nonsensical-stars · 2 years
Kill La Kill wakeup times
Ryuko: this girl LOVES SLEEPING IN. Ryuko will legit not wake up if not awakened. Remember how she slept for 3 weeks once 💀
Mako: 5 am????? 12 pm?????? it fluctuates. Mako wakes up whenever the heck she wants to, there's no such thing as a sleep schedule. But that's basically because she just randomly falls asleep at any given time or location. Mako has no bedtime or wake up time.
Satsuki: SUCH A MORNING PERSON. Satsuki is definitely that one person that's up from the crack of dawn and just peacefully sits there drinking tea and watching the sunrise while reading a book, newspaper, or articles on the internet. 6 AM - 7.30 AM is her usual wake-up time. Even when she goes to bed terribly late-- her record is 10:00.
Nonon: 9 - 10 AM on a "no obligations" day. Likes to stay in a little longer if she can 🥰
Sanageyama: Very early, but not as excessive as Sats. He's out of bed at around 8 AM, 8.30 maybe.
Gamagoori: STRICTLY AT EXACTLY 8 AM EVERY MORNING. Not 7.59, not 8.01. 8 FREAKING 00.
Inumuta: Doesn't have a specific time to wake up but always wakes up when he's got EXACTLY 7,24 hours of sleep.
Iori: what is sleep
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nonsensical-stars · 2 years
“A skyscraper built within your mind will never fall”
[TW: R**e, Sexual Assault]
Satsuki. Satsuki.
Where do I even begin with this analysis.
I could rant all day long about how inspiring Satsuki and this entire statement is.
In short, this is what the phrase means: Her ambition was so much stronger than the obstacles she faced throughout her life. Now, let’s take a more detailed look at how this ties in with the abuse she has practically been dealing with ever since she was five. As we all sadly know, Ragyo is a very sick-minded individual who gets off on having complete control over people and making things happen that are against their will. She is obsessed with power. At its tamest, this obsession is shown through her position (CEO of a bestselling clothing company that, unbeknowst to the customers, produces clothing infested with an alien parasite that will slowly consume its wearer). At its heaviest, it extends to sexually abusing her daughter, Satsuki. Ragyo very deliberately hurts Satsuki, humiliates her, makes her do things against her will, she generally tries to make her as “weak” and uncomfortable as she possibly can - bc she’s SICK and gets a kick out of satsuki’s discomfort >:( But what I’m trying to say is; even throughout that, Satsuki’s anger, her ambition, her determination was stronger.
Ragyo thinks she is controlling Satsuki, but she is gravely mistaken. Right behind her back, Satsuki orchestrated an entire assassination and Ragyo didn’t suspect it for a second.
Satsuki, with all of her calculated words and actions, made Ragyo believe that she is fully on her side - while secretly raising an army to defeat her. She had built a skyscraper for herself within her mind, and an academy in reality. Satsuki controlled everything; she got to determine who could come in and who couldn’t, what happens and when, and most importantly...
Satsuki had the power and control to make Ragyo believe whatever SHE wanted her to believe.
And that is why, ultimately, Satsuki always had the upper hand.
Ragyo controlled her body, but she could never control her mind. And I believe that is one key factor that pulled Satsuki through the abuse every time. Because she knew that no matter what happens, Ragyo can never truly control her. Despite how Ragyo has tried to take away her power, how she bereaved her of her dignity and bodily autonomy, Satsuki was never powerless. She had so much power within her resolve, an aspect of herself that remained unscathed by Ragyo’s influence. This unscathed element Satsuki always held onto, is used metaphorically as a skyscraper. Ultimately, what she says, comes down to this: You may use me, humiliate me, and beat me down, but you will never own me.  I am my own person, I am in full control of who I am, what I stand for, and what I think. Nothing and no one will ever cloud my mind, not even you. Nothing will ever steer me off my path, and ever distract me from my one and only goal; killing you. 
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nonsensical-stars · 2 years
Kill La Kill - Cat person VS Dog person
Ryuko: Dog person Mako: Dog person Satsuki: Cat person Nonon: Cat person Gamagoori: Dog person Inumuta: Cat person Sanageyama: Dog person Iori: Dog person Soroi: Cat person Soichiro: Mouse person Ragyo: cockroach person Nui: do not leave nui with any animal  Rei: Cat person
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nonsensical-stars · 2 years
Ok but I realized Satsuki has probably never eaten pizza. The food that would be prepared at the Kiryuin manor would always be incredibly fancy by default, and not to mention that Ragyo would have a real stick up her ass about the import of “fattening foods” into the manor.  Well, imagine post-canon Ryuko and Satsuki studying together one evening. Satsuki is Extremely Focused™, but Ryuko gets bored out of her mind and starts rambling about completely random topics. Somehow, the conversation shifts to pizza. Satsuki remarks that she’s never had pizza, and Ryuko is so bewildered that she spits her lemonade all over Satsuki’s books. As Satsuki angrily calls out “Ryuko!!! My books!!!!” Ryuko blurts out something among the lines of “WWWWWHWHWAHWHAWHAWHGAKSSKJSKDJWHY?????? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE????? Ryuko instantly shuts down her laptop and yeets away all the books, and goes “we’re going to get pizza.” Satsuki tries to object at first, saying that she’s not done studying and she’s got an important test coming up next week- but Ryuko doesn’t take any of her shit. Pizza. Now.  Satsuki: Ryuko, I’d love to go eat pizza with you sometime but I really need to fini- Ryuko, already at the door with her jacket on: P I Z Z A
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nonsensical-stars · 2 years
WHOLESOME CONTENT! WHOLESOME CONTENT! SOME WELL-DESERVED APPRECIATION FOR RYUKO AND SATSUKI BC THEY ARE Incredible™ AND THEY DESERVE THE WORLD! smol cute edit lol i wanted to do this for the whole crew but my attention span was too short and I only did ryuko & sats
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nonsensical-stars · 2 years
[CW: Two seconds of flashing/faded images of S/A] ....I found this edit I made like four years ago. Bro,,, the transition from “this is what we are” to “this isn’t who we are” still tugs at my heartstrings ;u; Them!!!!!!!! <3 Edits with angry beginnings and happy endings don’t get old :”D
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nonsensical-stars · 2 years
Ryuko Matoi - The one who broke free from evil (EP 21)
[This post is a follow-up to The Brainwashing of Ryuko - A Bloodied Wedding Dress. Warning: Long post lol]
Ryuko, now having the false illusion of reality within reach, will not stop. She is livid. Furious. And she will destroy anything, and anyone, that gets in the way of her happiness.... even the people she cares about the most. Satsuki, Senketsu, Mako and the rest of The Gang TM immediately assess the situation, and /know/ that this isn't Ryuko talking. This is all Ragyo's doing. And so, they set up a plan to cut Ryuko loose from Ragyo's control. Satsuki and Senketsu join forces, and try to bring Ryuko back to her senses. Senketsu's voice is still heard by Ryuko. He tries to use this asset wisely, and tells her about their synchronization. About how they were truly and utterly in sync. Two in one. Now, Ryuko is just being worn by Junketsu. Controlled. To that, Ryuko responds: "So what? I feel happier than ever being worn by Junketsu! I feel out of this world!" Satsuki calls out in frustration: "That's the happiness of a slave!" Ryuko absolutely flips. She's being confronted with the falseness of these memories - but if you believe in them for long enough they'll become real, right? Ryuko panics, she never wants to go back to this dark, isolated time in her life; to her feelings without Junketsu. To the loneliness, the neglect, the ache that trauma leaves behind. Even if it's fake, Junketsu relieves all of that pain. With Junketsu sewn to her body, there is no pain. No trauma, no loneliness, no hurt. Ryuko yells at Satsuki that this is what she wants, this is what everyone should want, and if she doesn't like it, she'd better die. Shortly after that, she starts violently beating Satsuki up. However, within her seething rage, Ryuko does not realize that Satsuki and Senketsu are meant to be a distraction. This distraction gives the Elite Four and NB the chance to close in on her. Nui, who has apparently been pleasantly watching the whole thing go down, remarks that Junketsu's life fibers are now intertwined with the life fibers inside Ryuko's body. If Ryuko were to take Junketsu off, it'd be the equivalent of ripping off her own skin - and she would very likely die from blood loss. Yet, the crew does not give up. At a moment when Ryuko is distracted, Satsuki quickly stabs Ryuko in the chest. She yells at Mako to stick Senketsu into the wound, in the hope that Senketsu's Life Fibers will untangle Junketsu's influence. Mako hastily complies, and both Mako and Senketsu literally get absorbed into Ryuko's mind. Holy shit this anime. Mako and Senketsu have barged into this dark place within Ryuko's mind, determined to pull her out of it. Ryuko sits there alone, cooped up in her picture perfect wedding dress. Mako wastes no time and hugs her so damn tightly, she cries - she wants to hug all the bad stuff away. "How can you call this happiness?" Mako shouts, somewhat desperately. "This isn't you! Please come back home with us!" Ryuko wields her Scissor Blade, and threatens that she'll kill anyone who dares to destroy her happiness. "Kill me then!" Mako exclaims. "If you insist on staying cooped up in here forever, then kill me and quit being Ryuko-chan!"
Ryuko lifts her blade to strike Senketsu. Senketsu has blood of pre-brainwash Ryuko, of Satsuki, and of Mako flowing through him - and as Ryuko cuts him, it all quite literally bleeds out into her mind. It pours everywhere, covering the little false reality, painting everything red. Ryuko is shaken by this, she remembers, the memories bleed through her. Mako's heartbroken face, Senketsu only wanting to protect me, I love them. I love them.
And that's when it hits. I love these people. I don't love anything in the hallucinations. Senketsu, Satsuki, Mako, these memories are real, they feel much warmer than this monstrous Junketsu ever did, they feel much more true to me than all the polished pretty lies I was fed, I need to get out of here... I need to come back to the people I love, the people that make me happy. I need to get out of this ice cold place.... Mako and Senketsu return to reality, and... so does Ryuko. Or at least, she tries. She is vehemently attempting to crawl out of that corrupted headspace. But of course, given the level of brainwashing Ragyo has put her through, this is easier said than done.
Yet, what this scene comes down to is this: Ryuko's love for Mako, Senketsu and Satsuki, is so much stronger than Ragyo's toxic influence.
This moment never fails to make me emotional, and even though it's far-fetched, I can relate to it. My love for life itself and all the beautiful things about it, my love for humanity and for the people I feel are as close to me as Mako, Senketsu and Satsuki are to Ryuko.. It was stronger than all the toxic influences I had. No matter how Ragyo tried to break her spirit, to corrupt and brainwash her into servitude, and to overwrite her entire memory - her memories of those whom she truly loves, are so much more powerful. And so, she knows what to do. "Quit doing with me whatever you damn well please!" Ryuko screams as she tears Junketsu off. "How dare you force me into this! Screw this, and screw you! I've had enough! Dying is fine by me! I have to take this thing off, even if it costs me my life!" Ryuko would rather die true to herself, than stay cooped up inside a false reality forever. Even if it costs her her life, she will not bow. She will not surrender. Even if she has to fight everything in her mind to do it, to sever Junketsu's toxic influence... nothing will stop her. Because she is loved. And she loves them just as much. You are loved, too. No matter how ugly life can get. No matter how people try to break your spirit. You are stronger than all of that shit. And you too, can fight your way out of your dark headspace, however it may look like. <3Anyway Ryuko is hella strong for managing to break free from THAT - AAAAAND babies Mako, Senketsu & Satsuki are also hella strong for being the ones to pull her through. RANT OVER
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nonsensical-stars · 2 years
Tsumugu Kinagase wears Crocs, I don’t make the rules
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nonsensical-stars · 2 years
Kill La Kill headcanons! Part 1
★ Ryuko constantly talks and/or complains during movies. Everyone else just learned to shut her out, but Nonon can’t help but get really annoyed sometimes. ★ Whenever Satsuki and Ryuko spend the night together and none of them can sleep (or one of them can't), they sleepily have really deep conversations and never mention them again in the morning. ★ Satsuki got anemia from too much kamui ★ Satsuki gets really fluffy bedhead when she wakes up (after she cut her hair short) ★ Satsuki actually has a decent singing voice - nothing too extraordinary, but still pleasant to listen to :) ★ Mako loves thrifting!!!!!! <3 ★ Both Nonon and Satsuki can't cook, due to their upbringing in rich households. Though, Satsuki can follow directions on the ramen package and boil pasta. Nonon can't make a sandwich without accidentally setting the kitchen on fire. ★ Speaking of cooking, Nonon tried to bake a cake once to surprise Satsuki. The fire alarm had already gone off 9 times while the cake wasn't even in the oven yet. ★ Nonon is great at pillow fights because she's small and can easily sneak up on people. Iori is the worst out of the group, he just curls up into a ball and screams while being plummeted with pillows. ★ Tsumugu has naturally curly hair. He just shaves his head and straightens his mohawk in the morning. As a child, Tsumugu had a head full of little dark blue curls. ★ Rei used to tell Satsuki stories about greek mythology when she was little.
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nonsensical-stars · 2 years
The Brainwashing of Ryuko - A Bloodied Wedding Dress (EP 20)
Trigger Warning // R*pe, sexual assault Nui stitches Junketsu's life fibers together with the life fibers inside of Ryuko's body. From a metaphorical standpoint, we could argue that this is some acute foreshadowing to Ragyo's control (Junketsu's life fibers) mixing up with Ryuko's memories (her own life fibers), with her past, and with everything she stands for... and eventually overwriting them. Ryuko loses grip, and Ragyo, very deliberately, hits her weakest point during her most psychologically vulnerable state. Through Junketsu, Ragyo is now able to pry into Ryuko's deepest subconscious. To reach her biggest wishes and desires, her best and worst memories, the core of what makes Ryuko, Ryuko. Now, Ragyo knows all about the deep loneliness of little Ryuko. About the neglect, the bullying - the desire for a damn parent. And so, Ragyo uses this knowledge to her advantage. Just at a horrifying moment when Ryuko has no idea who she is, what her past truly meant, and what she's really fighting for... Ragyo eagerly barges in to fill those gaps for Ryuko. She creates an illusion of Ryuko's most desired reality, and plants fake memories in her head - overwriting her real, painful ones. We see images of little Ryuko during important events of her life, such as her birthday, or her first day of school. Images of Ryuko playing outside, and going to her first ever prom. Now, what's common about these fake memories? About the memories she wished she could have had? Her mom was with her. In Ryuko's real life, she was abandoned at an orphanage by her father, and never knew her mother. So Ragyo gave her a feigned illusion of what she wanted most of all things; a loving parent to celebrate her birthday with. A parent to cheer her on during her football matches, a parent in the audience to watch her school plays. A parent to hug. I believe that all of that pain was pictured through a bloodied wedding dress. Deep down, it truly hurt Ryuko that whenever she'd get married, nobody would be there to walk her down the aisle. She's so damn strong, but deep down, Ryuko is still an abandoned, scared, lonely child who needed love. So Ragyo corrupts her head with memories of Ragyo giving her exactly that. And poor Ryuko... poor Ryuko caves. She is going to fight for her parent who gave her that love, and all those who dare to stand against her...she's going to fight for the life she's always wanted. All according to plan. As this is established, Ragyo (and Nui joins in too, YIKES) then proceeds to r*pe Ryuko, in the midst of brainwashing her into servitude and dependence using all of these good memories. Why? Why was that necessary, Ragyo? Was the whole overwriting of her memory not enough, did you have to pepper in some lifelong trauma to seal the brainwashing? Well.. unfortunately, other than just being a disgusting individual who gets a kick out of controlling others, there is one more reason. She is r***ing Ryuko while simultaneously corrupting her mind with all of these joyful memories. And so, she is conditioning Ryuko into associating the r*** with good memories. Ragyo wants Ryuko to believe that all these icky things are part of the happiness Ryuko wants so badly. This also very much explains why a brainwashed Ryuko kissed Nui. 
..... (this was written by my cat who walked over my keyboard, so imma just leave it here) It is implied that this aforementioned event too, is a false memory planted into Ryuko’s head. Still, whether it really happened or not, it was the last straw that truly pushed Ryuko over the edge. Because shortly after this, episode 20 ends and Ryuko fully surrenders to Junketsu’s influence. To evil. All according to plan.
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