noeyestruth · 11 months
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noeyestruth · 11 months
Breathing Techniques to Help the Magus
These are just a few techniques I picked up in my years. It includes things that help with energy work but also stuff that just helps in the day-to-day runnings, like the four-fold breath or a breath to help energize the body midway through the afternoon.
The Vase Breath
The vase breath helps in meditative practices because it introduces more oxygen to the system. More air also means the bringing in of more energy into the body. It also just helps when you're walking in a natural area. We often just breathe with our chest and that is good too, this exercise follows the analogy of a vase. When you fill a vase, it starts at the bottom and flows upwards. When you empty it, it goes from the top downwards. So, when breathing, the following pattern is formed:
Breathe into the abdomen and allow it to expand outwards, then moving upwards into the chest and throat. Hold for a few seconds, then slowly release through the chest downwards to the abdomen.
Our dear friend, Jason Miller, provides that the breathing rate should move down from 15 breaths per minute to round about 8.
The Four Fold Breath
My friends during high-school used to do this before exams, it is like a mix between breathing, mindfulness and visualization. They used to call it the Box Breath and the goal was to fill up the box with your breathing. The other method that I learnt was to use your breath to form lines. 4 seconds inhale to form one lines, hold to form the next, exhale for four seconds to form the next line then hold for four seconds to create a little square. This can be done over and over again and the breathing control, the counting and the visualization does well to bring the mind to a state of stillness.
Bedtime Breathing
When the mind is fucked, and busy recuperating from the fucked-upedness of the world around us, we may find it a bit more difficult to fall asleep. This breath helps with that. The pattern is as follows:
Breathe in for four seconds, hold for seven and exhale for eight.
It sounds weirdly difficult when I write it and read it but in practice it does help. I generally like to imagine breathing out the stress of the day as soot and smoke and breathing in something like a soft blue energy to bring my body back into peace mode.
Morning Breathing
This has a similar form to the Kundalini Breath of Fire in a way but this one serves more for raising personal energy in the morning as compared to raising the energy of the Kundalini. The way it is done is to breathe in for six seconds then force the air out in a sharp exhale for two seconds.
Pore Breathing
Which allows the magus to take in energy, or Qi, from their surroundings. It may start off with a simple vase breath but as the magus goes along, they begin to focus on their pores opening, and as they inhale - they bring in the surrounding Qi which they can imagine as soft, soothing golden light that enters into every single one of their pores and infuses with their entire system. This is good for just everyday work but finds its glory when the energy is gathered, directed and sent into something like a talisman. If you desire, you may even go to particular places. Sitting in the moonlight to absorb Lunar Qi, in natural areas to absorb the Qi of the Earth and so on.
Additional Techniques
Something I use to ground myself is to breathe but push all that breathe to the bottom of my body, to where the base of my spine is, rather than bringing it upwards to my head and above it to bring consciousness and energy into a trance state.
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noeyestruth · 11 months
🌿 Ethical Cleansing Alternatives🌿
Hello darlings 🥰
I wanted to talk about an important issue today: the use of palo santo and white sage for cleansing. While these plants have become popular in the spiritual community for their cleansing properties, it’s important to remember that they have cultural significance for Indigenous people and may not be accessible or appropriate for everyone to use.
Additionally, both palo santo and white sage are endangered in the wild due to over-harvesting. So what are some alternatives for cleansing that are respectful to Indigenous cultures and environmentally friendly? Here are a few ideas:
🌿 Garden Sage: This is a great alternative to white sage, and it’s easily accessible at most grocery stores. You can use it the same way you would use white sage for cleansing and smudging.
🌿 Cedar: Cedar is a sacred plant to many Indigenous cultures, and it’s a great alternative to palo santo. You can burn cedar to cleanse a space or use it in a bundle for smudging.
🌿 Lavender: Lavender is a gentle yet effective plant for cleansing negative energy. You can use dried lavender in a bundle or as loose herbs, or even burn lavender-scented candles or incense.
🌿 Rosemary: Rosemary has cleansing properties and is often used in protection spells. You can use it in a bundle for smudging or sprinkle dried rosemary around your home.
Remember, the most important thing is to use alternatives that are respectful to Indigenous cultures and are environmentally sustainable. Also, be sure to research the plants you’re using and make sure they’re safe for burning.
🌿 Some tips for using these alternatives:
🌱 Before you begin, set your intention for cleansing and protection.
🌱 Burn the plant material over a fireproof surface like a metal bowl, shell, or cauldron.
🌱 Use a feather or your hand to waft the smoke around your space or yourself.
🌱 Be sure to extinguish the material safely when you’re finished.
I hope this post has been helpful in finding more ethical and sustainable alternatives for cleansing. Remember to approach your practice with respect and reverence, and to always be mindful of the impact you’re having on the environment and others. 
Thank you @panthera-dei for bringing this important issue to my attention on my previous post detailing Protection Magick which I have since edited, and for giving me a reason to research this topic further. As a community, let’s make a conscious effort to practice sustainable and ethical witchcraft and respecting the cultural significance of practices like smudging.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to get in contact. Let’s continue to support and uplift Indigenous cultures while practicing our craft 💚✨
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🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
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With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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noeyestruth · 3 years
Trines & talents
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🟤Sun trine Moon: A great understanding of emotions. A lot of creativity and ability to give birth to many projects. A powerful and strong mind. The natives can be talented for acting due to the great handling of their emotions and their expressiveness.
🟤Sun trine Mars: Lots of willpower, energy and initiative. Here we have the classic placement of a born leader, someone with charisma with the ability to lead a group. Talent in the sports area. Easy to motivate others.
🟤Sun trine Jupiter: A natural aptitude for teaching, a natural brightness that easily brightens their surroundings and a great talent for comedy. Very intelligent and experts in the topics of their interest. Educated and great communicators.
🟤Sun trine Saturn: Disciplined natives with great aptitude for leadership roles and mandate. A lot of self-control, resilience and intrapersonal skills that make them qualified people in the eyes of others. Great intrapersonal intelligence, management skills and self-control.
🟤Sun trine Neptune: They have an introspective personality, they are very spiritual and intuitive natives. Great artistic sensitivity. Here we see great artists especially in the musical branch, tarot readers, psychics.
🟤Sun trine Pluto: People with ease to read people, great observers, quick and accurate deductions. Very intuitive when it comes to their hunches with people. Great leaders and psychics.
🟤Moon trine Mercury: A powerful and very capable mind. These natives are quite intelligent, have a good memory and usually have a melodious voice. Talent for writing, teaching, singing, voice acting and for healing others with their words.
🟤Moon trine Venus: Great sense of aesthetics, graceful appearance. Lots of social skills. They are able to charm others easily. Ability to build bonds quickly. Talent for design, any type of art, for poetry and drawing in particular.
🟤Moon trine Jupiter: Mass appeal and the ability to endear yourself wherever you go. Lots of social skills and understanding of the needs of the public. Ability to make any place your home. Artistic talents particularly painting and music.
🟤Moon trine Saturn: They give others a sense of stability, they have a great ability to control groups of people. They are persevering and very hard-working. Objective understanding of emotions. Talent for psychology, analysis, writing and leadership.
🟤Moon trine Uranus: They easily inspire others with their unique ideas and attitudes. Here we have the restless native who needs constant mental stimulation. Talent for dance, public speaking, science and the arts of all kinds.
🟤Moon trine Neptune: These natives are sensitive to what is happening around them, they are creative, artistic and very spiritual. Talent for prediction and art. Great ability to sense the emotional needs of others and a tendency to pick up others energy.
🟤Moon trine Pluto: A powerful intuition, intense emotions that transmit beauty wherever they are captured. Here we see great poets, people with great intuition, a mind that makes accurate deductions and someone who can sense things before they happen.
🟤Mercury trine Mars: Quick reflexes, a quick and very lively mind. Great skills to debate and defend points of view. Easily motivates other people. They have the talent to undertake all kinds of projects. Usual in rappers, dancers or sport players.
🟤Mercury trine Jupiter: They have an enormous talent for learning languages, and in general for learning quickly and independently. They pass on knowledge easily. Great sense of humor. Talent as writers, comedians, translators.
🟤Mercury trine Saturn: Here we have perfectionist and organized minds. These natives have a great ability to learn what they want very easily. Talents in the area of ​​organization, for finances and writing of all kinds.
🟤Mercury trine Uranus: The mind of a genius, these people are endowed with much originality and a strange charm when it comes to speaking. Their voice is unique and they always have something interesting to say. Lots of charisma. Talent for art, science, astrology and singing.
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🟤Mercury trine Neptune: Their minds are a whole other world, great ability to create their own reality. It's no surprise that musicians and writers have this aspect. They are poetic people whose way of communicating charms others with ease. Manifestation talent.
🟤Mercury trine Pluto: The power of analysis and intuition merge, making the native someone who knows perfectly what is happening around them. Great intuition and an unparalleled deduction ability. Their words are powerful and leave a great impact on others, powerful communicators.
🟤Venus trine Mars: The mannerisms and moves of these natives are naturally graceful, so dance is something that usually catches their attention. Ability to fit in no matter the group of people, lots of mass appeal and acting talent.
🟤Venus trine Jupiter: They stand out easily in any artistic branch, they usually inspire others with their works of this nature. Charming social skills. Talents for comedy, for modeling, make up and design of all kinds. They solve problems with ease.
🟤Venus trine Saturn: These people have a great ability to manage finances, event planning, and design of all kinds, particularly interiors or fashion. They are good at drawing and any activity related to crafts. Talent for writing.
🟤Venus trine Uranus: They give beauty and deep meaning to things that go unnoticed. They have a talent for painting, writing and photography. Ability to express themselves through their hobbies and art. They have innovative ideas and never seen before in the artistic field.
🟤Venus trine Neptune: They are very sensitive when it comes to interacting with people and put their hearts into everything they do. Ability for poetry and express feelings in a moving and enchanting way. Musical skills. Good skills for artistic make up. Awesome dancers.
🟤Venus trine Pluto: Great talent for transforming ideas or the minds of others through their art. A lot of social magnetism and great power of persuasion. The fact that their emotions are intense makes them great actors.
🟤Mars trine Jupiter: They have a high energy level and a great aptitude for leadership. They have a talent for improvisation, they know how to think clearly under pressure and make quick decisions. Talent for acting and sports.
🟤Mars trine Saturn: Excellent leaders, they know how to work very well as a team and lead with justice and equity. Decision making is facilitated regardless of the context. They have self-control. Talent for organization, teaching and communication.
🟤Mars trine Uranus: They always seek to do things that will benefit them in the long run. Quick reactions, a very lively and energetic mind and a need for stimulation. Here we have people with talent for sports, the scientific or mathematical branch, for acting and a great entrepreneurial talent.
🟤Mars trine Neptune: Go-getters who manifest with ease. They go after their dreams and will always validate those of those around them. They have a lot of charm with the public. Talent for dance, modeling and acting.
🟤Mars trine Pluto: Ambitious and dominant people who demand a lot of both themselves and others. Great leaders, they know how to regenerate and rise from the ashes or start from scratch. Great sense of duty. Talent for planning, strategy and sports.
🟤Jupiter trine Saturn: Wise people who have known how to learn from each experience they have lived. Teachers and advisers of life, rational people with a great ability for public relations, teaching and communication.
🟤Jupiter trine Uranus: Independent philosophers who say what they think without fear of what people will say. They have an intelligent mind with a great capacity for learning. They encourage others easily. They always innovate the field that is of their interest. They can be great teachers and writers.
🟤Jupiter trine Neptune: They are very spiritual people who always seek to help others. They have great intuition and the ability to manifest a new reality. Great poets and psychics.
🟤Jupiter trine Pluto: These people are powerful and very eye-catching. They have talents for managing finances, public speaking and persuading other people.
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noeyestruth · 3 years
Understanding Pluto
Pluto is a planet that's horribly misinterpreted and it's terribly sad, so I decided to show him some appreciation, and ultimately, understanding.
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Pluto, at it's core, is about truth. The hard to swallow, brash, undeniable truth. Pluto is easy to demonise because he is seen as a planet that brings pain but he does not. He simply reveals reality. He is our only real friend, in that way. He is wiser than us, and knows that short term pain is necessary for long term gain. Pluto is kinder than most.
Pluto is our 'shot of espresso', as it were. He wakes us up, and makes us see. He is a reality check. He sees everything, completely clearly. He is not ashamed, or inhibited, or cautious in any way. He has no preconceived notions about us, or anything for that matter. He sees the black, white and grey of every situation. He makes us see it too.
Pluto knows what we are capable of and what we need to learn. He forces these lessons upon us no matter what. He is able to see the bigger picture, and knows eventually we will too.
The thing about Pluto is, he doesn't see what is unknown to us. He sees what we refuse. He sees the ugly we don't acknowledge. He sees the obscene we are ashamed of. He sees the hurt we repress. This is precisely why he is so painful. He makes us change and learn from the darkest parts of ourselves and our lives.
This is also why Pluto is so 'intense'. He acts as a mirror of the most difficult parts of ourselves, which is often intense like that. He is karmic, he is harsh, he is blunt. He is exactly what we need to grow.
Pluto is the most accepting planet for all of these reasons. He accepts any and all taboo. Mostly, because nothing is taboo to him. He is like your most honest and forgiving friend. There is a reason he's the planet that covers all things sex, death, karma, rebirth and transformation.
Pluto is so beautiful, and deserves so much more love. His kindness should be appreciated and his intentions should be understood. He has been copping unfair flack forever, and it is entirely undeserved. Please love Pluto, because he loves you too.
I hope this rant made sense and I hope you understood what I'm trying to say. I love Pluto and I've been thinking about him a lot so I wanted to say something. He deserves so much more appreciation omg. Let me know what you guys think!! Sending every one of you lots of love <33
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noeyestruth · 3 years
Problems and solutions in your birth chart part 1
The birth chart is a great self awareness tool, so it can be looked at as a 'problem' and 'solution' outlet. The problem is usually related to malefic planets or difficult aspects or planets that are in fall, even houses that don't match the energy of the sign they are in. Here are some examples in which you can solve these setbacks within your chart.
The problem: SATURN - Saturn is the planet of lessons, hardship and while things always take time in this area, there are some ways in which we can speed things up and do the inner work in order to make those lessons feel more natural. Saturn can give us anxiety and make us feel delayed. With Saturn, the more you do the work and do not give up to your path, the faster you reach a sense of maturity and mastering in that area. You can look at aspects to Saturn to see which areas give you more anxiety or which areas come easier to you in connection to Saturn.
The solution: The planet ruling your Saturn sign shows the area where, using that expression of that planet can help you overcome blockages. Capricorn & Aquarius (both signs ruled by Saturn) - just observe where these signs are in your chart and what planets are touching (if any). If you blend these two energies, you get the essence of Saturn, which is using discipline (the house where you have Capricorn) and authenticity (being true to your own path in the house where you have Aquarius) in order to master what Saturn is here to teach you - real effort pays off if you trust your own path. Uranus can show how your environment can help you express your authenticity that way.
Example: My Saturn is in the 3rd house in Aries, Mars (ruler of Aries) is in my 9th house - traveling is something that really opens up my communication barriers. I have a Capricorn & Aquarius stellium in the 1st house. My discipline can be found whenever I express my personality outwardly. I have Aquarius in the 2nd house, so my authenticity lies in reaching success by my own rules. Every time I combine these two energies - I am closer to my goals.
I have a signature reading which looks at your personal chart for solutions of your Saturn placement.
The problem: PLUTO - Pluto is a very tricky planet, it can show the place where we naturally feel more dawned to show our power, but also the place where we have setbacks out of fear and out of trying to control things way too much. Aspects to Pluto can show the nature of your fears or the energies you are intuitively connected to. The less you try to control things, the better.
The solution: The planet ruling the sign that your Pluto is in shows the area where you can express your fears and where there is potential to explore them deeper and understand yourself better, as well as the way you express your fears. Scorpio - just observe the house and planets that are in the sign of Scorpio and take that as your solution to really heal your past traumas through engaging in activities related to that house.
Example: My Pluto is in the 11th house in Sagittarius, Sagittarius is ruling my 12th house - so diving deep into my dreams and subconscious can show intense feelings of the past. Jupiter is in my 1st house, so I can definitely embrace these fears through my appearance (wear them on my sleeve). My 11th house is in Scorpio, so my pain point is connected to my solution - integrating myself in a healthy way throughout a community and sharing my intuitive gifts here.
comment which other planets/asteroids you'd like me to uncover
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noeyestruth · 3 years
you ever have a piece of bread that’s so good you understand the plot of les miserables?
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noeyestruth · 3 years
this post was created by @moonianbbyg on tumblr <3 if reposting my work please give credits.
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❤️‍🔥 ARIES: i noticed that aries moons are very protective of their romantic partners! they could possibly be very territorial of them simply because it’s hard for them to get along with just anyone so when they find someone they can romantically love it feels like a miracle. aries moons have this tired look to them - similar to pisces risings their eyes look so tired or they’re downturned shaped. their eyes are very interesting because every time you look into their eyes it feels like there are so many secrets but at the same time there is a desire for wanting to put your own secrets into those eyes. aries moons are really focused on their beliefs from what i’ve seen, example: if they strongly believe in God they will try putting prayer before anything. or if they’re into crystals and spirituality they could care less what others have to say about it. aries moons hate when they’re not being understood and it doesn’t hurt them it just gets them very mad because they always try getting boldness to even say how they feel because they think they’ll be judged. (especially if they have virgo personal placements as well)
❤️‍🔥 TAURUS: it’s something about taurus moon women. they easily attract men who always want to be the center of attention for some reason.. they’re the only people who can naturally intimidate someone self centered and make their ego be lower just by a stare. taurus moons have high standards they want people to be able to reach because they always try to see the good/both sides in everyone and in every story. they’re also very guilty of their gluttony tendencies sometimes. i think people see them as someone who needs a lot of healing and usually their partners get disappointed or easily don’t feel loved by them because they are so hard to understand since they have often mood swings. taurus moons come off serious when you first meet them but they’re actually very fun people who love good energy and vibes. if these individuals taurus moons make any aspects to their lilith sign they might love it when people cry over them because a taurus moon will teach you how to cherish your normal life even when it’s boring because you don’t know what someone else is possibly going through.
❤️‍🔥 GEMINI: i don’t know how to describe this but gemini moons have a rbf personality 😭 they might look approachable in the face but it’s hard to impress them in order for them to show you their fun side. gemini moons love to spread their interest onto others so if they like certain shoes they will try to make you be into them as well. when they have a crush on someone they get really shy but straightforward at the same time - they’re the type to be like “hey i love you but jk unless you want me too lol” which makes them tend to be risky text senders too. they’re the type of person who easily attracts attention they don’t care to have, they just know deep down certain people desire to be just like them.
❤️‍🔥 CANCER: people with cancer moons are so forgiving especially with their lovers and close friends. they hate being involved in drama and they self pity in a good way¿ cancer moons are very straightforward and they will tell you if you’re making them feel uncomfortable and they’re very focused on fairness and justice. they want balance in anything and everything, they truly believe that sharing IS caring. cancer moons tend to have the urge to fight people or dance with strangers when they’re drunk, they just wanna be all over the place. they’re very ambitious and they’re career oriented people, working hard is a go to for them and they’d never let themselves be a stay at home wife/husband or ask others to provide for them
❤️‍🔥 LEO: leo moons LOVE self love affirmations so much and they might’ve been doing them since they were very young. they don’t easily let people have strong opinions on them and they like proving others wrong. i notice that many leo moons love their eyes or hair. they want to keep secrets with many people but they hate telling their own, they usually develop trust issues very young. they aren’t really competitive unless it’s about their friends. they were the type of people in kindergarten to get jealous when their best friend had another friend. leo moons also can’t stay mad for long and they always try to go back to someone by using their sympathy. they tend to hate long conversations unless it’s about mysterious topics and having to find out about unfinished situations. they’re very into detective documentaries because they like learning from them. i noticed leo moons tend to hate math but still won’t give up on trying to be successful as possible at it (or just any subject they’re not good at)
❤️‍🔥 VIRGO: virgo moons literally get attached to people so fast.. they love people who desire to work hard for their dreams and people who love to party. they want soul ties with anyone they think suits their personality. confident people attract them easily because they’re the type of person to say everyone is beautiful. i notice that a lot of virgo moons show love by cooking for their loved ones and during their childhood they might’ve payed attention while their mom/grandma was cooking just so they learn how to cook faster. as a kid they were always ambitious and had goals. i don’t know why but usually virgo moons pay attention to their school life a lot all until they get into high school - they start caring less and less. many people feel attracted to them because they’re so nice and even when they have something to say they KNOW someone else might not agree to but they still make it sound agreeable lol
❤️‍🔥 LIBRA: libra moons are just.. something else. they love to compliment people and expect the same energy in return, but crushing their ego is so easy because you can call them ugly jokingly and they’re just gonna give you that disappointed or sad stare. libra moons tend to get taken advantage of a lot because they know they’re people pleasers but they just can’t stop. these people just love their moms so much - literally she could’ve been the worst ever and they’ll still stick up for her. during their teenage years they probably payed a lot of attention on how they look and if their outfits are cute but as they get older they kind of stop caring about their looks. libra moons are the perfect example of personality over looks when choosing a partner! one negative personality trait i noticed about libra moons is definitely being a people pleaser who COMPLAINS even though it was their decision to do something for the other person. for example if they give (NOT borrow) $ 100 they will make a big deal out of it knowing they decided to help. you can easily notice when a libra moon is admiring you or someone -they just zone out mid conversation just to analyze your/their face. talking to a libra moon is like talking to yourself but you’re agreeing with everything you’re saying. even though libras are stereotyped to be indecisive libra moons are indecisive about unnecessary things like where they wanna go eat but when it comes to important situations they already know what to say. also i would like to add - if you’re a libra moon please work on your honesty.
❤️‍🔥 SCORPIO: I LOVE SCORPIO MOONS 🥺 literally my favorite moon sign i like it even more than my own.. these people just know how to comfort you and be there for you even if they feel awkward hugging you or anything similar to physical comfort. their moms could’ve been the first people to ever cause trauma for them but they still have a soft spot for her, their relationship’s theme is ‘i love you, but from a distance.’ i noticed that scorpio moons with siblings don’t pay a lot of attention to them, they just like having their alone time and are definitely night people. family issues really bother them so much because they hate coming home knowing they can’t even talk to their loved ones. they love watching horror movies or scary documentaries, dark theories, detective shows and etc. because i think they like learning from those type of shows. sounding smart seems to be important to them because when someone tries to outsmart a scorpio moon they get annoyed super fast lmfao like they just wanna know they’re right in every situation. it’s something about scorpio moons wanting to be the big spoon when cuddling.. or do y’all wanna be the little one but don’t wanna admit it because you have a desire to be the dominant protective one 😵‍💫 LOL
❤️‍🔥 SAGITTARIUS: you can literally tell your whole life story to a sagittarius moon and they won’t tell anyone. they are so trustworthy and kinda forgiving because if you betray them they’re most likely to give you another chance because they hate arguing with people or being on bad terms. i noticed that they’re really interested into other people’s cultures and are very respectful towards all races, they just don’t discriminate. usually they try to avoid going to other people for advice but they will for sure ask their mom a million questions until they can understand from her advice why something is happening the way it is? these natives hate isolation - they just seem to always want to be outside in nature with many people. they’re also most likely to have many friends. sagittarius moons are very good listeners like even if they get tired of you and you notice it, if they care for you they’ll still put effort into listening to you. sagittarius moons also have a very nice music taste i observed and they are the type of people to slowly get into all genres as they get older
❤️‍🔥 CAPRICORN: honestly there isn’t that much to say about capricorn moons in my opinion. i see them as conceited people with hidden insecurities. don’t get me wrong i’m not hating on capricorn moons but it’s okay to admit how you truly feel about yourself or about something in general 💀 i noticed that in relationships they always tend to need advice even if it’s a small unnecessary situation happening. they romanticize a perfect relationship (that’s perfect for them in their minds at least) and they always search for advice that could make their dream relationship manifest into reality. a positive personality trait that capricorn moons have is forcing themselves to feel numb about the things that hurt them the most for sure. they usually hate ranting but when they finally do/decide to they’ll pour out their whole heart then act like they didn’t after, they just don’t like being vulnerable publicly. many people (or at least very unprofessional astrologers) talk harsh about capricorn moons “having” detached emotions but they’re actually very sensitive individuals who just want to be understood. i know this will sound stereotypical but capricorn moons really have a bad relationship with their mom or both of their parents and they might’ve experienced ab*se growing up
❤️‍🔥 AQUARIUS: aquarius moons have so many things on their mind and they are usually stoners lol but not certainly depressing thoughts, they just find themselves thinking about things a lot but they won’t overthink it too much. aquarius moons could make sex be their love language at some point in their lives just because they want to please others and themself. they want magical sex. i noticed they enjoy aggressive music 😭 or are the type of people to judge someone for not liking a certain artist that they like. these people just know how to make someone laugh without even trying, their thoughts (especially their thoughts when they’re high) are the funniest thing ever < and i see this as the reason for many people having crushes on them because they’re never boring and are so interesting to talk to! aquarius moons tend to always get lost when ranting like they could be telling you their whole life story and they’ll randomly zone out and be like “what did i just say?”
❤️‍🔥 PISCES: honestly i don’t even wanna talk about this moon sign because i could write 3 pages just about them, there’s so much to say and i don’t even know where to begin plus my taurus moon is lazy. pisces moons ARE the family member that just randomly knows everything. they have a weird mindset of wanting to come off/look lovely to any stranger and seem like an angel. they can’t handle confrontation and usually disagree with something even if there’s proof just so they get left alone. they want to feel spoiled, royal, financially stable and well pleased. pisces moons either think of money, sex or how depressed they are every now and then.. pisces moons are the CEOs of falling for fictional characters or celebrities. pisces moons dating a virgo sun is going to feel like paradise for them but they might not want to admit it because they want to be praised and begged for. i brought this up because virgo is pisces’ sister sign and then dating someone who’s sun opposites their moon will leave them speechless because it feels so perfect or too good to be true. pisces moons remind me of capricorn venus because they romanticize toxicity. they tend to be very hardworking to the point where they forget to eat throughout the day. honestly this is a weird observation about them but they either can or cannot handle spicy food at all. if i keep talking about pisces moons i’m just going to focus on the negative tingz so this is it for pisces moons 🤗 thanks for understanding
moon conjunct NN these people or know they’re destined to be known/famous or they have a desire to be.
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moon opposite mercury tend to overthink and confuse themselves a lot and jump into conclusions that aren’t even true.
moon square jupiter really put effort into whatever they decide to do (when they want to) because this placement can also indicate a person being very lazy
moon opposite neptune love mysteries or they love playing detective
moon trine venus have stalker tendencies especially if it’s stalking their exes.
moon conjunct venus tend to experience karmic relationships a lot or their partners are usually very immature. they have a hard time leaving because they see relationships as entertainment.
moon square sappho experience sex at a young age and keep on experiencing. they always seem to be open to try new things with their partners.
moon conjunct pluto love themselves for some reason, their confidence can shift a lot though. - one day they’re in love with themselves and then the other they feel like the ugliest person in the room. they’re also so excited about their future and what’s meant for them.
moon conjunct saturn either a) act like their dad a lot b) look like their dad more than other family members c) they don’t fear him at all. moon conj. saturn people also seem to be so fearless about anything. they LIVE by the motto go with the flow.
moon in 8H often feel out of place and and have a desire to be satisfied with their lives. also possibly experienced many deaths growing up.
moon in 11H love attention. they want to know people find them beautiful and usually people feel safe around individuals with their moon sitting in their 11H
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moon in 9H people are so interested into foreign culture and people. they’d rather watch something in another language rather than in their own. they possibly feel like every vacation they go on has some sort of important meaning behind it. they also have a desire to often move away.
moon in 10H are either the friend everyone feels the closest to or they were the popular kid at school. attention chases them so easily!
moon in 1H just can’t seem to care about other people’s opinions. but they tend to get overly self critical which doesn’t mean they lack self love though. they just want to glow up glow up and glow up more each day
moon in 7H can be a messed up placement to have imo. simply because they emotionally depend on those who even show them the tiniest bit of attention and this individual can come off as naive. it’s possible they love their future spouse more than they love them or they develop a sick obsession for them.
my hands and brain need a 24hr break. i hope you guys liked this post and give me feedback, it helps me improve my content for y’all. thanks for reading 💌
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noeyestruth · 3 years
The Dream Bear
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This is a spell designed to give you more dreams and more meaningful dreams! It’s one of the more complicated crafts I’ve done lately, but it has been so worth it. I’ve done this a few times and have fine-tuned the recipe, so hopefully it works well for you! (And as always, substitutions can be made if need be. One of the reasons there’s so much stuff in it is because I just attract herbs that are good for this type of spell, apparently.)
What You Need:
Representations of the four elements (or another way of consecrating things. I use the elements but you do you.)
A stuffed animal that you’re comfortable sleeping with, even better if it has a hole already forming somewhere
Needle and blue thread
A small drawstring bag. Blue is optimal
A blue candle (if you want a larger emphasis on prophetic dreams, replace with or add a purple candle!)
A small piece of amethyst or amethyst chips (Amethyst particularly resonates with me and is also good for divination. It also is a general power enhancer.) 
A small piece of red jasper (For vivid dream recall.)
Rosemary (for dream recall)
Chamomile (sleep aid, prophetic dreams)
Hops (to enhance sleep magic)
Mugwort (for prophetic dreams)
Bay leaf (for prophetic dreams)
Lavender (sleep aid, dreams)
Coltsfoot (nightmare ward, dreams)
A sigil of your intent
Best performed during a full moon on a Monday.
What You Do:
Design your sigil beforehand to save time, if you wish.
Perform your ritual spell starters, be that casting a circle, grounding/centering, calling upon deities, whatever. I like to ring a bell to mark the beginning and end of a ritual and focus my mind onto the sound If you’re working with the elements, this is the time to call upon them.
Light the blue candle.
Bless/ consecrate your stuffed animal, priming it for instruction. Let it rest as you continue onto the next step.
Fill the pouch with each of the ingredients, stating what each one is for and what it will be adding to the mix. “This is rosemary. It will aid me in remembering my dreams.”
Draw the sigil onto the bay leaf as you add it, or draw the sigil on a piece of paper, fold it, and add it to the bag.
Pull the bag shut, give it a little shakey-shake. Say a little prayer, poem, or chant if you desire.
Take your stuffed animal, and open up a hole in its back. Move the stuffing around and put the bag inside. I like to place it where its “center” would be if it was a living thing. If your animal already has a hole elsewhere and you would prefer to use that, I feel that should be fine. I think keeping it close to the “heart” is nice though.
Sew the hole shut with the blue thread.
Consecrate the stuffed animal one last time, explaining its purpose to bring you prophetic dreams (or whatever variation!) and that magic will flow through the entire animal. It is now ready.
Close down the ritual and clean up as usual.
Sleep holding the animal (the closer to your torso the better, I’ve found) to encourage more dreams and more prophetic dreams!
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noeyestruth · 3 years
New Discord Server!
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As promised, here is the new discord server! Mosswood Grove is designed to be a safe and welcoming community for all witches to grow and learn together. We’re LGBT-owned and welcome witches of all genders and traditions, honor closed practices, have a dedicated room to practice channeling, and eventually want to start a working coven within the group once we get off the ground. We’re still brand new so come on down and help us build our grove. :) 
Feel free to join us! 
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noeyestruth · 3 years
Saturn: What’s Holding You Back From Success?
SATURN IN ARIES/SATURN 1H: Your passion that you let burn out too quickly at the face of struggle or mere boredom, the desire to pursue something but is stunted through the intense questioning you go through to discern if what you’re going for is really for you,  lack of hope during the more difficult times, mentality that you can just find something else rather than to dedicate, constantly waiting for the ‘this is it! this is my calling!’ feeling to arrive rather than letting the feeling naturally flow in its own time holds you back.
SATURN IN TAURUS/SATURN 2H: Your fixed mindset and way of life, mentality that whatever you have/are now is okay & there isn’t greener grass on the other side, your lack of pursuit for something better for yourself OR greater than yourself,  excess indulgence in the physical/mental realm, being overly stuck in your ways that you can’t consider a different system/way of BEING yourself holds you back.
SATURN IN GEMINI/SATURN 3H: Your fickleness, lack of dedication to projects/ideas you start, your fear of sharing your voice and putting yourself out there, anxiety behind asking questions to access the resources you need, your lighthearted attitude that doesn’t want to take things serious, giving up from not seeing immediate results, and habit of getting bored during the working and grinding process holds you back.
SATURN IN CANCER/SATURN 4H: Your aversion towards being comfortable, wanting to never settle for anything less than remarkable, not wanting to live an ordinary life, never meeting your expectations of who you should be before ‘settling down’ , the idea of not being memorable, not making your family/those close to you proud, and your fear of settling into who you are now (because you feel you can be better) is holding you back.
SATURN IN LEO/SATURN 5H: Your strict line of expression you chose to show for the world and even yourself, wanting to be acceptable so you compromise and limit your behavior, preferences, and inclinations, your lack of passionate and playful attitude towards living and decision-making that sucks the color and excitement out of your life, playing it safe, limiting beliefs on who you are and what you should do hold you back.
SATURN IN VIRGO/SATURN 6H: Your lack of discipline, lack of implementing consistent steps towards the lifestyle you want, your anxious and nervous thought patterns, the identification and leverage you give your thoughts, resistance towards whatever isn’t familiar to you, lack of grounding and practical planning over what you should do to become the person you want to be holds you back.
SATURN IN LIBRA/SATURN 7H: Your approach towards connecting to others & distance towards asking for help or directly learning something from someone, thinking you can just do things yourself and the rest will come to you, your fear of relying on others too much in any aspect (emotion, mental, financial, business), being overly neutral about everything (aka not being passionate enough) and not letting in the exciting & freeing feelings of just doing what you truly want holds you back.
SATURN IN SCORPIO/SATURN 8H: Your fear of diving too deep into something and it ultimately not being what is best for you, avoidance of investing time and energy into something/someone because you’re not sure if it’s worth it, lack of trying new things because you’re comfortable, lack of immediate identification with what you consider pursuing rather than trying it out THEN discerning holds you back.
SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS/SATURN 9H: Your distinct attitude towards your success (or what you think your success will be), judgement and deep discernment you experience towards influences that enter your path, strict belief system/way you process things, lack of faith and hope that things will work out WITHOUT you completely controlling the outcome, and your habit of sniffing out ‘what’s good for you & what isn’t’ limits new opportunities/experiences from happening and holds you back.
SATURN IN CAPRICORN/SATURN 10H: Your firm views on what your success will look like, inability to be flexible and open to several paths and definitions of success, distancing yourself from relaxing and letting life play out itself, resistance towards letting go of control, visualizing and needing to live up to the vision (YOU created) on who you should be holds you back.
SATURN IN AQUARIUS/SATURN 11H: Your lack of identification with the majority, viewing yourself as so different from the rest, believing that your way of living is not particularly exceptional, hoping too much for things to change when YOU can make the change, your fear of not fulfilling the vision that you had for yourself, and the suffering that comes from thinking you can’t be who you want to be given the environment you’re in, no matter how much progress you make, holds you back.
SATURN IN PISCES/SATURN 12H: Your tendency to be in your head, convincing yourself that you are a certain way & that you can’t change (since you believe this IS you), your lack of a relationship to a greater power or inconsistent connection to this higher force, viewing and prioritizing yourself/your duties in a limiting way that stifles creativity and relaxation hold you back.
I believe in you :^D Wishing you light and growth!                                                                               
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noeyestruth · 3 years
The 4th House
4th House Key Words :
The Emotional Core
Devotion towards learning
Attaching to ideas on a deeper level
Emotional Security
The Mother or Nurturing Parent
Mothers education to the child
Home Ownership
Conveniences of the Home
Vehicles and Cars
Early Upbringing Foundation
Family Relationships
Family Traditions
Birth Culture and Origins
The Birth Homeland
The Later Years of Life
Body Parts Affiliated with 4th House:
Digestive region
Planet Transit House Cusp Triggers
Changes in the emotional state
A deeper interest in passing ideas
Yearning more for emotional security
Disruptions in things that usually bring emotional security
Something happens to mother/nurturing parent or shifts in relationship
Changes or disruptions in the home life
More luxuries or aesthetic changes within the physical home
Problems with vehicles or sudden desire for acquisition of one
Family relationships undergo changes or demand attention
revitalization of interest in the family lineage
Desire to leave the birth home or possibly return
Focus on personal retirement or possibly needing to take care of elders in the family
Karakas of the 4th House (Planets that produce for this house)
Moon: The Moon produces for the 4th house primarily with its connection to emotions, inner balance, and the past. The Moon is also connected to the imagination which can be linked with the 4th house, impart due to the imagination growing with devotion to learning. Through the Moon, the 4th house also resonates with the mother or early nurturing received. The role of nurturing is very vital to install a sense of inner balance and safety which are two key themes resonating between the Moon and 4th house.
The placements of the Moon in the chart are incredibly vital to how strong the 4th house is. A well-balanced Moon creates the pathway for a strong stable emotional core seen through the 4th house. A weak Moon can indicate problems with feeling safe, secure, and devoted on a deep level.  If this occurs A pathway is created for emotional and mental problems, often due to weak encouragement and care in early life.
Venus: The planet Venus produces for the 4th house due to the resonating connection of comfort and emotional security. The planet Venus seeks peace and happiness, which are a vital component to having a balanced emotional core in the 4th house.  Venus is linked with self-worth and money, which can have an effect on producing emotional balance seen through the 4th house. Venus is also the planet of social relationships, while the 4th is the house of family relationships.
A strong Venus in the birth chart is responsible for producing happiness which can make a more balanced and satisfying emotional core. A weak Venus can make someone struggle to be happy, which gives them trouble having a solid emotional foundation. The same can be said concerning Venus’s relationship with money and possessions.  The stronger venus can produce a productive relationship with money and valuables which can create inner balance and happiness. A weak Venus may struggle financially or with possessions, which can take away a sense of security or potential for greater inner happiness.
A strong Venus will also improve the social ability which can create a productive relationship with family members.  A weaker Venus can cause weak social connections with family members and especially the mother.
Sign in the 4th House:
The sign ruling the 4th house influences and flavors how the 4th house plays out in life. In a sense, the sign on the cusp is more or less attitude traits an individual carries toward 4th house matters. The resonance between the traits of the sign and the tangible things of the 4th house is important for a strong 4th house. A weak resonance between signs and tangible things of the 4th house can produce a damaged 4th house, creating a struggle with matters of the house over the life.
4th House Ruler:
The planet that rules the sign of the 4th house cusp is responsible for the foundation of the house.  Since the 4th house is also a cardinal and vital house in the life scheme, the planet ruling the 4th plays a very important role in the affairs of life overall.  Any aspects or sign determent concerning the 4th house ruler can produce struggles with 4th house affairs. This is because aspects to the ruler of the 4th modify the attitude and actions an individual takes towards 4th house affairs indirectly.
Positive aspects to the 4th house planetary ruler can assist in improving a stronger emotional core.  These aspects may even give clues to how the early nurturing environment may have shaped a person from an early age. Good aspects can also show a supportive early family life, a powerful devotion toward learning, or even simply a positive relationship to family traditions or place of birth,
Weak or negative aspects to the 4th house ruler can produce problems with emotions. This may lead to the foundational background for mental/emotional illness. There may be problems with family relationships and issues with the mother or early life nurturing. Often there can be a weak emotional core and problems with devotion seen through a weak ruler. Weak family traditions or problems within the birth culture are not unheard of.
Planets in the 4th House:
As with any planet in a house, planets in the 4th house bring their action-driven nature to influence matters of the house. Some planets are more influential and produce more actions that are beneficial or negative (see “Karakas” above.) It’s very important to understand the nature of the planet in the house and what the 4th house represents. After this is established then seek resonance between the two.  This will give you an idea of the results of a planet in the house are positive or negative in the life scheme.
Return to the A Study of Astrology Masterpost
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noeyestruth · 3 years
Mars House Placements: Causes
What sign and the placement of your Mars Sign can indicate what causes you may fight for or feel passionate about.
Mars in the 1st House tends to sympathize with those who have gone through the same struggles they have. They may be more outspoken about the causes they care about. Fighting for a cause may also be attached to their identity somehow. 
Mars in the 2nd House is hardworking and practical towards their efforts in a cause. When Mars is in the 2nd house that energy can become a resource for the individual. This means drive, passion, vitality, and high energy or activity come naturally or can be tapped into in a very realistic or tangible way. Mars in the 2nd is likely driven to support businesses that share or support their beliefs and causes. 
Mars in the 3rd House can be promising for teaching others about a cause. They may also have an influence on children and/or their community in shaping the beliefs around a movement. Mars in the 3rd can also be the broadcaster, the one to spread awareness for a campaign or set of principles. They in turn are also very susceptible, their passions easily ignited by news, stories, possibly propaganda, gossip, rumors, but also education. 
Mars in the 4th House tends to fight for or believe in causes that hit close to home. Anything that personally influences their life or family. They can have a deep understanding that laws, politics, news, etc. are not abstract - that they directly influence community, families, people. At times Mars in the 4th could also be closed off to issues that do not affect them. 
Mars in the 5th House can indicate a passionate, creative, and lively environment surrounding their Mars placement but Mars here is all about personal satisfaction, creation, celebration, romance, a little bit of drama, recreation, and pleasure. To fight for one’s enjoyment might be a motivation coming from Mars. When hyper focusing on causes, fighting, defending this placement fights for the right to party. They are also here to remind us to not spend too much time worrying, that passion and energy can be spent in many other areas other than fighting, and that comedy or to make light of a situation or policy can be a powerful tool in taking its power away. 
Mars in the 6th House has passion and heat involved in their every day life. They can be quite proactive in practicing what they believe in. An example that comes to mind is living more environmentally friendly. They may be interested in volunteer work, being part of a team, or working for a nonprofit. 
Mars in the 7th House may be most inspired by those they are close to in terms of causes and movements, taking on what they believe in. This person may also fight or be protective over loved ones, especially partners. But they can have a thin line between protectiveness, jealousy, and competition. Mars in the 7th is typically known as a very independent placement. Rebelling against a best friend or ex’s beliefs may be a temptation. Exploring what causes truly matter to them may be an empowering experience. 
Mars in the 8th House tends to sympathize with those who have experienced a lot of suffering. They may have an especially soft spot or passion to fight for those who have suffered abuse. Restrictions on one’s body, physical intimacy, choices about life and death, and privacy may be topics they care about. They tend to not be very vocal or open about their beliefs or anything they are willing to fight for or defend. But when push comes to shove they will not hesitate to correct or inform someone, they can also transform intensely to defend, fight, or bring change. Their biggest strength is intuition and a willingness or understanding to bring “death” or “destruction” to an old way of thinking or system. 
Mars in the 9th House tends to discover causes worth fighting for by traveling or learning more about the world. They can help educate or spread knowledge about an issue. Mars in the 9th sympathizes with those who don’t have an access to education, in foreign matters, and sometimes causes that are strongly linked to religion or spirituality. This placement might get easily riled up and zealous about their beliefs. 
Mars in the 10th House could fight for something because it influences their reputation. On a deeper level their passions may surround issues about workers, companies, freedom or ability to make your own destiny or success, possibly security or privacy, and the functioning of society. They may show their support or fight the most via their purchases and financial decisions. They may also be one to try to start their own organization or charity.
Mars in the 11th House tends to focus on the big picture when it comes to fighting for what they believe in. They are attracted to joining groups and organizations that support or fight for whatever they are passionate about. They tend to sympathize with social issues or anything large enough to affect all or most of humanity. They could also easily sympathize with friends’ causes or beliefs. At times this person may be influenced by their peers, the mainstream, the collective in terms of what they support and fight for. They are also someone tempted to create their own organization, charity, nonprofit, or club based on the causes they are fighting for. 
Mars in the 12th House can be disconnected from their passion or willingness to fight at times. This person may always be on a journey discovering what makes them angry, what makes them passionate, what is worth fighting for. In terms of being helpful towards a cause this person may have a different understanding or think of original ways to approach a problem. What they sympathize with may seem confusing to outsiders but it is likely rooted in a locked away fear, forgotten experience, or something that touches their soul. 
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noeyestruth · 3 years
My tried-and-true coffin hex.
For anyone looking to come here with the three fold rule, you're in the wrong place. Not everyone believes in it. Take it somewhere else.
Not all magick is light and fuzzy and cute. To quote a film that every witch should know, True magick, is neither black nor white. It's both because nature is both. Loving and cruel, all at the same time. The only good or bad lies within the heart of the witch.
This is reserved for use against those who have committed serious, egregious acts of harm against you or someone you know. This is not a ritual I suggest for beginners, and this is not one to invite others to participate in unless they are a victim.
I typically only practice such magick in defense of myself or another. Why? It requires too much preparation, planning and work, and relying solely on spells is not in my belief system, magnificent though they may be. So, here is my coffin hex. It is far from an original of mine, as it's been passed around for many many years. I have simply tweaked it for my own needs.
Things you will need:
Basic sewing knowledge.
Time. This ritual took me 2-3hrs, and I did it on a rare occasion when there was a thunderstorm on a full moon. (Yes, the full moon still counts, even if you cannot see it).
Cloth of your choosing.
Thread & a needle.
A method of cleansing a ritual space.
Something to use for rope.
A piece of paper and a pen.
A decently sized box with a lid that will accommodate a poppet and various ingredients.
A red candle and a black candle, be mindful of the time you will need it to burn.
A small knife. I used my athame for this.
Stuffing or extra cloth.
A fireproof plate or cauldron.
A small bowl of water.
Herbs. I used various peppers, cloves, and rue.
Optional suggested ingredients: Dead wasps, graveyard dirt, old rusted nails, storm water, salt.
A note about graveyard dirt: Be very careful if you choose to use this ingredient. It is not as simple as going to a grave, taking dirt, and leaving. Do your research. There are spirits you need to be mindful of. You cannot always get something for nothing. I built up a relationship and left offerings at my familial graveyard, and I happened to take the dirt from the grave of a beloved family member that would've severely punished my intended target were she alive. Be aware of what you are doing and do not go into this willy nilly.
Make sure that you will not be disturbed while doing this. Once you begin, follow it through until it's conclusion. Collect all of the materials necessary to do this and make sure you have them within reach. You will be casting a circle and you do not need to continuously leave when performing this. Consider taking a bath to cleanse yourself. If you have trouble getting into the appropriate mindset, meditate, perhaps throw on some sinister music... whatever it takes to remind yourself of the harm done and the goal intended. Focus is critical and key. If you are doubting this in any way, do not proceed. Be sure of what you are doing and the necessity behind it. Understand your power and your ability to make this work, and have absolute faith in it. If you are working with the assistance of a deity or just a spirit (you do not have to), make sure you have an offering prepared, make sure you have a relationship with this deity/spirit and know their involvement would be welcome to them. You do not want to invite wrath because you did not do your due diligence. You do not want the first time you work with your chosen deity or spirit to be the time you do this hex. Establish a relationship first. You do not begin relationships by asking for large favors. Show respect and humility. Once you can safely check all of these boxes, you're ready to begin.
Performing the hex:
Feel free to dim the lights, you do not need to be distracted by shiny things in your house. Find a decently sized area on your floor, or somewhere safe outside. With your materials gathered, cast a circle around yourself large enough for a good work space. If you do not know how to cast a circle, you do not need to be performing this ritual in the first place. Cleanse your space carefully and thoroughly.
Meditate on your goal and then center and ground yourself. This ritual requires an immense amount of energy, and if you do not prepare yourself, you will be completely wiped out for some time.
Carve the name of your target and as much identifying information as you can into the black candle. Keep their face in your mind as you do so. Take the red candle and carve your own into it, or the person you are doing this for.
Begin crafting what will be your poppet. This will represent the person you are performing this against. It does not need to be perfect, it simply needs to have a basic form of a figure. Feel free to get creative. Give it eyes if you need, whatever you feel is right and whatever your intuition urges you to do. You can stuff this poppet with stuffing or spare cloth. If you feel you should put herbs or peppers inside of it, do so. There is no right or wrong way to do this step. When you feel it is done, it is done.
Baptize your poppet in the small bowl of water (you can use storm water here if you so chose), thereby bringing it to "life." Say the following to the poppet as you are baptizing it: "I hereby declare that from here on, you are (target's name). Whatever I say to you, I say to ___, whatever I do to you will also be done to ___."
Should you feel the need to bind your target (typically reserved for violent, dangerous targets), you can use the rope for this step, wrapping it around the poppet until you feel it is secure, and then tying it and cutting off the excess.
A simple binding chant could be: "I bind you, ___. Your power is useless, your venom is weak. You cannot harm yourself and you cannot harm others."
Take your pen and paper or give it to the victim. Write down, in detail, the hurt and harm you've experienced. Write what you expect to happen in the aftermath of this ritual, what you feel is just and right, and what you want your target to experience. Do keep in mind that the goal is not to cause mortal peril. You need only to achieve a certain goal and to be repaid for the harm inflicted. Seek justice above all else. Pour as much of yourself into this note as you can, make your hurt and anger known. Feel it, let it flow through you. Release it into the words on the page. Set aside your note once you are done.
Use your pins to dictate specific effects of the ritual. Do you want them to never SA someone? Consider placing a pin in the groin and stating this. Are their words poisonous? Place a pin in the mouth and dictate that they will be mindful of their words, that their word's harm will hold no weight, or that they will never forget the horrible things they've said until they become a better person. Be mindful, creative and thorough. Let your heart and mind drive you and instruct you.
Place your poppet into the box and say the following:
"I condemn you to this coffin, ___. You will not escape, you will not outrun this. This is your punishment. Should you change your evil ways, you will be released from this prison. Refuse to do so, and you will endure this punishment until the sands of time run dry."
After placing the poppet into the coffin, take your note and place the tip of it in the red candle's flame. Allow the note to burn until all that remains are ashes. Know that your will has been heard by the universe, and the smoke has carried it to where it needs to be. Take the ashes (once cooled) and sprinkle them over the poppet, saying:
"You will not hide from my will, from my pain and suffering. You will not forget it, and you will not move on from it. Now it will fall upon you as rain from the heavens."
Scatter your herbs on and around the poppet. Imagine the effects desired taking place as you do so.
Should you choose to use the graveyard dirt, begin scattering it slowly, saying, "___ (the deceased) knows my pain, my sorrow, the evil inflicted upon me. I implore them to ensure your punishment is swift and just."
If you do not use the dirt, but instead choose to enlist the aid of a deity, you can ask for their assistance here, lifting your offering as a sign of your request and gratitude. Do not gloss over this part. Deity or deceased, they are a large component in this working and deserve the proper respect.
Carefully drip the wax from the red candle over the poppet, saying:
"Scorching flame, my will is known. My true pain, to them is shown. I encase you in these things you've done, never to rest, never to run."
Close the lid of the box, and after the ritual, place the coffin in a dark, undisturbed area of your home. When you feel change has been made and the working is no longer necessary, you can take the poppet out, declare it free from its punishment, and dispose of it as you see fit. There is no time limit, when and if you feel it is done, you will know it.
If you want, you can scatter salt around the poppet to ensure these effects harm no one near them, but it is not a necessary step.
Give thanks to any spirit or God/dess that may have assisted you, cleanse your area, and open your circle. Place your offering on your altar or a safe place, and allow the black candle to burn out naturally. If you need it to be blown out (if you're going to bed or leaving) please snuff it out, do not blow it out or douse it with water. You can return to it later and light it again and let it burn as often as necessary until it is fully burnt.
Note: It is not 100% necessary to follow each chant word-for-word... you can paraphrase or let yourself be led and say what feels right in the moment. Do not disrupt the flow of the ritual to review notes.. don't disrupt things in a strive for perfection. Let it go naturally. It will be fine. You can also tweak this as needed.
And there it is. Not simple by any means, but it is effective. Feel free to contact me with questions you may have about this working and I will help as much as I can.
As for my own experience with this ritual..
This is your trigger warning right here. Read no further if you are sensitive to assault/abuse/mental illness.
When I was much younger, I was horrifically sexually abused for years. It caused me to develop crippling PTSD and severe depression that I still struggle with. When it came time to seek legal action against this person in the not too distant past, I performed this. On February 8th 2021, they plead guilty, and I finally got justice. In the time leading up to this plea, they lost their job and a specific dream of theirs crumbled to dust. I released them from their punishment after they plead guilty, and I breathed a sigh of relief.
I enlisted the help of many amazing people to help me in my fight, but magick also helped. Magick should not be the only thing we try, but it can be a wonderful assistant. As of April 2021, I am in the best shape of my life mentally, and I can breathe again. The nightmares have stopped, and I am on the road to full healing with the help of my Goddess and therapist. There is always help out there, and it comes in many forms. You deserve justice, and you are always worth it. In the end, that is what this working ensures. Use it wisely, and it will serve you well.
Blessed Be, my wonderful little witches.
My inbox is always open if you need to vent or need advice following this or any other working. I will always try to help!
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noeyestruth · 3 years
A while ago I made a post of what to cover while doing research. In this post I will make a list of what to research for beginners! I'll go a bit in depth so maybe this will be more helpful.
This is one of the most important things to cover while researching for beginners. Grounding is super easy AND extremely important. It keeps you in place, lets you concentrate on your energy, connect to yourself and to the source. Many people imagine grounding differently.
Arin Murphy-Hiscock: Protection Spells (centering & grounding part)
It's super important because you need to remove negative energy before protecting or warding it. Also remember you need to learn basics, how it works and why you do that, you don't necessarily have to perform everything. Sometimes something as simple as hand clapping works just fine to remove stagnant energy. Look what works for you and don't forget that A LOT of places mention closed practices such as smudging, so be aware of them before jumping in.
Cleansing oneself, shower ritual I found from chaoticwitchaunt on tiktok: https://thewitchtokcollective.wordpress.com/2020/04/05/the-basics-of-cleansing/
Alternatives to white sage: http://www.goodwitchkitchen.net/cleansing-without-sage/
Protection and Reversal Magick by Jason Miller (page 91)
You must know this to protect your energy! Prevent getting drained energetically. I personally love shielding before any spellwork, makes me less drained. Not to mention it's a perfect way to protect yourself from energy vampires.
Arin Murphy-Hiscock: Protection Spells (shielding part)
Sometimes negativity is harder to remove and you need an extra push to do so, banishing is great for removing leftover unwanted energy or removing a person from your life. In my personal experience I once tried banishing headaches which helped for a while but since I didn't go to doctors and didn't treat it properly, it came back. This is your small reminder that banishing won't help unless you as well do something about that, if you want to banish a person from your life you can't keep trying to contact them, if you're trying to banish something from your life (example: an entity) and then call upon them, it's not gonna work. Magick won't solve all of your problems unless YOU work for it, it's just merely a help for that.
https://youtu.be/RmQij9i5c-M (basics of banishing, binding and unbinding by chaotic witch haunt)
Arin Murphy-Hiscock: Protection Spells
This is EXTREMELY important for beginners because you haven't learned how to defend your energy yet or how to understand which energies around you are here with good intentions wnd which ones are with bad ones. In my personal experience you do not have to practice protection every day, but your wardings and personal protection should probably be renewed every once in a month.
Protection and Reversal Magick by Jason Miller (theory & all the basics)
Arin Murphy-Hiscock: Protection Spells (simple spells to protect yourself and your home. Note: SMUDGING is being mentioned here, however it is a CLOSED practice, unless you're an indigenous person OR you were initiated into this practice, DO NOT do it!)
https://youtu.be/9j5mleIgdwI (defensive magic by the witch of wonderlust)
https://youtu.be/wCOLsl5Vn4w (protection magic by witch of wonderlust)
https://youtu.be/AwGNu7pwEmE (basics of protection by chaotic witch aunt)
https://youtu.be/g1Xxtbx550s (the basics of protection magick by kawaiite)
Before doing all the spellwork and other stuff, you must know how to work with herbs properly. If you going to mix random herbs together without knowing their properties or activating them, just mixing, thinking they will just ✨know✨ what you want from them... Yeah, that's not gonna work. Working with herbs isn't as complicated as it seems either. You don't even have to buy anything, go around! Last night I found huge fallen pine branch. It literally cost me nothing, I brought some of it home (note: if you going to gather herbs from outside, be careful and ask for their permission first. If the herb/tree/stick is already fallen down per se, you can pick it up regardless, BUT if it's still growing you need to get permission to pick it up. Just ask them. You'll know the answer. If you gather them like that, maybe consider leaving some offerings there too. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, you can just pick up some trash on your way back and forest/field/from whenever you're gathering your herbs, will be thankful to you)
Cunningham's encyclopedia of Magickal Herbs
Note that crystals are NOT necessary for your practice. Neither are other tools, but if you ever consider using them in your practice, you should know the basics of course. If the spell requires a crystal, note that the same way you cleanse, program and activate your crystal can be used on simple stone. Go outside, pick up the first rock you see and it will work just fine. However, you still need to know how to cleanse, program and activate your stones/crystals.
The Crystal Bible (info on crystals)
Note: do in depth research on which crystals can and cannot go into water or sunshine before doing anything. If you're feeling fancy you can research simple stones you find outside too.
NOTE: everyone practices differently and that's okay! There will be people who will disagree with my list and that's also okay. I'm sharing my PERSONAL research SUGGESTIONS. I am a no professional by any means but I am learning and I want to share it with those who only started their path. Also I may not have mentioned every closed practice that is mentioned here so it is really important that you do your own research on spells and rituals you find. It is also important to do you own research on every topic, these are just mere suggestions where you can research. Also you can find FREE BOOKS AT Z LIBRARY & PDF DRIVE.
If anyone has any questions, you can dm me any time or ask underneath this post, you're always welcome! Hopefully this wi help someone. Have a wonderful day!
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noeyestruth · 3 years
Saturn in the houses 🪐
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If you’re an IG page and want to repost this, don’t forget to tag the creator: @sacerdotess4 on IG
Don’t plagiarize, you were born original, don’t die a copy.
Saturn in 1st house:
low self esteem
responsible, mature and wise
introverted personality
do not likes impulsive actions
smart and very organized
loves to plan
pessimistic view of the self
tendency towards pessimism in general
looks older than their age
Saturn in 2nd house
stingy (I don’t know if this word is correct, I mean, is someone who don’t like to spend)
maybe they grew up in a poor family
hard worker
it’s hard for them to save money
they tend to make their own life harder
responsible approach towards money
likes to dress in a “serious way” and with neutral/dark colors
Saturn in 3rd house:
introverted personality
do not like to share their knowledge with others
maybe dyslexic or with learning disabilities
pessimistic mentality
express themselves with a serious tone
inflexible mentality
it’s not easy for them to make new friends
bullied during teenage years
do not like to speak
Saturn in 4th house:
bad relationships with parents
especially with the father
strict parents
not so good in expressing their emotions
very old or old fashioned parents
bad childhood
childhood traumas
Saturn in 5th house:
do not likes children
a serious and responsible approach towards sex
not so interested in romance in general
introverted personality
they have children when they’re older
Saturn in 6th house:
health issues
hard working personality
very organized and rigid schedules
lovers of routines
boring job
do not likes having domestic animals
bad experiences with animals
Saturn in 7th house:
marriage at older age
an older spouse
serious approach towards relationships
a pessimistic view of romance
open enemies
feelings of being unlucky in love
many encounters with jealous people
Saturn in 8th house:
not so interested in sex
poor sexual life
skeptical approach towards spirituality
sexual traumas
early death of the father
deep and complex emotional traumas
many traumas related to death…
…but it’s probably that this person will grow extremely old!
Saturn in 9th house:
unlucky during travels
old fashioned and strict mentality
conservative values
strict values related to religion
fixed mentality
bad experiences with religion or during travels
close minded
Saturn in 10th house
hard working personality
successful at older age
bad reputation
problems with trying to reach goals
these people are extremely strong and there’s nothing they can’t overcome
many encounters with jealous people
high and toxic standards
Saturn in 11th house:
not many friends
introverted personality
feeling socially excluded
serious approach towards friendships
high ideals and values
Saturn in 12th house:
mental health problems
skeptical towards spirituality
low self esteem
dark secrets
an absent father
the early death of the father
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noeyestruth · 3 years
Let’s talk about •••
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••• Spirit Work
• Spirit Work 101
Spirit Work is a term that was coined very recently, mostly having an upsurge with the new age witchcraft in social medias - that is not to say that the practice of communicating with spirits is new, rather, that such a term can be used in an overgeneralized manner. That in turn leads to misinformation about the topic.
•• So, what is Spirit Work?
Broadly, it is seen as a witchcraft practice where a person uses their abilities to communicate with spirits - people who have passed, guides, ancestors and such. What the term doesn’t clarify is that there are a multitude of ways in doing that, from religious practices to self developed methods as well as the target audience of that spirit work.
Taking a look at the word spirit we find the first divergence of intent: those stated before all fall in the category of deceased human spirits; then we have those who through their animistic or similar beliefs include the spirits of animals and all beings (and “things”) who once lived. Then, we have another category, those that communicate with the otherworldly and nature centred beings that have passed (though most commonly those are still alive), such as the Fae. Others include communication with deities in this practice, and lastly, we have another modality of those that work with the essence of spirits, be they dead or alive - they are included for they too have soul. • This is the first break, and as such themes and different styles of practitioners can already be found, most commonly used are Mediums, Healers, Channelers, Communicators.
Outside of that, we have believers and followers of certain religions that also have this designated space for that type of communication, though I won’t go into detail for this, Norse Paganism, Spiritism and African Traditional and Descending Religions, are some of them.
••• So, no, it is not a bad thing that this practice has been disseminated and made accessible to all practitioners, witches, pagans and heathens out there - but one must always take a step back and analyze the information they have as well as the intent they will follow in this path.
Spirit Work is no game, it can have serious consequences and that should not discourage you to try - rather, encourage you to be attentive and take it seriously.
• What not to do
This here, at least for me (but feel free to add on or disagree, the beauty of the community are the different methods after all) - are some of the absolute don’ts when practicing Spirit Work, divided in two topics as there is a theoretical and a practical side to it.
• Theoretical
Don’t immediately go following any instructions, no matter if they explicitly are for summoning, inviting or channeling or just imply that it’ll make your communication with spirits easier.
Because: You need to be 100% aware of what exactly you are doing, though there are some good sources, it is always good to double and even triple check ingredients, intents and procedures before starting anything.
Don’t begin anything if you don’t have contingency plans and a way to clear a possible mess up.
Because: When doing this type of work, you are the only thing you have control of - spirits can be volatile, especially if you’re starting communication with ones you never had contact with before. Plan ahead and certify yourself that even if something goes out of what was expected you'll be able to deal with it.
• Practical
Don’t call forth anything that you have no idea what and who exactly it is.
Because: There are opportunistic spirits that excel in impersonating. If your intentions are unclear when channeling or inviting someone or something they can and will take the chance. Be clear about who you are working with.
Don’t be rude or insistent towards spirits.
Because: Spirits deserve respect, and as such, you won’t want to anger an immaterial being just because of impatience. Treat them as you would like to be treated. Being firm doesn’t mean being rude.
Don’t keep your sensitivity channel open, if you can.
Because: The Spirit World is everywhere, and it exists alongside our material World. When working with spirits you’ll see that there are moments you need to distance yourself otherwise the input will be constant. Learn how to control and lock your sensitivity as it is being developed to minimize bothersome encounters or overload of inputs.
Don’t do your Spirit Work in any place - reserve a specific place for it.
Because: Not only is this a sign of respect towards the spirits you’ll be communicating with, but it also makes it easier for you to control, cleanse and protect that environment.
•• How to
Preparation and Protection
After that many Dont´s, we finally go towards the Do´s. Let me get this right, I by nature am extremely paranoid, and due to that I find preparation and protection essential to control variables, be confident and to keep calm - like this, I don’t fear the unknown nor the uncontrollable because one way or another I'm ready for it.
Now, once again, these preparatory and protective steps will depend a lot on what method of Spirit Work you’re practicing, but some of them are pretty universal and these are the one’s I’ll be passing on to you.
• To Prepare
A spirit worker's body and spirit must always be clear, attentive and sensible. To prepare you must do whatever rituals pertain to your practice, that prepare you emotionally, psychologically and spiritually to deal and work with spirits.
This might include meditation, trance work, cleansing rituals and so on - this takes off the layer of mundane impressions that could marr your interpretation and leave you like a clean slate through which the Spirit’s voice can be clearly understood.
Your working space should also be clean on any influencing energies, organized and quiet enough (or loud enough depending on your vertent) for you to focus solely on the presence you’ll be working with.
I particularly find that asking for permission and guidance from my guides always makes this preparation process easier, as that is their realm and their ponctuations, advice and warnings are always welcome.
• Being Protected
There are three points of protection: Your Body (which is the conductor of your energy), Your Mind (which contains your Spirit - though not all beliefs follow this) and Your House (or de place you do your Spirit work).
These three should be duly protected and warded as you see fit before you start your spirit work. Methods for those vary as they can be easily found around the internet, in books and such. I wouldn’t be able to tell you which method of protection and warding you’ll prefer, which you’ll absolutely trust to work and which will be ideal to your specific target audience with spirit work but, one advice: Never share all ingredients nor steps of your protection and warding spells.
You may realize that I rarely, if ever, post spells. The answer is simple: any spell can be counteracted, especially if people know everything you used.
And trust me when I say that these protection and warding spells of your for Spirit Working are ones you wouldn’t like to be tampered with.
•••• 👁 ••••
For now that’s it, this post was very broad as I talked about general warnings and things of importance that precede the practice of Spirit Working. It’ll be a short series of posts, with only two.
The second one will be more action centered, most likely bigger with explanations of what to do in each case of spirit working. Till then, yeah?
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