norse-witch · 4 years
Disting (Dísablót ) - February 1st
The true date of this Norse holiday isn’t known. Some of have celebrated it at the beginning of winter, some at the end, but I am personally celebrating it around February 1st because it’s basically my ‘middle’ of winter where I live. It’s usually celebrated sometime in the winter solstice, though.
Dísablót is a sacrificial holiday dedicated to celebrating female spirits known as the Dísir. 
I usually keep my personal female spirits in my thoughts during this time and say prayers of thanks to them for protecting and watching over myself and my family, including Freyja, Eir, Frigga, Skadi and Sif, but it’s also very appropriate to celebrate the spirits of your female ancestors, as well as the Valkyries. 
Although mostly a celebration of the goddesses, some male gods that are celebrated as well also include: Ullr, Surt, Tyr, Var, Forseti, and the giant Ymir. 
The Norse worshipped the female goddesses during this time for the fertility of the fields, to have order and peace at home, and to receive the motherly touch of motivation. 
Feasting was the main way of celebrating but I also suspect that the Norse people sat around hearth fires and told the myths of the goddesses and stories to their children and other family members.   
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disting disablot
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norse-witch · 4 years
Vetrnætr (winternights) - October 15th
Vetrnætr marks the end of  summer, the start of winter, and the beginning of a new year.
On this day, we give bløt to thank the Norse Gods (Freyr, Odin, Freyja in particular), as well as the Elves, for a successful end to the growing season. We also ask for protection against the harshness of the upcoming winter.
Norse people said a prayer during this time:  “Til árs ok friðar” - For a good year and peace - Usually during this time of private celebration, people ask for fertility, good health, a good life, and peace and harmony between the people.  - As I wrote above, this is usually done privately within the home. Vetrnætr is focused primarily on ancestor worship. 
- Although I read that this type of celebration is done in private, I also read that there is singing, poetry reading, as well as drinking. 
This is the time to give an offering to the Gods as well as the land itself. 
Some sources say this isn’t celebrated until the 31st of October, but I believe you can celebrate it basically anytime before the winter comes full on.
Vetrnætr - wordpress winternights festival
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norse-witch · 4 years
I went to urgentcare today because my asthma is worse lately and they gave me a prescription for some prednisone so hopefully that will help open my chest up a bit.
I also want to pray to Eir and ask that she helps me to breathe easier in the coming days, and she looks after me, aiding my health in her own way in addition to my medication.
In Eir's name, I pray and thank Her.
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norse-witch · 4 years
I see lots of pelts and bones at large flea markets but I'm never sure if it's okay to buy them or not. I ask the owners of the tent if they were taken (I can't remember the word for it but it means along the lines of... organically? Naturally.. sorry, words escape me sometimes) and the owners just shrug and shake their heads at me.
If anyone knows what I mean and can give me an answer of whether or not it's still ok to buy the pelts or bones, then please reblog this with answers!
Thank you in advance
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norse-witch · 4 years
Resources for Mending Clothes
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We toss out over 80 pounds of textiles each year. These textiles are often made of plastic materials (polyester, nylon), made in unethical conditions, dyed with harsh dyes that often get put into the rivers, etc. Even a single cotton shirt releases carbon emissions and uses tons of water. 
So the best thing to prevent the unsustainable growth of the fashion industry is to make sure that your clothing lasts as long as possible. To do so, mending clothing is a must. So here are some resources to help you learn how to do various things, such as sewing a button, to tailoring clothes, or even upcycling old clothing into new styles. 
* How to sew on three different types of button
* How to hand sew on a patch on a torn pair of jeans
* How to sew up a hole in an old shirt
* How to sew a simple T-shirt
* How to upcycle old clothing into new clothing
* More upcycle and sewing techniques
* How to repair a damaged sock
* How to do an invisible stitch
* 3 different stitches to work with for different results
* How to make a T-shirt smaller so it fits you better
* How to make repairs to your shoes
These are just a few of the things that you can do in order to make sure that your clothing lasts for a long time. Nobody wants to keep buying new clothing, as it is expensive and wasteful. 
So making alterations to your clothing, or fixing small holes hen you see them can be hugely beneficial to your wallet, to garment workers, and to the environment in the long term. 
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norse-witch · 4 years
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As a pagan, I think it’s very important to know ancient alphabets. Not just to write curses or spells, but to communicate to the gods through runic symbols. Because I am a norse pagan, I mostly master futhark runes (runic alphabet), but I know a bit of Oghams, the old celtic alphabet. Here they are, feel free to learn them, and trust me: it really helps! Another thing: the oghams are to be written vertically, on a single line.
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norse-witch · 4 years
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thor · god of thunder 
Thor was one of the most important and famous gods in Norse mythology. He was the son of Odin and Fyorgyn, the earth goddess. Thor was considered the storm-weather god of sky and thunder and also a fertility god. His wife was Sif, a goddess also linked to fertility. He had a red beard and eyes, he was huge in size, he had an insatiable appetite and not much wit. Thor was the strongest of all gods and men according to The Prose Edda. Thor was very talented at slaying giants; many of his stories revolve around violent episodes between him and his enemies. In order to perform his duties, Thor had a hammer, Mjollnir, a deadly weapon also associated with lightning and thunder, which was built by the dwarves. He also had iron gloves and a belt named Megingjard that doubled Thor’s strength once buckled on. There were also some other less destructive aspects of Thor. As a weather god he was associated with the fertility of the earth. He was also regarded as a guide for those travelling over the sea because of his power over storms and wind.Thor had a chariot to travel across the sky, which was drawn by two giant goats: Tanngniost and Tanngrisnir. These powerful animals had a very convenient magical property: they could be killed and eaten at any time, and as long as their bones were undamaged and returned into their skins, they would regenerate overnight and the following day would be alive, just like new.
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norse-witch · 4 years
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Norse Goddesses + Domains
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norse-witch · 4 years
On cool, crisp  mornings, I can feel the gods. They whisper: “good morning, child, it’s time to be strong today.” I can feel Their arms wrap around me, holding me, embracing me. They tell me: “it’s okay to be sad, but you should still get up.”
I hear Their voices over  my morning cups of hot coffee. They whisper delicately: “take as long as you need, darling. We’re here.” 
I feel Frigg when I’m doing laundry, helping me to load, unload, fold, wash. I hear Her tell me folk stories; She keeps me company.
I can feel Loki when I go to the store as anxiety creeps in. He tells me: “do not mind these mortals, you are strong.”  (I feel His arms gently, but swiftly, guide me through the store). 
I can feel Thor when it storms outside, the thunder shaking the house as it pours. When cracks of lightning strike in the sky, I hear Him tell me: “do not be scared of the sounds, child, I am merely telling you I am here as well.”
When migraines pierce my temples,  the pain unbearable, I feel Eir’s cool hands on my forehead, giving me relief as She tells me: “I know it hurts, child, but I promise you will feel better in a few hours.” 
When friction prickles between my husband and I, and hurtful words are exchanged,  I feel Freyja’s hands on my shoulders and hear Her voice in my ear: “this matters not, your time together is limited, child. It’s time to apologize.”
I feel the Gods and Goddesses with me always, holding me, whispering in my ear, sometimes even chiding me, They sleep in my bed beside me at night, wake in the morning. Even though I cannot see them,  I know They are there,  because I can still feel Them. 
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norse-witch · 4 years
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norse mythology aesthetic - Freyr god of summer, sunlight, life and rain
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norse-witch · 4 years
An early Mabon post
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Hey everybody ! :) mabon may be a teensy bit away still but the days are passing fast and the day is slowly nearing! I wanted to make an informational and fun post telling some stuff about mabon and what you can do, movies to watch 🧡
What is Mabon?
Mabon is the autumn equinox dated for September 21-24 this year (2020). The autumnal equinox occurs when the sun crosses the equator on its apparent journey southward, and we experience a day and a night that are of equal duration. Up until Mabon, the hours of daylight have been greater than the hours from dusk to dawn. This is the time to look back not just on the past year, but also your life, and to plan for the future. It marks the middle of the harvest, Mabon is a time of rest and celebration, after the hard work of gathering the crops. Warm autumn days are followed by chill nights, as the Old Sun God returns to the embrace of the Goddess. All Sabbats are occasions to express gratitude to the God and Goddess for the blessings in our lives, but Mabon is particularly so, coming at the height of the harvest season.
How to celebrate Mabon
You can start by decorating your altar if you have one with acorns, pinecones, seasonal fruits and nuts, and some of the colored leaves that drop from the trees in your location. Baskets are good things to use and scythes since they are symbols of harvest. As for candles, autumn colors can be used such as reds, yellows, oranges, golds, and browns. If you have a feast, whether solo or with others, include seasonal vegetables like onions, potatoes, carrots and other root vegetables. Spellwork related to protection and security is appropriate now, as are workings for self-confidence, prosperity, harmony and balance. If you are one who struggles with seasonal depression during the fall and winter months, use this time to set an intention for inner peace and strength. You might make and charge a talisman for this purpose, to accompany you through the next two seasons. You can also do things that aren’t related to witchcraft if you feel unmotivated or don’t have the time. Cozy up and watch some appropriately themed movies maybe even some horror or Halloween movies, make some hot chocolate or a good cup of tea with appropriate herbs to settle down and drink, you can even do things like read or make some cool looking pieces of art to either put on your altar, use as decoration, or just because you want to.
Mabon symbolism
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• Foods: Grapes, Acorns, Wheat Bread, Goat, Indian Corn, Horn of Plenty, Cornbread, Corn, Root Crops (Onions, Carrots, Potatoes, etc.), Nuts, Dried Fruits, Apples, Beans, and Squash.
• Drinks: Wine, Ale, and Cider.
• Colors (for those who work with Candle Magick): Red, Deep Gold, Orange, Brown, Maroon, Violet, Russet, Yellow, and Indigo
• Animals: Dogs, Wolves, Stag, Birds of Prey (especially the Blackbird, Owl, and Eagle), Salmon, and Goat.
• Mythical Creatures: Gnomes, Sphinx, Minotaurs, Cyclops, Andamans, and Gulons.
• Stones: Yellow Topaz, Carnelian, Sapphire, Yellow Agate, Lapis Lazuli, and Amethyst. Also, river or stream stones which have been submerged for the Summer may be used.
• Plants: Vines, Garlands (made of these various plants), Gourds, Pine Cones,Acorns, Wheat, Dried Leaves, Corn, Pomegranate, Ivy, Hazel, Hops, Cedar, and Tobacco.
• Herbs: Myrhh, Thistles, Tobacco, Oak Leaves, Hazel, Mums, Hops, Acorns, Marigold, Roses, Sage, Milkweed, Solomon’s Seal, Asters, Ferns, Honeysuckle, Benzoin, Passionflower, Pine, and Cedar.
• Incense would include: Aloes Wood, Cinnamon, Cloves, Benzoin, Jasmine,Frankincense, Myrrh, and Sage.
• Dieties: All wine Deities (especially Dionysus and Bacchus), the Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess, Persephone, Thor, Modron, Morgan, Snake Woman, Epona, Pamona, Muses, Mabon, Thoth, Hermes, Hotei, Harvest Deities, and Aging Deities.
• Other: Burial Cairns, Rattles, and Sun Wheels
Movies to watch
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Sweeney Todd
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Edward Scissorhands
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Sleepy hollow
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Corpse bride
( as for some books I really recommend Edgar Allen Poe for poetry around this time of year. Reading it during this specific time of year just gives it an amazingly good oomph i absolutely adore his work )
That’s all for this post! Information from about two websites and my brain haha but I hope you enjoyed this post and it’s never too early to start researching up and preparing !! Also sorry about all of the tim burton movies I may be a weeeeee bit obsessed but they’re absolutely perfect for this time of year!! Especially on rainy cozy lazy days inside the house when you have nothing to do.
I hope you all have an amazing and blessed day 🌜🍁🌛🍂🌾
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norse-witch · 4 years
Mabon/Autumn Equinox Personal Correspondences
Oh my goodness it’s my favorite time of the year approaching! Leaves are beginning to change and gold and fiery reds are beginning to seep into it’s green colors. Acorns sprinkle the ground as squirrels do their feverish dance across the lawns. So many delicious fruits and vegetables are in season! The air is cooling and bringing a breeze that is gently pushing summer away. This is the beginning of the end of the year as we enter the final season and the last quarter. It is a time of reflection of the past year, things to banish and improve on and to show gratitude and count our blessings. Especially in honor of the harvest and the togetherness that the holiday season brings, gratitude is an important aspect of this sabbat. A fantastic way to celebrate this sabbat is by hosting a pot luck for your circle and enjoying the equinox with a wonderful fall feast!  
Mabon - Autumn Equinox
September 22nd (2020)
Orange and Amber  For fall, I don’t need to say more haha.
Mustard yellow and Pea green I put these two together because this celebration also falls on a transition where most leaves are a lighter greenish yellow and I noticed in nature many things have the hues of a deeper mustard yellow or a yellowy pea green color. Also a lot of squash have these hues too. 
Brown undertones for fall and the soon to be bare trees
Burgundy/Wine It’s the season of the wine harvest and also the colors of plum and other ripe fruits. (Thanks to hands-heart-hearth for the helpful addition!)
Tiger’s Eye
Smokey Quartz
Honey Calcite
Herbs and Plants:
Squash carnival, fairytale pumpkin, acorn there’s many but those are the top 3
Mushrooms  Especially Turkeytail, Chicken of the Woods, Beefsteak etc.
Red Fox
Sleepy Brown Bears
Chrysanthemum pots
Leaf Garland
Apple Candles
Wooden flutes that are slower and somber like the oncoming cooler breeze.
Mostly the Bassoon.
sometimes the clarinet
Also the Cello!
Here is a playlist I made (play the white noise soundtracks under the music)
Apple (especially pie and baking)
Nutty earthy fragrances like peanut
There is a lot in season. For vegetables, the biggest one that takes the attention for me is squash. There are many beautiful squash that are great for decoration and to eat. My favorite is the acorn squash, especially because of already the symbolism of the acorns everywhere on this equinox but also the nutty flavor of the squash and it’s green to orange colors. It is both highly decorative with perfect flavor and presence. Corn is also appropriate for this holiday and can be honored with a warm cornbread and carrots add great color and flavor to a lot of dishes. 
For fruits there are apples, plums and grapes. Grapes and plums can be honored in wine and for apples there is cider. Apples of course also make fantastic pies and sweets. 
I see this holiday as a fantastic alternative to Thanksgiving (since it’s a fall feast and gratitude is involved) and especially since a lot of things are in season many similar dishes can be served like corn bread, apple sauce, roasted squash and stuffing. 
If there is meat being served I like to make candied bacon with brown sugar and maple syrup or bbq chicken with a bbq sauce lightly spiked with smoky bourbon with a hint of maple syrup. 
Spices like allspice, cumin, cinnamon, turmeric, cloves and ginger find it’s way into my cooking in both sweet and savory. 
In the realm of sweets and treats there is a lot to work with. For dessert, especially because it’s pie season, one must make a pie or tart. Annually I make a caramelized apple tart with sparkling brown sugar on top. Apple cider donuts also make for a great dessert option. For treats there are the options of caramel popcorn, caramel apples, caramel itself, maple sugar fudge, maple butter cookies, butterscotch, dried apple chips, apple flavored candy. I also like flavors such as earthier nuts like peanuts and walnuts, but especially peanut butter with treats. It can be dangerous if someone has allergies so I usually omit it, but I like the nutty earthy flavor because it reminds me of acorns and burrowing seeds. Caramel apples is the prime treat for this holiday and can be decorated in a number of ways with either fall leaf sprinkles, chocolate sprinkles, chopped nuts, icing designs or candy toppings. 
For drinks there are many options, but one I tend to go to the most is spiked warm apple cider. I warm it with cinnamon and spike it with Haitian rum I infuse with caramel. I see this as the height of brewing season where a lot of ciders and wines are beginning to get brewed especially since many fruits are in season. You can bring wine to the feast or even enjoy it with seasonal beers. I also see the colder part of the year as whiskey season and if you wish to honor the corn aspect of the harvest, bourbon is always a good smoky spirit to keep around.
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norse-witch · 4 years
Winter Finding/Haustbløt - September 22nd-27th
Starting on the autumn equinox (northern hemisphere for me), it is a celebration of the start of preparing for winter and represents the second harvest of the autumn. 
Modern Day Winter Finding
- weather and fire laws permitting, celebrate with a bonfire - Go to a local farmer’s  market and find fresh fruits and vegetables to prepare a feast with.  - spend time (safely) gathering wild edibles - preserve food for the winter (canning, freezing, dehydrating) - make sure your animals are prepared for the winter (warm bedding, vaccinations, etc)  - make sure YOU’RE prepared for the winter (warm bedding, blankets, hot drinks, etc) - offer bløts to the Gods (Odin, Freyr, Freyja, Thor, Sif, others) - start making mead for Yule - Get your house clean for winter
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sources The Rational Heathen
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norse-witch · 4 years
Things you can do for Eir
🌿 wear a mask
🌿 carry hand sanitizer
🌿 wash your hands
🌿 sanitize your home
🌿 shower everyday
🌿 brush your teeth twice a day
🌿 pray for our nurses and doctors
🌿 learn first aid
🌿 cook healthy meals
🌿 rest when sick
🌿 take your medicine as prescribed
🌿 learn about medical herbs
🌿 go to the doctor when needed
🌿 stay hydrated
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norse-witch · 4 years
Norse Small Devotional Acts Masterpost
Æsir Baldr Bragi Eir Frigg Heimdallr  Lofn Máni Nanna Njörun Oðin Rán Sigyn Sól Thor Tyr Üllr Víðarr 
Vanir Freyja Freyr Njörðr
Jötnar Ægir Jörð Skaði Rökkr Hati and Sköll Hel Fenrir Loki
*This list is a work in progress and I will be creating more in my future free time!* Feel free to message me requests, just know I won’t necessarily get to them immediately. Updated: 03/29/2020
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norse-witch · 4 years
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norse-witch · 4 years
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From The Magical Druid, things for people to do to celebrate the Autumnal Equinox even if they don’t have a local group to work with on the night.
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