noisyfluff · 1 year
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In doldrums deep, her life does sway,
An arduous journey, day by day.
With heavy heart, and weary eyes,
She trudges along, beneath gray skies.
Each step she takes, feels like a weight,
A burdened soul, in this cruel fate.
In this abyss, where hope seems gone,
She searches for strength to carry on.
The world, it seems, is so unkind,
Leaving her dreams far behind.
But in these depths, she will try to find,
A glimmer of hope, a thread to bind.
Though life is tough, and shadows loom,
She will face the darkness, dispel the gloom.
For in this struggle, she will still strive,
To keep her hopes and dreams alive.
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noisyfluff · 1 year
Navigating Adversity: From Injury to Crowdfunding Hope
How it all began
Life's twists and turns can catch us off guard, and last week, I found myself grappling with an unexpected challenge: a fall resulted in a broken femur, leading to urgent surgery and a hospital stay that changed the course of my days. 
In this blog post, I'll share my journey from the incident to the mounting medical bill, and the reality of embarking on a crowdfunding campaign to bridge the financial gap.
The Unforeseen Incident
A typical day took a drastic turn when I experienced an unexpected fall. The resulting broken femur necessitated immediate surgery, and as I began the journey to recovery, I realized the incident carried implications beyond physical healing. The financial toll of medical expenses was an unforeseen challenge I had to confront.
A Burden to Bear: The Growing Medical Bill
As I focus on my recovery, the weight of the medical expenses is looming large. With a hospital bill totaling $28,000, we managed to pay $9,000 towards it initially with help from my sister and my son, however, the remaining amount feels like an insurmountable hurdle. With the bill's due date approaching fast, finding a solution to the financial strain has become an urgent priority.
Turning to Crowdfunding: A Beacon of Hope
In moments of uncertainty, the support of a community can light the way. Seeking assistance from friends, family, and compassionate strangers, I launched a crowdfunding campaign, a platform where I can share my story and appeal for help in alleviating this financial burden. The campaign's launch stirs up a range of emotions, including hope and anticipation for the positive impact it can make.
Anticipating Support with Hopeful Hearts
While the crowdfunding campaign is in its early stages, my heart is filled with hope and anticipation. I am grateful for every individual who takes a moment to read my story and consider supporting the cause. The waiting game is an exercise in patience, as I trust that kindness and empathy will prevail, bringing the financial relief I seek.
Embracing Strength through Challenges
Recovery isn't solely about physical healing—it's also about fostering resilience and determination. Each step forward becomes a testament to the human capacity to persevere. This journey has reminded me that seeking help is an act of courage and that even in challenging times, there's strength in vulnerability and unity.
In Closing
Life's unexpected trials demand us to summon strength and find hope amidst the unknown. From a sudden fall to grappling with a mounting medical bill, my journey has shown that resilience is born from adversity. As I navigate the path of healing and financial strain, I'm optimistic that the power of community will shine through. With every contribution, no matter the size, we move closer to easing the financial burden and embracing the collective spirit of compassion.
Author: Adele Samad
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noisyfluff · 1 year
The Muse's Paycheck
I write for love, but love won't pay the bills.
So I write for money, too, and sometimes thrills.
I write for the joy of words, the sound of rhyme,
But I also write for the cold, hard cash sublime.
I write for the chance to see my name in print,
And for the satisfaction of a job well-wrought.
I write for the challenge of creating something new,
And for the hope that my words will touch someone, too.
I write for all of these reasons, and more.
But at the end of the day, I write for the dough.
So if you're ever feeling down about your work,
Just remember that even the greatest poets were broke.
Keep writing, keep dreaming, and keep believing.
One day, your words will pay the bills and then some.
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noisyfluff · 2 years
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My, my..
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noisyfluff · 3 years
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noisyfluff · 3 years
Watch "Meghan & Harry Interview Parody Part 1" on YouTube
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noisyfluff · 6 years
“There is a voice inside of you That whispers all day long, “I feel this is right for me, I know that this is wrong.” No teacher, preacher, parent, friend Or wise man can decide What’s right for you – just listen to The voice that speaks inside.”
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noisyfluff · 6 years
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noisyfluff · 6 years
Her off camera face. She looks evil.
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noisyfluff · 7 years
Your heart will fix itself. It’s your mind you need to worry about. Your mind where you locked the memories, your mind where you have kept pieces of the ones that hurt you, that still cut through you like shards of glass. Your mind will keep you up at night, make you cry, destroy you over and over again. You need to convince your mind that it has to let go…because your heart already knows how to heal.
Nikita Gill (via themotivationjournals)
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noisyfluff · 7 years
Your heart will fix itself. It’s your mind you need to worry about. Your mind where you locked the memories, your mind where you have kept pieces of the ones that hurt you, that still cut through you like shards of glass. Your mind will keep you up at night, make you cry, destroy you over and over again. You need to convince your mind that it has to let go…because your heart already knows how to heal.
Nikita Gill (via themotivationjournals)
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noisyfluff · 7 years
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