Pirates, how protective Kid and the Commanders were of the female crew members. For the most part, they saw all of you as little sisters, the exception being Heat and myself. Of all the commanders, I saw Kid as the brother I never had. 
“If I had my powers, those bastards would be dead.” Kid grumbles quietly, shaking his wrist, seastone cuff clanking in the quiet dungeon. I huddled inside of his coat, the Beast Pirate Costume not keeping me warm whatsoever. He sighed and pulled me in closer. 
“I swear, I will get us out of here and get you back to Heat.” I nodded and drifted off to sleep against his arm. 
I was woken up harshly, with screaming and rustling surrounding me. I looked up from the ground, eyes still bleary from sleep, to see some of the Beast Pirates dragging Kid out forcefully. I stood up quickly, making to rush towards him when two more members stood in front of me, blocking my path. 
“You can’t go where he’s going Kaido's pet.” Beast Pirate #1 sneered out at me before backing out of the cell and slamming the door shut. 
“I’ll be back for you!” Kid shouted from across the room. 
“So stay alive until we get back, you got that punk?” Tears began running down my face, clouding my eyes further. I fell down to my knees, hunched over and tears spilling on the rocky floor. I was truly alone now. 
Time Skip to the Raid on Onigashima
It had been a hellish few weeks since Kid had been dragged out of the cell you shared. From overhearing conversations between the Beast Pirates is that Kid was brought to Udon prison and had since broken out. They also spoke of a Raid meant to happen tonight on an attempt on Kaido and Orochi’s life, but from the sounds of it they found out, ruining their plans.
Since it was the night of the Fire Festival, I was once again out on display, being made to kneel in front of Kaido’s chair, currently with all of the Tobiroppo all standing in front of me. Black Maria occasionally would lean down and coo at how ‘Sweet’ I was, asking Kaido if she could ‘keep me’. I shivered and kept my eyes staring forward. Her fake sweetness making my skin crawl. 
I tried not to pay attention to the conversation, not particularly interested in the whereabouts of Kaido’s son until I heard my name being mentioned. I noticed that the Tobi Roppi were gone, all that was left in the room was myself, Kaido, King, Jack and Queen. 
“Did you hear that pet?” Kaido leaned down closer to me, the stench of alcohol filling my senses. 
“I’m going to make my son the new Shogun of Wano, and you his pet.” He said with an evil grin as I looked up at him in shock. My blood went cold, where was Heat, where was Kid, the rest of my crew. I quickly looked back down to the ground, eyes clouding up with tears once again, tears I could not let fall.
Heat’s POV
“Where did you say they might be?” I asked Kid while we were running through the banquet hall, now thrown into chaos thanks to the strawhats. Kid turned towards me, fist curled 
“They're either in the dungeon or they are leashed up being paraded around by that bastard.” I turned towards my captain once more. 
“Paraded around?” Kid nodded. 
“That sick fuck has them on a leash and in one of those damn costumes.” My eye twitched slightly, and I moved my head looking around for that asshole as Kid continued.
“Because it’s a big gathering, they are likely hooked onto the arm of his chair, or if he’s walking around they are attached to his belt trailing behind him.” Kid glared ahead of him. 
“They always brought them back and just tossed them into the cell, never gave them anything but that damn costume to wear. Thankfully they didn’t take my coat away, kept her warm enough but I don’t know what happened to her after I was taken away to Udon prison.” He looked at me.
“I told her to stay alive, that we’d be back for her.” I nodded at Kid.
Reader’s POV
I was left alone in the room where Kaido sat when a green haired man rushed into the room. I stared in shock as he processed what was in front of him. 
“You OK?” I stared at him wide-eyed and shook my head.
“Are you one of them?” He asked, pointing at the logo on my costume. I shook my head again.
“Do you need me to get rid of that for you?” He asked, pointing towards my collar, which I nodded quickly at. 
“Please.” I whispered. He unsheathed one of his swords and lined it up with the leash attached to my collar. I pulled it tight, trying to get as far away from the sword as I could. I felt the pressure slack as he sliced through the metal cord. I sighed in relief at being able to move around freely. I stood up and stretched my legs. The green-haired man turned to walk away before he stopped and turned back to me.
“Do you know where the Banquet Hall is?” I blinked at him and nodded, getting in front of him to lead him down the path I walked many times. As we ran towards the hall in silence, I decided to risk a question.
“Are the Kid Pirates here?” I whispered, almost scared of his answer.
“Jaggy’s crew? Yeah.” He muttered. I smiled and kept silent for the rest of the run.
As we were almost to the Banquet Hall I noticed a fight happening ahead of us with a familiar head of light blue hair. I let out a cheer, alerting the man running beside me. 
“HEAT” I yelled out, I watched him turn around quickly, interrupting his conversation with the warlord Jimbe. His mouth stretched into a large smile.
“Flame!” He let out in a breathy whisper. He began running towards me, arms opening as he got closer. I jumped up and encircled my arms around his neck as he lifted me up, hands under my thighs and encouraged me to wrap my legs around his waist which I did. I nuzzled into the side of his neck and hugged him tighter. He pulled away from the hug and looked me over. 
“You OK? He didn’t hurt you too bad did he?” I shook my head as he let me back down on the floor. The green-haired man from before came up behind us, drawing Heat’s attention away from me for a second. His eyes narrowed at him and he tensed up, his grip on my waist getting tighter. I placed my hand on his chest, just above his heart, his eyes shifted back down to me.
“He cut my chains off. I was showing him to the Banquet Hall.” The tension Heat had in his shoulders visibly lightened and he turned to the man once more.
“Thanks man.” The green haired man grunted in response.
“What way is the Banquet Hall?” He addressed me. I pointed to the left.
“Down that hall, you can’t miss it.” He nodded and left quickly. I looked back up at Heat and hugged him once more. Heat’s hand came up and cupped my chin. 
“Stay with me, my Sweet Flame, don’t want to lose you again.” He mumbled before placing a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled into the kiss and laced my hands with his. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” I squeezed his hand tighter.
“I promise.”
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nocturnalrorobin · 10 hours
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experimenting w styles
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nocturnalrorobin · 16 hours
Does Kid prefer p**** or a**? 🤐
As in, there's no preference really - he's pretty fond of pretty little mouths too. Thick thighs save on condoms. collarbones are sexy covered in cum, and it doesn't matter what they drip onto from there.
He's into all of it.
As long as the person themselves is into it. It's no fun if his partner isn't losing their fucking minds because of him.
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nocturnalrorobin · 16 hours
Kid: The box is empty.
Killer: Shriek's not pretending to be a cat today, so maybe things can get back to normal.
Shriek: *bounding around the deck on all fours barking*
Kid: Careful what you wish for. *notices Shriek growling and chewing on his coat* You're taking this pup thing a little too literal, don't ya think? 😆
Shriek: Nu-uh! Haikei said you and Killer do puppy play all the time!
Kid and Killer: 😨😨
The rest of the crew: *struggling to hold in their laughter*
Shriek: Anyone wanna play fetch?
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nocturnalrorobin · 16 hours
Episode 1109
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nocturnalrorobin · 24 hours
The hold he has on me... 🥵🫦
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Akagami no Shanks [Egghead E1109] CALM THE FUCK DOWN YOU WHORE!
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nocturnalrorobin · 1 day
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nocturnalrorobin · 1 day
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nocturnalrorobin · 1 day
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nocturnalrorobin · 1 day
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💙 Massacre Orville Killer 🩵
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nocturnalrorobin · 1 day
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ONE PIECE (1999-?) ✴ TRAFALGAR LAW created by eiichiro oda
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nocturnalrorobin · 2 days
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This frame not only shows Killers face without anything covering it (except from the shadow), but also proves that he not only have a goatie, but a whole ass beard under his mask
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nocturnalrorobin · 2 days
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nocturnalrorobin · 2 days
Our Lucky Night!
Kid x Killer x cheerleaders
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Summary: Kid and Killer are famous. As they run into a bunch of hyped-up cheerleaders, they believe it's their lucky night. Words: 800 Tags: @fanaticsnail
Night falls over the small coastal town. 
The Kid’s pirates, satisfied after a successful day of business at the port, make their way back to the ship, strolling leisurely through the picturesque streets.
Kid and Killer are chatting animatedly a short distance ahead, closely followed by Wire and Heat. They observe as the nocturnal bars start to come alive, lighting their signs and inviting anyone looking for fun and company.
The squeal of a thrilled woman's voice echoes from the street nearby, startling the pirates who look around in surprise, searching for the source of the sound.
“OMG look at theeeem!!!!!” 
The shrieks are followed by a chorus of feminine shouts of excitement, applause, and nervous laughter. 
"They’ve put up the new ones!!”
"Girls, come see them!"
The pirates continue down the street, confused, not quite understanding what is causing such a commotion. Kid tries to address his crewmates, raising his voice to be heard above the clamor when a cry cuts him off.
Silence envelops the street.
For a few seconds, they exchange perplexed glances before breaking into a synchronized sprint down the street, eager to discover where the shouts are coming from.
Their four heads peer around the corner to spot a throng of about twenty women clustered at a bar's entrance, jostling each other to catch sight of the two new bounty posters pinned to the facade (likely just to appease the law).
"Why they gotta be so ripped and hot?"
"The higher the bounty, the hotter they are."
The girls stand on tiptoe with enthusiasm, leaning on one another for support as they strain to see the photos more clearly.
"Think they'd ever drop by this town?"
"I could think of a couple of jobs if I joined their crew."
Unconsciously, the pirates begin to mimic the girls, pushing each other competitively to gain a closer look and listen more intently.
"Those scars are mad sexy..."
Wire shakes his shoulders to free himself from Heat's tightly gripping fingers.
"Damn, the redhead is SO fucking hot, I can't even..."
The six pairs of eyes fix on the captain's face, just in time to witness how his cheeks flush involuntarily, turning several shades redder than their usual tone.
“Look at him... look at that badass face... look at that wild red hair."
"I wonder if he's also a redhead down there…"
Wire bursts into hearty, uncontrollable laughter. "Hey, Cap'n, looks like you've got yourself a fan club," he remarks, delivering a friendly slap on Kid's back, further unsettling him and causing his cheeks to blaze even brighter.
The girls, still clustered at the bar door, continue their lively conversation.
"Think I can rip off the poster and take it with me?" 
"You have no cure, you're addicted to redheads."
"Oh, he would be MY cure."
Kid chuckles.
His initial timidity begins to dissipate as he starts to process the increasingly naughty conversation.
"I've heard he's missing an arm."
"Yeah? Well, if he had me, he wouldn't need it..."
"... guys," Kid says, watching as the group of spirited girls continues to heap praise upon him, "... maybe we can stay on land a little while longer..."
“I wanna call him sir!”
“I want to change him, I want to make him worse!”
Kid smiles with a lopsided, mischievous grin, and Killer shakes his head and clicks his tongue beneath his mask, “be careful what you wish for, girls…”
The cheeky laughter echoes across the harbor, drawing Kid along with it. He laughs openly and shamelessly, hands on hips and chest puffed out, clearly pleased with himself and the admiration he seems to be receiving from the women.
"And look at the other one, ain't he a hottie?"
"The first mate?"
All the Kid Pirates turn towards Killer, their attention now fully on him. With arms crossed in a serious and stoic demeanor, he stays silent, secretly more grateful than ever for wearing the mask to hide his blush from the others.
"Oh, how I love men with long hair."
"I wanna brush his hair."
"I want to sit on his face!"
"... lucky bastard," Heat mutters, his gaze hypnotically fixed on the group of girls.
Kid throws an arm over Killer's shoulders in camaraderie, giving him a friendly shake. “Well, Kil,” he says with a large, cheeky grin, “looks like it's our lucky night!”
"Ladies, how about we head inside for a drink?" suggests one of the women, the others nodding eagerly.
Watching the girls disappear into the bar, Kid rolls his shoulders, straightens his back, and lifts his head high.
"Don't wait up for us, boys!" the captain calls out before striding purposefully toward the tavern, radiating self-assurance.
Killer follows close behind, his steps measured and hesitant.
As they reach the bounty posters, he casts a quick glance at them and promptly grabs Kid's shoulder to halt him.
"Kid, wait," he says dryly.
"Huh?" Kid spins around.
With a nod of his head, Killer gestures towards the bounty board, prompting Kid to step closer.
The captain, with a broad grin still plastered across his face, moves in to inspect it...
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nocturnalrorobin · 2 days
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Kid Pirates are really cute❤️
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nocturnalrorobin · 2 days
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Kid pirate doodles for the cool kid pirates fans out there 🤟
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