nonpoenaperire · 8 years
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Jerusalem, Palestine
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nonpoenaperire · 8 years
Never get tired of listening to this soundtrack. Ever.
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nonpoenaperire · 8 years
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Glass footed bowl
Roman (Eastern Mediterranean), 1st century BC
Source: The J. Paul Getty Museum
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nonpoenaperire · 8 years
aesthetic meme: list your muse’s aesthetic. anyone can do this, list your muse’s aesthetic from tastes, smells, outfits, and scenes. add as many subjects as you like, it can help with people tagging you in aesthetically pleasing things towards your muse! ( repost, don’t reblog! ) tagged by: MYSELF tagging: i think everybody has done this meme already hah
SMELLS: dusty old tomes and new stacks of parchment paper, burning incense, freshly heated wax used for sealing letters, metallic tang of rulers and other measuring instruments, chalk and slate boards, clean linen and well-oiled leather, the faint smell of sun-warmed sand and the salty ocean breeze, anise and cinnamon, the sweet aftertaste of dates and fruit, aged cheese with herbs and salted fish, warm resins and vanilla, a well-loved blanket taken outside on many an adventure, freshly baked sweet buns, the smell of the air at the crack of dawn, the pillow right before you have to get up in the morning, the smell of the sea air from atop rocky cliffs 
SIGHTS: pots filled with bright colours of ink and slightly chewed quills, sheets and sheets of parchment paper covered in scrawled notes and lengthy equations, collections of mugs half-filled with cold tea, bowls emptied of the fruits in them and holding only pits and stems, elegant embroidered cushions faded in from the sun, piles of cleaned clothes folded neatly and stacked together in a corner of the bedroom, books on every subject piled so high they’re starting to teeter, ink-stained fingers and bitten fingernails, great chalkboards filled with unanswered questions and unsolved problems, a lute gathering dust on a high shelf, maps of Thedas with the locations of foreign universities carefully marked, an easy laugh, an easier smile 
OUTFITS: old robes (clearly too big for their current owner) with the family crest embroidered on the back, rumpled sleepwear made of fine fabrics, big and fluffy warm socks, knitted gloves with the fingers cut out so he can still turn the pages of books, silver signet rings, hooded robes with angular designs held up by a wide leather belt, loose-fitting grey pants tucked into tall leather boots, a couple of slightly ridiculous and gaudy shirts courtesy of his classmates in Orlais, extra pockets sewn into pants and pouches attached to belts to carry tools of a scholar’s trade, a striking uniform of silver and yellow and dark leather with a hood like the horns of a dragon
OTHER: doodles on the corner of lecture notes and cheeky notes in the margins of books, sticky fingerprints on the corners of important manuscripts, painted snail shells, a young boy reading under the blankets by magelight, a sturdy wooden desk accompanied by an old and comfortable plush chair, a library full to bursting with books, long walks at dusk along the shoreline, stargazing on the shingled rooftop of a sprawling family estate, sharing stories as easily as sharing drinks, heated debates, staying up way past bedtime, family dinners and teasing banter, warm embraces, the spaces between your fingers were created so another's could fill them 
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nonpoenaperire · 8 years
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The city of Mystras, now abandoned, was built in the 13th century. At its height Mytras was a center of science, politics, arts, and religion, with a population of about 20,000. Now its well-preserved but abandoned buildings still serve as a great example of the architecture of the past centuries, and classical Byzantine art. Read more.Read more.
Photo from Wikimedia
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nonpoenaperire · 8 years
"Layers" Character Meme
Name: Felix Alexius Eye Color: Very dark brown Hair Style/Color: Dark brown almost black in colour, and would be tightly curled he if allowed it to grow longer. Felix, however, typically keeps his hair as short as possible to avoid the hassle of caring for it, as well as to keep it out of his eyes while he works. (Short hair is just so much easier to manage.) He also keeps a small amount of closely-shaved facial hair.  Height: 5′7″~  Clothing Style: Whatever’s convenient. When he was a boy, Felix typically dressed in whatever clean clothes presented themselves to him first, and didn’t really care much about whether or not they matched. Often, when he knew he didn’t have to go out or they weren’t expecting any guests, he wore his sleepwear around his family’s home simply because they were more comfortable to read in. When he was sent away to school in Orlais he became a little more fashion-conscious, but he typically favours comfort above what’s in style. He enjoys loose-flowing clothing, soft fabrics in beiges and browns or other warm colours, and isn’t afraid to try different styles of clothing if he thinks he’ll like wearing them. In his wardrobe at home he does possess a number of more traditionally-styled Tevinter colours, but he only wore them to important functions. 
Best Physical Feature: His expressive eyes. 
Fears: Disappointing his parents, but particularly his father. The loss of his family. What Tevinter politics might do to his family and his closest friends. Losing all his research notes. Being left alone/being disowned/being replaced. Being forgotten or cast aside by his friends for people who will give them more by way of social status. In later years, losing his father to Tevinter fanatics. Dying a slow and painful death.  Guilty Pleasure: Eating in the library, especially finger food. Felix loves his books but he also really enjoys a great number of different foods, and being able to read and eat is magical, despite the risks.  Biggest Pet Peeve: Being talked down to about magic because he’s not a talented mage. Felix, though he has little by way of actual ability, has studied magical theory since he was old enough to understand the words in Gereon’s tomes. He spent hours and hours seated on his father or his mother’s lap as a boy, learning all they would teach him, and as such he is not ignorant when it comes to magical theory.  Ambition for the Future: Visit as many scholarly institutions across Thedas as he is able to. Study with as many masters as are willing to take him. Educate himself such that he can bring the information back to his country and better it through knowledge. 
First Thoughts Waking Up: “Did somebody mark my page when they took my book?” What They Think About the Most: The academic problems he’s currently working on. How to better organize his notes. How to better organize the whole house so he can easily access the books he needs. Where he left a particular book. What’s lunch going to be. Does he have enough paper if he has a breakthrough today.  What They Think About Before Bed: The same things he thinks about during the day, but mostly he lets his mind drift through the various problems he’s still working on, or a particularly . There have been times when he’s been thinking about a mathematical problem with such intensity that he dreams about integers.  What They Think Their Best Quality Is: Perseverance and a willingness to try new things. 
LAYER FOUR: WHAT’S BETTER? Single or Group Dates: Dates are a bit of a mystery to Felix, as he spent most of his youth focused entirely on his scholarly adventures, but I cannot see him being opposed to either. If his date felt more comfortable going with a group of friends, that would be fine with Felix. If she would have rather been alone with him? Also fine.  To be Loved or Respected: To be loved. Having been loved so much in his childhood, Felix has a great appreciation for how much love and support can do for a person. Despite his intellectual talents, he has no great desire to become a famous or respected scholar, content to work at his own pace and publish his work when it will be useful to someone. Though he does value the criticisms of other scholars in his field, at the end of the day it is the opinions of his parents and his closest friends that he values above all else. He would rather have their love than the respect of a hundred of his peers.  Dogs or Cats: What are animals. 
Lie: As little as possible, and always if he can avoid it. Felix doesn’t believe in using the truth to be unkind, but at the same time he tries his best to be as open and candid with people as possible. You can’t change the truth no matter how much you lie, and so it’s always better to avoid hiding it whenever possible.  Believe in Yourself:  Generally speaking, yes. Felix is confident in his abilities when it comes to things he’s good at, but he’s also self-aware enough to know when he’s trying to do something outside of his capabilities. He knows his limits, but is always willing to try new things for the experience, even knowing that he may not be good at them. Additionally, he trusted his family to always have his back in his endeavors, which gave him a confidence boost.  Believe in Love: Yes.  Want Someone: Not necessarily. Felix is the type of person to form close, intimate bonds with a few people rather than seek to make as many friends as possible. At one point in his life he did hope that his parents would help him find a future wife (because he did want to be able to share the wonderful family life he had with someone else) but it was never something that dominated his thoughts. 
LAYER SIX: EVER? Been on Stage: In the theatrical sense, no, but to debate about scholarly topics, yes.   Done Drugs: Once or twice.   Changed Who You Were to Fit In: Not really. The only way that Felix would really, truly fit in with the rest of his social class in Tevinter would be for him to be a better mage, and there’s nothing he can do to change his magic potential. Given his parents’ support, he chose to focus on befriending people in an area he did fit in, rather than lamenting his lack of talent in the magical sphere. 
LAYER SEVEN: AGE DOB: Summer of 9:14 Dragon How Old Will You Be: Timeline dependent.  Age You Lost Your Virginity: Depends on the definition, but he was up to hand-holding and kissing before he was infected with the Blight.  Does Age Matter: Yes and no. I don’t think Felix would ever consider someone much younger than him as anything more than a friend, and the same for someone much older than him. He grew up having great respect for his elders (most of them, anyways) but also among people his age and younger who were quite talented, so with respect to extending an offer of friendship he doesn’t have any age biases. 
LAYER EIGHT: IN A BOY OR GIRL Best Personality: Affectionate. Playful. Intelligent. Passionate about something.  Best Eye Color: Light eyes attract Felix’s attention, but he doesn’t have a particular preference.  Best Hair Color:  Dark hair.  Best thing to do with a Partner: Read in the library. Share stories and new information. Curl up together in front of the fire and relax after a long day. Take long walks along the coast and make castles in the sand. Spend time together, doing whatever makes them happy, so he can find his own happiness in their pleasure. 
LAYER NINE: FINISH THE SENTENCE I love: my family and my friends.  I feel: blessed, to be so loved despite the risk.  I hide: my sadness, because I don’t want to make them upset.  I miss: the family I once had.  I wish: she didn’t have to die. 
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nonpoenaperire · 8 years
Sometimes, the best way to help someone is just to be near them.
Veronica Roth, Divergent (via thelovejournals)
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nonpoenaperire · 8 years
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(instagram profile template)
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nonpoenaperire · 8 years
“Pain shared, my brother, is pain not doubled, but halved.” (nonpoenaperire)
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“Maker’s breath, Felix! How are you so –!” He broke off abruptly, feeling the most absurd urge to punch the stone wall. But fisticuffs weren’t precisely his thing. Instead, he curled his fingers into his palms, feeling the sharp bite of his nails in the stripes of softer flesh between his staff calluses. 
“How are you so calm about this?” he continued after a moment, the tiny but sharp pain serving to ground him somewhat. Felix was dying. His mother had died. And here the young man – and oh, how that word brother stung with a fierce and piercing beauty – stood, unwavering in his support for Dorian. As calm and mild as ever, as though this were the most mundane and quotidian of problems to be handled, and not… what it was.
“Pain halved is still pain, Felix.” And the last thing Dorian had ever wanted was to hurt his brother.
american gods sentence starters
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nonpoenaperire · 8 years
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Jehangir Kothari Parade, Karachi
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nonpoenaperire · 8 years
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dragon age // the western approach //  coracavus
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nonpoenaperire · 8 years
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St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna, Austria
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nonpoenaperire · 8 years
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nonpoenaperire · 8 years
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Nepali fountain, Patan
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nonpoenaperire · 8 years
I am a strong person. But every once in a while I would like someone to hold my hand and tell me things are going to be OK.
Anonymous (via wnq-anonymous)
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nonpoenaperire · 8 years
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I made another one.
1 (NSFW)
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nonpoenaperire · 8 years
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Some deeply fanon aesthetics for Gereon Alexius, Livia Arida and Felix Alexius from my RP
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