#afk au
nodawnesperia · 4 months
General Timeline
This timeline will include both canon and AU events as well as the important dates for some of the characters I would like to tackle early on. Also, I will not be using Draconis in this AU because their lore is full of retcons and changes that don't work in general Esperia and would absolutely not work in this AU.
2400 BCE – 726 BCE: The golden age of mortals: Age of Arcana
727 BCE: Cradle of Truth is created, divine weapons are lost
726 BCE – 578 BCE: Mortal Alchemy births the first Ya
492 BCE: Temple of Seers established
406 BCE: Exodus of the Wilders
401 BCE – 396 BCE: Dwarves separate from humans and leave for the mountains
385 BCE: Mauler Tribe foundation
242 BCE: Bellvale disaster, death of Quaedam
230 BCE: Kane is born out of a massive forest fire caused by the Cinder War
10 BCE: Dragons become "extinct" and Kane strikes a deal with his companion
1 BCE: Tasi is born
1 CE: Lightbearer Temple established
33 CE: Hypogeans arise
50 CE: Kane slays a human king and becomes a Hypogean
73 CE: First winter in Esperia, Dwarf kingdom destroyed
74 CE: Barred Gate created
183 CE: Order of the Sun established
262 CE: Quaedam returns
349 CE: Whisperers of the Wind established
423 CE: Renegade Brotherhood established
446 CE: Heresy Inquisition established
495 CE: Eldritch Council established
960 CE: Thoran becomes king of Bantus
998 CE: Thoran is murdered
1003 CE: Black Prison and Court of Terror established
1102 CE – 1106 CE: War of Black Woods
1530 CE: Altor rises from the sea
1546 CE: The society of the Crow established
1560 CE: Ezizh is created in the dream realm
1566 CE – 1582 CE: Rise of Sankast, fall of Rustport
1590 CE: Respen is born
1613 CE: Thorned Vengeance established
1616 CE: Khazard is corrupted
1636 CE: Coup at Chieftain's Peak, Quicksand Claws established
1656 CE: Grand Chieftain assassinated
1684 CE: Violet Orphanage coverup
1685 CE: Anasta's betrayal, Skriath becomes Grand Chieftain, Brutus becomes the Bloodclaw
1685 CE: The Barred Gate breaks
1685 CE: Kalthin is born
1686 CE: The Burning Woods incident
1686 CE: Graveborn and Hypogean alliance established
1687 CE: Rayne family conspiracy, Baden dies
1690 CE: The Lightbearer Empire falls
1690 CE: Tasi gains a physical form
1691 CE: Uemiss reclaims Altor
1692 CE: Dark Forest takeover
1701 CE: Current year
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jamescomjj · 4 months
I definitely didn't forget to post this HELP
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Swap au!!! It's a must for every media I enjoy
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frugalkubal · 7 months
I just started playing AFK Journey! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ I was drawn in by the art style; it's absolutely pleasing to my eyes. (⁠✯⁠ᴗ⁠✯) I've been delaying with the challenges/missions bc I kept wandering around, admiring the landscape art; basically just dilly-dallying for aesthetic pleasure. ♡ lol
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I named my character Gavene. I think it's obvious why I named him that. (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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cosmophalhemr · 2 months
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What if Gavus' cape,,, were his wings,,, Gavus wing au??
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seashoreshell · 11 months
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Lucilla and Liberta's family diary- 1/?
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shu120 · 1 month
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Don't worry Gavus Eugene will take care of your lips💄✨
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daily-lovestruck · 1 month
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#20 - What Are They Doing? Probably Not Murder!!!
AKA Alex x MC Among Us AU wherein MC is an Imposter. And Alex knows. And they love her anyway :]
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tatarella · 7 months
Eugavus Angst AU - Gavus „The Mourning Mage“ Re-Awakening / SSP
Putting the pictures behind the cut due to potentially triggering content, please mind the tags if you are uncomfortable with mild(ish) body horror.
This is based on some light lore theorycrafting spun up by users on the GaGene Nation Discord server after discussing what the new hero Adrian might have done or not have done with his partner, Elyse. How would the dads react in a similar situation?
For some reason I wanted to do a fun little concept for a corrupted Gavus based on this and got way too into it. 🙈
Scenario: Eugene passes away and leaves a mentally broken Gavus and his cube behind. Knowing that the cube offers endless possibilities in the hands of a capable holder, Gavus tries to use it to bring Eugene back from the dead. Due to his incompatibility with the cube‘s power however, his already fragile mind and body get corrupted, turning Gavus into a Hypogean abomination with just one goal in mind: finding a way to return his love to him.
Initial sketch:
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„After having no tears left to cry, he sought to become one with what remained of his love. Maybe with this newfound power, he could bring him back?“
The idea was that Gavus body struggled to contain the power of the cube, hence his skin slowly cracking like porcelain. Behind it is a black void with the red markings of the cube swirling within.
Costume/Weapon concept (including a full version without the noisy background):
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The red scarf is Eugene‘s cape which Gavus took with him after Eugene died.
He embedded the Trickster‘s Cube into his chest where his heart is, hence the corruption spreading.
His Celestial body and clothes are incompatible with the magic of the cube, this is why it corrupts his limbs and burns his clothes. Eugene‘s cape is not affected because it still has Eugene‘s compatibility. (I found out that the program I‘m using for digital art actually has a very neat brush for a cloud/stain effect AFTER painstakingly painting the burn marks on his clothes by hand. 😂 )
SSP Gavus‘ weapon is a merged version of Eugene‘s Weapon and his own, broken SP ring. Including more cube corruption, OF COURSE.
Gavus actually succeeds in bringing Eugene back from the dead, but at the cost of his sanity and becoming a Hypogean himself.
Eugene is NOT happy about what Gavus did and somehow finds a way to wake Dura (and in the progress ascending as a Celestial himself), just to ask her to return his husband to the status as Celestial.
Bonus picture: Celestial Eugene (whom I accidentally outlined on the sketch layer because I‘m very slow of brain, so you gotta live with my red sketchy lines 🥲).
I took the chance and gave him a cute little low ponytail!
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Now I need some fluff.
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ps1demodisk · 4 months
Afk Journey AU type thing where Merlin is actually a graveborn but doesn't know due to his constant bouts of amnesia
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Uh there's a lot to get through but I'll drop the evil bits of lore I've got so far
Important things to note:
There's a temple called "Merlin's Grave", the story told is that it was where someone tried to assassinate Magister Merlin and failed, but in truth the temple was built around his gave to honour him (and then later used to conceal the grave when people started trying to break into his tomb, but especially after he rose from the dead).
He sealed off the entrance to the part of the temple the tomb is in with magic after he left (he doesn't remember this though).
He was, at one point, technically a lightbearer.
The Magister goes by Lazarus, but not many people call him that. Mostly just Hogan.
His headpiece actually helps with his amnesia, although his memory is still pretty bad, it helps him hold on to important memories, like who his friends are, what he is, who his enemies are, core memories, stuff like that.
His hair is kinda long but he usually just puts it in a weird kinda low hanging long bun thing and no one seems to realise it's as long as it is.
All of this is post-canon.
Ok this is gonna be a little messy and long.
He has vague flashes of memories at the tavern one night, drinking with Valen, and eventually they get too vivid and he just runs out the tavern looking worried. Valen sees this and decides to follow since it's odd for the magister to act like this.
Lucky for Valen, the magister doesn't run for very long, and Valen is able to follow from a distance so he's not seen.
They head into a thick foresty part a little ways outside ryeham, and after a while of following Valen realises the magister is looking for something
They go really deep, at one point Valen isn't even sure if this area has been walked in in the past hundred years, but the magister makes a path through the undergrowth as he goes and Valen just follows it. His legs are getting tired but they're so deep he can't even see the sky, he doesn't know if the sun even reaches here or if it's just still nighttime, he can't stop and go back without alerting the magister to the fact he's following so he just keeps going (because he doesn't want to leave him out here alone).
The magister keeps stopping at certain points and looking around, Valen isn't sure if he's looking at land marks to tell him where he is or if he's suspicious he's being followed.
Finally he stops at a big tree, from where Valen is he can see the magister but not what he's looking at on the tree, he reaches in the trunk and pulls something out and then just sinks to the ground and stays there, for a while it looks like he's crying, but then he lays down.
It seems like he ended up falling asleep after a while, so Valen finally approaches. When he makes his way around to the side of the tree the magister was looking at he sees two things, a big hole that looks to have been blown into the tree a very long time ago which the tree grew around to heal, and a very large sword that also seems to be mostly swallowed by the tree's growth by now. Near the sword is a small hole that looks fresh, like something embedded in the tree there had just been pulled out.
When he looks back at the magister he sees he's holding a little crown of some kind, and he realises that was what the magister came out here for.
Valen ends up falling asleep next to the magister while waiting for him to wake up, the walk was exhausting and so was all the stealthy stalking. When he wakes up, the magister's cloak is draped over him, and he is stood a little ways away from Valen, staring at the crown from last night. When Valen makes noise the magister turns to him with an unreadable expression, muttering something about how they should start heading back since it'll take a while. The magister feels different, the magister is acting different, but Valen doesn't get any answers until they're halfway through their walk back and he's been begging the whole time.
"I think that's where I died."
The magister is silent for the rest of the trip back, no matter how much Valen tries to get further answers or just talk casually to him.
Evil break for bad art
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Valen gets answers from Hogan eventually, cause the magister has just been kinda spacey ever since and Valen is worried
Tells him "the magister is a graveborn, he just keeps forgetting."
It takes a while to get answers about the tree and the crown cause Hogan has zero clue what Valen is on about, but eventually he finds some old texts about the magister and there's also some drawings/paintings thingies with it in, and Hogan is like
"Ouhhh that's not a crown, that's just a headpiece, he probably died with that and finding it at his place of death was his way of verifying the memories of his death were real." but in hogan words.
Hogan eventually decides after enough moping that Valen should take the magister to his grave. For closure. And because he keeps asking if he has a name, and the grave is probably his best bet. Merlin's Grave actually being Merlin's grave is a well kept secret amongst the heroic order so...
Valen talks to Merlin a little on the way cause he's still being quiet and mopey and tries to be funny about it like "wow who'd have guessed Merlin's grave was at the place called Merlin's grave!"
They have to go in at night, but since magister Merlin is the one requesting access they don't have to sneak around to get underneath the temple, they're pretty much told "the door to the grave itself doesn't open so I'm not sure how you'll get in there but whatever" and left alone
Except Merlin immediately opens the door with his magic. Because he sealed it. When he left. With his magic.
They find out it's more of a tomb than a grave, the part where the body should be is wide open and unsurprisingly empty, but both are unsettled by the claw marks all over the inside of the stone coffin (and on some of the outside edges). Merlin decides not to give too much thought to how long he must've been trying to get out for when he reanimated, and just goes to read the name carved onto the lid of the coffin.
He and Valen turn to each other.
"Is that really it?"
"It must be.."
"Never call me that. Ever. This makes me want to die again so they recarve it."
"...You've definitely come up with better since I've known you..."
"No, no, Valen I think this is what my parents called me..."
"...did they hate you or something?"
They leave the grave with a (surprisingly) happier Merlin, but also both very disturbed by the claw marks.
In this au the magister just randomly hands Valen cheese and Valen has never questioned this, he just eats it. It's been happening for so long that Valen actually gets excited when the magister pulls out cheese now.
The name on the tomb is Clitus Bottom
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kotelok16 · 3 months
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I didn't publish this art because of... The reasons? I don’t know, I just forgot to make a post with them.
In any case, this is a small attempt at the style of the game released a couple of months ago — AFK Journey. I really like this style, so I tried to draw the guys from my fantasy au in it. (I wanted to draw Mikan too, but I didn't have enough strength for her-)
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nodawnesperia · 4 months
Current Situation Report (map status)
The map has undergone some changes but since I am not great at art, let's take a look at the map piece by piece and go over how things changed from canon.
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Previously: The capital city of the Lightbearer Empire and its surroundings, the heart of the Empire and conglomerate of the Lightbearer nobility. Currently: The base of operations for the current progress of the invasion, includes the domains of Mortas, Leofric, and Olgath.
Bastion of the Elements
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Previously: The place where all the elements converge and are balanced, built on top of the Solaran Furnace, it hosts a temple for the Wilder sages. Currently: In ruins, the balance overturned and Solaran furnace shattered, includes the domains of Maetria and Kane.
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Previously: The sacred tree of the Wilders, its root system spreads through the entirety of the Dark Forest, it's said it also helps provide the magical barrier around the Forest that protects the Wilders. Currently: Yggdrasil has been burnt down, its roots corrupted and turned into a spy network spanning the entirety of the Forest, the magical barrier has transformed from a protective feature to a cage, includes the domains of Framton and Lavatune.
Tomb of the Ancients
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Previously: A sacred burial ground of the Wilders and the final place of many spiritual journeys, a sacred land untouched by evil. Currently: A mysterious tomb of an imprisoned goddess, surrounded by misty wastelands, includes domains of Vyloris and Mask Currator.
Desert Sanctuary
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Previously: An oasis given to the Maulers by the goddess Dura as their refuge in the desert, Temple of Seers and the center of the Maulers' religious activities Currently: A refuge for those displaced by the war and a hospital for those still willing to fight, with the Celestials on the decline, the temple has been converted into a training and recovery ground.
The Scorched City
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Previously: A rough region in the former Bellvale after it was leveled, and a base for bandits and Quicksand Claws trying to ambush traveling caravans, and occasionally a battlefront for the Lightbearer-Mauler conflict. Currently: The front of the war, ravaged by the conflict between the Hypogeans and the Maulers, a land soaked in blood.
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Previously: The former dwarven capital, abandoned after Alna ushered in the first winter and made it uninhabitable, under Lightbearer control. Currently: The mountain passes have grown even colder and more inhospitable than in the past, most living beings are unable to even pass through, under Graveborn control.
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Previously: Once a prosperous kingdom founded by the Lenu people, fallen and revived with its last king, Thoran, it is a land of darkness and suffering where the undead work tirelessly on studies of necromancy. Currently: A bustling hub of commerce between the Hypogeans and Graveborn where one can buy whatever they might want from texts to people, under Graveborn control.
The Abandoned Port
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Previously: The base of operations for the Graveborn navy, once a beautiful port city, it was overrun by the Graveborn when Thoran returned to rule. Currently: The joint base of operations for both the Graveborn and the Hypogean navies and the planning center of the Isle of the Banished invasion, the residence of Mezoth and Lucretia.
Isle of the Banished
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Previously: The last bastion of hope for the undead hoping to just quietly disappear from the world, escaped prisoners of war, and those who see their undeath as a curse. Currently: While the unique natural conditions as well as tireless defenders work to protect the Isle's peace, the relentless attacks by the Hypogean-Graveborn alliance left the island scarred and slowly weakening. It hasn't fallen yet but it is only a matter of time.
Mire Town
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Previously: After the brutal Fight of the Black Woods, the landscape turned into a putrid marsh, toxic to all living beings and dissolving even the undead. Currently: After the Barred Gate broke, Mire Town was one of the first locations taken over by the Hypogeans and quickly filled with torture and prison camps, holding those the Hypogeans hated the most, domain of Conrad and Morass Diabolus.
The Ancient Ruins
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Previously: Once a glorious temple to the gods, it fell into disrepair after the first Hypogean war and Dura's death despite having been said to be Dura's birthplace Currently: The temple was repurposed by the Hypogean supporters and Sin-bearers to perform grand terrible rituals to bolster the forces of the Hypogeans as well as study the arcane arts for their own purposes, in the private, most sacred rooms of the temple, the god of death himself resides.
The Old Mine
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Previously: Mines filled with magical ore, often frequented by dwarves as well as Lightbearer slavers with their Wilder slaves in search of rare and magical metals. Currently: The magical ore has been mostly mined out but the mines remain in use, as the last destination for prisoners of war deemed unbreakable by conventional methods, in the mines, Graveborn and Hypogean jailors subject the prisoners to relentless physical and psychological torture, working them to the bone, domain of Kalthin.
Hoarfrost Ridge
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Previously: Before the rise of Altor from the sea, it was known as "The Edge of the World" both due to being the southernmost edge of Hathor and for how many ships found their gruesome end in the icy western winds of the area. Currently: The already inhospitable icy land proved perfect for many of the Hypogeans who sought to remove themselves from the war, it became an area of tense peace – or rather cold indifference, the domain of Respen.
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Previously: A mysterious land of permanent frost, it hides a doorway protected by an ancient megalith and powerful enchantments that repel those who attempt to breach it. Currently: After the Hypogeans found the megalith and toppled it, the enchantment wore off quickly, once the seal was broken, there was little of interest left for the rampaging Hypogean army, Abandonment eventually became an end-of-the-line area for worshippers who had lost their purpose and were no longer of use, domain of Khazard.
The White Woods
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Previously: The crystals mined in these mountains offer unparalleled hardness. sturdiness, and beauty, coupled with its strategic location, it is an important stronghold to keep for anyone interested in gaining the upper hand in ongoing conflicts. Currently: After the Burning Woods incident, Kane's first focus became claiming the mountain pass and after a swift assault, he managed to secure it for the Hypogeans, earning them an easy advantage in the ensuing war, the domain of Mehira.
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Previously: An autonomous island off the coast of Hathor, open to all outsiders regardless of their faith or loyalty, including practices frowned upon on the mainland. Currently: Having taken advantage of the natives' kind nature, the Hypogean invasion was quick and devastating, catching the city by surprise and subjugating the countryside within weeks, the domain of Lavatune.
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Previously: An area said to determine the loyalty and devotion of Dura's chosen, never breached fully by a mortal, carrying silent bones of heroes of days past in its bowels. Currently: After the Celestials lost their divinity, their seals placed upon the Monastery weakened significantly. Unable to withstand the influx of refugees, the celestial guardians began slaughtering the innocents indiscriminately. In the chaos of resentment and pain, the place was tainted, becoming a breeding ground for the Hypogeans until its eventual fall. The domain of Lucretia.
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Previously: The glorious castle of the gods, a safe sanctum far removed from mortal strife, beautiful and pure, housing the gods' workshops, training grounds, and the center of their social lives. Currently: After the fall of the Monastery, the Sanctum closed its gates, and most of the gods withdrew to the deepest reaches of the fortress, a large part of the beautiful Sanctum now lies in ruins, leaving the gods trapped or scattered across Esperia.
Barred Gate
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Previously: Dura placed a mighty seal on the Barred Gate to keep the Hypogeans at bay but due to the Celestials slacking on their duties as well as the Hypogeans outside of the Gate working to weaken Dura's seal, it slowly grew faint over time. Currently: The Gate broke open, spilling Hypogeans back into Esperia, its strange rift in time and space leading some to believe its power can yet be used to save the day and turn the tides of war, the domain of Zolrath.
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Previously: After rising from the sea, the mysterious continent was colonized by the dwarves, its savage brutal natives trying and failing to stop the encroach of civilizations, its northern regions hiding many a tribal secret and eldritch horrors beyond the mortals' wildest dreams. Currently: Reclaiming his lands, Uemiss started rebuilding his kingdom, slowly but surely wearing down the curse placed on his people and ushering in a new era of prosperity, built on the blood and bones of those who would oppose them.
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[ Tideturners AU - Grand High Sovereign Ruju ]
Champion of the [REDACTED]
"Neither of us will live to see the world that emerges once this one is gone. Our purpose ends here, burning in a distant land where no one will remember our names."
"Now, step forward. Show me your resolve... And I will show you mine."
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megatraven · 1 month
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just rewatched clips from my favorite youtuber's among us series and so im thinking about my among us astoria au where mc is an imposter :] and alex loves her so so so much regardless of the fact that she is :]]]
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cosmophalhemr · 26 days
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Had a vision fr fr
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Adult!Liberta au because yes,,,, I think it'd be really cute if, Lucilla and Liberta were to grow up, they'd like?? Switch styles yknow
Like Lucilla would cut her hair off while Liberta grows his out
Yknow what would also be rlly cute for an adult au?? Lucilla growing up to be like. This super buff warrior while Liberta is very unathletic and nerdy and stuff,,,,, they still get along well lol
Imagine the family reunions
Lucilla : "I wiped out an army!!!"
Liberta : "I found this really cool rock by the beach and did research on it for 6 months"
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I like to think Liberta would become some sorta,,, explorer scholar??? Travelling scholar I guess!! As a mix of both Gavus and Eugene. He goes around, researching everything he possibly can and then infodumps to everyone he knows lol
I'd love to hear other people's ideas for an AU like this!! Hell, I could maybe write a short one-shot of this AU
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eva-kl0ndaik · 4 months
I will gladly accept both fluff and 18+ (depending on the request). I don't think I can accept all requests, and some I will simply ignore. My works have no desire to encourage you to take any actions or thoughts. The topics that may be raised in most posts can harm you. If you can't read this, DO NOT READ!
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shu120 · 2 months
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