nonnienonnon00 · 9 months
I'm sad that my favorite show (Station 19) is ending. Which still doesn't make sense cos they had great ratings.
I'm sad that we're not getting much BTS when this could possibly be the end in just a few months.
I'm sad that my fave besties (Stefania & Danielle) are not really bestie-ing like they used to.
Just overall sucks in the world of Station 19 right now.
But I guess there is Fanfiction and Marina stuff on here to keep us going, and rewatching a bunch of scene packs that fans have put together. Thanks for that y'all.
Anywho Merry Crisis!
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nonnienonnon00 · 9 months
Don't ask me why but I will watch and rewatch every single episode that has Maya and Carina scenes over and over again, except for the last one in Season 6. What is wrong with me!?!?!?!
I don't know what it is about that last ep it gives me cringe vibes...
Is it the bangs...
Is it me being weird...
I don't know I just can't watch those scenes.
I said what I said. You'll can come for me...
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nonnienonnon00 · 9 months
My Roman empire is that time when Stefania just joined Station 19. She was so so genuinely happy. The lives were happening during Covid but some how they just kept a smile on our faces. That was the best time. I absolutely loved how they spoke about Marina, and the relationship and they did it in first person. Like they were talking as if they were the characters I feel like that really helped the Fandom deal with the cheating cos it was never really addressed in the show.
Yeah this was just the best. I wish I could go back and just witness it all happening for the first time.
Those lives where Danielle just couldn't contain how happy she was to learn things about Stefania. And Stefania was just glowing.
Ugh my roman empire indeed.
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nonnienonnon00 · 9 months
Season 7 filler scenes
Well everything sucks right now but be that as it may I had this idea and I wanted to put it down. Also I started watching S19 from the beginning on Hulu, hoping that helps with streaming numbers.
But anyway what I came to realize is that the intimate scenes between Jack and Maya were way more gritty and barely had any cut aways like what usually happens with Maya and Carina. And let me just say I was pissed off when I realized this.
Also ended up watching some of Stefanias scenes pre-S19 on Grey's and the character of Carina had this lightness about her. The whispering in Arizonas ear and the jokes. They made her character lose some of that when she joined S19.
The same for Maya. Like why didn't we get some steamy scenes in the station and them joking and flirting with each other. It really was heavy and emotional from the get go. Maybe that showed some depth to their relationship but I would have loved to see them be flirty and sexy with each other in the beginning of their relationship.
Anywho I wanted to write this filler which might lead to more.
Scene opens with the team jumping out of the trucks. Another successful call. It's been a while since the whole team has felt this good after a call.
"NINETEEN!" Vic hollers out with a smile on her face.
The entire crew hollers back.
"Great job team. Hopefully we can make it through these next few hours left of shift without another call." Andy says to the team as they gather together to walk up to the beanery.
"Cap! Don't jinx us!" Travis cried back to Andy.
Maya smiled back at her team as she pulled to the back of the group and started up the stairs.
Pulling her phone out of her pocket, Maya's heart jumped a bit at seeing a notification from her wife. Her possibly pregnant wife. Carina. Just the sound of her name made Maya's heart flutter. They were texting back and forth the whole day. They both decided that tonight was the night to take a home pregnancy test. Carina was showing signs but they both didn't want to jinx anything.
"I can't stop thinking about you the entire day, Bambina." Maya read the message from Carina.
Maya had her head down, biting the inside of her cheek. Her team was ahead of her about to enter the beanery. She was just about to text her wife back when a pair of hands pulled her into the small office just before the beanery doors.
The door slammed shut behind Maya and she came face to face with her wife. Carina had the biggest smile on her face, biting her lip.
"Hello Lieutenant Bishop."
Maya took a moment to recalibrate.
"Uhh hi, what are you doing?"
Carina bit her lip and leaned more into Maya, pushing her flash against the door. Her hands sneaking under the tight navy blue shirt.
"Like I said I couldn't stop thinking about you the entire day."
Maya let out a small groan. Her wife was an absolute goddess. How did she get so lucky?! A constant thought that ran through Maya's mind.
"Hmm is that so? Anything in particular you couldn't stop thinking about?" Maya said with a sly grin on her face.
"Oh you know... just the usual... these beautiful eyes and smile... these lips... oh how I love these lips..."
The blush that spread over Maya's face and neck couldn't be contained. She'd never had someone dote over her the way Carina did. Sure she'd been called beautiful before. Some had even spoken about how blue her eyes were. Usually it was a means to get in her pants. Although sometimes Carina did do it in that way too but Maya knew that when Carina said these things about her it came from a love that they shared so deeply for each other. Two souls destined to be together forever.
"Well I can confirm that these lips missed you very very much today." Maya said back keeping eye contact with Carina.
"Anything else..." Maya urged her on.
"Oh these arms. I haven't stopped thinking about them either. Bambina, you're too sexy! I can't handle it sometimes." Carina chuckled a bit.
Before Carina knew what was happening, Maya bent down a bit, gripped her wife around her thighs and easily picked her up.
"Do you mean these arms?" Maya cockily said as she effortless held Carina up and then proceeded to walk further into the room.
Carina felt that swoop down deep in her belly. She placed one arm over Maya's shoulders and the other gripped her bicep.
"The things you do to me Maya Bishop!" Carina said with a grin so wide on her face. "Mi fai bagnare così tanto, Tesoro."
Staring into Maya's eyes, Carina could see the bright blue turn dark in an instant. She knew what she was doing to her wife.
"Hmm babe. Kiss me!" Maya whispered against Carina's lips.
Her grip turned harder on Carina's thighs as soft lips descended onto hers.
There they were, standing in a small office. Maya holding Carina, and possibly their baby, in her arms. Against her body. Chest to chest. She could feel Carina's heart racing against hers.
Maya placed Carina on the office table, knocking off a tray filled with paper. She couldn't care less because Carina was kissing her in a way that no one ever had. No one ever will again.
Reaching back Maya tore off her shirt and then reached to do the same to Carina. Standing between he wife's legs, Maya gripped under Carina's knee and pulled her in tighter. Feeling their hips line up together. Maya couldn't help but grind into Carina. Legs locked behind her back. Lips pressed together. Heaven! Just pure heaven!
"Hey, where did Bishop disappear..." Vic said out loud only to be stopped in her tracks by the sound of something loud clattering to the floor. The team looked towards the direction of the small hardly ever used office.
"Carina snuck in as we were pulling in." Travis said to the group as they all stared out with wide eyes.
"Ok how about we head into the lounge and put the TV on - very loud."
A guttural moan could be heard in that moment.
They all scurried quickly to the lounge.
About 20 minutes later, Maya and Carina walked into the beanery - tucking in shirts and trying to tame their sex hair. Maya entered the lounge whilst Carina went to get a snack from the kitchen.
Maya stood at the door of the lounge a small grin plastered on her face. The team stopped for a second, looked up at her and cheered loudly.
"BISHOP! You dog! Getting some on tax payer time!" Vic hollered out.
Maya couldn't help the grin on her face. She tried to down play it,
"We were just talking." She took a seat on the one seater in the corner, knowing Carina would likely sit on her lap.
"Talking... sure... is that what the kids are calling it these days." Ben laughed out loud.
In walked Carina, snacking on a mini pack of chocolate cookies. Another round of cheering and hollering was directed at her. She smiled and high fived Vic as she walked straight to Maya. Taking a seat in her lap. Maya wrapped an arm around her wife. She couldn't help but feel like the luckiest woman in the world.
"Nothing happened you weirdos. We were just talking." She said to the group again.
"Sure, Bambina. We were just talking." Carina looked down at her wife, biting the corner of her lip. She picked up a cookie, took a bite, then fed the rest to Maya.
Another 30 minutes went by - the team were hoping to make it out of their shift without another call. Carina had finished her cookies and then leaned into Maya's neck falling asleep. Maya listened to Travis and Vic arguing about something though she couldn't quite hear it. All she could think about was that her wife smelled so good and she was so warm. She turned her head a bit and kissed Carina on the forehead. Vic turned and looked at Maya,
"You guys are actual goals."
Maya could only agree.
Andy walked in at that moment,
"We have a wellness check - Bishop and Warren you're on. You have 5 minutes then head out."
Maya nodded. She pressed her hand to Carina's stomach to slowly wake her,
"Babe, I have to go. We have a call. Ben and I."
Carina scrunched up her eyebrows not wanting to wake up.
"Baby. C'mon. Why don't you wait for me here if you are tired, then we can go home. Shouldn't be too long."
Vic stared at the scene in front of her,
"Who are you and what have you done with Bishop!?"
Maya squinted at Vic almost to say that this was always the real her. The real version that only Carina was able to bring out.
Maya and Carina stood up together. They could all see how tired Carina was and all agreed that she probably should not drive home.
"Need help carrying her to bunk there, Bishop?" Jack said out loud.
Maya looked up and squared her shoulders,
'That would be a no, Gibson. I can carry my wife myself thank you very much."
Maya lifted Carina easily into her arms and made her way out to the bunks.
Carina again tucked her face into Maya's neck breathing her in.
Maya placed her gently on the bunk and leaned over to kiss her forehead,
"Sleep my love. I'll be back before you know it."
Carina looked up into her wife's beautiful eyes and caressed her cheek.
"Sei bellisima. Be safe ok."
"It's just a wellness check. Ben and I will be quick. We'll go home and take that test yeah?"
Maya placed her hand on Carina's stomach, leaning down to kiss it. Carina smiled and nodded, watching her wife walk out the room.
It was a love so big they couldn't contain it with just the both of them anymore, it needed to be passed over onto something else. That being their baby. Carina smoothed her hand over her stomach.
Maya reached into her pocket for her phone whilst she and Ben were packing up ready to head back to the station and finally clock out.
"Bambina, I'm going to head home. Let's have a romantic evening before we take the test."
Maya smiled. Her wife's love for planning romantic gestures was the wonderful thing about her. It took some time to get used to her love language. It was such an endearing quality that Carina had.
She texted back,
"Sure thing, my love. We're just heading back to the station. See you in a bit."
Carina nodded along to the radio as she drove back towards their apartment. Ideas of what the night would entail swimming through her mind.
Before she knew it a car swiped her from the side. A bright white light in her eyes then turned to pitch black darkness.
The last thought on her mind was Maya.
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nonnienonnon00 · 10 months
Maya and Carina Season 7 potential story line.
For some reason we've never had a scene where Maya has to save Carina. And I just feel that's not ok. We need our wives in a scene like that. Also Stefania needs more screen time. Anyway here's a scene I would love to see tied in with the baby storyline. Anyone know how we can get these potential storylines to the writers lol.
Opening scene
We're at Maya and Carina's apartment. There's shuffling going on in the kitchen. Carina moves around Maya as she tries to ready her wife's coffee for the day. Maya smiles at her wife. Maya has never felt so taken care of before Carina came into her life. She loves every second of it. This nurturing aspect of Carina's personality that will surely fall upon on their kids.
"You know you don't have to make my coffee every morning. I mean, thank you, but you don't have to do it."
Carina pours in the half and half for Maya, turns and cheekily says,
"Bambina, I cannot have you drinking that sad excuse of coffee that you make."
Maya snickers at Carina and grabs her around the waist,
"Ouch! You'd think after all these years you'd be nicer to me."
Carina rests her forearms over Mayas shoulders,
"Well where's the fun in that."
Maya laughs. Her hands slide from her wife's waist to her belly. It had been a few weeks since they did the implantation. Using Andrew's sperm was a worry for Maya but they managed to talk it out thoroughly and came to an understanding. The treatments for Mayas egg retrieval were harsh on her own body but even now knowing that baby DeLuca-Bishop could be potentially developing in Carina, gave Maya all kinds of warm feelings in her body.
"How are you feeling? We're almost at the point of taking a test."
Carina nodded, her eyes glazed over. From all the tests they'd done in the past, this one felt bigger in so many ways.
"I'm nervous. It's a good kind of nervous though if that makes any sense. I'm..."
Her mind felt too full so she just took a deep breath and looked at Maya.
Maya nodded. She knew the pressure must've felt too much but she was going to support her wife no matter what.
"Whatever happens we have each other. We'll have our family one way or another. Trust me."
Maya leaned in, pulling Carina to her body to kiss her with all her might. Her hands moved from Carina's back down further until they grabbed a handful of her wife's ass.
"Hmmm, getting handsy there Bishop."
Maya couldn't help herself,
"OH I'm sorry my hands must've slipped. No idea how they landed there."
Carina laughed and kissed Maya harder, her tongue grazing her lips wanting more. Sadly her phone rang and the moment was cut short. She reached behind Maya to answer, though Maya's hands didn't leave her ass.
"This is Dr DeLuca. Oh hi Stella, yes of course. We're definitely still on for today. I should be there within the hour. Caio."
Carina cut the call and looked at her wife with a sigh,
"I have to go. I'm doing an at home visit for a patient. She's due in a couple weeks."
Maya nodded and then reluctantly let go off her wife's beautiful behind. She rested her hands on her belly one more time,
"OK, maybe when I get back from my shift we can go out get a nice dinner maybe a movie?"
Carina looked down at her wife's hands,
"YES! I'd like that very much. We can make out in the back row of the cinema"
They both laughed then got their bags together to head out for their work day.
They parted with another kiss at the door, walking down to their cars and drove off in different directions.
Cut scene to Station 19 crew answering a call of a major fire at an apartment building.
Andy gathered the crew and sectioned them off.
Maya and Jack both tasked with civilian extraction. They entered the building clearing it out floor by floor.
Jack broke down the door to an apartment that didn't look to be evacuated as yet. Upon entering he saw a pregnant woman on the floor of her lounge passed out. The fire was spreading around her into the other rooms.
"Cap we have a pregnant woman passed out here. We need the aid car bringing her down now."
Jack picked her up whilst Maya tried her best to clear the rest of the floor.
They both got out in time with the pregnant woman. She got placed in the triage section with Montgomery and Warren tending to her, she came too, a moment later coughing.
Warren tried to place an O2 mask on her but she pushed it away,
"Did you get her as well? Please tell me you got her..."
Warren looked concerned,
"Mam we need you to calm down and put this mask on. We have to check on you and your baby."
Maya stood over the pregnant woman trying to help. She was concerned that maybe there could've been someone else in that apartment.
The pregnant woman cried out again,
"You have to go check on her. Please! She went into my bedroom to get blankets but the fire was moving so fast. Something fell on her. I think? I'm not sure. You have to go back for her."
Warren tried to placate the woman he could tell that the stress would not be good for the baby,
"Mam was there someone else in your apartment with you?"
The woman held onto Warren's hand,
"Yes, Dr DeLuca. She came over to give me an at home exam. Oh my God. Please you have to go back for her."
In that moment Maya's heart froze. Her whole body froze. The entire team looked at her. She registered the fear in their eyes.
Maya stuttered out,
"Yes that's my name. Please you have to go help Dr DeLuca."
Maya's body moved without any thought.
This can't be happening.
Not Carina.
Not her wife.
Not her possibly pregnant wife.
She ran towards the building. No thought on her mind but Carina. The windows on one of the floors blew out. Glass landing everywhere.
Jack grabbed her and tried to hold her back.
"Maya the building is collapsing."
She pushed against him, he pulled her back. With all her might she pushed harder until he fell off balance and landed on the ground.
"That's my wife! If you think I'm not going in you're out of your fucking mind."
She ran back into the building grabbing an axe on the floor as she went.
The entrance to the apartment building catching on fire behind her not allowing anyone else to go in after her.
Maya ran up the emergency stairs floor after floor. Nothing but Carina on her mind. Her beautiful kind loving Carina. Her wife. Her whole heart. She gave Carina her heart a long time ago. She ripped it out of her chest and handed it over without a second thought. The pain was unbearable but Maya knew she needed to concentrate to save her wife.
She entered the apartment. The fire was spreading fast. She looked to the only bedroom in the apartment it's doorway closed off by debris and fire. She grabbed the small fire extinguisher in the kitchen and aimed it at the doorway. Hacking through the debris with the axe she entered the room.
Carina lay on the floor passed out. Fire around her. Maya's heart broke in that moment. She looked so small so fragile.
"Carina. Carina."
She knelt down and turned her wife over. A deep gash across her forehead seeped blood onto her beautiful face.
Maya couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her heart broke. She immediately checked Carina's airways. She was breathing thank God. Maya spoke into her comm on her shoulder.
"Andy I have her. I need an aid car stat!"
Maya removed her jacket and placed it over Carina's body. She would do anything to keep her safe even sacrificing her own body in the flames. She placed her mask over Carina's face, then reached under Carina's legs and back, picking her up bridal style. The memory passed through Maya's mind of that moment when they got back together after months apart. She carried her wife over the threshold in all the chivalry she had in her.
"I've got you. I'm gona get you out of here. You're safe with me."
Maya held her wide tight and began making her way out of the building. All the years of exercise and training came in hand for Maya. It wasn't easy carrying Carina but she pushed through. Burning her forearms as she made her way down the stairs and back out of the lobby of the building.
Maya ran with Carina in her arms towards Warren. She knew only he could check Carina out and make sure she's OK.
"Bishop I got her, I got her. Let me take a look."
Maya didn't want to leave her wife's side. Carina was placed on a gurney and then taken into the aid car. She didn't even think twice before jumping in with Carina and Warren. She didn't care that she was about to leave a scene and would probably get a mouthful from Andy. That was the least of her worries.
Warren hooked Carina's almost lifeless body up to the monitors and passed an IV into her arm. Maya looked on in fear. She reached for Carina's hand and kissed it, tears streaming down her face.
"You're gona be ok. You hear me. I'm gona be make sure. I'll protect you, I promise. Just hold on we're almost there."
Maya looked up,
"Ben why isn't she waking up. She's breathing normally right?"
"She hit her head pretty bad. We need to get her to Grey Sloan. They'll take a look. Maya she's going to wake up and be ok."
Maya nodded but the tears continued down her face,
"She might be pregnant. I don't know. We were planning on taking a test soon. She can't leave me, Ben. I won't survive without her."
Ben looked at Maya with sad eyes and reached over to hold Maya's shoulder.
They pulled up at Grey Sloan. Bailey was standing at the ER entrance. Ben ran it down for her as they looked over Carina's body. Maya attempted to walk in with Bailey,
"You can't come with us Bishop. You have to trust us to take care of her."
Maya wanted to protest but she knew she couldn't.
Cut to Maya pacing the waiting room. Hoping and praying that she receives word about her wife.
Bailey walked in with a smile on her face. Maya instantly let out a breath.
"She's ok. She's awake and responsive. She getting a CT scan that bang on her head wasn't good at all. But from our exam we can see that She's going to be just fine. You'll be able to take your wife home by tomorrow Bishop. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have my number OB here."
Maya breathed out deeply,
"Thank you, Bailey. Thank you so much. Can I see her?"
Bailey nodded and walked with Maya to Carina's room.
Maya entered the room and immediately went to Carina's side.
"Hey, you're awake. Gosh, babe, you really scared me."
Carina leaned into Maya's hand that caressed her cheek.
"You got me out. You saved me. Bambina."
There was a cry in Carina's voice. Maya's throat felt tight,
"Of course I did. I told you, you're safe with me. I'll always protect you. You hear me. Always. I don't know what I would've done if..."
A slight cry left Maya's throat.
An intern walked in with charts and handed it to Bailey,
"OK so your results look good. CT came back. You have a concussion so you're going to stay the night for observation and there will no excuses thats an order. You also have slight smoke inhalation so you're keeping that O2 on you hear me. But other than that it's safe to say that you 3 can be out of here by tomorrow midday."
Maya smiled at Carina and kissed her fingers again, she registered what Bailey said but something didn't make sense,
"Wait. You 3?"
Carina turned to look at Bailey also confused.
"Yes, Bishop. You both and baby DeLuca-Bishop should be good to go tomorrow."
Bailey said it almost like it was something obvious. Maya turned to Carina and they both smiled so big at each other.
In that moment, that very second that the knowledge passed over them was the immediate moment their family had officially started.
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nonnienonnon00 · 10 months
Maya and Carina Season 7
So here's what I think would be a great a Season 7 kicker for our fave wives to finally start a family. Its just a thought.
Opening scene
Skyline of Seattle - we zone in on Maya and Carina's apartment. Maya is trying to leave for her shift - but Carina keeps blocking her from going.
Carina, holds onto Maya's hips and kisses her neck,
"Bambina, I have the day off - I think that should mean that YOU should take a day off with me." She kisses Maya's lips, deepening the kiss - smiling as she then moves to kiss Maya's face.
Maya is defenseless and quite frankly is considering staying at home with her wife,
"Babe, you know I want to but I gotta go." She looks deep into Carina's eyes and just marvels at this beautiful woman she gets to call her wife.
"Hmmm, you are something else Dr Deluca."
Carina gazes into Maya's eyes and just sighs. She's never felt a love like this before - its so big in her chest - almost tangible - she can feel it, taste it on her tongue.
"Ok ok, if you must. But just know I'm going to be alone in this apartment all day, doing God knows what to keep me entertained." Carina smirked.
Maya knew exactly what that meant,
"Oh you are mean. Now I'm going to be picturing you doing THAT all day."
Carina laughs a little at her wife,
"Good! That's what I want you to do. Ok go before I decide to tie you down to the bed and have my way with you."
Maya's eyes bug out at just the thought,
"Carina! Ok I'm leaving! I love you so much." She kisses Carina again and walks out of the apartment.
Carina, sits down at their dining table and smiles to herself. The past few months they really took time to get reacquainted and focused on building their foundation. Now everything feels stronger between the both of them and Carina knows that Maya feels the same way.
Just then Carina gets a phone call from a clinic downtown. Confused she answers,
"Hi, I'm looking for Andrea Deluca. We've tried his contact number for a while but it seems to be inactive. We do have a Carina Deluca here on file as his next of kin."
Carina's heart breaks abit at the thought of her brother. Its been a few years since he died but the sting of just hearing his name is just as strong as it was in those beginning stages of losing him.
"Hi, yes this is Carina Deluca. Andrea is my brother, he passed away a few years ago."
Carina closes her eyes as the pain seeps in - just a few moments ago she was about to devour her wife in their hallway and now here she is about to speak about her dead brother.
"I'm so sorry to hear that. We were not notified of this so he is still on file her at the clinic."
Carina's brow furrowed,
"What is this about? Why are you looking for my brother?"
The lady on the phone clears her throat,
"Mam, this is Seattle Sperm Bank: Sperm Bank & Cryobank. We have your brothers specimen here and we were just calling to let him know that we are moving offices. We've been contacting our patients to let them know all month. Your brother was the last on our list."
Carina froze. Sperm bank? Why did he go to a sperm bank?
"Mam, we can arrange for his specimen to be destroyed if you would like."
Carina immediately blurted out,
"NO! I mean, no. Please don't do that. I will come down to your offices today to discuss. I'll be there in 30 minutes."
"Sure not a problem at all. We will see you then."
The amount of questions that passed through Carina's mind as he moved around the apartment to get ready were crazy.
What did this mean?
Was he ok?
Would we want to destroy it?
Maybe this is how it was always supposed to be?
Would we even be able to take it?
What about Maya? What would she think? Would she say no?
Scene cut to end of the day, Maya is heading home from her shift with a huge smile on her face. They tackled a crazy warehouse fire but managed to make it out unscathed. Andy was a great captain. She always knew she would be. But for now all Maya could think about was her wife. She desperately wanted to see her.
She walked into the apartment and settled down her backpack. It was unusually quiet. Rounding the corner, she found Carina sitting on the couch with a piece of paper in her hand.
"Carina, are you ok?"
Carina looks up at her wife with tears in her eyes. She hands the paper over. Maya reads it slowly,
"I don't understand. How did you get this?"
A tear streams down Carina's cheek,
"The clinic randomly called me today. Andrea put me down as his next of kin. They obviously couldnt get ahold of him."
Maya speaks under her breath,
"He went to a sperm bank? Why would he do that?"
Carina takes a breath,
"He did it when he went on meds for his condition. When he was manic and got diagnosed. It is quite common that it can effect your reproductive system so I guess he wanted to be careful. He always wanted to have a family." She smiled at herself.
Maya knew she needed tread carefully,
"This document says that its been transferred to you?"
Carina looks at Maya,
"I couldn't let them destroy it Maya. Andrea put me down as his next of kin but also as his proxy should anything happen to him I would have control on his profile with this clinic."
Maya nodded along and stared at the page,
"Babe, look at me. What are you thinking?"
Carina took a deep breath,
"I know this may not be ideal but we could never decide on a donor and then things with Jack didnt work out - which honestly I am kinda happy about. This just feels like a blessing but I dont want to do anything that you dont want - especially after everything we went through last year. I want us to make a family and be happy. But most importantly I want us to do this together."
Maya reached for Carina's hand, taking a deep breath and said,
"OK so hypothetically what would this look like? How would we do this?"
Carina picked up her wife's hand and kissed her fingers,
"Well, I guess it would be your egg with Andrea's sperm and I would carry. So in a way we would make an actual DeLuca-Bishop baby. And honestly just the thought of carrying your baby makes little butterflies in my tummy." Carina looked and Maya with so much hope in her eyes.
Maya also felt the butterflies at the thought of Carina doing this but before she they went any further she knew she needed to lay down some rules.
"So if we do this, I need to say a few things and I hope you won't get upset or offended. Can I do that?"
Carina nodded with that hope bubbling in her heart.
"I need to know that if we do this, have our baby like this that it won't be some sort of replacement for Andrew. I just want our baby to have their own life and not have this huge thing hanging over them cos of what happened to your brother. Please don't hate me for saying this."
Maya could feel the worry rising in her chest. Carina reached over and cradled her cheek,
" Bambina, I could never hate you for saying that. I love how much you want to protect our baby. But I want you to know that I would never allow that to happen. Our baby will never live in the shadow of my brother."
Maya smiled at Carina and pulled her against her body. Carina tucker her face into her wife's neck and took in a deep breath. The scent of Mayas perfume always managed to calm her down when her mind started racing.
Maya kissed Carina's forehead and hugged her body to her own on their couch. She knew that Carina must've been through a rollercoaster of emotions that day.
Taking a deep breath Maya said,
"Let's do this. Let's make a baby this way. A real DeLuca-Bishop."
Carina looked up at her wife and smiled so wide her heart felt like it would burst out of her chest.
Before she could lean in and kiss her wife, Maya smiled saying,
"Your gona have my baby."
Carina felt those butterflies again,
"Our baby".
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