nomowyrm · 1 day
The thing they don't tell you about leaving the Mormon church is at one point you have scissors in your hand and then all of the sudden you've cut off all of the sleeves on your tshirts
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nomowyrm · 2 days
an ex-zionist jewish man recently went a bit viral on tiktok for sharing exactly how he sees zionism tie israel to the jewish identity and his personal experience with breaking away from it - I think it’s a really great watch.
He also made a follow up talking specifically about how he learned to humanise Palestinians, and a really integral part of it was his school, which would often bring in Palestinian speakers who’d share their perspective (here’s a link to it).
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nomowyrm · 5 days
I’m watching Under the Banner of Heaven again, just because. When I first watched it, I hadn’t found much of an Exmormon community and was stumbling my lonely way though deconstruction. Now I’ve worked through a lot and I just wanted to see how I felt about it now. It’s definitely interesting. It feels less like, OMG people know what it’s like?! And now it’s, yes, this is what it’s like, I’ve been there and my friends have too. And it’s ok.
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nomowyrm · 7 days
heterosexual christians in college be like: gotta marry or i will die
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nomowyrm · 7 days
People will give the "chewed up piece of gum" talk to 5th graders and then be like "I don't understand why women think God doesn't value them"
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nomowyrm · 8 days
Even if I had definitive proof that the Mormon church was true, I still would not be Mormon. Mormon god is not a being who deserves worship and adoration. Honestly, Mormon god is a pretty shitty being, so why would I worship him? He’s the epitome of a toxic, bigoted parent, and I would want no part of that if I believed.
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nomowyrm · 10 days
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platonic sex with my wife who hates me
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nomowyrm · 12 days
"No one cares if women / transmascs / afab people wear pants and boy clothes!!!"
On my knees begging you to talk to people who grew up in religious fundamentalist communities and high control groups / cults
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nomowyrm · 13 days
Throwback to that one sunday school teacher I had who, in a lesson about Cain, said with full gravity and full sincerity, "I personally believe he's still out there, wandering somewhere out of sight"
And I'm pretty sure I thought "I sure hope this isn't something I'm supposed to believe because I don't think I have it in me" which I thought for a lot of things in the church
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nomowyrm · 13 days
there’s a blog I follow that reblogs exmo stuff onto my dash and it always makes me feel a little better
@exmojoe ily and I hope you’re doing alright <3
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nomowyrm · 15 days
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nomowyrm · 15 days
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nomowyrm · 17 days
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nomowyrm · 17 days
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nomowyrm · 19 days
Hey folks. You know how that myth that abusers are all people who don't care about their victims at all keeps people stuck in abusive situations, because the person they're being abused by doesn't match the description of the complete monster they're told an abuser is?
Okay. Now I need you to understand that saying "X shitty religious group doesn't actually care about people, it only wants to control them" is harmful for the exact same reason. This kind of thinking will keep people trapped in harmful forms of spirituality longer because they won't recognize that just because their spiritual leaders and mentors genuinely care, doesn't mean they aren't also behaving abusively or harmfully.
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nomowyrm · 20 days
The burden of proof required for atheists vs christians is so fucking unfair lmaoo A christian can claim they know all the truths of god, the universe, the afterlife, the meaning of life, and how everyone should live because a book written by people in the Iron Age told them and they feel it in their heart. Meanwhile, if you’re an atheist you just have a lack of belief in a god and are expected to support it with 1000 sources, a Stephen Hawking level understanding of physics and space time, a phd in bioevomathematicphysicscosmology, and if you dare not have a perfect answer to every single question that could ever be asked about the universe then that’s used as “proof” that you’re wrong and it must be god. The god of the gaps has people in a chokehold.
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nomowyrm · 21 days
"I was raised Catholic," he began. "But you're not now?" the judge asked, frowning. "No," he said. He had worked for years to keep the apology out of his voice when he said this.
Hanya Yanagihara, A Little Life
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