nontozuma · 4 years
I haven't updated my blog in such a long time typically because I've been busy, also just happy - life's been good. Today I realized that I update my blog when I'm going through overwhelming emotions & want to let it out LOLz..
This year has not been easy for many people - on the same breath there have been blossoming flowers through concrete for others. It would be an exaggeration for me to say it's been difficult for me, it hasn’t I have just been going through emotions, lots of emotions - emotions of defeat to be exact well academically. I have been studying the same degree for the past three years. I have been submitting the same thesis for three consecutive years & I never get the opportunity to defend it. I have been paying school fees out of my pocket for the past three years which goes down the drain not because I'm failing but because "someone is disorganized, don't check emails on time, don't provide feedback on time, don't book time to defend my work on time" the list of excuses is endless until an academic year ends and I have to re-register. The cost of all of it is my time and money invested that goes to waste. 
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Nonetheless with all that going on: when this year started I decided I was gonna pursue another degree regardless at a different university which I was accepted for midyear intake - then the pandemic happened. I asked to be moved to January 2021, today they called to say I have to go through their tedious lengthy process re-apply & sit for another exam in order to qualify and be accepted again. I hung up the phone, packed my bags & drove home with a lump in my throat - I couldn't explain the defeat in my spirit.
Then while sitting in traffic repeatedly listening to Amanda Black's song... I remembered...
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When this pandemic started someone wrote: 
"To everyone who was about to begin a new exciting journey, sign a new contract, awaiting a check to clear now delayed or cancelled, move to a new country or start a new job but now cannot. In aviation, holding (or flying on hold) is a maneuver designed to delay an aircraft already in flight within a specified airspace. This is done for a number of reasons; too many planes on the runway, high winds, too many flights landing or taking off. Irrespective of the reason for holding the flight - eventually it will land. Now don't be the passenger that rants & complains about things they can't control. Instead be the passenger that puts on their shoes, folds their blanket & adjust their seat upright preparing for landing even though the time of landing is unknown" This is a reminder not only for me with my studies but for everybody else who's flight hasn't landed, stop ranting & adjust your seat, that flight shall land too. We will land all the degrees we want accompanied with merit.
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Love and Light.
Goodnight - dream the dreams you wish to live tomorrow!
Signed: MaZuma♥️
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nontozuma · 7 years
Grief, Growth and Resilience.
This year I lost a woman who raised me from an infant till I was a young girl and partly through my teen years – my gran; I also lost a man who has been my life sheer all my existence – my dad. It’s safe to say the longest chapter of this year is called GRIEF.  
Grief: (noun) – intense sorrow, especially caused by someone’s death.
During this period I was required to cut my hair, as a Zulu girl who is not married and doesn’t have kids; you cut your hair when a family member passes, it’s part of our culture, also a form of respect during the mourning period, so while my mom had to wear black clothes every day for a few months, we cut our hair (my siblings and I).
Though I must confess that I didn’t want to cut my hair but then it donned on me that half my life was falling into shambles… what was hair in the bigger scheme of things? It was going to grow back and I weren’t going to get my loved ones back. The Sunday after my dad’s funeral my cousin cut my hair – I told him to use a scissor because for some reason I wanted my hair look just like how my heart felt at the time, ugly and rough around the edges.
It was significant for me to express the way I felt (still feel – through chopping my hair off), be in that moment, feel every emotion and feel all of it every-day. Every-time I would look at myself in the mirror, my hair falling into its original shape and form I would feel lighter. Grief is a form of growth (it’s unbearably painful I know but you grow mentally and emotionally significantly), hard-times are always temporal; things always get worse before they turn into a miracle. Live in gratitude, live your truth, if you were to ask me what kept me going this year; it was gratitude, being grateful for everything that is going right in my life.
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During this period I’ve learned a few things:  
1.      Go through grief of losing someone you love and life’s disappointments, don’t go around it. You’ll grow through it
2.      It is okay to go through a shitty phase, it builds your character - (remember… hard times will always wake you up to things you weren’t paying attention to).
3.      There will be days where you feel like not getting up. GET UP - the world is still revolving; people’s lives didn’t stop when yours stopped.
4.      There will be moments where you breakdown because so much you didn’t expect / anticipate is going wrong (unplanned responsibilities etc.), you get overwhelmed and feel like you can’t handle it. When this happens; find yourself a corner and let it all out, cry it out, but when you get up from there; go find a solution and fix it.
5.      Make sure you have a strong support system – talking to a trusted friend about your worries makes you feel lighter; however, it DOES NOT fix your problems / anxiety, it makes you feel better.
6.      Sometimes grief sneaks up and interrupts a moment – you find yourself tearing up and feeling lonely in a room full of people. Allow it.
7.      Accept the fact that grief from loss is not another “bad day at the office” – it’s a life changing incidence that you’ll have to live with for the rest of your life, only time will ease it up for you bit by bit.  
8.      Even at your most heart-wrenching painful moments – always remember that not everyone will have your best interest. Try as much as you can to lean on yourself.  Learn to be self-sufficient.
9.      Don’t wait for people to meet you half way, meet yourself from both ends. Choose you. Yourself. Choosing yourself is a form of love itself.
10.  During this time you will fall behind on your dreams but never underestimate your ability to bounce back – remember, a setback is a platform for an even greater come-back.
11.  Heal at your own pace; don’t allow the World to force you into healing that you not ready for. The world will expect you to get over it. The world will impose timelines on your healing. DO NOT let it.
12.  As painful as this may sound but it’s the truth that you need to face: THE WORLD DOESN’T CARE, pull yourself together and go on. Avoid venting on too many people and social media, it won’t help you.
13.  During this period others will be waiting for your “downfall” especially if your life depended on the person you lost, DON’T GIVE IN, stand tall.
14.  PRAY, He says “I will go and level the mountains for you… I will give people in exchange for you, I will give nations in exchange for your name” He hasn’t forgotten about you. PRAY.
He continues to say… “I will not forget you. I have written your name in the palms of my hands” – Isaiah 49: 15-16.
Then He says… “When the time is right, I the Lord, will make it happen” – Isaiah 60:2. When you pray, God answers.
15.  RESILIANCE!!! Baby, be resilient.  
Resilience – ability / capacity to recover from difficult times.
16.  Learn to dance in the rain
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Needless say that eight months down the line, my hair has grown to almost it’s fullness, I love its curliness, its volume and the way it looks and for what’s worth I think it suits me lol. This however doesn’t come close to how my heart looks and feels, it’s still ugly and rough around the edges but it’s healing… its own kind of healing and it’s ready to accept that the storm came and it’s now time to dance in the rain.
Now darling, allow me to close by saying, “you’re allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress. Simultaneously”.
And baby,
Always remember… even on your worst day YOU’RE OKAY.
Signed: MaZuma. 
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nontozuma · 7 years
Gratitude in storm.
Staying grateful while going through a set-back in life has to be one of the hardest things any human could go through. It is the same as trying to stay grateful when nothing good is happening, when things are just stagnant whether in your career, business & personally – whether it’s landing a job if you’re unemployed, a promotion if you’ve been in the same position for ages or even moving into a new home if you’ve been saving up for ages.
This year has been the most heart-wrenching painful experience of my life – I experienced multiple set-backs in almost all areas but through all of it, I learned that strength is being grateful for what’s going right when you have a million reasons to cry for what’s going wrong. “Your most painful experiences will grow you. Do not wish your struggle away; your triumph could not happen without it” Andra Knox.
I learned that by being grateful for what’s going right in your life, you learn to lean on yourself and be self-sufficient. Being grateful tends to introduce a lot of other things to be grateful for. Even if you were done wrong, be grateful for the experience, take the lessons with you and walk away with grace. Close the chapter and let go.
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You need to stop worrying about other people’s blooming processes and phases, focus on yours and the journey laid out for you. “Give yourself time to grow and blossom at your own pace” Reverie Hippie - technically it’s not your pace, its God’s. Accept it and be grateful for what’s already there. Nothing will ruin the best years of your 20’s than success FOMO that will leave you battling with mountains of debts because of trying to keep up.
“Lucky breaks don’t happen by accident. They are simply gratitude’s magical power at work!” The secret
While you awaiting your moment, be grateful for what’s going right and…
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“While everything is still, work on you. That’s YOUR MOMENT” Brenda Mtambo – during this phase if you love travelling, travel that’s your moment. If you want to finish your degree, go back to school that’s your moment. If you’ve always wanted to start a business, jump on it, it’s your moment to invest all your time and energy to see it through.
Get started! Time waits for no man and don’t forget to be grateful for what you already have.
Remember…every-time you feel a little overwhelmed,remind yourself - the same God who allowed you to get back on your feet from your previous set-backs, WILL DO IT AGAIN…
I’m off traveling…
Signed: MaZuma
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nontozuma · 8 years
Last Night’s Thoughts
Started watching a certain series every day after work since late last year. At first I downloaded the series out of boredom and needed something to keep me busy every day after work but it has changed my life. For the first time in my life I have stopped being too hard on myself, it has made me realize that every little step I take in life adds to the other steps I have taken and every year when I look back I realize that I have covered quiet a distance. Every little step you take counts and adds to the bigger picture.
Not even by a glimpse of any imagination am I close to where I want to be, let alone where I think I should & deserve be presently but it has taught me to come to terms with the fact that not everything I want will happen on my time. It’s a very big stone to swallow when every day you feel like you getting less ambitious than you were growing up but it all starts with accepting that at some point in life there’s a lesson to be learned and that means patience.
Accepting that people’s journeys are different and so is mine, all the best it needs from me is to embrace and learn from it.
It’s made me embrace my womanhood as a black girl, from the way I wear my hair letting my natural hair come to play, voicing my opinions and wearing my African prints every time I feel like it.
Embrace my blackness and flaunt my melanin.
Show off your melanin, remind that little girl inside you of all the big dreams she’s always had & fulfill each and everyone of them....
Never let that spirit die
Signed: MaZuma
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nontozuma · 8 years
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nontozuma · 9 years
Caught in a State of Constant Inner Improvement
May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears" Nelson Mandela. When your dreams are bigger than your fears, every action you take reflects going boldly towards the path of your dreams and living the life you've always envisioned. Fear is the biggest barrier to all dreams possible but collapsed. The barrier between enduring life and happiness. "Happiness is not a checklist. A dream job, a bachelors degree, a fast car, a good home, even love, mean nothing at all if you have not yet found a way to feel full and content in your own mind and heart" - Beau Taplin (The Checklist ) I've learned that happiness is being content with all that is around you, doing what you love, doing what makes your heart beat faster, doing what makes you feel complete. It is being with who makes you feel at peace and genuinely grateful for being alive. The feeling of being in love with your present, being in the moment, being in love with your choices & being in love with the idea of a beautiful future. "She was free in her wildness, she was a wanderess. A drop of free water. She belonged to no man and to no city " - Roman Payne The adrenalin of being free spirited... I've grown to understand what it means waiting on God's time; I've learned that you need to be grateful for closed doors for they lead to the destined path. I've learned that you need to appreciate struggles for they teach humility and to own your scars for they evidence of all hindrances you've triumphed over. I've grown to understand the power of words, faith and meditation, for what you believe in and speak of, becomes. The tongue speaks things into existence "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. I felt fear myself more times than I can remember, but I hid it behind a mask of boldness. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid but he who conquers that fear" - Nelson Mandela Recently an incidence made me realize that you need to take each dream as a mission to be completed, give yourself a time-frame, take charge, take the lead in your own arena, be persistent & deliver your objectives within the timeframe you've allocated for yourself. Forget what other people are doing around you & stick to your lane. The more you learn to stop explaining your decisions to people, the better the chances to get the things you want done. After-all you need not validate your choices on anybody. Life is too short to be waiting on anyone, dependent on anyone. Do it alone. Love hard, live hard & NEVER give up on your dreams. Lots of LOVE & Happy Valentine's LOL! Mwaaah! Signed: MaZuma ❤
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nontozuma · 9 years
Travels 😍
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nontozuma · 9 years
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#Life #Dreams #Possibilities #Love #Travels #Hope
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nontozuma · 9 years
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W A N D E R L U S T Nothing will ruin your 20's more than the idea of thinking that at this age you should have it all figured out in life. Be brave, take risks, nothing could ever substitute the experience. My biggest learning the past year was that: poor life decision making / mistakes cannot be made for nor changed because they are already done, so never try to amend them, instead learn from them and move on. I learnt the significance of never giving up on my dreams for anything or whatever reason because in the mist of it all you will find yourself, grow, you will figure out what inspires you, you will curate your own dream, visualize and envision them. You will let go and figure your own beliefs, your own stunning clarity... So... "Go confidently to the direction of your dreams and live the life you've always imagined" Signed: Mazuma😉 #Life #Love #Travels #Dreams #Growth #Dedication
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nontozuma · 9 years
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14 November 2015
It has been almost a year since I last updated this blog, (the “lazy bug” caught on me) feels great to write again though;anyway, so I’m lying in bed last night browsing through fashion on instagram when one of my girlfriends calls me to watch on television my “FAVOURITE GURL”, I jumped out of bed & ran to switch on the tv. After watching her story (which I already knew, but had to re-watch because it motivates me & I love her J). I was telling my sister why she inspires me & why do I relate to her story so much & some of the reasons being; her work ethic & her patience considering how long it took her to get to where she is but more significantly the struggles she has overcome to get there& I relate to those struggles on so many levels. My sister said something that hit home. She asked if she inspires me so much why do I have all these great ideas buried in my laptop neither of them ever action-ed.
This made me realise that sometimes we defer our dreams without realising we are, keep telling ourselves that dreams delayed are not dreams denied whereas there are so many ways to get to where we want to be. Thoughtfully learned that every person you meet is trying to get somewhere in life, every person you meet is going through something, just because they don’t talk about it, it doesn’t mean they no longer want it or it no longer hurts them that they are not there yet, me included and the people around me career wise.
Having people you look up to help you find who you are, what makes you tick, it gives some sort of perspective and how to go about getting where you want to be in life. It takes you on a journey of self-actualisation& when you finally do find yourself, you see a lot of things from a different viewpoint.
This year I did a lot of self-finding & in the processI closed doors I neverthought I would, the thought of closing them would make my heart literally sink and I just couldn’t imagine how life would be without them in my life but every so often in life tough decisions are ought to be made for our greater good. If there is one thing this life has taught me is that “At times it is OKAY to close doors, let people walk (and burn their bridges if need be); for your own sanity”
The moment you find yourself, you stop trying to fit in& plastering broken companionships.
Always keep in my mind; people know your name, not your story. They’ve heard what you’ve done, not what you’ve been through. Even if they do know your story, they haven’t walked the walk, they don’t know how it felt, and so they can never tell your story any better than you ever would.
Find yourself;  travel alone, its the best experience you could ever give yourself
PS. Life does not suck as much :)
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nontozuma · 9 years
The beauty of Traveling
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nontozuma · 9 years
It’s been a while since I last wrote anything, I wanted to write but I was going through a lot & life seemed to be moving too fast hardly ever had time, well I guess there are not too many hours in a day after all.
However, having been in Europe for months I wanted to write about my traveling experiences & fullfiling childhood dreams but having experienced racism as a young black woman living there I changed my mind & so I decided I wanted to write about racism because I had so many things to voice out. Tell stories of many racial discrimination incidences that left me awe & dissapointment literally wanting to pack my bags and heading home & that means deferred dreams & shuttered vision.
Nonetheless before I could even gather my thoughts together & reinforcing my mindset xenophobia erupted in South Africa my own country, brutal killings & torturing of foreign residences for being in the country. What is more mentally tormenting & makes me ashamed is that we killing our own. Our own fellow Africans who will shade us should shit hit the fan again like it did during apartheid. We shedding our own blood. Taking lives whose mission is to seek greener pastures & feed their families like we all do. Killing the very same people who took us under their wing & protected us from a white man who made our lives a living hell for our own land, wealth & merely existence during apartheid. I can just imagine the shock in Mandela’s face if he was to rise to from his grave & witness the peace he worked so hard for going in vein.
South Africa is known for World peace in the international arena because we triumphed over apartheid & preached peace instead of war. Did we conquer apartheid alone? No! We did it together with the help of the very same people we brutally kiling for being in this country. Is it selfishness? Shallowness? Are we attracting unnecessary terrorism & economic sanctions to our country which will leave us penniless out of failing to reason? Will we survive on our own when all allies in the international space have alienated us because of this animal behavior? Can’t we be civil & implement laws that will prevent only ILLEGAL immigrants from entering the country like the rest of the World does instead of killing & torturing them?
We killing hope of a young man or woman like you & I who dreams of spreading their wings one day & go fullfil their dreams in a foreign land. We killing the vision of kids who dream of attaining their degrees in this country. Girls like myself who dream of obtaining their doctorials in other foreign territories. We taking food on the table for lots of families. We depriving children a bright future who will grow up without their dads to put them through school. Never mind university. There are always better solutions beside force around every problem. NOT VIOLENCE! #IAmNotASilentWitness #NotInMyCountry #NoToXenophobia
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nontozuma · 10 years
Elegance Is Maintaining Grace & Poise In Storm
“Beware of false knowledge it’s more dangerous than ignorance” George Bernard Shaw
One of many beautiful lessons my mother taught me as a young girl is to never react or utter a word when am angry especially in unrestricted realm because that will do nothing but validate my low level of thinking & destroy my reputation in people’s minds (If ever I was anything close to being “wise”).  However, the highest form of the lowest level of thinking you’ll ever encounter in any human race is “girl rivalry” it’s childish, pointless, stupid and annoying.  
However, I’ve grown to learn to play all my cards very close to my chest, because unexpectedly you’ll find your name dragged down the mud. Girls can be so vicious towards each other it’s sad; such bitterness should be considered a “crime” literally. Are we bitter because our lives are not progressive or we bitter because we do not want to see other people’s lives progress and their happiness or the way they live their lives is too much for our heart s to handle, hence the cruelness erupts? Truth is: “you can close your eyes to things you don’t want to see but you can’t close your heart to things you don’t want to feel”- Johnny Depp  
Malicious individuals will rob you the freedom of being happy & consume space in your mind rent-free only if you let them… In my World they DON’T EXIST because in my life happiness comes before everything else. In all that I do I strive for happiness first & always stick with LOVE, not because I am in love literally (which I am) but because hate is too great a burden to bear.
My advice is:
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  And “Remember even though the outside world might be raining, if you keep on smiling the sun will soon show its face and smile back at you” Anna Lee so enjoy your life.
A girl who’s got her business together does not get bitter over another girl’s life cause she’s got her own to handle, she never hangs her dirty laundry out in the open, neither does she wear her pain & struggles in public because those two never match any of her outfits, she knows where & when to voice her views & for what purposes, but more importantly: she chooses her battles very wisely because she knows not every battle she’s invited to needs her attention.
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Life will always teach you to wear your heart on your sleeves cause bitter people will rain stones on your personal ground, so u can lose sight: focus on picking stones up, do not pick them just live your life and leave a trail for them to step on while u progress, they will see you at the top if their ladder will be strong enough for them to climb or if your trail does not leave a gap for them to miss a step fall flat on their bum.
Sweetheart, always wear your invisible crown
Be kind to pretenders around you, cheer them, support them & love them
Live it up, but more importantly SMILE, they’ll always wonder why they can’t bring you down.
Signed: MaZuma J
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nontozuma · 10 years
Greatness exists in all of us…
Some days are better than others and some are worse than others but what really matters is how you get through each of them either good or bad.
I was telling my close friend the other day that God introduced struggles in my life at a very tender age, hence, I started back then appreciating each day of my existence, counting my blessings and making each day count.
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We all face more crappy days in times of struggle and just want to cry. I am the most emotional person on earth I whip in hardships but u know what I do after that? I pull myself together, fix my hair and await my grand walk of confidence when I step out, that’s when I get my ish sorted out & get my life back on track because let’s face it: bad times pass, they are always temporal, seasons change I have never seen one that lasts forever, so at some point u got to pick yourself up.
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I read somewhere that it is important to be kind to every person you meet because everyone you come across is fighting some sort of a battle. So try being considerate and instead of being fixated on other people’s journey’s consider enhancing yours and coming up with strategies of how to improve your own journey every day. Life has more meaning and makes more sense when you only focused on your life and appreciating what God has given to you.
One important thing I've learned throughout the years is mastering the art of not being afraid of being different. We all unique for a specific purpose, hence we serve different purposes, so embrace that. People will only rain your parade because your sun shines too bright for them and they are tired of their shade, forgetting that trying to blow out someone else’s candle doesn't make theirs shine any brighter. So focus on you and forget other people’s lives, girls compete with one another, but women empower one another, it’s a matter of principle and what you choose to be…
The other day I had a phone call conversation with my other close friend, and we were sharing our struggles on making it academically. She enlightened me about something so profound which I in fact I took for granted before she highlighted it to me: the importance of PATIENCE. She told me to look it up on my dictionary: I did: Patience means “The ability to accept delay without getting angry” most of us fail dismally on being patient; we get frustrated, whereas life needs PATIENCE. 
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So if there’s a delay on your path wait on the Lord and don’t hate on other’s paths. I woke up to a whatsapp this morning from my girl singing “I don’t mind waiting on you Lord” so wait on the man upstairs, his promises last forever, the darker the night, the brighter they shine. The day He proves to you that He is God, he’ll show off with you and they’ll stand up open doors for you before you even knock.  
When you serve a living & faithful God no human being will attempt to bring you down on your knees & succeed. Remember what you see in others exists in YOU, so see good in others.
Be true to YOU. Make YOU happy
And always remember that Greatness exists in all of us, so maybe working a little harder is not that bad…
Signed: MaZuma :)
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nontozuma · 11 years
What I will tell my daughter.
…that being a woman is a gift from God, courage, brevity, strength and wisdom is what will be granted to her without asking. No one will ever fight nor limit her capabilities, she will always be clothed in strength and dignity and it’s up to her to keep it or destroy it.
I will tell her to practice being herself, always be vocal about her needs as a living being and never allow being silenced for no reason. Brevity is every girl’s birth-mark she should never be scared to practice it, especially when she fights for what she believes in. 
I will tell her that her courage and wisdom will always be the weapons she’ll utilize to own her struggles and triumphs. When she feels, she’s fighting a losing battle, hopeless, she should always stand up and keep fighting because she’s placed on earth for reason: to conquer.  No one will teach her how respect herself, not even me, she will have to work that up, understand it and live it then the society will be able to respect her too.
I will tell her to never let go of that little innocent girl inside her, protect herself against everything with all she’s got but never wear her heart on her sleeves because that will draw unnecessary grief. KNOW HER WORTH!!! She should know how people should talk and treat her.
Life will not always work or turn out the way she would want and when that happens, she should not tremble I will always be there to hold her hand and when I cannot: God will always be beside her. He is the man she should always trust and confide in.
I will tell her to dream her own dreams, make her own mind, own choices and mistakes so she learns what the World is all about. Life is beautiful depends on how you look at it and what you make of it. She will be born – freed with all these enormous opportunities to grab and run with.
I will tell her that it is okay to let certain people that she would care so much about at some point walk out of her life.
I will tell her that life is there to be lived and appreciated not endured. She should dream all the dreams she will possibly imagine, chase them, find them and live them. She should look for dreams that keep on coming back in her mind because in those dreams that’s where her destiny lies.
She needs to master the art of being happy and content alone before anyone else attempts to make her happy.
  Signed: Mom :)
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nontozuma · 11 years
I Appreciate YOU part 2
Hey guys… :)
Thought I would share your thoughts and comments about the blog AGAIN…
It’s always a beautiful moment when I read your comments. One morning,  December 2013 I woke up to a post on my Facebook wall that humbled me, I was out of words, all I felt was gratitude and tears in my eyes. Just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for the LOVE. Again one would never know how many lives she touches by just merely speaking her mind and living life, honestly it overwhelms me in a very BIG and good way.
I just hope it doesn’t give me a big head in the future LOL (I’M KIDDING).
On a serious note though: It’s a sacred privilege & an honour for me to be living in your time, & be inspired by you to write & share all the righteousness life has to offer. With all that said:the Festive season was a time of family, love, and giving, hope you brought a smile to at least one little soul. HOWEVER, another year is ahead of us, may we utilize every moment of it wisely and accomplish everything that our hearts desire, survive defeats we yet to encounter along the year and triumph over ALL obstacles.
CHEERS to a more fruitful and life-building writing on the blog this year…
Here are the screen munches of what you had to say on the post… enjoy :)
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Hope you now don’t blame the girl for tearing up after reading all that, it was heart-warming.
Signed: MaZuma :)
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nontozuma · 11 years
Ever imagined how boring life would be if we never experience even an itty sign of change, if everything was just rigid and constant day in day out? Change is a very scary move and something we often dread to do. I know I am the highest hater of change but sometimes it’s what we need to get out of our comfort zone and grow, without change there is no growth in life, without change we will never explore new challenges and other aspects of life. Once in our lives than never, we should be willing to leave certain places, habits, people and things behind in order to spread our wings and fly to new beginnings.
Personally I have experienced change in all forms possible not taking my age into consideration in this context, and what I’ve experienced is that change is intimidating and at the same time it’s very good, it allows the platform to redirect your thoughts, the fresh environment gives a new perspective to life. In my processes of change I have met a countless number of people with different lives, backgrounds and personalities. What I realised is: with every person you meet you learn something good or bad and it’s in that moment of lesson that you make a decision to keep them in your life or not.
With ever change you learn that it is okay to let other people go, never feel guilty about allowing other people the freedom to walk out of your life because it’s not everyone in our lives right now who are meant to be in our lives forever. 
After all: there is life after everything.
There is life after failure. There’s life after a collapsed dream, you can always re-direct your dreams & there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. There is a second chance after a mistake not matter how big, as long as you acknowledge it there’s always a chance to make it right and there will always be room for growth in life. There is a new life after high school, after tertiary. There is life after changing jobs: a new start and a better life. There is life after a failed relationship, there was life before a relationship in your life and there will be life after it.
  Always bear in mind that not everyone in your life right now is tied to your destiny, so don’t be scared to follow your dreams and try something new because they might walk out on you.
Never force fate, God got all that laid out for you before you were even born, your only job is to live life to the full.
So go ahead and spread your wings
Singed: MaZuma
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